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13, Everingham. 17, Matthew Wentworth.

14, Gargrave.


11, Barnby.1 12, Rokeby. 15, Wortley. 16, Woodrove.

1, Paslewe. 2, Norton. 3, Ellis. 4, Dyneley. 5, Thomson. 6, Baildon. 7, Green. 8, Robert Oglethorpe. 9, Maude. 10, William Oglethorpe. 11, Franke. 12, William Gascoigne. 13, Hawkesworth. 14, Maleverer. 15, Richard Gascoigne. 16, Folkingham. 17, Ryther. 18, Redman. 19, Ardington. 20, Hardwick.





1, Pudsey. 2, William Lister. 3, Garbrothe. 4, Talbot. 5, Malham. 6, Warde. 7, Banke. 8, Argent, a chevron between three mullets pierced sable, Nesfield. 9, Waddington 10, Argent, a bend between six martlets sable, a crescent sable for difference, Tempest. 11, Wilfrid Banester. 12, Argent, a chevron between three mascles sable, Parker. 13, Marton. 14, Ralph Banester. 15, Lambert. 16, Catherall. 17, Eltofte. 18, Earl of Cumberland. 19, Thomas Lister. 20, Hamerton.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1, Serlby. 2, Anne. 3, Barry of six or and azure, in dexter chief a mullet gules for difference, Aske? 4, Portington. 5, Waterhouse. 6, Morton. 7, Bosvile. 10 8, Vincent. 9, Drax." 10, Blythe. 11, Argent, a chevron between three martlets sable, Lawson? 12, Westby. 13, Copley, 13


14, Greene. 15, Wombwell.1⁄4 16, Wassington.


17, Oglethorpe. 18, Reresby. 19, Wentworth. 20, Earl of Shrewsbury. 21, Wombwell. 16 22, Holmes." 23, Swift. 24, Montford. 18


1, Brian Lacy. 2, Brigham. 3, Constable." 3, Constable. 4, Lacy.20 4, Lacy.20 5, Or, a chevron gules, a chief vair, St. Quintin." 6, Constable.19 7, Or, a lion

1 Field argent, mullets sable.

2 The hawks are or.

3 Sable, a fess between three escallops argent.

The lion is now painted sable.

5 This coat appears in Harl. MS. 1367 as Lancelott Nesfeld, and also in Harl. MS. 6070 (Lancelott Neisfeilde).

6 This shield has three martlets. So in Harl. MSS. 1367 and 6070.

7 So in Harl. MS. 6070 for "Henrey Tempeste of Broughton.' In Harl. MS. 1367 the same arms are tricked for Henry Tempest, but without the difference.

8 Not in Harl. MS. 1394 The coat as blazoned appears in Harl. MSS. 6070 and 1367 for Bryan Parker.

9 Not in Harl. MS. 1394, 6070 or 1367. 10 Has no bear's heads in chief.

11 Label of three points.

[blocks in formation]

rampant azure, Earl of Northumberland.' 8, Hildyard. 9, Bawne. 10, Strickland.

I, Creyke.


2, Dakins.3 3, Anlaby. 4, Lacy. 5, Constable. 6, Monckton. 7, Chamberlayne. 8, Heslarton. 9, Bulmer. 10, Argent, a chevron engrailed between three moorcocks sable, a crescent of the last

for difference, Moore. 11, Normanvile. 12, Bamburgh. 13, Bigod.

14, Horsley. 15, Lutton."


1, John Jackson. 2, Wyclyffe. 3, Browne. 4, Christopher Jackson. 6, Girlington.' 7, Watnall.

5, Danby.

10, Conyers. 15, Darcy.

11, Metcalfe.

8, Dodworth. 9, Wyvill. 12, Pepper. 13, Conyers." 14, Lawson.


1, Lancelot Alford.10

2, Holmes. 3, Strelley.

5, (Blank)

6, Thorpe.

10, Newton.

11, (Blank)

4, Constable.12


7, (Blank) 8, Constable.12 9, Strelley." 12, Langdale. 13, Alured. 14, Leedes. 15, Dalby. 16, Constable.12 17, Pálmes.13 18, John Alford. 19, Constable.12 20, Grimston. 21, Checky or and azure, a fess gules fretty argent, Clifford? 22, Frodingham. 23, Moore. 24, Legard. 25, Appleyard. 26, Hildyard. 27, Boynton.15 28, Henry Constable.


I, Anlaby.

2, Rudston.


3, Langley. 4, Daniell. 5, Fowbery. 6, Dyneley. 7, Elwood.16 8, Sotheby. 9, Dolman.17 10, Vaughan. II, Skelton. 12, Normanvile, 18 13, Azure, a saltire between four crosses crosslet or.19 14, Elwick. 15, Constable.20 16, Langdale. 16, Langdale. 17, Rafe

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

12 No. 4 is differenced by a mullet sable. Nos. 8, 16 and 19 are undifferenced. 13 Undifferenced.

14 The chevron is or, instead of argent. 15 Painted as Gules, a fess between three crescents or.

16 Only two mullets in chief.

17 The garbs are argent.
18 The fleurs-de-lis are or.

19 So in Harl. MSS. 1367 and 6070 for William Ellerker. Cf. Trans. E. R. Antiq. Soc., ix. 92.

20 Both No. 15 and No. 26 are now painted with a crescent sable for difference.

Hungate. 18, Creyke.

Hungate. 22, Ellerker. umberland. 26, Constable.

19, Thwenge. 20, Thirkell. 21, Anthony
23, Aske.
24, Hotham. 25, Earl of North-

It only now remains for me to perform the grateful task of thanking those who have so kindly assisted me in my researches. First, I must acknowledge my indebtedness to the late Mr. F. B. Grotrian, whose hospitality during his tenancy of Gilling Castle gave me unlimited opportunities of investigation in the building itself. To Mr. William Brown, F.S.A., I owe especial thanks for much help most willingly given; he has kindly transcribed most of the documents printed in the Appendix. For No. VII. in the Appendix I have to thank Mr. R. H. Skaife, and Dr. Collins for No. X. I have to thank Mr. Hugh C. Fairfax-Cholmeley, of Brandsby, for kindly allowing me to inspect his fine collection of Etton and Fairfax deeds, and Mr. A. F. Leach, F.S.A., for his assistance in examining them. Mr. A. S. Ellis has placed his unrivalled knowledge of early Yorkshire genealogy at my disposal, and I have also to acknowledge help kindly given me by the late Chancellor Raine and Mr. J. W. Clay, F.S.A.

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2 FT.



7 & 8 Edw. I. (1278-80). Jurata venit recognitura utrum tres acre terre cum pert. in Gilling in Rydale sint libera elemosina pertinens ad ecclesiam Walteri persone ecclesie de Gillyng in Ridale, an laicum feodum Ivonis filii Willelmi de Etton, et unde predictus Walterus dicit quod quidam Absolon, quondam persona predicte ecclesie, fuit seisitus de predicta terra in dominico suo ut de feodo et jure ecclesie sue predicte, tempore pacis, tempore H. Regis patris domini Regis nunc, capiendo inde explecia ad valenciam, etc., qui terram illam eodem tempore alienavit, etc.

Et Ivo venit et nichil dicit quare jurata remaneat, nisi tantum quod dicit quod predicta terra non est libera elemosina pertinens ad ecclesiam predicti Walteri. Et de hoc ponit se super juratam, et Ricardus similiter. Ideo fiat inde jurata, etc.

Jur' dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Absolon, predecessor ipsius Walteri, aliquo tempore tenuit predicta tenementa que predictus Walterus modo petit, et quod idem Absolon postea tenementum illud alienavit; set dicunt quod idem Absolon tenementum illud perquisivit de quodam Galfrido de Etton, habendum sibi et heredibus suis ut laicum feodum suum et non ut liberam elemosinam ecclesie ipsius Absolonis de Gilling in Rydale. Ideo consideratum est quod predictus Ivo inde sine die, et predictus Walterus nichil capiat per juratam istam, set sit in misericordia pro falso clamore, etc. (Assize Rolls, Yorkshire, no. 1055, m. 79d.)



Easter, 35 Edw. I. (1307). Thomas, son of John de Wymbeltone, v. Ivo de Ettone, Joan, his wife, and Thomas, his son, for an assault at Gillyng in Rydale, on Friday after the Purification of the Blessed Mary, 31 Edw. I. (Feb. 8, 1302-3).

Ivo pleads in defence that Thomas is his villan and that he is seised of him as of his villan, and was so on the day the writ was obtained. "Et dicit quod idem Thomas officium messoris ad quod ipsum elegerat, prout ipse et antecessores sui eundem Thomam et antecessores suos tanquam villanos suos ad officium prepositi et messoris pro voluntate sua prius elegerunt, sicut de jure debuerunt et

potuerunt, facere recusavit, eidem Thome ut domino suo injuste inobediendo; ipsum Thomam in villenagio suo existentem et inventum cepit, et in ceptis posuit, sicut ei bene licuit, quousque se justificare voluit, absque hoc quod ipsum verberavit aut aliquam transgressionem contra pacem Regis ei fecit.

Thomas filius Ivonis dicit quod ipse ibidem venit cum eundem (sic) Ivone patre suo ad predictum Thomam justificandum in forma predicta."

Plaintiff replies that he is "liber homo, liberi status, et libere condicionis." No decision. (Coram Rege, no. 188, m. 3.)1



Aug. 19, 23 Edw. III. (1349). Settlement by John Deyvill, Elias de Farwat, Walter rector of the church of Colthorp, and John vicar of Hunsingou[er] of the manor of Walton, two closes in the territory of Thorparch, one called le Parkes accessilites (sic), and the other Thesend Parkes; six acres of meadow, two of which lie in the meadows of Folifait, and four in the meadows of Acaster Malbis, with the appurtenances, on Thomas Fairfax and Elizabeth, his wife, for their lives, rem. in tail male to their sons, William, Thomas, and John, to Thomas de Etton and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of the said Thomas Fairfax, to Thomas de Etton, son of the said Thomas and Elizabeth, to the other sons of the said Thomas de Etton and Elizabeth, daughter of the said Thomas Fairfax, rem. in fee to the right heirs of the said Thomas Fairfax. Witnesses, William Malbis, William Gramary, knights, William Warley, Alan de Folifait, John Scott, and others. Given at Walton, etc. (Dodsworth MSS., cxxxix. 1036.)



In Dei nomine, Amen. Primo die mensis Octobris, A.D. millesimo ccccmoxxxjo, ego, Johannes Etton, miles, sana mente et bona memoria, timens tamen fragilitatem hujus mundi, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo omnipotenti, B. Marie et omnibus Sanctis, corpusque meum sepeliendum ubi Deus disposuerit. Item lego rectori ecclesie de Gyllyng meum optimum animal, nomine mortuarii mei. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum do et lego Roberto Etton et Nicholas Etton, filiis meis, quos facio et constituo executores meos, ut illi pro anima mea Term following (Coram Rege, 1 Edw. II., Easter, m. 9).

1 The case was adjourned till Easter Term, I Edw. II., and again to Trinity

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