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haithe duringe the said yeeres bene Imployed upon the said poore & in what sorte & by whose hands ether yerelye weeklye or otherwyes & in what pson or psons dothe the saide proptye possession occupation & use of the said lands tenements Rents leses goods & chattells apponted for the poore & other Charetable uses as a for said now Remaines.

4. I' of whose gyfte admittance or plaseinge the said poore psons be or owght to be in evere of the said Colledgs hospitalls almes howses & other howses & places & by what willes & ordinances they be or owght to be chosen plased & governed or to be Removed

or corrected.

5. I' What be the prop naimes ages saxes & severall condicions of all the poore psons at this day kepte mainteined or relevid in or by the said colledgs hospitalls almes howses & other howses & places & whether everye of the said poore be Contenuallye Residinge there & for what tyme & what allowanc they have duringe there abcens & whether anye of them have anye allowance in anye other colledge hospitall or howse pvyded for the poore & what the same allowans is or whether they have anye Reversion of anye almese Rome in anye other place.

6. I' besyds suche as are in possession of anye almese Rome to inqueer what grants be maid by hir maiestye where she is founder or patron to anye psons to have as ye Rome in Revercion of the present poss.


7. I' what specyall visiters or vyseter have bene ordaned or apõnted of & for the saime Colledgs hospitalls almes howses & other howses & places & when & howe often the saime have bene visited within thees tenn yeres laste paste & what Reformation or correction haithe insewed there upon.

8. I' what ffees pencions or paments have bene yerlye gyvin paid or allowed to anye offycers or other psons other then to the said poor owte of the possessio Revenewes or profitts of the said Colledges hospitalls almeshowses & other howses & places pvyded for the poore duringe tenne yeeres now last paste & to whome & for what Cawse or Respecte.

9. I' what portions or somes of monye have bene assigned lymited or aponted by the laite kynge Henrye the eighte edwerd the sext Quene marye or the quenes maiestye that now is upon the fondation or endowments of anye Colledges or Cathedrall churche to be paid

gevin or distrubuted in almes or other wyes to or for the maintenante or Releefe of anye poore p'sons or for Repaire of bridge or highe wayes or for exhebetions to scollers in anye of the tow unyeverseties or in anye other scoles by anye deanes & chapters of anye Cathedrall churches or by anye other ecclesiasticall Corporations or psons & how & to howe manye & to whome have thes sam bene distrubuted & Imployed for tenn yeares now laste paste & what specyall offecer or psone hathe had the over seighte disposcion or charge therof frome tyme to tyme.

10. I' what other lands tenements benevolents Revenewes pensions stipinds goods Chattells or somes of monye have bene gyven assignd lymitted or appontid to or for the maintenance or Releefe of anye poore people or anye other godlye & charetable uses in everye or anye hundrethe towne pishe or plaic within the said pairtes of north ridinge for what tymes are the saime to contenew what p'sons or lands are or owghte to be Charged or chargeable wth the saime & whether hath the same accordinglye disposed or gyven & by whome yf in whose defalte by whome & for howe longe tyme have the beene witholden or omitted & what pson or psons have takin the proffitts of the same duringe thes tenn yeeres now last paste.


I' who nowe have or within thes tenn yeres laste paste have hadd the Custodye or possessyon of anye charters deeds evidences or writtings conserninge the ereccion foundation or donation of the said colledgs hospitalls almeshowses & other howses & places for poore & for there lands to the use of these poore or conserninge anye gyfte or grante what soever heere to fore maid to or for the maintenance or Releef of anye suche poore people within the said pties of north ridinge or for the order good governmente or derection of the said poore psons or of the said howses places or of there Revenewes & possessyons.

12. I' to inqueer seerche & fynd owte all suche other matters & things what so ever as yow or any there or more if yow shall in yor wisdoms & discretions thinke Requesite & conveneent to be inquered or seerchid concerninge the premeses or anye pte therof.

[Answers to the questions.]

The Copy of the p'sentmt to the Jurye of northalvertn for the ospytall of Kyrkby of the hill.


The arteccles 11.

To the firste we sey yt ye mrs & governers of o ospital wer apontid & ffounded by John Dakin docter of lawe by a cherter granted ffrō Kynge phillip & quene marye in ye third yeer of there Reignes & willid yt shold be called ye hospitall of St John babtiste within the pishe of Kyrkbye Ravinswerthe.

2. To the second we sey yt we have fyve poore people borne within ye said pishe of the aige of 70 yeeres or ther abowts siclye & impotent accordinge to ye statuts sett downe by ye said John Dakin, gyvinge also yerelye besyds as or statuts aponts certaine monye to the Reste of ye poore folk within ye said pishe.

3. To the third we sey yt or lands dothe amonte to ye yerlye vellew of 33li. IIS. wherof the scolm' haithe 12li. yerlye the usher 3li. 6s. 6d. ffyve poore people every one 12d in ye week wch amontithe to 13 yerlye the werdines 40s. ye steward 20s. bestowed of other poore of the pishe yerlye 20s. allowid eche yeer for the Repations of the howse 30s.

4. To the fowrth we sey yt ye werdins & scolm" do electe & chuse ye said poore ffolk so ofte as there places are voyed within 14 dayes next after anye soche plaice is voyed accordinge to the


5. To the fyfte we sey we have fyve poore folke yt is to sey wiłłm adison of the aige of 80 yeres or ther aboots & almest blind m'gerit myles of ye aige of 80 yeres Sythe makerasse of ye aige of 60 yeers & deaff Elizabethe watter of ye aige of 60 yeeres ann potter of yo aige of 26 yeres lame of ffote & hand, & yt they do contenuallye Remaine within ye said ospital nether do nor may go at anye tyme owt of ye said pishe to aske anye thinge but eyre Relevid onlye by ye said hospitall, & the do Resorte to ye church everye day one ower the Reste of the day to use other bussynesse. 6. To the sexte we sey we have no soche.

7. To the sevinth we sey ye werdines evere tene yeres by vertue of ye othe do se all things Reformed abowte ye said howsse & yt before ye stewerd & ye holl pishe.

8. To the 8 we sey that Robt. Ponsonbye & Robt. atkinson werdins about 26 yeres paste Solde Staine lands belonginge to ye scollhouse for the Redeinge of other lands eschetid to ye quenes maiestye that is to sey to halff of the tythe of Cowtorne of the yerelye Rent of 50 shillings. Sold to mr seyor of worsell 5 a lands

beinge in pikeringe lythe sowld one howse in york to one Joħn Cowp in ye tenner of one gregorie peacoke of the yerlye Rent of 20s. 8d. all wch lands is in the saverall occupaton of other at ys day.

9. To the neinthe we sey we have no soche.

10. To ye tenthe wey sey we have no soche.

11. To ye levinthe we sey yt the werdines & scolm' have all the said Charters & writtings in a chist locked withe three locks.

[blocks in formation]

[Written in the handwriting of Dawson throughout, on a paper 8 in. by 12 in., of two folios. The questions are on the back and front of the first folio, and the answers, upside down with regard to the last, are on the back of the second folio.]




THE following list is taken from the original in the Record Office.1 It is of interest as supplying a list of those members of the religious houses in Yorkshire who had survived till 1573, as well as the chantry priests and other clergy whose offices had been abolished at the Reformation I have endeavoured to identify as many of the persons named as I could, but in a few instances I have failed in this. The identifications are added within brackets, otherwise the list is printed verbatim. It will, I think, be read with interest.

It was a particularly mean act to have taxed these poor people in this manner on the pittances which had been granted them when they were ejected from their homes and turned adrift on the world, more especially as many of them must have reached extreme old age and feebleness of body at the time.


Subsidia Personarum Religiosarum in comitatu predicto domine Regine debita et soluta primo Octobris 1573 anno regni sui xvto viz. pro iijcia solucione ejusdem subsidii juxta ratam ijs de libra pro idem tempus ut inferius.

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