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Alresford-June 24, July Eversley-May 16, Oct. 18,

31, October 16, horses,

cows, and sheep.


cattle and toys. Fareham--June 29, toys.

Saturday before Fordingbridge-September

May 1, September 29, 9, pedlary and colts. cattle and toys.

Giles-hill, near WintonAndover-Mid-lent Satur- September 12, cheese, day, cheese, horses, lea- leather, horses.

ther; May 12, leather, Gosport-May 4, Oct. 10, millinery; Nov. 17, 18, toys. sheep, horses, &c. Appleshaw-May 23, Nov. 4, 5, sheep.

Hambledon-February 13, horses; First Tuesday in May, toys; Oct. 2, horses.

Barton-July 31, millinery Hartley Row-Shrove Tu.

and toys.

June 29, pedlar's ware.

Basingstoke Down-Easter Havant—June 22, Oct. 17, Tuesday, cheese & cattle. toys.

Basingstoke Wednesd. in Hechfield Good Friday, Whitsun-week, pedlary; pedlary. Oct. 10, hiring servants, and cattle. Beaulieu-April 15, Sep. 4, horses and cattle.

Kingsclere--First Tuesday
in April, & First Tuesday
after Old Michaelmas,
Liphook-First Wednesday
in March, June 11, cattle
and horses.
Liss-May 6, cattle and

Blackwater-November 8,
sheep and cattle.
Botley Shrove Tuesd.Whit
Tuesday, Tuesday before
St. Bartholomew, toys.
Brading-May 12, Oct. 2, Lymington-May 12, Oct.

toys. Broughton-First Monday

2, horses, cheese, & ba


in July, toys. Magdalen Hill-August 2, Christchurch-Trinity Th. cheese, leather, horses. Oct.17,horses & bullocks Mattingley-Dec. 4, cattle. Eastmeon-Sept. 19, horses. Newton-July 22, sundries. Emsworth Easter Mon- Newport-May 26, 27, 28. day, July 18, toys. sundries.

May 14, toys; Sept. 25, hiring servants; Saturday fortnight before Dec. 21,


Second Friday

Odiham-Mid-lent Saturd. Tangley-April 15, sheep. July 31, cattle and toys. Tichfield-Saturday fortOverton-May 4, Whit- night before Lady-day, Monday, July 18, Oct. 22, sheep. Petersfield-July 10, Dec. 11, sheep and horses. Portsmouth-July 10, for Waltham 14 days, variety of goods. Post Down-July26,cheese, bacon, horses. Ringwood-July 10, Dec. 11, pedlary & forest colts. Rowlands Castle-May 12, horned cattle; Nov. 12, ditto, and hogs. Rumsey-Easter Monday, Aug. 26. Nov. 8, horses,

in May, horses and toys; July 30, cheese & toys; First Friday after Öld Michaelm. horses, stockings, and toys. West Cowes, Whit-Thursd.


Weyhill-Oct. 10; lasts a week, sheep,leather,hops; and cheese.

cattle, cheese, and swine. Whorwell—September 24,

Selbourne-May 29, sun-

Southampton-Apr. 25,Tri-
nity Monday, horses, cat-
tle, and leather.
Southwick-April 5, horses
and toys.
Stockbridge-Holy Thursd.
sheep; July 10, ditto, &
horses; Oct. 30, sheep.
Sutton-Trinity Thursday,
toys; Nov. 6, pedlary.

bullocks. Whitchurch-Apr. 23,June 17, July 7, toys; Oct. 19, sheep. Wickham-May 20, horses. Winchester-First Monday in Lent, bacon, cheese, leather, and horses; Oct. 24, ditto, and bullocks. Yarmouth-July 25, sundries.


For the County of Hants, are held at the City of Winchester, as follows:

The First Week after Epiphany.

The First Week after the Close of Easter.

The First Week after the Translation of Thomas-a-Becket, or

July 7:

And the First Week after Michaelmas-Day.



That have been Published

In illustration of the Topography and Antiquities of


There was no detached general history of this couuty (except "Visitations; by T. Benolt, Clarencieux, 1530 or 1561, by Cook 1576, by Philpot 1622, and by H. St. George 16—.” Gough.) until the publication of "Collections for the History of Hampshire, &c." in six volumes quarto, by D. Y." and with respect to these it is observed in the first volume of the Hampshire Repository, that the work was merely a compilation from other prior works, put together by a person totally unacquainted with the county; a proper tribute, however, is paid to the new matter obtained from Mr. Warner, which is considered as the most valuable of the contents, although not so ample in quantity as to justify the use made of this gentleman's name in the title page, and still less so at the back which is very incorrectly entitled “Warner's Hampshire." We understand, however, that Mr. Warner did make very copious collections for a complete history of this county, which he put into the hands of a very respectable gentleman of the county.

In the several editions of Camden's Britannia, under the head Hampshire, are general descriptions of the county.

In the "Magna Britannia," under the same title.

The Doomsday of Hampshire has been extracted and translated by the Rev. Mr. Warner.

Among the local histories of particular places in this county, are the following:

The "History of the Isle of Wight," by Sir Richard Worsley, Bart. in one volume 4to.

The " History of Selborne," by the Rev. Gilbert White, one volume 4to.


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