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Dr. Johnson and Bruce.-Naval Tactics.

part of it, whilst "all who had run
out were dashed to pieces by the fall-
ing houses." Now this was not the
fact. No such remarkable interposition
happened. He expressly mentions two
servants wounded, one of whom most
injured is again mentioned repeatedly
in the course of the interesting narra-
tive: he even 66
helped her out of the
rubbish, and the other servant went
for assistance: and she ultimately, as
well as the man, escaped, and was not
dashed to pieces; nor was the preser-
vation of the narrator effected by his
confinement in, but by his escape at
last from the ruins of the house."
Historical truth should never be sacri-
ficed for the sake of pathos: to "point
a moral, or adorn a tale." G. L.

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Major HEAD's mistake about Dr. Johnson and Bruce (December, p. 482) may be satisfactorily explained thus: -In 1789, the Voyage to Abyssinia, translated from Lobo, was republished with other tracts of Dr. Johnson, by Elliot and Kay of the Strand, in an octavo volume of 500 pages. The editor, Mr. George Gleig of Stirling, who inscribes the work to Arthur Murphy, has prefixed a General Preface, wherein is the following sentence: "The public, indeed, has reason to expect soon, a full account of that country from the pen of the celebrated traveller, Mr. Bruce, &c." Then follows Dr. Johnson's preface to the translation; and as no other dates appear to the volume except the year 1789," as above; and

Stirling, Dec. 1, 1788," at the foot of Mr. Gleig's dedicatory inscription to Arthur Murphy, it is possible the Major might have taken this as a posthumous work of Dr. Johnson, and was altogether ignorant of its having been published so long ago as 1735. Yours, &c. I. H. H.

MR. URBAN, Gosmore, Herts. Dec. 30. HAVING waded, like many others, through the elaborate discussions in various periodical works, on the question between Lord Rodney and Mr. Clerk, as to priority of invention of that part of naval tactics usually called Breaking the Enemy's Line, I came to the conclusion (an inevitable one), "that much may be said on both sides," but with a decided leaning to the arguments adduced in favour of Lord Rodney.


Since that I have stumbled on a passage in Polybius which distinctly goes to prove neither one or the other are entitled to the claim of invention; and I cannot do better than give it to you in the words of Mr. Hamilton. Speaking of the battle of Drepanum between the Carthagenians and the Romans, amongst other reasons which he gives for the loss of the battle, by the latter, he states as follows:

"They were quite deprived of the advantage, the greatest that is known in naval battles, of sailing through the squadron of the enemy, and of attacking in stern the ships that were already engaged with others."

Thus then it appears that what we claim as a discovery, was well known to the ancients more than two thousand years ago; for the account given, and the expressions used, are so exceedingly fitting to the case in point, that there can be no doubt as to his meaning.

Should the above quotation not appear conclusive, I have little doubt of being able to furnish you with corroborative evidence written 260 years before Polybius; for I am much mistaken if several similar passages are not to be found in Thucydides. Yours, &c.



Jan. 11.

NO one who is at all versed in researches of a genealogical nature, will have failed to observe and deplore the difficulty of ascertaining the dates of the births, marriages, and deaths of the wives and younger children of our ancient English families. This remark is not confined to those who lay claim simply to the appellation of gentry, but comprehends the very highest personages of the realm; many of whom have appeared on the stage of life, and made their exit, without leaving any record to attest the period of either event. The only immediate evidence of such dates, prior to the institution of parish registers, are wills, inquisitions, and monuments; and if these exist not, the genealogist is compelled to undertake a weary and often fruitless search through the accumulated series of MS. collections; a task of such labour, that there are few who have zeal or perseverance sufficient to set about it.

These reflections, familiar to me from my own ill-success in similar inquiries, have been now called forth by the perusal of the Wardrobe


The Children of King Edward IV.

and Privy Purse Accounts of King Edward the Fourth and Elizabeth of York, recently edited by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. In the introductory remarks to that publication, are some useful biographical memoranda relative to the children of Edward the Fourth; but singular to remark, the exact dates of the births of most of them, either rest on conjecture, or are altogether unknown. But as many of your readers, perhaps, will agree with me, that any illustration, however slight, which has escaped the researches of one so well versed in genealogy as the Editor of the above publication, is worthy of preservation, I beg leave to subjoin the copy of some entries touching the births of King Edward's children, which may partly serve to supply the deficiency complained of. The volume I transcribe from is No. 6113 of the Additional MSS. in the British Museum, and once perhaps belonged to the College of Arms, as might be conjectured from a note at the end, addressed to some nobleman not named, in the following terms :

"I praye yor L. thinck that no gould

o fee could move me to have sent these bookes out of my custodie, but yor Love only, requiring that yor L. will peruse and send them presently agayne to my office: this 9 December, 1588.-Will'm Detheck, Garter principall Kinge of Armes."

At the commencement is Sir Robert Cotton's autograph, with the following note, "This book I bought of Chalanor," meaning Jacob Chaloner, a collector of the reign of James the First, who on the death of Philip Holland, Portcullis Pursuivant, petitioned for his situation, (see Noble's Hist. Coll. of Arms, p. 392, n). Among some memoranda in Sir R. Cotton's own hand-writing I have seen, it appears that this Jacob Chaloner was in pos


session of Sir Gilbert Dethick's MSS. some of which, with the one I am now describing, were purchased of him, and a few returned, on account of some scruples arising as to their being office books. At the period of the fire in 1731, this volume seems to have been lost from the Cotton library, and subsequently passed into the hands of the elder Anstis. From Anstis it went to Mr. Gough, and at the sale of the library of Mr. G. in 1810, it was restored to the Cotton collection.

This volume contains a mass of very valuable information concerning the ceremonials used at the coronations, christenings, and creations of princes and nobles, from the reign of Henry the Fifth to that of Elizabeth, inclusive; independent of various other documents more immediately relative to the officers of the College of Arms. The principal portion of it seems to have been written by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Richmond Herald, and subsequently Garter King of Arms, in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth, with additions by William Colburn, Rougedragon and York Herald, and others. Having stated thus briefly the nature of this MS. I proceed to copy the memoranda which occasioned these remarks, inserted on folio 48, b.

"Kinge Edward the iiijth, childerne.

"Ao D'ni M1 iiijc and lxiiij, xj febr'. ao 1465. There was Borne At Westmester The lady Elizabeth Dolffenesse of Fraunce, And Christened in the Abbay churche By the Archebusshoppe of yorke.

Ao D'ni M1 iiije and? Was Borne My lady Mary.

Ao D'ni M iiije & 3 Was Borne My lady Cycill' Princes of Scottes.

Ao D'ni M1 iiije lxx a° x E.iiijt in No


The Seconde Day of Novembre was

1 The date has here been filled up by a second hand, and confirms that stated on her monument, adopted by Mr. Nicolas, p. xxxi. Sandford is certainly in error. The title of "Dolphiness," as well as that beneath of "Princess of Scottes," may serve to prove that these memoranda were made by a contemporary.

2 Left blank. Mr. Nicolas supplies the date, which was August 1466. She died May 23, 1482, aged fifteen years and nine months. It was, most probably, the body of this Princess, which in 1810, was discovered, together with that of her brother George, in making an excavation at the east end of St. George's Chapel, Windsor; although Mr. Lysons, partly from the errors in Sandford, and partly from the appearance of the body, seems to doubt it. See his Berkshire, p. 471.

3 Left blank. The time of her birth is not yet ascertained, although it must have taken place between August 1466, and the early part of 1470. Sandford (whom Mr. Nicolas follows) states she died and was buried at Quarera, i. e. Quarre Abbey, near Newport, in the Isle of Wight; and if the muniments of that religious house are still in existence, perhaps some light might be thrown on this subject.

4 Sandford says on the 4th of November, and Mr. Nicolas on the 14th.


Christening of the Princess Bridget, 1480.

Borne At Westmester In the Seyntwary,
My lorde the Prince, the kinge That tyme
Beinge out of the lande in the parties of
Flanndres, Hollande And Zelande.

A D'ni M1 iiije lxxj Was Borne My lady Margarete, And Dyed yonge, And ys Berryed at the Auter ende fore Sainte Edwardes Shryne At Westmester.

Ao D'ni M1 iiijc lxxij, ao xij, Was Borne my Lorde Richarde Duke of Yorke, At Shrowesbury on the xvijth Day of Auguste.6 Ao D'ni M1 iiije lxxv. Was Borne my Lady Anne At Westmynster the ijde Day of Nouembre, And Crystenned in the Abbay churche there.

8 The ladye Katheryne was borne 147. A D'ni M1 iiije xlij the xxvijth day of Aprell's Was Borne the noble Kinge Edwarde the iiijtb, at Rone, and Christenyd in the Cathedrall churche there.

On Seynt martyus day 1480 A° 20 E. 4, was borne at Eltham the ladye brygytt.

This last entry is by a second hand; but at folio 73 of the same MS. we meet with a more correct notice of this Princess's birth, to which is added the ceremonial of her Christening, and as it is short, and has never been noticed, I shall transcribe it here.

Md that in the yere of our lorde Miiije iiij And the xxth yere of the Reigne of Kinge Edwarde the iiijth on Sainte Martyns even, was Borne the lady Brigette, And Cristened on the morne on Sainte Martyns daye In the Chappell' of Eltham, by the Busshoppe of Chichester in order As ensuethe.

Furste C Torches borne by Knightes, Esquiers, and other honneste Parsonnes. The Lorde Matreuers, Beringe the Basen, Havinge A Towell' aboute his necke. Therle of Northumberlande beringe A Taper not light'.

Therle of Lincolne the Salte.

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The Canapee borne by iij Knightes and A

My lady Matrauers dyd bere A Ryche Cry-
som Pynned Ouer her lefte breste.
The Countesse of Rychemond did Bere The


My lorde Marques Dorsette Assisted her.


My lady the Kinges Mother, and my lady
Elizabethe, were godmothers at the Fonte.
The Busshoppe of Winchester Godfather.
And in the Tyme of the christeninge, The
officers of Armes caste on theire cotes.
And then were light' all' the foresayde

Presente, theise noble men enseuenge.
The Duke of Yorke.

The lorde Hastinges, the Kinges chamber-

The lorde Stanley, Stewarde of the Kinges house.

The lorde Dacres the quenes chamberlein, and many other astates.

And when the sayde Princesse was christened, A Squier helde the Basens to the gossyppes, and even by the Fonte my lady Matravers was godmother to the conformacion.

And from thens she was borne before the high' aulter, And that Solempnitee doon she was Borne eftesonys into her Parclosse, 10 Accompenyed wt the Astates A foresayde.

And the lorde of Sainte Joanes brought' thither A Spice plate.

And At the sayde Parclose the godfather and the godmother gaue greate gyftes to the sayde princesse.

Whiche gyftes were borne by Knightes and esquiers before the sayde Princesse, turneng to the quenes chamber Againe, well' Accompanyed As yt Apperteynethe, and after the custume of this Realme. Deo gr'as.

It must be remarked, that the above memoranda confirm the order of the births of King Edward's children, as stated by Mr. Nicolas, and prove Sandford to have been mistaken. The name of George of Shrewsbury, the third son of Edward, is omitted, and the date of his birth is unknown; but on making an excavation in St. George's Chapel, at Windsor, in 1810, his body was found in a leaden coffin, which fixes his death to March, 1473. and an inscription, partly obliterated, Lysons's Berksh. p. 471. Yours, &c.

F. M.

5 Sandford and Nicolas state her birth to have taken place the 19th of April, 1472. She died the 11th of December following.

6 The exact date of this Prince's birth is unknown both to Sandford and Nicolas, although the latter assigns it very justly to this year.

7 This date also is not to be found in either of the above writers. Mr. Nicolas only says, "subsequent to June 1475." The time of her decease is unknown, but is stated, on good authority, to have occurred in 1512, or early in 1513. See Dr. Nott's edition of the Earl of Surrey's Poems.

8 This line is added by a second hand. She was born before August 1479, and died November 15, 1527.-Nicolas, P. xxiv.

• Sandford states his birth to have taken place April 29, 1441, p. 403.

10" Parclos to parte two roumes, separation."-Palsgrave.

GENT. MAG. January, 1831.

[ 26 ]




As we are desirous of calling the attention of the Universities and other scholastic institutions to the Classical Department of our Miscellany, we propose to give insertion to such short Prize Compositions as have sufficient merit to appear in our columns. As a commencement, we now (though late) insert the Shakspearian Iambics and the Epigrams, which were the successful compositions at Cambridge in the year 1830. It is our intention to continue the series. SENARII GRÆCI,

Præmio Porsoniano quotannis proposito dignati, et in curia Cantabrigiensi recitati,
A. D. MDCCCXXX. auctore C. R. Kennedy, Coll. SS. Trin. schol.


Ρ. Οὐλαῖς γελᾷ τις τραυμάτων ἄπειρος ὤν.
τί χρῆμα λεύσσω; τίς ποθ ̓ ὑψόθεν δόμων
αὐγὴ διῇξεν; ἡλίου μὲν ἀντολαὶ

φάος τόδ' ἐστιν, ἥλιος δ' Ἰουλία.
ἀλλ ̓ εἶ, ἐγείρου, καλλιφεγγὲς ἥλιε,
φθονερὰν σελήνην φθεῖρε, καὶ γὰρ ἄλγεσι
τέτηκεν ἤδη πάρα καὶ μαραίνεται,
σοῦ τῆς γε δούλης καλλονῇ νικωμένη.
μὴ νῦν ψθονούσῃ τῇδε δουλεύσῃς ἔτι·
καὶ παρθένειον ἣν σ' ἐπαμπίσχει στολὴν,
χλωρὰ γάρ έστι καὶ σαθρά, μόνοι δέ νιν
μωροὶ φοροῦσιν, ὡς τάχιστ ̓ ἔκδυέ συ.
δέσποιν' ἐμὴ πέφηνε, καρδίας ἐμῆς
τὰ φίλταθ'· ὡς τὸ δ ̓ ὤφελε ξυνειδέναι.
φωνεῖ τι, φωνεῖ, κοὐδὲν εἶφ' ὅμως τί μήν;
ὄσσων με σαίνει φθέγμ', ἔγω δ' ἀμείψομαι.
τί δῆτ ̓ ἀναιδής εἰμ ̓; ἔμ ̓ οὐ προσεννέπει.
ἐν οὐρανῷ γὰρ οἷα καλλιστεύεται
ἄστρω τιν' ἀσχολοῦντε τῆς νεάνιδος
λίσσεσθον ὄμματ ̓, ἔστ ̓ ἂν ἱκνῆσθον πάλιν,
ἐν τοῖσιν αὑτῶν ἐγκαταυγάζειν κύκλοις.
τί δ ̓ εἰ μετοικισθέντ' εν αιθέρος πτυχαῖς
τὰ μὲν γένοιτο, τὼ δὲ παρθένου κάρα,
πρὸς δὴ φαεννὴν παρθένου παρηΐδα
μαυροῖτ ̓ ἂν ἄστρα, λαμπὰς ὡς παρ' ἥλιον,
μετάρσιος τ' ὀφθαλμός αιθέρος διά
πέμποι σέλας τηλαυγές, ὀρνίθων μέλη
ἑῷα κινῶν, ὡς σκότου πεφευγότος.
ἴδ ̓ ὡς παρείαν εἰς χέρ ̓ ἀγκλίνας ̓ ἔχει·
εἴθ ̓ ἦν ἐκείνης δεξιᾶς χειρὶς ἔπι,

ὅπως ἐκείνης ἡπτόμην παρηΐδος.

[blocks in formation]



Cambridge Prize Compositions.


νεφελῶν ἐφιππεύοντα δέρκονται θεὸν,
πτεροῖσι ναυστολοῦντα κόλπον αιθέρος.
Ι. ὦ Ρωμέων, τί δῆτα Ρωμέων ἔφυς;
πατέρα τ ̓ ἀναίνου κὤνομ'· εἰ δὲ μὴ θέλεις,
ὄμνυ φιλήτωρ τῆσδε πιστὸς ἐμμενεῖν,
κἀγὼ δόμων τε καὶ γένους ἐξίσταμαι.

R. He jests at scars that never felt a
[dow breaks?
But, soft! what light through yonder win→
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than
Be not her maid, since she is envious! [she.
Her vestal livery is but sick and green,
And none but fools do wear it! cast it off!
It is my lady; Oh! it is my love!
Oh that she knew she were!- [that?
She speaks; yet she says nothing! what of
eye discourses; I will answer it.-
I am too bold; 'tis not to me it speaks.
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do intreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her
[those stars,


The brightness of her cheek would shame

(Act 11. Sc. ii.)

As daylight doth a lamp; her eye in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so
That birds would sing, and think it were not
See how she leans her head upon her hand!
Oh that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek.
J. Ay me!

R. She speaks

O speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals, that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds,
And sails upon the bosom of the air.

J. Oh Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art
thou Romeo?

Deny thy father, and refuse thy name :
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.


Numismate annuo dignata, et in curia Cantabrigiensi recitata comitiis maximis A.D. MDCCCXXX. auctore Gulielmo Fitzherbert, Coll. Regin. schol.

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Φυλλίδος ἠπιάλῳ καμνούσης, Δάφνις ὁ παιὼν,
ήίθεος Δάφνις, φάρμακ' έδωκε κόρη

ὡς δ ̓ ἴδεν, ὡς ἐμάνη· τότε δή πυρὸς ᾔσθετ' ἰατρὸς
καὶ νόσον, ἧς παιὼν ἤλυθεν, αὐτὸς ἔχει.


[ocr errors]

In Appium candidatum honorum in Literis Humanioribus minus felicem.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Non tempus illi ut rideat vel dormiat:
Non tempus illi ut cogitet:
Clepsydra semper adsidet jentaculo,
Dum rodit ungues et legit;

Arctis ubique terminis includitur;
Dies propinquat horridus.

Quid ergo restat? heu, rei fastigium !
Cuneatur inter ultimos.

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