Johns Hopkins University Studies
Abbeville county, XII. 20. Abbott, Michael, VII. 34. Acts of Assembly, Maryland, VI. 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 39.
Adair, Rob't, VI. 40.
Adams, H. B., Freeman's visit to Baltimore, I. 5-12; the Germanic Origin of New England Towns, II.; Saxon Tithingmen in America, IV.; Norman Constables in America, VIII.; Village Communities of Cape Anne and Salem, 1X-X.; Alex., VI. 9; Henry, II.
Adamites, XI. 21. Addison, John, VI. 14. Adultery, VI. 20, 33, 35. Afferors, VII. 14, 15.
Aldis, W. S., II. 15; IX-X. 55. Ale tasters, VII. 14. Alfred, IV. 16.
Alienation, recorded in court baron, VII. 38.
Allen, Rev. Dr. E., history of Coventry parish, VI. 8; history of St. Paul's parish, 48; W. F., paper in the Nation," II. 40. All Saints parish, extracts from records of, VI. 42-49. Alms-House Farm, IX-X. 60.
America, Spanish conquest of, I. 15; English settlements in, 16; Englishmen of, 23.
American Constitution, I. 38; XI. 14, 15; democracy, II. 6; revolu- tion, VI. 23, 24. Andrews, M., VI. 46. Andross, Gov., III. 24, 25. Annapolis, I. 9; VI. 17, 30. Appenzell, I. 38.
Arms for manorial tenants, VII. 20. Aristocracy, Calvert's plan for, in Md., VII. 7. Aristotle, I. 9.
Askew, Michael, VI. 45. Assembly, (Connecticut), XI. 14, 15; (Maryland), see Acts, VI. 14; (Pennsylvania), members of, paid from county rate, III. 27; return of county rate made to, 29. Assessment, 111. 22, 23; by court of sessions and grand jury, 27; board of, 27, 28.
Assessors, (Maryland), VI. 41; (Pennsylvania), III. 27, 28; elec- tion of, 33; duties of, 34. Assistants, XI. 26. Athens, I. 14. Atlantis, I. 11.
Attaway, Thos., VII. 37. Auditor, (county), III. 33; (town- ship), 33: election of, 33. Austin, John, VI. 45.
Bachelors taxed, VI. 21, 36.
Bourbourg, Brasseur de, his Sunday
experience in Boston, IV. 4. Bourdillon, Rev. M, VI. 37. Bowditch, N., IX-X. 30. Boyce, Roger, VI. 40, 44. Bradbourne, Edw., VII. 37.
Bacon, VI. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, Braddock's defeat, VI. 21.
19, 21, 22, 37.
Bagby, Levine, VI, 43.
Bailiff of manor, VII. 13, 31-36. Baker, Michael, VI. 32, 36. Ball, Jno., VII. 37.
Baltimore, Lord, VI. 5, 30; county, 26, 37, 38; city, 26, 27; gentle- men of, assist in printing records,
Bancroft, III. 37; XI. 8. Bankers, vestry as, VI. 23, 35. Bankes, Geo., VII. 34. Barefoot, Jno., VII. 37. Barnwell county, XII. 38. Baronies in Md., Bill for, VII. 7. Bartholomew county, XII. 20. Bartlett, Walter, VII. 33. Beall, Geo., VI. 31, 32; James, 32; Josiah, 36; Alex., 36; William, 36; Samuel, 36,
Beaufort, school, XII. 14; district,
Bell, John, VI. 34.
Bellowes, Franeis, VII. 34. Bemis, Edward W., on Local Gov-
ernment in Michigan and the Northwest, V.
Bentley, Rev. W., history of Salem, IX-X.27; North and South Fields of Salem, 38.
Benton, Wm., VII. 34. Beresford, R., XII. 35. Berkley, county, XII. 20. Birckhead, S., VI. 42.
Bishop, Whittingham, VI. 5; London, 7, 9, 30; of diocese, 27. Blackistone, Jno., VII. 35, 36, 37; Nehemiah, 38.
Blackstone on constable, VIII. 6. Blake, Rich., VI. 45. Blay, Col., VI. 21.
Block, H. A., VIII. 30.
Books and libraries, Freeman's views on, I. 8; in Maryland, VI. 8, 11, 15, 16, 24, 25, 31, 43, 44. Boston, XI. 12; fire, VI. 22. Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, his epistle, VI. 17; life and writings, 24.
Bradford, Gov., II. 29; Jno., VI. 30. Brandford, XI. 22, 23, 27. Bray, Rev. Thos., VI. 10, 11. Brenson, Gerett, VII. 34, 35. Brent, Giles, VII, 8; Margaret, 19. Bricks, VI. 17, 37, 38, 39. British government in Northwest,V. 9; museum, I. 8. Brodhead, J. R., V. 29.
Brooke, Rev. Clement, VI. 37; Lord, XI. 7. Brooklyn, I. 35.
Brown, Geo. W., I. 9. Bruce, Wm., VI. 14. Bryce, James, I. 9.
Bullock, John, VII. 35, 36, 37. Burgesses, XI. 21, 23.
Burial Hill, a natural acropolis, VIII. 17.
Burlington, V. 11. VI. 15. Burnes, James, VI. 37. Butler, Rev. Edw., By-laws, VII. 14.
California schools, V. 21; townships,
Calvert county, VI. 14, 42, 43; Charles, 30; Leonard, VII. 6. Camden district, XII. 20. Campbell, J. V., on feudalism in Michigan, V. 8, 9, 12; James, VI. 20, 21. Cape Ann, legal basis for settlement of, IX-X. 4; fisher plantation a failure, 4, 5; failure of Dorchester men, 12.
Cape Cod, VIII. 17.
Carnall, Chris, VII. 31, 33. Carre, Sir Robert, III. 24. Carroll, Peter, VI. 40; Charles, of Carrollton, VII. 5.
Carver, John, governor of Ply- mouth, II. 25; VIII. 19. Casey, Thos., VII. 35.
Cass, Gov., influence on local gov- ernment in Michigan, V. 12, 13. Caswell, Rich., VI. 14, 87. Catline, Thos., VII. 35, 37, 38. Centralization, French, V. 8, 9; ten- dency in the United States, 25. Chapels of parish, VI. 16, 29, 37; on manors, VII. 10. Charity schools, VI. 22. Charles II., XI. 7, 25, 26, 29. Charleston, XII. 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37; district divided, XII. 20. Charlestown, VI. 9.
Chauntry, Jno., VII. 35.
Cheptico Indians, VII. 33; King of, 34.
Cheraws, district of divided, XII. 20. Cheshire, Wm., VII. 35, 37. Chester county, XII. 20. Chesterfield county, XII. 20. Chew, Joseph, VI. 29, 33. Childs, James, XII. 35. Childsbury, free school of, XII. 14,
Chillman, Rich., VII. 37. Choate, R., on beginning of N. Eng. institutions, II. 27; VIII. 21. Christ Church parish, VI. 14. Chrysoloras, I. 11.
Church, parochial, III. 23; built by order of court of sessions, 25; penal laws of Maryland read in, VI. 9, 21; description of, 16, 17, 18, 24; wardens, III. 22, 23, 25; VI. (see wardens); XII. 11; church members in Conn., XI. 22, 23, 24; church and state in Conn., 15, 17, 21.
Circuits, judicial, XII. 27. City, a corporate town, I. 37; organ- ization in Ill., III. 18. Claggett, John, VI. 35, 36, 46. Claims, territorial, of Conn., XI. 7-10.
Clark, Rev. J. S., his theory of town corporation, IÍ. 27. Claremont, XII. 20.
Clarendon county, XII. 20. Clergy, deficiency of, III. 23; (see ministers).
Clerk of county, III. 29; of town- ship, 38;, of parish, VI. 8, 12, 17, 32; of vestry, 16, 18, 32, 33, 36, 37, 89, 41, 43, 44; commissary's, 17.
| Climate, effects of, on South Caro- lina, XII. 6.
Cockshutt, Thos., VI. 42, 43. Coke on constable, VIII. 6. Cole, Robt., VII. 34, 35, 37. Collections in Penna., law of, III. 22, 28, 29.
Collectors, how appointed, III. 23, 34; duties of, 34.
College royal in Virginia, VI. 12. Colletin county, XII. 20. Colony, laws of, Mass., VIII. 28-30; Connecticut, XI. 13-21; New Haven, 17, 21-25.
Colonization of Connecticut, XI. 10-13.
Colorado schools, V. 21; townships in, 21; woman suffrage in, 24, 25. Combes, Abraham, VII. 37. Comegys, Wm., VI. 21. Commissaries, appointment and du- ties, VI, 13, 15, 17.
Commissioners, (county), III. 33; XII. 26; duties and powers of, III. 33-36; XII. 26. Common lands, II. 22; of New
Castle, III. 25; fields stinted, common pasturage, IX-X. 48, 49. Commonable ground, II. 20. Commoners, Salem, IX-X. 70. Communal interests, Saxon influ- ence of, II. 38. Compromise system " of local gov- ernment in Ohio and Indiana, III, 11.
Compton, Bishop, III. 23. Conant, R., IX-X. 7. Congregations, VI. 26; XI. 11. Congregationalists, XI. 17. Congress, XI. 6, 7, 14, 15. Connecticut, governor of, I. 35; lo- cal institutions, II. 30; women eligible on school board, V. 25; territorial claims of, XI. 7-10; river, 9, 10, 11, 15; colonization of towns, 12; colony, 13-21; state of, 14; church and state in, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24; charter, 26; county system of, 28.
Constables (in Ill.) III. 12; (Penna.) III. 21; official term of, 21; laws framed by, 21; general duties, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28; how chosen, 21, 27 ; ecclesiastical duties of, 22; court of, 25; (Md.), VI. 8, 19, 20; VII.
14, 36, 38; oath of, 15; (New | Court Leet, I. 13; in Maryland,
England), derivation of term, VIII. 6, 7; origin of, 8; an elec- tive officer, 13; Indian, 25; sun- day duties of, 27; power of, 32, 83; documents concerning duty of, 36-38; duty in harvest time, IX-X. 45; (Conn.), XI. 19, 22, 24. Constantinople, I. 11.
Constitution of towns framed by constables and overseers, 111. 21, 24; first American, XI. 14, 15; Locke's fundamental, XII. 7. Convention, federal, XI. 15.
VII. 7; procedure, 13; deodand levied by, 14; election of manorial officers in, 14, 36, 38; jurisdiction over Indians, 16; origin of, 17; records of court leet, St. Clem- ent's manor, 31-38; jurisdiction of, VIII. 14; court baron in Maryland, VII. 7; seizin given in court, 12; procedure in, 16; origin of, 18; swearing of fealty in, 38; alienation recorded in, 38; records of court baron, St. Clem- ent's manor, 31-38.
Convery, (Conoray), Edw., VII. 35, Courtney, Mayor, XII. 36.
Conway, M. D., IV. 4. Cook, Prof. A. S., II. 41.
Cooke, John, VI. 36; Miles, VII.
Cooley, Judge, decision of, V. 15; opinion of, 18.
Cooper, Robert, VII. 34, 35; An- thony Ashley, XII. 7. Corinth, I. 22.
Coroner excused from vestry, VI. 14, 37.
Council of Plymouth, XI. 7, 8, 10, 15. Counters of tobacco, VI. 19, 32, 41, 44, 45.
County in New England, III. 7; in Mich., V. 10; Illinois, 18; Mas- sachusetts, 18; Michigan, 18; Minnesota, 18; New York, 18; Wisconsin, 18; Connecticut, XI. 28; origin of in South Carolina, XII. 20; court in Virginia, III. 7; commissioners in Ill. under constitution of 1818, 10; under present laws, 15; government, (Illinois), 111. 15, 16, 17; (Penn- sylvania), 23, 27, 33; board in Illi- nois, III. 15, 16; clerk, 16; super- intendent of schools, 16; judge, 16; officers in Penna., see asses- sors, clerks, commissioners, audi- tors, treasurers, etc.; (Michigan) supervisors, V. 13; aid to schools, 18; divided into parishes, VI. 6, 16; court, 6, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 33, 34, 36, 38, 44; Somerset, 8, 10; Calvert, 14, 42, 43; Anne Arun- del, 15; Charles, 14, 47; Balti- more, 26, 27, 38; Prince George, 7, 30, 31, 33, 36, 46: government in South Carolina, XII. 24-28.
Courts, English origin of in Amer- ica, I. 25; (Pennsylvania), courts in the 17th century, III. 20; under duke of York, 21; court sessions, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35; town court, origin of, 22; of Chester county, 22; of New Cas- tle, 23, 25 of Delaware, 24; of Upland, 25, 26; constables, 25; of Whore Hill, 25; county courts, VI. 6, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 33, 34, 36, 38, 44; X1. 28; XII. 20, 27, ecclesiastical, VI. 13; English, 8; general court, XI. 11, 14, 15, 16; 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; particular, 17; held at Charleston, XII. 18, 19. Coventry parish, VI. 8. Cowan, A., VI. 41, 42. Crofts, Mr., XII. 37. Crook, Joseph, VI. 40. Curate, VI. 8, 37. Currency, depreciation of in 1779,
Cushman, R., IX-X. 3. Customs, parisb, VI. 9, 10, 15, 16; of manors recognized by Mary- land court of appeals, VII. 19.
Dakota school districts, V. 19; local government in, 20; woman suf- frage in, 24. Dallam, Wm., VI. 38. Dalmatia, I. 11. Darlington county, XII. 20. Darrumple, Wm., VI. 42. Dash, John, VII. 35, 37. Dates, change of, VI. 30.
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