Vol. LXIX. JANUARY TO JUNE, 1875. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE AT THEIR HALL. 1875 INDEX: Acid, Effect of, on the Interior of Iron Wire. O. Reynolds. 70 Beardslee, L. A., Increase of Resisting Power of Metals by Stress. Editorial Cor- respondence.... 169 Belgian Government Prizes, The....... 1 Belts, On the Theory of the Tension of. L. G. Franck...... Belts or Straps as Communicators of Work, On the Efficiency of. O. Reynolds... 142 Bibliographical Notices: Catechism of the Locomotive. M. N. Forney. 170 Manual of Determinative Mineralogy. G. J. Brush...... 245 6 Technical Training. T. Twining........... 243 The Microscope and its Revelations. W. B. Carpenter. 318 The Chemistry of Light and Photography. Dr. Hermann Vogel. Cast Iron, Dilatation of, and the Phenonema of the Crane Ladle. R. Mallet....... 156 Chemistry of Light and Photography, The. Dr. Hermann Vogel. 387 Colored Lights, Intensity of, for Illumination....... 416 Compound and Non-Compound Engines. C. E. Emery.. 105 Compound and Non-Compound Engines, Steam-Jackets, etc. C. E. Emery... 268, 328 Copper Salts for Preserving Wood, On the Use of....... 234 Corrosion of Iron in Railway Bridges, The rapid. Kent......... 437 Description of M. Kastner's New Musical Instrument, the Pyrophone. M. Du- nant... 367 Description of Swain Turbine Water-Wheel.... 253 145 phone..... 367 Editorial Correspondence: Increase of Resisting Power of Metals by Stress. L. A. Beardslee....... 169 70 49, 120 Efficiency of several kinds of Coating in Preventing Loss of Heat. B. F. Isher- Emery, C. E. Compound and Non-Compound Engines, Steam-Jackets, etc... 268, 328 Emery, C. E. Report of the Trials of the Steam Machinery of the U.S. Revenue Steamers, "Rush," "Dexter," and "Dallas.". 197 Engines, Compound and Non-Compound. C. E. Emery........ 105 Engines, Compound and Non-Compound, Steam-Jackets, etc. C. E. Emery... 268, 328 Exhibition, Centennial.. 163, 239, 312, 384 Explosives as Sources of Power. 3 Expansion in Volume in Passing from Liquid to Solid. R. Mallet. Formulæ for the Apparent Specific Heat of Saturated Vapors. P. P. Poinier...... 227 Franklin Institute, Proceedings of Stated Meetings, Dec., 1874, to May, 1875......... 7, 11, 15, 73, 172, 246, 319, 390 Fraser, P. F., Jr. Tables for the Determination of Minerals. Weisbach.......... 6 Furnaces Burning Wet Fuel, Efficiency of. R. H. Thurston ...... 49, 120 Galvanometer, A New Vertical-Lantern. Barker... 431 Gas-Analysis, New Processes in Proximate. H. Wurtz...... 146, 218, 286 Glass, Very Resistant, almost Malleable.. 5 Gramme Magneto-Electric Machine, The. 237 Heat, On the Mechanical Equivalent of. J. Violle...... 357 Human Machine, Useful Effect of the, as compared with that of Fire-arms....... 377 Hunt, G. P., and T. Skeel. On the Methods of Testing Steam Engines............. 28 Hygroscopic Paper....... 375 Increase of Resisting Power of Metals by Stress. Editorial Correspondence. L. A. Beardslee...... 169 Intensity of Colored Lights for Illumination... 416 Iron, Rapid Corrosion of, in Railway Bridges. Kent...... 437 Isherwood, B. F. Efficiency of several kinds of Coating in Preventing Loss of Kent, Wm. Rapid Corrosion of Iron in Railway Bridges. 437 Life Saving Dress, Merriman's Waterproof. 316 Light and Photography, The Chemistry of. Dr. Hermann Vogel. 387 Locomotive on Feet, A...... 383 Loss of Heat, Efficiency of several kinds of Coating in Preventing. B. F. Isher- wood..... 187 Lynn Pumping Engine, Test Trial of...... 43. Machinery, On the, of the Vienna Exposition. Tresca.. 406. Magnetism, Development of, in the Rails of Railways... 145 Magnetism, New Method of Developing... 356 Magnetization and Demagnetization of Wrought Iron, Cast Iron and Steel, Mallet, R. Dilatation of Cast Iron and the Phenomena of the Crane Ladle......... 156 Merriman, M. On the Moments and Reactions of Continuous Girders....... 206, 255 Methods of Testing Steam Engines, On the, G. P. Hunt and T. Skeel. 28 Microscope and its Revelations, The. W. B. Carpenter. 318 Miller, B. C. The Treatment of Tank Offal and the Gases from Rendering Tanks. 350 Mills Portable Engine, The....... 241 Minerals, Weisbach's Tables for the Determination of. P. F. Fraser, Jr............ 6 Molecular Changes in Metals. Thurston... 441 Moments and Reactions of Continuous Girders, On the. M. Merriman...... 206, 255 |