Page images
[blocks in formation]

*** Those marked thus * are Vignettes, printed with the letter-press.


View of Stourton Church, Wiltshire, and the Mausoleum of Sir R. C. Hoare...... 28

Views of two Belfries at Biddeston, Wilts .....

Plan of part of Kensington Gardens.....

*Representation of a dinner given at Cambridge in honour of the Coronation.

View of Temple Balsall, Warwickshire......

*Plans of the Hall of Temple Balsall....

*Representations of Coats of Arms in the Hall of Temple Balsall...

*Representation of the Coronation Medal..

Representations of various Roman Antiquities found at Winchester.. *Earthern Pot found at Winchester


*St. Colomb's Stone, Londonderry.......

*Section of a Roman Coffin found at Hazeleigh, Essex

View of the Hôtel de Cluny, Paris...


*Representation of a Roman Ticket of Freestone found at North Wiltshire..

*Representation of a Sepulchral Stone found at Hartlepool ..

View of Berwick-Maviston Mansion-house, Shropshire...

*Fragment of an Earthen Vessel found at Winchester..................


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THE Proprietors of the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE trust that the pledge has been redeemed which was made to their Readers on the commencement of the NEW SERIES; that, without altering the constitution of the Work or withdrawing, in any degree, its attention from English antiquities and English architecture,-it would embrace a larger circle of Literature, and enter upon a more varied and entertaining range of subjects.

It is on their constant regard to the standard and classical Literature of England, that the Proprietors rely as their chief strength.

In the Communications and Correspondence such subjects are generally discussed as are recommended by their intrinsic and permanent value, or by those circumstances which invest inferior objects with occasional importance. In the recent numbers the Proprietors particularly refer to the many valuable articles on Philology, on Anglo-Saxon Literature, on Ancient Poetry; Dissertations on points of our National History, and illustrious characters; Antiquities and Architecture; Family History; and Original Letters and Documents illustrative of these several subjects.

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