leaves all his personal property to the present lord, and makes him residuary legatee. He directs that, for three months from the day of his decease, an adequate establishment at Whitehall should be kept for the residence of his second wife, the present Lady Carrington, at the expense of the estate; and in satisfaction of the contract made on his marriage, charges an estate in Lincolnshire with an annuity of 1,000l. for her. By a codicil dated 20th Oct. 1837, after referring to a settlement he had made of 20,0001. upon his unmarried daughter he leaves 100l. to each of his daugh. ters and to each of his grand-children, to purchase a memorial of him; and after some minor legacies, to Lady Carrington, his daughters, executors, and servants, -to Sir Henry Hardinge, 1007.; and to Lady Emily Hardinge a clock by Vulliamy; to his three executors, to John Neale, esq. and to Colonel Gurwood, 500l. each; to John Smith, esq. 2001.; to Abel and George Smith, Mrs. Sargent, Charlotte and Harriet Trevelyan, and Charles Ashton, 100l. each; to Mr. Jalland, 150l.; to Dr. M'Arthur, and Robert Stone, 501. each; and to the poor of Deal 1001. at the discretion of Dr. M'Arthur; and to the poor of Wycombe 100l. at the discretion of the present lord. The amount of the personal estate sworn under 120,0001. BILL OF MORTALITY, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 20, Males 524 }1066 Buried. } 1017 Whereof have died under two years old...247 Between 1838. 2 and 5 110 50 and 60 104 5 and 10 71 60 and 70 85 10 and 20 35 70 and 80 67 20 and 30 82 80 and 90 35 30 and 40 82 90 and 100 3 40 and 50 96 AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, by which the Duty is regulated, Nov. 23. 69 0 32 2 22 10 36 3 39 7 41 8 Sussex Pockets 31. 10s. to 41. 14s. - Kent Pockets 41. Os. to 91. 15s. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, Nov. 26. Smithfield, Hay, 41. Os. to 51. 15s. - Straw, 11. 14s. to 11. 18s.-Clover, 47. 10s. to 61.08. SMITHFIELD, Nov. 26. To sink the Offal per stone of 8lbs. Walls Ends, from 19s. 3d. to 25s. 9d. per ton. Other sorts from 18s. 6d. to 24s. 3d. TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 63s. 6d. Yellow Russia, 60s. Od. CANDLES, 8s. Od. per doz. Moulds, 10s. Od. PRICES OF SHARES. At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock and Share Brokers, Birmingham Canal, 218.-Ellesmere and Chester, 80.- Grand Junction, 195.- Kennet and Avon, 26. Leeds and Liverpool, 730. - Regent's, 164. -Rochdale, 108.-- London Dock Stock, 61. St. Katharine's, 107.--East and West India, 110.- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 204.--Grand Junction Water Works, 64. West Middlesex, 100.-Globe Insurance, 146. Guardian, 36.- Hope, 54. Chartered Gas, 52. Imperial Gas, 484.Phenix Gas, -Independent Gas, 484. - General United Gas, 30.-Canada Land Company, 29. Reversionary Interest, 134. For Prices of all other Shares inquire as above. METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W.CARY, STRAND. From October 26 to November 25, 1838, both inclusive. J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, late RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and ArnuLL. J. B. NICHOLS AND SON 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. DECEMBER, 1838. BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. CONTENTS. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. -The Topography of Bedfordshire-Skull of Eugene Remains of Lord Viscount Royston... PAGE 570 LORD BROUGHAM, as an Orator and Historian, 584.-Marriage indissoluble in THE HISTORY OF COCCAYNE AND THE COCKNEYS...... ....... CORRESPONDENCE OF WALTER MOYLE, ESQ. No. IV. On a remarkable pas 596 .... ib. 602 .... 607 611 613 615 616 sage of Florus, relating to the Golden Vine of the Temple .... .......... REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ................ Germany, by Dr. Bissett Hawkins, 621.-Holden on the Authority of Tradi. tion, 625.-Shuttleworth's Not Tradition, but Revelation, 627.-Fisher's Ancient Paintings and Documents at Stratford-upon-Avon, described by J. G. Nichols, 628.-Archæologia, vol. XXVII. 630.-Graphide; or, Characteristics of Painters, 636. -THE ANNUALS: The Diadem, 637.-The Keepsake, 639.-Forget Me Not, 640.-Friendship's Offering and Winter's Wreath, 641.-Jennings's Landscape Annual, 641.-Heath's Picturesque Annual, 641.-Caunter and Daniell's Oriental Annual, 642.-Miscellaneous Reviews... LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. ...642-644 New Publications, 645.-Universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, 646.- ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES. - Society of Antiquaries, 647. - Royal HISTORICAL CHRONICLE.-Foreign News, 652; Domestic Occurrences 653 Promotions, 654; Births, Marriages...... 655 .... OBITUARY; with Memoirs of the Earl of Sefton; Lord Farnham; Rt. Hon. Robert Grant; Sir Edward Poore, Bart.; Major-Gen. Adye; Colonel Crowder; Capt. Sir W. Elliot Capt. George Robinson, R.N.; Mr. Alderman Atkins; Capt. G. W. H. Knight; Mrs. Catherine Brant...... 657 .... CLERGY DECEASED, 665.-Additions to Obituary.......... ... 672 680 .. Embellished with a View of BERWICK-MAVISTON HOUSE, &c. |