May 29. Off Prince's Island, Coast of Africa, Lieut. William Dickey, R.N. commanding her Majesty's brigantine Waterwitch. June 15. At Florence, Mademoiselle Blasis, an eminent vocalist. June 21. At Alexandria, on his way home from Bombay, W. Grant, esq. Assistant Surgeon of her Majesty's 4th Light Dragoons, only son of the late Col. L. Grant, of Auchernick, Strathspey, N.B. June 26. At Salamis, aged 16, Mr. William F. Innes, midshipman of her Majesty's ship Bellerophon. July 3. At Stamford, Upper Canada, in his 70th year, William Stewart, esq. late of Hammersmith, and of Inverkeithing, N. В. July 10. At Coblentz, Catharine, wife of Capt. Robe, of Upper Grosvenor-st. July 14. At Paris, aged 58, Benjamin Lester Lester, esq. for 26 years (1809 to 1815) the Representative of Poole in Parliament, during which time his attention to the interests of the town was such as to secure for him the respect of all parties. In politics he was a consistent and liberal Whig. July 22. At Paris, David Burges, esq. At St. Germain-en-Laye, July 26. At his country seat at Bernstorff, near Copenhagen, aged 78, Christopher MacEvoy, esq. Bill of MORTALITY, from July 31 to Aug. 21, 1838. Buried. 2 and 5 9050 and 60 65 AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, by which the Duty is regulated, Aug. 24. PRICE OF HOPS, per cwt. Aug. 27. Kent Bags.............31. 10s. to 41. 10s. | Farnham (seconds) Ol. Os. to Ol. Os. Sussex.. .....Ol. Os. to Ol. Os. Farnham (fine) ....... 6%. Os. to 8l. Os. Kent Pockets ...... 41. 15s. to 61. 68. 31. 158. to 47. 15s. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, Aug. 25. Smithfield, Hay, 51. 5s. to 51. 15s. - Straw, 21. 2s. to 21. 5s.-Clover, 51. 15s. to 61.68. SMITHFIELD, Aug. 24. To sink the Offal per stone of 8lbs. Beef.......... ....3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Lambs. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Head of Cattle at Market, Aug. 24. COAL MARKET, 722 Calves 420 Sheep & Lambs 9,600 Pigs 480 Aug. 27. Walls Ends, from 19s. Od. to 23s. 9d. per ton. Other sorts from 17s. Od. to 25s. Od. TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 51s. 6d. Yellow Russia, 48s. 3d. CANDLES, 7s. 6d. per doz. Moulds, 98. Od. PRICES OF SHARES. At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock and Share Brokers, Birmingham Canal, 221. - Ellesmere and Chester, 80. - Grand Junction, 200.- Kennet and Avon, 264. - Leeds and Liverpool, 670.- Regent's, 164. -Rochdale, 104. --London Dock Stock, 60.- St. Katharine's, 106.--East and West India, 108.- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 200.--Grand Junction Water Works, 62. - West Middlesex, 95. - Globe Insurance, 1434.Guardian, 35.-Hope, 54. Chartered Gas, 544. Imperial Gas, 494. Phoenix Gas, 224. - Independent Gas, 48. General United Gas, 29.-- Canada Land Company, 29. - Reversionary Interest, 133. For Prices of all other Shares inquire as above. METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W. CARY, STRAND. From July 26, to August 25, 1838, both inclusive. J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, late RICHARDSON, Goodluck, and ARNULL. J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. OCTOBER, 1838. BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. CONTENTS. PAGE MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. - Foreign Orders of Knighthood - The Celtic Language-MS. Life of Bishop Frampton-Sir R. C. Hoare, &c......... 346 HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. BY J. Origin and History of the Emperor Carausius 370 " Due Preparations for the Plague,” an unknown work by Defoe ibid. Roman Antiquities found at Winchester (with a Plate) 371 Remarkable Plagiarism in the Edinburgh Review 373 Topographical Prosings; Hints for Antiquarian Tourists 375 "Miching Mallecho" explained: Montaigne, Voltaire, and the Resources of the French Language; Errors in Steevens's Shakspeare, &c. &c. English Translators: a Fragment of Aristophon misunderstood by Mr. Cumberland; Professions of the followers of Pythagoras............. REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. FINE ARTS. -New Statues, &c. 418.-Britton's London and Birmingham LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. New Publications, 419.-Bedfordshire Illustrations, 420.-Foreign Literary ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES. - Society of Antiquaries of Normandy, OBITUARY; with Memoirs of Earl Annesley; Sir W. B. Cave, Bart.; Sir W. .. CLERGY DECEASED, &c. &c....... 441 ... 449 Bill of Mortality-Markets--Prices of Shares, 455.-Meteorological Diary Stocks.......... ....... Embellished with a Plate of Various RoMAN ANTIQUITIES found at WINCHESTER, |