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"I also claim the combination of the revolving endless planking board or table, with the feeding belts, both moving with the same velocity for the purpose as described." 14. For an Improved Lock; Richard Ketcham, Seneca Castle, New York.

Claim. "What I claim as new is, the circular tumbler, or its equivalent, in combination with the slotted collar, which encompasses the spindle of the knob, said collar and tumbler, or its equivalent, being constructed and operating in the manner substantially as herein described."

15. For an Improved Padlock; Rhodolphus Kinsley, Springfield, Massachusetts.

"My improvement consists in the cheapness, convenience, and simplicity of its construction and operation, together with its security against being picked, rendering it valuable for the purposes of railroad cars."

Claim. "What I claim as my invention is, giving a forward motion to the hasp, and acting upon the tumblers by means of the same key, when the parts are arranged, so that the key acts directly upon a portion of the hasp, substantially in the manner de


"2d, I claim the double acting spring herein described, only when used in connexion with such a form and arrangement of hasp as will cause it to actuate the tumblers, and not only to throw the hasp out, but hold it thrown out and fully open, in the manner described, confining my claim to this device."

16. For an Improvement in the Mode of Frosting Glass; John Levy and Charles Jones, City of New York.

Claim.-"What we claim as our invention is, 1st, Frosting and figuring glass, by fixing the plates to be treated in a trough or vessel containing sand, pebbles, and water, and subjected to a short, quick, vibrating motion, in a longitudinal direction, by any suitable mechanical movement, thus causing the glass to pass through the mass of gritty material before any considerable momentum is imparted to that mass, as more fully set forth herein.

"2d, We claim forming ornaments upon the glass, by the application of patterns, or desigus, in connexion with the process of frosting by the action of the sand and pebbles, substantially as set forth herein."

17. For an Improvement in Manufacturing Wooden Type; John McCreary, Chesterville, Ohio.

Claim. "I do not claim the use of a press and dies for the purpose of making wooden type; but what I do claim as new is, the arrangement of the propelling lever, as that by its return movement, in combination with the feeding lever spring, dog and feeding tube, it will move forward as required the blank wood to receive the impression, as above described and set forth."

18. For an Improvement in Pill Making Machines; Erasmus A. Pond, Rutland, Ver.

Claim "What I claim as my invention is, 1st, Moulding or forming pills by means of two cylinders, having each a number of recesses in its periphery; the recesses in one cylinder matching with those in the other, and each matching pair forming a mould of the required form of the pill, the said cylinders revolving in opposite directions, and the pill mass being conducted between them, substantially as herein described.

"2d, The bands of india rubber, or any sufficiently elastic material, passing round, or partly round, the mould cylinders, for the purpose of expelling the pills from the recesses after the moulds are open, substantially as herein set forth."

19. For an Improvement in Shingle Machines; William Stoddard, Lowell, Mass.

Claim. "Having fully described my improved shingle machine, what I claim therein as new is, Ist, The combination of the rifting knife (connected with the main driver by means of the elastic arms) with the inclined planes, placed upon the rails, as described, for the purpose of enabling the knife to be carried forwards under the block during the forward movement of the said driver, and then be elevated to the proper height to split off a shingle during its return movement, substantially as herein set forth.

"I also claim the arrangement of a secondary driver, placed above and acting independently of the main driver, in such a manner that it will drive the rived shingle from under the block, and deposit it upon the bed forward of the main driver, in such a position that it will be carried forwards to be dressed during the forward movement of the said driver, substantially as set forth."

20. For an Improved Screw Driver; Jacob W. Switzer, Basil, Ohio.

"The nature of my invention consists in combining with the ordinary brace and bit stock a self holding screw driver, constructed substantially in the manner as hereinafter described, for holding the screw firmly, while the operation of driving or withdrawing it is carried on."

Claim. "What I claim as my invention is, the screw driver spring catches, attached to the flat portions of the screw driver, and permitting longitudinal as well as lateral adjustment, and the barrel in which the whole is placed, in combination with the brace and stock, or their equivalents, the whole being constructed and arranged, and operating in the manner and for the purpose substantially as herein set forth."

21. For an Improvement in Reels for Harvesters; Warren W. and Clark C. Wright, Canton, Pennsylvania.

Claim. "What we claim as our invention is, 1st, Extending the axle of the driving wheels so far beyond the carriage as may be necessary to form a pivot for the reels to turn upon and allow of its rotation, by a band, as described, independent of the rotation of the axle, substantially as set forth."

22. For an Improvement in Utilizing Slags of Furnaces; William H. Smith, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Claim. "What I claim as my invention, so as to have the exclusive right therein, is, the process of utilizing the slags of iron and other like furnaces, refining and working the same, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth in the specification, whereby I bring into successful operation, for useful purposes, a class of hitherto useless products."

23. For Improvements in Machinery for Making Wood Screws, &c.; Cullen Whipple, Assignor to the New England Screw Company, Providence, Rhode Island.

Claim "Having described my improved machinery for the manufacture of screws, what I claim therein as new is, 1st, The feeder, composed of a sectional trough, with a close bottom and open top, into which the blank drops and arranges itself before a traversing rod, which pushes it into the griping jaws, substantially as described.

"2d, The combination of the traversing rod, actuated substantially as described, with an adjustable stop for the purpose of setting the blank between the jaws, in the exact position required, as herein set forth.

"3d, The method of operating the jaws and holding them closed with the requisite force to hold the blank firmly between them, without end strain upon the mandrel, by means of toggle or knuckle end joint levers, which are thrown slightly past centres, when the jaws are closed to hold them closed, when they are used in connexion with elastic and long shanked nippers, substantially as herein described, whereby all end strain of the mandrel against its bearings is prevented during and by the griping and holding of the blank.

"Lastly, I claim the spring discharging punch, constructed and arranged in such manner, that the same shall be compressed by the entrance of the blank between the griping jaws, and shall throw the blank out of the jaws the instant they relax their hold of it sufficiently; such pushing out depending upon such relaxation and the force of the spring, and being entirely independent of the motion of any other part of the machine."


Translated for the Journal of the Franklin Institute.

Liquid and Unchangeable Glue. By M. de DUMOULIN.

As this glue is very convenient for cabinet-makers, carpenters, and others, inasmuch as it is applied cold, and does not require heating, I give the method of preparing it to the public:

Take of strong glue 1 kilogramme, (2.2 lbs. Av., 2.7 lbs. Troy,) dissolve it in 1 litre (1 quart) of water, in a glazed pot on a slow fire, or better still, over a water bath; stir carefully from time to time. When all the glue has melted, add little by little 200 grammes (6.5 oz. Troy) nitric acid, spec. grav. 1.33. This addition produces an effervescence due to the disengagement of nitrous acid. When all the acid is poured in, the vessel is removed from the fire and suffered to cool. I have preserved glue thus prepared for more than two years in an uncorked bottle, and during this time it underwent no change. - Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, September, 1852, p. 444.

For the Journal of the Franklin Institute.

Steam Logs of the Steamship "Arctic," belonging to the Collins Line of U. S. Mail Steamers between New York and Liverpool. By B. F. ISHERWOOD, Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy.

(With a Plate.)

By the kindness of Chief Engineer Daniel B. Martin, U. S. Navy, I have obtained copies of the steam logs of the Arctic, for the time he was Chief Engineer of her; and believing that the detailed performance of so celebrated a vessel would be generally acceptable, I have prepared them for the Journal, and added the dimensions of the hull, machinery, &c. From the same hands, I obtained the dimensions of the paddle wheels, and also a large number of indicator diagrams, showing exactly the power exerted by the engines, and the volume of steam used. The drawing of the boiler is from actual measurement, taken on board the vessel for this publication. It is believed, therefore, that the data and results here presented are as near the truth as it is possible to approximate, and even much nearer than is required for any practical purposes. It is possible that the dimensions of the hull may not be accurate to an inch, but I believe them to be correct.

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The hull is braced by iron bars, 45 feet long, and 6 inches by 1 inch in section, placed 4 feet from centre to centre. The bars run in both directions, and cross at an angle of 45°; at each crossing they are riveted to


ENGINES.-Two side lever condensing engines.

Diameter of cylinders,


95 inches.

Stroke of pistons,

Space displacement of both pistons per stroke,

10 fect. 994-48 cubic feet.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Area of two paddles,

Area of all immersed paddle surface,

Proportion of the area of two paddles to area of immersed amid

ship section of hull,

Proportion of the area of all immersed paddle surface to area of immersed amidship section of hull,

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1.000 to 16-623.

1.000 to 1.662.

BOILERS, (Plate II.) -Four iron boilers, with vertical tubes. The water is contained within and the fire is applied without the tubes. The boilers are placed in pairs back to back, with one smoke chimney in common; each pair has its own fire room. The forward and after pair are alike, except in breadth and number of tubes; each forward boiler being 14 feet broad, and containing 1332 tubes; and each after boiler being 15 feet broad, and containing 1480 tubes; making a total of 5624 tubes in the four boilers. These tubes are of iron, and 2 inches in external diameter; 2812 are 5 feet long, and 2812 are 4 feet 6 inches long. Distance in clear between tubes lengthways the boiler, 0-944 inch; crossways the boilers, 1-591 inch.

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Height of each boiler, exclusive of steam chimney.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Area of heating surface in the furnaces of the two forward boilers, 1204 square feet.

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Total heating surface in the four boilers,

Area of grate surface in the two forward boilers,

Total area of grate surface in the four boilers,

Aggregate cross area of the spaces between the tubes in the two

Total aggregate cross area of the spaces between the tubes in

the four boilers,

Aggregate cross area beneath the hanging plate at back of boiler


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Weight of sea water contained in four boilers, by calculation, 392,300 pounds.

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Grate surface to aggregate cross area of spaces between tubes,

to cross area of smoke chimney,




beneath the hanging plate,


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331 24 1030



losing 4ths


14.7 12-131



per h'r. per h'r.

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