"I also claim the combination of the divided shaping groove, with a reciprocating former operating in connexion therewith, substantially as herein set forth." 41. For an Improvement in Cotton Seed Planters; William A. Gates, Mount Comfort, Tennessee. Claim. "Having described my machine for planting cotton seed, what I claim as my invention is, in combination with a rotating cylinder or box, having apertures in its perimeter, the projecting edges or wings, radial ribs or plates, and projecting fingers or prongs arranged around the axle, the whole operating to separate or disentangle the seeds to be sown, immediately previous to the disposition thereof in the furrow, as set forth." 42. For an Improved Sash Stopper and Fastener; J. B. S. Hadaway, East Weymouth, Massachusetts. "The nature of my invention consists in constructing a sash fastener, by the combination of a rocking plate, spiral spring, and levers; the plate and spring being acted upon in such a manner by the levers, that the sash can be securely fastened, or maintained in any position by the fastener." Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, 1st, The combination of the rocking plate with the angular lever, the swinging lever, and the spiral spring, constructed and arranged, and operating in the manner and for the purposes herein specified. "2d, The rocking plate combined with either a simple or compound lever, in the manner and for the purpose herein specified." 43. For an Improved Blind and Shutter Operator; Robert V. Jones, Birmingham, Pennsylvania. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, the tubular shanked box hinge, with roller contained therein, as arranged with respect to the roller within the building, when the rollers are connected by a chain, and the whole is constructed as herein described, constituting a convenient blind or shutter operator." 44. For an Improvement in Tanning; David Kennedy, Reading, Pennsylvania. Claim. "Having described the manner in which my chemical compound for tanning is compounded and used, what I claim as my invention is, the use of borax in combination with nitre, alum, and terra japonica, in solutions of tannin, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. The property of the borax I have found of essential use in raising the hides in the tanning process, and preparing it without injury for speedy and safe tanning." 45. For an Improvement in Bottle Stoppers; Edward and D. Kinsey, Cincinnati, Ohio. Claim. "Having fully described the manner of constructing our self-acting bottle and can stopper, we will proceed to state what we claim as our own improvement. We claim the combination of the ball stopper, together with the rod attached to it, and the guides, in the manner and for the purposes substantially as herein set forth." 46. For an Improvement in Cylinder Printing Press; Joel G. Northrup, Syracuse, New York. Claim. "Having fully described the construction and operation of my improved press, what I claim as my invention is, 1st, Such a combination and arrangement of a horizontal bed and cylinder of a printing press, as will enable each forward movement of the bed to impart a revolution to the cylinder, for the purpose of taking or giving an impression, and permit it to remain stationary during the reverse movement of the bed, substantially as herein described. "2d, I claim, in combination with a horizontal cylinder, moving in one direction, with alternate rest and motion, the inking and flying apparatus, substantially as described." 47. For Improvements in Perspective Drawing Apparatus; Professor Adolph Richter, City of New York. "The nature of my invention consists in a new and useful manner or method of delineating upon common unprepared glass, or other transparent medium, with the aid of a simple and cheap instrument, consisting of a compound or composition of ink, a diminishing glass, chalk, &c., artificial and natural objects, and afterwards transferring the same upon paper, canvas, stone, copper, wood, &c." Claim. "Having thus fully described my invention, I would state that I am aware that natural and other objects have been traced through and upon the surface of glass or other transparent medium, and I do not claim it; neither do I claim any of the parts of my apparatus when taken separately; but what I do claim is, delineating natural and other objects, in a diminished or increased size, with a lens, when used with the apparatus, and in the manner described." 48. For an Improvement in Printing Presses; Stephen P. Ruggles, Boston, Massachusetts. Claim. "Having fully described my invention, what I claim therein as new is, so hanging or balancing the bed which holds the form, and move up and down for each impression, upon springs, as that its own weight shall compress the springs to a great extent, and the entire compression of them be completed by drawing the bed farther down whilst in motion, and so that the elasticity of the springs, when the bed is to rise, will raise it up to the extent of their power, and the upward motion be completed by a separate arrangement, whilst in motion, for the purpose of relieving the machine from overcoming the inertia, in moving the bed from a state of rest, the power to complete its motion being applied near the termination of its movement, substantially as described. "I also claim the arranging of the frisket and the inking rollers in separate carriages, moving on the same ways with such relative velocities as not to interfere with each other, and so that the frisket may carry off and bring back the sheet quickly, whilst the inkingrollers may travel more slowly and do more perfect work, substantially as described. "I also claim the pointing of the sheet whilst being prepared for receiving the first impression, by an automatic movement, attached to some moving portion of the press, and so that the operator may use both his hands in guiding and controlling the sheet. "I also claim the application of a blast of air, or its equivalent, for the purpose of forcing the sheets upon the registering points when the paper is being prepared for the reverse impression, so that the operator may use both his hands in guiding and controlling the sheet. "I also claim the removing of the sheet from the frisket, or from the press, by means of atmospheric pressure, applied in the manner herein described, or its equivalent, for the purpose of turning over the sheet in its delivery, substantially as described. "I also claim making the registering points adins adjustable in the paper table, by passing it through a friction plate, secured between two plates, and so that it may be moved in any direction, by a slight tap, for the purpose of allowing for the unequal shrinking or drying of the paper, or of any movement of the form, after the first impression is taken, substantially as herein described. "I also claim the combination of the open toggle and adjustable eccentric shaft or pin which operate the bed, for the purpose of regulating the impression, by increasing or diminishing the distance between the bed and platen, substantially as described." 49. For an Improvement in Bracing and Supporting Card Teeth; Cornelius Speer, City of New York. Claim. "Having described my improvement, what I claim as my invention is, the application of the material herein described, to the front side of the leather fillet holding the card teeth, for the purpose of bracing and supporting said teeth." 50. For Improvements in Serving Mallets; Daniel H. Southworth, City of New York. Claim. "What I claim as new in my invention or improvement are, 1st, The attachment and use of the clasp or hook to the hollow or concave part of the saddle of a serving mallet, for the useful purpose of holding it to the rope, while the operator brings the end of the marline from the spool over the pulley in the handle and upper edge of the saddle to the rope, where it is made fast, without being wound round both saddle and rope, as is done in using other mallets, the whole being constructed and arranged substantially in the manner and for the purposes described. "2d, I claim the attaching to a serving mallet one or more set of thumb-screws, or any analogous device, for the purpose of pressing upon the spool, for the useful purpose of enabling the operator to serve the rope with any degree of tightness the yarn will bear, without winding it round both saddle rope and handle, as is done in using other mallets, the said screws being attached and operating substantially in the manner and for the purposes described." 51. For an Improvement in Railroad Car Seats; Daniel H. Wiswell, Buffalo, New York. Claim. "Having described my invention and improvement in day and night change able seats for railroad cars and other purposes, by which, in a moment, the occupant can convert it into a sitting or reclining chair, whether the cars be going or returning, so that the traveler may repose as comfortably as in a bed, or sit as easy as in a parlor chair, what I claim as my invention is, the employment of double jointed slides and jointed rods, with the jointed arms, jointed seat and back, pillars and supports, arranged and operating substantially in the manner and for the purposes herein fully set forth." 52. For an Improvement in Cordage Machinery; Hezekiah T. Jennings and Charles S. Collier, Bethany, and Thomas P. How, Buffalo, Assignors to H. T. Jennings and Charles S. Collier, Bethany, and Dorus Perry and Amenzo Beardsley, Middlebury, and Allen Hemmingway, Perry, New York. Claim. "What we claim as our invention is, regulating the speed of the receiving reel by the tension of the rope, substantially as herein described." NOVEMBER 23D. 53. For an Improvement in Machines for Drilling Stone; Jos. J. Couch, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, the improvement of making the drill rod to slide through the piston rod, substantially in manner as above set forth. "And I also claim the combination of the rocker lever, the wedge, the bolt within the lever, the two cam plates, the spring catch, the spring and the projection as applied to the drill shaft, the carriage or block and the slide-ways thereof, and made to operate together, and to actuate the drill substantially in manner as herein before set forth." 54. For an Improvement in Swinging Churns; William F. and Nathan Davis, Castleton, Vermont. Claim.-"What we claim as our invention is, the combination of the swing slotted board, wheel, rock shaft, and lever, for the purpose of producing two complete motions of the dash from one full oscillation of the pendulum bars, substantially as herein described, to be denominated, The Oscillating Double Acting Dash Churn.'" 55. For an Improvement in Pincers for Operating Pile Wires; Augustus Faulkner, Walpole, New Hampshire. "The nature of my invention consists in withdrawing, supporting, carrying, replacing, and releasing the figuring wires, by means of a claw, operated automatically by the moving parts of the loom." Claim. "Having thus fully described the nature of my invention, what I claim therein as new is, the manner herein described, of constructing and operating the claw for withdrawing, carrying, replacing, and releasing the figuring wires, viz:-by making one of the jaws fixed, and providing it with a pin or projection, extending into a suitable slot in the sliding part of the claw, so that as said part moves back and forth, in contact with the fixed part of the jaw, the pin or projections therein will, when the figuring wire is to be seized, keep it in position for being properly caught in the claw, and when it is to be released, will prevent it from moving with the sliding jaw, as set forth." 56. For an Improvement in Spaces for Setting Type; E. C. Harmon, Troy, New York. "The nature of my invention consists in the employment of an elastic spring 'space,' of cimi recta, or other suitable shape, the object of said spring space being to facilitate the art of setting type." Claim. "What I claim as my invention is, the cimi recta, or other more suitable shaped elastic space for facilitating the art of setting type, or for saving the time and labor usually expended in 'spacing out,' 'thin spacing,' regulating the distance of words in the same line from one another, and 'correcting proof,' in the manner herein set forth." 57. For an Improvement in the Mode of Generating Heat; William H stell, Kensington, and Jos. Lancaster, Spring Garden, Pennsylvania. "The nature of our invention consists in the adaptation of, or the rendering available, tar, as a fuel for the production of the intense and steady heat required for the melting or manufacture of glass, by introducing it into the furnace, in combination with water, or the vapor of water." Claim.-"We do not claim the use of tar as a fuel, as that is well known and practised in the manufacture of gas; but, what we do claimas our invention is, the adaptation of, or rendering available, tar as a fuel, for the production of the intense and steady heat required for the melting and manufacturing of glass, by introducing water, or the vapor of water, into the furnace, in contact, or in close proximity, or in combination or mixture with the tar, substantially in the manner set forth above." 58. Foran Improvement in Mode of Fastening the Palings to the Rails in Iron Fences; George Hess, Easton, Pennsylvania. "The nature of my invention consists in providing the horizontal bars and the palings with quadrants, segments, circles, cylinders, triangles, and other devices cast to them, for the purposes herein described and set forth, making it a fence or railing, for level, rising, or descending ground." Claim. "What I claim is, the circular projection, or its equivalent, on the rail and lower part of the paling, in combination with a corresponding cavity on the lower rail, so arranged, that by giving a partial rotation to said rail, the palings will be clamped to the rails, in the manner and for the purpose herein described." 59. For Improvements in Machinery for Making Wadding; Hiram T. Lawton, Troy, New York. Claim. "Having fully described my improvement in the foregoing drawings and specification, what I claim is, 1st, Ironing the two surfaces of the combined material, after it has been sized and doubled, by giving the iron rollers a reverse motion to that of the bat, for the purpose and in the manner set forth. "2d, I also claim the arrangement of the frames supporting the sizing and drying apparatus, one above the other, so that the sheets of fibrous material forming the outsides of the wadding, may be more readily sized and dried, independently of each other, and also for the purpose of facilitating the introduction of any number of bats of fibrilous material between the sizing sheets, in order to increase the thickness of the wadding, or batting, substantially in the manner herein described." 60. For an Improvement in Processes for Preparing Paints, Heman S. Lucas, Chester, Massachusetts. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, the process of treating magnesian minerals, such as serpentine silicates of magnesia and iron, and similar rocks, by mineral acids, to prepare from the sedimentary or insoluble, or undecomposed portions of such rocks, a mineral product which I call a basis, to be used in the preparation of pigments, substantially as set forth in the specification." 61. For an Improvement in Harvesters: John H. Manny, Waddam's Grove, Illinois. "My invention and improvements relate to the frame of the machine, to the truck by which it is drawn, to the mode regulating the height of the cut from the ground, to the construction of the cutting apparatus, and to the arrangement of the wheel which carrics the outer end of the platform, and drives the cutter, with respect to a scraper for clearing the cut grass of the track next the standing grass, in such manner that the track cleared by the scraper, during the cutting of one swarth, shall be run upon by the driving wheel while the next swarth is being cut." Claim. "Having thus described my improvements, and indicated some of the modifications of which they are susceptible, what I claim as my invention is, Ist, The arrangement of the track scraper and driving wheel, in such a manner that the latter, while the machine is cutting one swarth, will run in the track cleared by the former, when the machine was cutting the previous swarth, as herein set forth. But in this patent I make no claim whatever to the track scraper itself. "2d, The projections on the underside of the upper bars of the finger, in combination with the chamber or recess, on the lower inside corners of said bars, to counteract the tendency of wire grass and other fibrous obstructions, to pass in between the cutter bar and the sides of the recess in the upper part of the finger in which it is guided. "3d, Forming the guard fingers of two parts interlocked at the point, substantially as herein set forth, so that the grass cannot lodge in the joint, and form an impediment to their entering between the stalks of the standing grain. "4th, In combination with a raker stand or seat, I claim a removable platform, or raking bottom, constructed with a wing that extends from the outer end of the cutter, over the frame, and holds up the butts of the straws above the stubble, which otherwise would obstruct the discharge of the grain from the platform, substantially as herein set forth." 62. For an Improvement in Printing Presses; Charles Montague, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Claim. "I do not claim placing the bed plate in a vertical position, as I am aware this has been done before; but what I do claim as my invention is, placing the bed plate in a vertical position, when a reciprocating motion is imparted to it, by which the impressions can be made at each forward movement of the said bed plate, substantially as herein set forth. "I also claim the combination of the vertically acting bed, with a cylinder or cylinders, arranged in such a manner, that the forward movement of the bed will impart motion to the cylinder or cylinders, to give or take an impression, and allow said cylinder or cylinders to remain stationary, during the return movement of the bed, substantially as herein set forth." 63. For an Improvement in Boot Trees; David Sadleir, McWilliamstown, Pennsylvania. "The nature of my invention consists in forming cavities in the hinder part of a boot tree, and inserting therein a series of levers and friction rollers, which being operated by a screw, and made to expand the tree whilst in the boot, by bearing against the shin piece." Claim. "Having thus described my invention, what I claim therein as new is, 1st, The arrangement and combination of the levers, friction rollers, screw, and slide, or their equivalents, with the back part of the tree, which, when contracted, all bed closely therein, as and for the purpose herein described." 64. For an Improvement in Printing Presses; Aaron H. Cragin, Martin Buck, James H. Buck, and Franklin A. Tenney, Assignors to Aaron H. Cragin, Lebanon, New Hampshire. Claim. "Having described our improved printing press, what we claim therein as new is, 1st, The arrangement and combination of the movements, in connexion with the bed, by which an extent of motion is imparted to the said bed, much larger than that of the sweep of the operating crank, whilst the whole of the said movements only occupy the space within the frame work of the press below the bed, viz:--the pinion shaft, having pinions upon it, which gear into stationary racks made fast to the sides of the frame, and into racks secured to the underside of the bed; the forked lever (or its equivalent) having its forked extremities connected to the said pinion shaft, and its opposite end jointed to the lever that rises from the oscillating shaft, and the pitman connecting the said lever with the crank on the driving shaft, or the equivalents of said movements, when combined and operating, substantially as herein set forth-disclaiming, however, the principle of imparting motion to a printing press, by direct application of power to the bed. "2d, We claim the combination and arrangement of the pressure cylinder, and the bed, with the conveying bands, the nippers secured to the said bands, and the cams, for operating the said nippers, substantially as herein set forth. "3d, We also claim the arrangement of the upper and lower tables, with the pressure cylinder, the bed, the conveying bands, the nippers attached to the said bands, and the cams for operating the nippers, in such a manner that an impression can be made at each right and each left movement of the form under the cylinder, and the sheets be deposited, after receiving their impressions, upon the said lower tables, substantially as herein set forth." 65. For Improvements in Whiffle Tree; Dewitt C. Williams, Madison, Ohio. Claim. "Having described the construction, and also the operation of my improved safety whiffle tree, what I claim as new is, a shaft, with the ends bent at right angles, and the lever, making part of the same, arranged and operating substantially as herein set forth." NOVEMBER 30TH. 66. For Improvements in Machinery for Screwing Bolts, &c.; John Caswell, Assignor to Archibald C. Powell, Syracuse, New York. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, 1st, The movable ways running in yielding bearings back and forth under the machine, and supporting the vise, substantially as set forth. "2d, The adjustable stop or gauge on the side of the friction nut working in contact with the movable finger, or any similar projection in the die chuck." |