Fig. 1 shows "the Preventer" in section with the ball in two positions, one as when the supply of water has been drawn, and the ball thereby brought to the top of the tube, closing the service aperture, as at B; the other when all is shut off, as at A. Fig. 2 shows "the Preventer" with A A FIG. 1. FIG. 2. B ferrule for connecting to the main pipe, as at A, and to the service supply pipe, as at B. It consists of a tube of cast iron, or other material, having flanches at each end, one to attach to the main supply pipe, the other to the service supply pipe; a ball of peculiar material and gravity is inserted in the tube. The tube when attached to the main supply pipe, is laid at an elevation varying according to the pressure at which the water is supplied, the service end being the highest; if there is no leakage or draw upon the pipes, the ball will be, and remain at the bottom of the tube, as shown at A; but when water is required to be drawn, and the tap is opened for that purpose, or should the pipe be burst, or water running to waste from any cause, the ball immediately and gradually ascends until the quantity of water the machine is intended to deliver has taken place, when the ball will have moved to the top of the tube (as at B), and closed the aperture of the service supply pipe, and the delivery will have ceased until the tap be closed, or the defects remedied, when the ball will return again to the bottom of the tube, and further deliveries in succession may be obtained. From this it will be seen that waste of water from the taps being left open for a longer time than while the required and limited delivery is taking place, IS IMPOSSIBLE. After such delivery has taken place, and whilst the tap continues open, the ball will remain at the top of the tube, closing the service pipe aperture, so as that the merest driblet can escape. And this will be the case under all the circumstances from which undue waste of water arises-whether from wanton mischief done to the pipes or taps-from bursting or other leakage of pipes from taps in houses, yards, or waterclosets being left open, or any other cause, wilful or accidental. AMERICAN PATENTS. List of American Patents which issued from Nov. 9th to Dec. 7th, 1852, (inclusive,) with Exemplifications by CHARLES M. KELLER, late Chief Examiner of Patents in the U. S. Patent Office. NOVEMBER 9TH. 20. For an Improvement in Oil Presses; William P. Chadwick, Edgarton, Massachu setts, Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, the arrangement of the screw within the body or interior of the box, in combination with so applying it to one head of the box, and to the platen, that by its revolution in one direction, the platen will be drawn towards the said end of the box, all substantially in manner and for the purpose as above specified, not meaning to claim the combination of a screw, platen, and box, but intending to limit my claim as above described." 21. For an Improvement in Printing Presses; Joel Densmore, Blooming Valley, Pennsylvania. Claim. "What I claim as my invention is, the combination, substantially as described, of the fingers or grippers, for seizing the sheets and holding them to the cylinder, and the fingers for throwing the sheets off from the cylinder, said fingers or grippers being attached to shafts arranged longitudinally to the cylinder, and attached thereto, and being turned to give the necessary movements to the fingers by the revolution or vibration of the cylinder through the agency of cranks and rods, or their equivalents." 22. For an Improvement in Marine Signals; Thomas H. Dodge, Nashua, New Hamp shire. Claim.-"What I claim is, placing the lamp on a movable pedestal, or its equivalent, inside the many-sided signal-box, and raising or lowering the same from one colored glass to another, by means of a cord and pulley, or their equivalents, the whole being constructed, arranged, and operating in connexion with a signal, in the manner and for the purposes substantially as herein described." 23. For an Improvement in Turning Jaw Vises; Abijah Halbert, Augusta, Georgia. Claim.-"I am aware that the revolving jaw of a vise has been set, and then secured to any desired angle with the fixed jaw, and I do not claim so doing; but what I do claim as my invention is, constructing the jaw of a revolving vise, with a flanch or projection provided on the edge thereof with a female screw, in which mesh the screw, or other equivalent, operating on said jaw, in the manner and for the purposes set forth and shown, by which I am enabled to both set and secure the revolving jaw at the same time." 24. For an Improvement in Saddles; Thomas Mardock, Cincinnati, Ohio. Claim.-"What I claim is, the construction of a saddle with seat attached to the pommel and cantle, by lips, as described, or in any equivalent manner, so as to be easily removable for the inspection, and, if need be, alteration of any part of the saddle." 25. For an Improvement in Mode of Throwing Shuttles in Looms; Stephen C. Men denhall, Richmond, Indiana. "My invention relates to improvements in looms for weaving two cloths united at the selvedges; that is, for weaving a continuous cloth, the weft, instead of being passed back and forth by the shuttle, passes completely round, or forms a continuous circuit without a selvedge." Claim "Having thus fully described the construction and operation of my 'Columbia Bagging Loom,' what I claim is, the combination and arrangement of the spring triggers, cords, and treadles, so that the depression of any one of these treadles shall release the triggers on the forward movement of the lay, and allow the picker staff to actuate the shuttle, substantially as set forth." 26. For an Improvement in Hand Looms; Stephen C. Mendenhall, Richmond, Indiana, and Obed King and Ezra King, Salem, Iowa. "Our invention consists, first, in effecting a movement of any number of heddles, and varying the number of the same by a motion derived from the lay, so as to produce fabrics of two or more looms with the same loom, without the use of cams, and without removing any part of the machinery; and, second, in effecting a throwing of the shuttle by an inclined plane action, which operates independently of that for shedding the web." Claim. "Having thus fully described our invention, what we do claim is, the combination of the nerve, operated by lay, inclined plane, and its guides, and adjustable pin, or their equivalents, combined and operating as described, so that we can operate and vary the number of heddles, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. "We are aware that the picker staff has been operated by hooks, alternately raised from the shoulders on the picker staff by pins on a vibrating slide, operated by grooves in the treadle cam; this we do not claim: but we do claim the combination of the inclined plane, on picker staff spring, and hooks, for the purpose of sliding the hooks, in the manner and for the purpose specified." 27. For Improvements in Steering Sub-Marine Vessels; L. D. Phillips, Michigan City, Indiana. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, the arrangement of the shaft of the propeller, so as to pass through and be guided by the tiller, or the equivalent thereof, mounted on an universal joint, in order that a propeller may be driven by one hand, while the vessel is steered in any direction by the other, substantially as herein set forth. "I likewise claim the combination of an universal rudder, with a series of keels arranged on the top, bottom, and sides of the vessel, to aid in steadying her, and to facilitate the steering of her in various directions, by means of an universal rudder, substantially as herein set forth." 28. For an Improvement in Horse-Shoe Machinery; Solomon Shetter, Alleghany, Pennsylvania. "My improvement consists in the arrangement of certain levers, revolving dies, and cams, in the manner hereinafter described, for turning and forming a horse-shoe." Claim. "Having thus fully described my improvement, what I claim therein as new is, the arrangement of shifting dies and adjustable levers and cams, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth." 29. For an Improvement in Twisting Tubes in the formation of Roving; Harvey Silver, Lowell, Massachusetts. Claim. "Having fully described my invention and its adaptation, what I claim as new is, 1st, The construction and use of tubes for giving countertwist to roving, by having a slot in the side, in such a manner that the roving can be laid into the tube without the use of a hook, as described. "2d, The construction, arrangement, and use of tubes, for giving countertwist to roving in such a manner, that without disengaging the driving apparatus, the tube can be so turned on its support, that a hook can be passed between the bosses of the rolls through the revolving tube, to draw the roving into the tube, without stopping the parts, as de scribed. "3d, The construction and use of tubes for giving countertwist to roving, by making them in two parts, into one of which the roving can be adjusted and then dropped into the other, giving it the necessary rotary motion to form the twist." 30. For Improvements in Machinery for Crimping Metal Bars; Giles Slocum and M. T. Sayles, Lansingburgh, New York. "The invention consists in a peculiar manner of operating a pair of dies, one or both of which may be flexible, said dies passing between pressure rollers, which force the dies together and crimp or bend the iron, as will be fully described hereafter." Claim.-"We do not claim the flexible die, nor the combination of the permanent die and flexible die, as they have been previously used; but what we do claim as our invention is, the peculiar manner of operating said dies, as herein shown and described, viz :by means of the pressure rollers and the lower rollers being fixed permanently in the frame, and the upper rollers arranged so as to yield to the die, when necessary; the movable bed being attached by a cord or chain to the roller, by turning which, the bed is drawn between the upper rollers and the lower rollers, the upper rollers forcing or compressing the flexible die upon the permanent die, and bending or crimping the bar, as set forth." 31. For an Improvement in a Cooking Range; George S. G. Spence, Boston, Massachusetts. Claim.-"What I claim as my invention is, my improved combination of a heat radiating chamber applied to the rear end, and two draft flues applied to each of the four faces, at top, bottom, and two sides of an elevated oven of a cooking range; that is to say,. I claim the combination of the heat radiating chamber (against the end of the oven), two draft flues (against the bottom of the oven), two flues (against one side of the oven), two draft flues (against the other side of the oven), and two draft flues (against the top of the oven), all connected and made to operate together, substantially as specified; my said combination of flues, as they are above arranged, causing the smoke and other volatile products of combustion, to pass from the back of the flue space under the boiling chamber, into a flue leading under the rear part of the oven, and transversely across, or from side to side of the oven, thence up a flue leading against the side of the oven, thence down a flue leading against such side of the oven, thence into a reservoir flue leading transversely across and under and against the bottom of the oven, thence upwards into and through a flue leading horizontally and along the other side of the oven, and from front to rear of it; thence into and through a flue leading horizontally against such second or other side of the oven, thence into a flue leading across the top of the oven and from side to side of it, thence into and through another flue leading over and against the said top, and in an opposite direction to the last mentioned, and thence into the chimney or discharge flue." 32. For an Improvement in Brick Machines; Henry H. Strawbridge, New Orleans, and Daniel Tyson, Covington, Louisiana. Claim. "What we claim as our invention is, the roller in combination with a reciprocating series of moulds, for the purpose of gauging the quantity of clay to be compressed into the said moulds, the several parts being arranged and operating as herein described. "We also claim the method herein described of finishing the surface of dry clay bricks in moulds, by first shaving off the surplus material, and then smoothing the shaved surface by rubbing it under heavy pressure while confined in the mould, to prevent it from breaking under the operation, as it would do if not so confined." 33. For an Improvement in Automatic Fans; Seth E. Winslow, Kensington, Pennsylvania. Claim.-"What I claim is not mounting a fan upon a rocking chair, and operating it from the motion of the chair, as that has been done before; but what I do claim as my invention is, the mode of operating the fan by means of the rod impinging upon the floor, and made to re-act by means of a spring, substantially as herein set forth." 34. For an Improvement in Gas Burners, A. H. Wood, Boston, Massachusetts. Claim. "Having described my improvement in gas burners, what I claim as my invention is, the use in a gas burner of a distributor, constructed substantially as above described, for the purpose of producing a steady jet or flame, and for preventing the blowing and waste of gas in the burner." 35. For an Improvement in Reciprocating Die-Spike Machinery; Moody Belknap, Assignor to Moody Belknap and Lyman Kinsley, Canton, Massachusetts. Claim. "I do not claim a series of two or more griping or holding dies made to rotate around one common axis or shaft; nor do I claim reciprocating dies, each provided with its own griping die: but what I do claim as my invention is, the combining the two reciprocating bed dies (affixed to a carriage having a horizontal movement as stated), with the griping lever as the upper die for both, so as to operate therewith, substantially in the manner as above described." NOVEMBER 16TH. 36. For an Improvement in Expanding Bits; Charles L. Barnes, City of New York. Claim. "Having fully described my invention, what I claim therein as new is, so forming and combining the movable and stationary parts of an expansion bit for boring different sized holes, as that a cutting edge shall, at all times, be preserved entirely across the bit, and at the same time the cutting point on the movable part thereof shall always be parallel with the shank of the bit or the line of the hole, substantially as herein described. "I also claim the rising and falling of the movable part of the bit, as it is contracted and expanded, by means of the inclined slots and set screws, or their equivalents, so that the lip on the movable part shall become the cutter when boring the largest sized holes (the other lip being at rest), and the lip on the stationary part shall become the cutter when boring small-sized holes, the other lip being at rest, by which means I am able to form the lips of the proper shape for different sized holes without changing the cutters, substantially as described." 37. For an Improvement in Seed Planters; Levis H. Davis, Samuel and Morton Pennock, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Claim. "Having described our improvements in seeding machines, what we claim as our invention is, 1st, The employment of the sigmoid, or other similarly curved or angular receiving and discharging openings, in combination with the reciprocating slide and feeding stubs, for the purposes specified, the said reciprocating slide having angular points projecting into the aforesaid sigmoid openings, for effecting the discharge of the seed from the outlets from which the stubs are receding, while the latter are feeding the seed towards the opposite extremities or outlets of the openings during each movement of the slide, by means of the inclined sides of said points, and the movement of the slide." 38. For an Improvement in Flax Pullers; Lewis S. Chichester, Brooklyn, New York. Claim.-"I do not wish to limit myself to the mere matters of construction or arrangement of the parts, as these may be greatly varied within the principle of my invention, by the substitution of mere mechanical equivalents. What I claim as my invention, for the purpose of pulling and gathering flax, is the employment of one or more pairs of rollers, substantially as described, in combination with the fingers or separators, or their equivalents, for presenting the stalks to the bite of the rollers, to be drawn in, substantially as described. "I also claim, in combination with the rollers for drawing in the flax, as specified, the employment of the revolving arm or arms for collecting and drawing the stalks to the bite of the rollers, as described. "And, finally, I claim, in combination with the rollers for drawing in the stalks, as described, the employment of the fulcrum bar, substantially as described." 39. For an Improvement in Carpet Looms; John A. Van Riper, City of New York. "My invention and improvements consist in the arrangement of mechanism, by means of which a single cam and side bar, with suitable pawls, is made to actuate a positive letoff of yarn, a positive take-up of the woven cloth, and a variable conditional winding up of the woven cloth upon the cloth-beam. My invention further consists in a method of working the trap-boards, which is at once simple and certain, and which is carried into effect by cheap and durable mechanism." Claim "Having thus described my improved loom for weaving carpets and other fabrics, by power, what I claim therein as new is, 1st, Actuating a positive let-off for the delivery of yarn, a positive take-up of the woven cloth, and a variable winding upon a beam of the cloth, delivered from the take-up rollers, by the combination of the crank pin or cam on the disk, or the equivalent thereof, with the alternating bar and its appendages, substantially as herein set forth. "2d, The methad herein described of working the trap-boards, with suitable intervals of rest and motion, by means of the crank cam, the rock-shaft and its arms, the lifting-rods, the cam, and lever, and the other devices acting in connexion with these, for raising, and lowering, and oscillating the lifting-rods, the whole operating substantially as herein de scribed. "3d, I claim the temples constructed, arranged, and operated, substantially as herein described, so that they will be open during the time the take-up rollers are acting, and closed at the time the lay beats up." 40. For an Improved Machine for Making Thimbles for Rigging, &c., William Field, Providence, Rhode Island. Claim. "Having described my improved machine for making thimbles, &c., what I claim therein as new is, arranging the two halves of the forming groove, upon the adjacent ends of two independent revolving mandrels or shafts, which are free to slide towards and from each other, so as to hold the two halves of the groove in contact, while the article is being shaped, and to separate the two halves of the groove, to allow the finished article to drop out. |