MISCELLANIES, Confifting of 1 ORIGINAL POEMS AND TRANSLATIONS. By the best Hands. Published by Sir RICHARD STEELE. The SECOND EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J. TONSON in the Strand. MDCCXXVII. 25 34 Engl. 8-13-34 24296 TO Mr. CONGREVE. SIR, Y Name, as Publither of the fol lowing Mifcellanies, I am sensible, is but a flight Recommendation of them to the Publick; but the Town's Opinion of them will be raised, when it fees them address'd to Mr. Congreve. If the Patron is but known to have a Taste for what is presented to him, it gives an hopeful Idea of the Work; how much more, when he is an acknowledg'd Master of the Art he is defired to Favour? Your just Success in |