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THE following Sermons are nothing more than a miscellaneous selection from the author's ordinary parish discourses. They are not presented to the public as a series; much less as containing any scheme or abstract of the Christian faith. Indeed, the leading doctrines of the gospel are in general rather assumed and recognised in them for the purpose of practical instruction, than fully stated or formally expounded. Many topics also are omitted, of no less importance than those which have been introduced.

Such discourses as appear, were written at different periods, some of them long ago, and none of them with any view to publication.-This is no excuse for their defects, neither is it mentioned with that intention; but only

as the author's apology, if his readers shall happen to discover that more passages have been borrowed from commentators on the several texts, or from other religious writers, than are expressly acknowledged in the margin. He believes, however, that such passages are neither numerous nor of any great importance.

The last sermon in the volume was preached after reading His Majesty's letter, authorising a collection on behalf of the National Society, for educating the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, and is subjoined in conformity to a request made at the time by the Congregation.

Meole Brace, June 1, 1827.

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