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Dean being unavoidably absent at Cambridge). The Bishop's body was deposited in a vault prepared for the occasion at the back of the altar, in that part of the church called the New Building, where rest the ashes of several of his Lordship's predecessors.

REV. MARTIN DAVY, D.D. May 18. At Caius Lodge, Cambridge, in his 77th year, the Rev. Martin Davy, D.D. and M.D. for thirty-six years Master of Gonville and Caius College, Rector of Cottenham in Cambridgeshire, a Prebendary of Chichester, F. R. S. and F.S.A.

Dr. Davy became a member of Caius College previously to 1792, in which year he took the degree of M.B., having determined to follow the study of medicine. He proceeded M.D. in 1797, and for many years practised as a physician, and acquired great reputation for his medical skill and success, particularly in the treatment of the severer kinds of fever. He was elected Master of his college in 1803. Some years after he took holy orders, and was admitted D.D. per lit. Reg. in 1811. In 1827 he was collated by the late Bishop of Ely, Dr. Sparke, to the rectory of Cottenham (worth 7701. per annum), and in 1832 he was collated by Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Chichester, to the prebend of Heathfield in that cathedral church.

Perhaps no man in the University of Cambridge had acquired a larger degree of the respect and good will of his contemporaries of all classes of opinion than Dr. Davy; and most deservedly, for he was throughout a long life distinguished for the courageous integrity of his principles, for the manly candour of his understanding, for the suavity of his manners, and the benevolence of his actions. He was besides highly accomplished, both as a professor of medical science and as a general and classical scholar. He felt the greatest interest in the college over which he presided; and many persons now eminent may, and we believe do, unhesitatingly ascribe their success in life to his judicious advice and friendly services when they were mere students, inexperienced and uncertain what course of study or what scheme of life they should adopt. Dr. Davy has not lived without great advantage to his fellow-creatures; and we are sure that this humble tribute to his worth will obtain the cordial sympathy of very many considerable persons both in the University of Cambridge and in society at large.

His funeral took place on the 25th May, when his body was interred in

the ante-chapel of the college. The procession formed at the hall, in the centre of which was placed the coffin, covered with an elegant pall, on which were fastened appropriate Greek and Latin verses, written by the Bachelors and Scholars. The Rev. Dr. Tatham, Master of St. John's; Dr. Graham, Master of Christ's ; Dr. King, President of Queen's; Professors Turton and Smyth; Drs. Paget and Woodhouse; with many Tutors and Fellows from other colleges, followed in procession. Captain Davy, the Rev. J. J. Smith, Tutor of the college, and the Rev. Mr. Fitch, were the chief mourners. The funeral service was read in a solemn and impressive manner by the Rev. Mr. Stokes, the senior Dean, and the grave was then closed over the remains of this highly respected and esteemed individual.


Feb. 11. At his residence in Stephen's Green, Dublin, in his 83d year, the Right Hon. William Saurin, formerly Attorneygeneral for Ireland during nearly fifteen years.

Mr. Saurin was called to the Irish bar in 1780. He received a patent of precedency immediately after the Prime Serjeant, Attorney and Solicitor-general dated 6th July 1798; was made Attorney-ge. neral by patent dated 21st May 1807, and held that office until Jan. 1822, when he was succeeded by the present Lord Plunket.

Few men have been made more the subject of praise by the estimable, or of censure by the base, than Mr. Saurin; but independently of that great tribunal to which he could at all times refer for self-justification, no man perhaps ever lived in turbulent times who received, even from his political foes, credit for so high a character, for greater honour, integrity, and honest feeling, or enjoyed amongst all a more splendid reputation.

In 1828 there was a prevalent expectation that he would be selected for Chancellor of Ireland, as the successor to Sir Anthony Hart.

Mr. Saurin had been for some time in a declining state of health ; but his death was sudden and unexpected. He died without a pang, and resigned his gentle spirit into the hands of his Maker without a groan. Although in his 83d year, he retained to the last moment the full possession of his faculties, and maintained to the end that sweetness of temper and amiability of disposition which never forsook him during the stormy scenes in which he was for so many years a prominent actor.


March 8. At Trinidad, aged 75, the Right Hon. Sir George Fitzgerald Hill, of Brooke Hall, co. Londonderry, Bart. Lieut. Governor of that Island.

Sir George Hill was the eldest son of Sir Hugh Hill, Bart. who represented the city of Londonderry in the Irish Parliament from 1768 to his death in 1795. He was born on the 1st June, 1763; and after completing his education in Derry, and spending some time in foreign travel, he took his degree in Trinity College, Dublin, and was called to the bar. In 1791 he was returned to Parliament for the borough of Coleraine, which he represented till his father's death in 1795. He was then unanimously elected to serve in Parliament for Londonderry city. Before the first meeting of this. Parliament Sir George Hill accepted the office of clerk of the Irish House of Commons, and vacated his seat in consequence. On the 14th Jan. 1801, Sir George Hill was unanimously chosen representative for the county of Londonderry, in the place of Lord Tyrone. At the general election of 1802, he was elected member for the city of Londonderry, which he continued to represent during nine successive parliaments, and for the space of thirty years, until his departure for the West Indies in 1830. In 1806 Sir George was appointed a Lord of the Treasury, during the lieutenancy of the Duke of Richmond. In 1817 he was made Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, and a British privy councillor; and in November, 1830, he was appointed Governor of St. Vincent's, in the West Indies, and afterwards removed to Trinidad, in April, 1833, as Lieut.-Governor, where he died in that office. Sir George Hill was formerly Colonel of the Londonderry Militia, Recorder of Derry, and Captain-commandant of the Londonderry


It was the lot of Sir George Hill to enter public life at an earlier period than most men. Educated for the profession of the law, few men brought greater talents to the bar; and had he continued in that path, there can be little doubt that he would have attained to high eminence in the profession. But the perilous times at which Sir George Hill commenced his career gave a different turn to the energies of his active and powerful mind. The wild spirit of democracy which was then diffused throughout Europe, found in Ireland many supporters. The Society of United Irishmen had extended itself over the whole country-secret oaths were administered-agents sent to negociate with the regicides in France; and acts of GENT. MAG. VOL. XII.

treason, sedition, rapine, and murder, were perpetrated by the most desperate of the lawless and licentious populace; and the enemies of the British constitution considered Ireland the arena, where the battle might be more successfully fought, and their triumph completed, by the dismemberment of the empire. At this perilous juncture Sir George Hill took his part on behalf of the monarchy and the constitution, and he seized every opportunity of preparing for the contest, and resisting the horrors of the revolution. To the yeomanry of Ulster he looked as a ready, a loyal, and unflinching support. The zeal which he evinced in bringing forward this useful body, and in forming, in conjunction with his lamented brother, the late Rowley Hill, esq. a battalion of cavalry and infantry, of about 500 men, prepared at any time, and at all points, for active service in the field, was amply repaid by their future exertions; and we have no hesitation in saying that to them, with their brethren in arms throughout Ireland, may be attributed the salvation of the country. During this eventful period many were the opportunities afforded, while supporting the supremacy of the law, of doing acts of kindness, and giving full scope to the feelings of humanity

and to Sir G. Hill the appeal was never made in vain. As a representative of the city of Derry, his knowledge of public business, his acquaintance with the routine of office, his intimacy with public men, the respect in which he was held by them, from the Sovereign to the humblest individual in office, and the energies of his own zealous and comprehensive mind, made him almost on every occasion the successful channel through which the great objects of the public, the mercantile interests of his native city, and the wishes of the individual were advanced-whatever he undertook to perform, his head and his heart were equally interested in the cause which he espoused; and if success did not follow his endeavours the fault did not lie at his door. During a long and eventful political life, he made many friends and few enemies; and if there was any quality more than another which prevailed over Sir George Hill's heart, it was that of always forgiving and never resenting an injury.

Sir George Hill married, in Oct. 1788, Jane third daughter of the Rt. Hon. George Beresford, brother to George first Marquess of Waterford (and sister to George Lord Bishop of Kilmore); but he had no issue. He is succeeded by his brother, now Sir Marcus Hill.


90 Lt. Gen. Sir T. Pritzler. - Major-Gen Sir P. Lindesay, K.C.B. [July,


April 12. Suddenly, at Boulogne-surMer, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Theophilus Pritz. ler, K.C.B.

This officer was appointed Ensign in an Independent Company in 1793, Lieut. in the 85th foot March 1794, and thence removed in August following to the 5th dragoon guards. He served under the command of Lord Mulgrave in Walcheren in 1794; and was in the campaign of 1794-5 in Holland and Germany. In September 1796 he was removed to the 21st dragoons, and from that year to 1798 he served in St. Domingo. He acted as Major of brigade at Portsmouth from 1800 to September 1804, when he was appointed Major in the Royal Fusileers. In 1805 he served on the staff of the York district as Assistant Adjutant-general; in 1806 as Assistant and Principal Inspector-general of the Recruiting service; from 1807 to 1809 as Assistant Adjutant-general at the Horse Guards; and afterwards filled the same office for conducting the recruiting service; and was for some time commandant of the Cavalry Depot at Maidstone. Subsequently to the peace in Europe he has been for many years in command of extensive divisions of the Madras army.

He was made a Companion of the Bath at the enlargement of the Order in Jan. 1815; and a Knight Companion 3rd Dec. 1822.

MAJOR-GEN. SIR P. LINDESAY, K.C.B. Lately. At Edinburgh, Major-Gen. Sir Patrick Lindesay, K.C.B. Colonel of the 39th foot.

This gallant officer was appointed Captain in the 78th foot in Sept. 1795, removed to the 39th in Oct. 1796, and became Major in the latter regiment in 1807. He served in Spain and Portugal, and received a medal for the battle of Albuera. He became Lieut. Col. by brevet dated 20th June 1811; and was for many years Lieut.-Colonel of the 39th. During the Burinese war he commanded a division of the expeditionary army. He attained the rank of MajorGeneral Jan. 10, 1837, and thereupon relinquished the command of the 39th.

COMMANDER W. LOVE, R.N. April 17. At Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, aged 75, William Love, esq. Commander

R. N.

This officer was born at Topsham, the youngest son of the late Mr. Thomas Love, R. N. by Sarah, sister to Lovell Pennell, esq. the paternal grandfather of Mrs. John Wilson Croker. He entered the navy in

March, 1778, as midshipman on board the Hyæna frigate, in which he visited the coast of Africa; witnessed the close of the battle between Vice-Adm. Byron and the Count D'Estaing, off Grenada, July 6, 1779, accompanied the fleet under Sir George B. Rodney, to the relief of Gibraltar, in Jan. 1780; and was consequently present at the capture of the Caraccas convoy, and the defeat of Don Juan de Langara. He afterwards joined the Cumberland 74, Capt. Joseph Peyton; and in March, 1791, again sailed for Gibraltar, with the fleet under ViceAdm. Darby. On his return home he joined the Prothée, 64, Capt. Charles Buckner, of which ship, then about to accompany Rodney to the West Indies, his father was master. On the 12th of April, 1782, the Prothée had five men killed and twenty-five wounded. Almost the first shot that struck her dismounted one of the quarter-deck guns, the splinters of which shattered Mr. Love's leg and thigh, and slightly wounded his son in the knee: the former, after undergoing amputation close to the hip joint, was ordered a passage home in the Russell, 74, Capt. (the late Lord) De Saumarez ; and the latter received Sir George B. Rodney's permission to accompany him thither. Through the kindness of Capt. De Saumarez, and the attention of others on board the Russell, Mr. Love was able to appear with crutches before he reached England, although obliged to undergo a second amputation. He afterwards lived to the age of 84, and at his death was the senior master in the navy.

In Sept. 1782 the Russell was put out of commission, and Mr. William Love transferred, pro temp. to the Prince Edward, 60, bearing the flag of Vice-Adm. Roddam,commander-in-chief at the Nore. He subsequently joined the Salisbury, 50, fitting out for the broad pendant of Sir John Jervis, from which ship he was paid off in 1783. During the Dutch armament in 1787, he served on board the Conqueror, 74, bearing the flag of Adm. Edwards; and subsequently in the Arrogant, of similar force, commanded by Capt. John Harvey. At the commencement of the French revolutionary war he again joined the Russell, then under the command of Capt. J. W. Payne. His promotion to the rank of Lieutenant took place in April 1794; and on that occasion he was appointed to the Falcon sloop, commanded by Capt. James Bissett, and actively employed on the coast of Flanders.

In Oct. 1794, after the expulsion of the British army from Holland, the Falcon was placed under the orders of Rear-Adım. Henry Hervey; and she appears to have been the only vessel out of eleven sail (including eight frigates), which kept company with the flag-ship during an exceedingly tempestuous three months' cruise on the coast of Norway. On her return to Sheerness she was found in such a state that her preservation appeared truly miraculous: and we need scarcely add, that the sufferings of her officers and

crew were extreme.

Lieut. Love was next appointed to the Helena sloop, Capt. (now Sir John) Talbot, which vessel, when proceeding to America, encountered the same tempestuous weather, which proved so fatal to the fleet under Rear-Adm. Christian, in Nov. 1795; and in consequence she was obliged to return to Plymouth, after throwing overboard all her guns, and every thing on the main deck. In April 1796 Lieut. Love was appointed to the Formidable, 98, Capt. the Hon. George C. Berkeley, which was subsequently fitted for the reception of Admiral Duncan, and she sailed through the Downs to join him on the very day he gained his brilliant victory off Camperdown. On her return to Portsmouth she was selected for the flag of Sir Charles Thompson, by one of whose followers Lieut. Love was superseded in Nov. 1797. He afterwards served under Captain Lawford, in the Romney, 50, stationed off Dunkirk; and assisted in detaining a Swedish convoy. In Jan. 1799, he obtained the command of the Alert cutter; and in March following was appointed first lieutenant of the Mars, 74, flag-ship of the Hon. Rear-Adm. Berkeley, under whom he continued to serve off Brest and Rochefort, until that officer was compelled by severe indisposition to resign his command.

Lieut. Love was first of his old ship, the Formidable, during the mutiny at Bantry Bay; she afterwards sailed with the squadron under Rear-Adm. Campbell, and was the first ship that anchored at St. Helen's. She subsequently accompanied that officer to the West Indies, and returned with him from thence in Sept. 1802.

In 1803, Lieut. Love was appointed principal agent for transports at Beerhaven in Ireland, with a division of victuallers under his pendant, to attend the western squadron. In 1804, on RearAdm. Berkeley being appointed to command the whole of the English SeaFencibles, he was selected by him to serve as his aid-de-camp and secretary. During the two years that he was thus employed, the whole coast between the river Thames and Bristol was visited, and the state and

efficiency of the amphibious corps minutely inspected and reported on.

In the spring of 1806, he proceeded to the North American station, as flag-Lieutenant to his friend, then Vice-Adm. Berkeley, by whom he was, immediately on their arrival at Halifax, appointed acting commander of a sloop not then launched; and soon afterwards to act as captain of the Cleopatra frigate; his promotion to the rank of Commander was confirmed by the Admiralty on the 13th Feb. 1807, and he exchanged ships with Capt. Robert Simpson, of the Driver; in which he captured, on the coast of South Carolina, a piratical schooner called El Boladora armed with one six-pounder, and having on board twenty-five men.

In Oct. 1807, the Driver sailed from Halifax, accompanied by the Mullet schooner and thirteen sail of merchantmen, bound to the West Indies. In crossing the Gulph Stream she encountered a tremendous storm, and narrowly escaped destruction. The Mullet was never again heard of.

In Sept. 1809, Commander Love was appointed to the Tisiphone sloop, stationed off Lymington, to guard the Needles passage; and on the 22d June 1811, his tender captured Le Hazard, a French privateer. In April 1813, he was superseded, having completed his term of three years. His next appointment was, through the recommendation of Viscount Fitzharris, Governor of the Isle of White, to the Medina yacht,-an establishment which had existed upwards of a century, but which was abolished in the year 1817. He obtained the outpension of Greenwich Hospital in Feb. 1830.

Commander Love was more than thirty years a resident at Yarmouth, I. W. where he was universally loved and respected. His funeral was joined by Viscount Seaham, Sir Graham Hammond, and a long train of the gentry and tradesmen of the town and neighbourhood. The flags at the church, the ships and vessels in the road and harbour, &c. were hoisted half-mast, and the shops and private houses were closed.

This zealous officer married Harriet, youngest daughter of Gabriel Acworth, esq. Purveyor of the Navy, nephew to Sir Jacob Acworth, Surveyor of the Navy, who was grandfather of the late Sir Jacob Wheate. One of his sons, Henry, is a Lieutenant R. N. eldest brother, Thomas, was master of the Alfred, at the glorious battle of June 1, 1794: he died at Great Marlow. His other brother, Richard, accepted a command in the Russian marine, and was


subsequently invested with authority by the Grand Seignor and the Nabob of Arcot, and died at Joppa in command of a country vessel.


Lately. Aged 81, Hugues Bernard Maret, Duc de Bassano, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour, who may be styled the patriarch of French political


M. Maret was born at Dijon, where his father was Physician and perpetual Secretary to the Academy. He embraced with enthusiasm the cause of the first French Revolution, and was the publisher of the Bulletin de l'Assemblée until the bookseller, Panckouke, founded the Moniteur, of which Maret was appointed chief editor, and it became the official paper of the Government. After the re-capture of Toulon he became acquainted with Napoleon, was appointed Chef de division in the Foreign Office, and went to England in 1792 to secure the neutrality of the British Government, but was, with Chauvelin, the French ambassador, ordered out of the country. In 1793 he was appointed Ambassador to Naples; but, happening to fall into the hands of the Austrians, was detained prisoner until 1795, when, with the Marquis de Semonville, he was exchanged for the daughter of Louis XVI. the present Duchess of Angoulême. In 1797 he was appointed by the Directory one of the three commissioners to treat with Lord Malmesbury at Lisle, and in 1798 the Great Council at Milan voted him 150,000 francs to recompense him for the the losses he had sustained by his im. prisonment.

Maret took a very active part in the plans which were formed for the overthrow of the Directorial and the establishment of the Consular government; and he was rewarded with the place of Secretary to the Council of State of the Consuls. He afterwards became private secretary to Napoleon, who is believed to have assisted him not unfrequently in composing articles for the Moniteur.

In 1811 he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the title of Duke of Bassano; and in 1812 he signed the famous treaties with Austria and Prussia, preparatory to the expedition against Russia. After the abdication of the Emperor at Fontainebleau in 1814, the Duke retired from pubiic life; but on the Emperor's return from Elba he resumed his functions, and was created a peer of the realm. At Waterloo, whither he followed Napoleon, Bassano narrowly escaped being captured by the English.

On the second restoration he was banished from France, and retired to Gratz.

After the Revolution of July he again returned to France, and was reinstated in his former honours. On the 10th of November 1838 he was appointed Minister of the Interior and President of the Council; but the cabinet over which he presided only lasted three days. He was always a love and cultivator of literature, and a liberal patron of literary characters.


Lately. At Paris, aged 66, M. Broussais, Professor of General Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine, and a Member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

Broussais for upwards of thirty years has been the Sangrado of the medical profession. As the author of the work entitled "Examen des Doctrines Medicales," and the promulgator of the system designated by its admirers "Medicine Physiologique,” he has acquired a celebrity for good or evil which has fallen to the lot of few men. This great patron of bleeding, and leeches, and cold water (in many cases), without the dangerous adulteration of a portion of toasted bread, has for many years contrived to divide the profession into two camps, each of which pursued a treatment diametrically opposite in its nature, and in myriads of cases no less opposite in its results, so that the unfortunate creature labouring under typhus fever in presence of two phy. sicians from the opposing camps might say, with the strictest truth, "My bane and antidote are both before me."


April 11. At Greenock, aged 60, John Galt, Esq. well known for his numerous literary works.


Mr. Galt was born May 2, 1779, at Irvine, in Ayrshire, and was educated at Greenock. Whilst at his native place he wroteseveral minor poems, which appeared in a provincial paper; but he soon started for London, and embarked in trade with Mr. Maclachlan. Their business proving unfortunate, Mr. Galt entered himself at Lincoln's Inn; but soon forgetting the law, he set sail for Gibraltar. Here he met Lord Byron, whose biographer he was afterwards to be. Mr. Galt next visited Sicily, passed on to Malta, and so to Greece.

The result of his observations he communicated to the public in 1812, under the title of "Voyages and Travels in the years 1809, 1810, and 1811, containing Statistical, Commercial, and Miscellaneous Observations on Gibraltar,

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