needle of the same metal, and some fragments of fine pottery, which had been broken and joined together with molten lead. SEPULCHRAL URN. A curious discovery has recently been made on the ridge of hill which divides the Vale of Ovoca from the Vale of Redcross near Kilbride, county of Wicklow. This ridge of the hill affords many remains of remote antiquity, some are blocks of stone fifteen feet in length, laid parallel to each other, resembling burying-places made for men of gigantic stature. A farmer was raising stones in a wild and solitary part of the mountain to fill up gaps; about two feet below the surface, he turned up a flag, under which was a stone coffin, containing an urn in an inverted position, under which were two small bones laid parallel to each other. The coffin, consisting of six flags, was eighteen inches long, the sides seven inches high, and ten broad, put together with neatness, the corners rectangular, and the sides perpendicular; the inside perfectly clean, and free from dust or mould. The urn was four inches deep, swelling in the middle, and contracting at both ends. It was rudely but neatly sculptured with great care; the bones were very small, but perfect, having articulations at both ends, and were pronounced to be joints of human fingers and toes. The urn was procured by Dr. Walsh, incumbent of the parish, and was in high preservation, but when he endeavoured to move the stone coffin, it broke into fragments, which he gathered up, and had a good model of it made in wood, by a country carpenter on the spot. PALACE OF WESTMINSTER. The excavation which was necessary in order to lay the foundation of the em bankment wall before the new houses of Parliament has been the means of bringing to light numerous relics of antiquity; among them is a great number of daggers and swords, especially the former, of all shapes, sizes, and sorts of workmanship. Some of the blades are in high preservation, but the handles have decayed. Keys, of various sizes, and some of very curious workmanship; a variety of old coins, principally copper, together with two or three earthen pots, some fossils of an ordinary class, one or two cannon balls, and several human skulls, make up the collection, which is the property of Mr. Barry, the architect, who, previously to the excavation, made an agreement that all curiosities, &c. found were to be given up to him, but the labourers have no doubt privately disposed of many. HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS. June 3. Lord Brougham moved the second reading of his BEER BILL, and observed that in his Bills of 1822 and 1823, when he had a seat in the House of Commons, he had clauses forbidding the consumption of beer on the premises, and the whole of his argument went in effect against beer houses. When the present act had been passed a year only, he certainly did object to its repeal on the ground that it was not sufficiently tried. But now experience has proved its defects. He relied upon the opinions favourable to a repeal of the law expressed by clergymen, by magistrates, by judges of the land, by dissenting clergymen, and by the inhabitants of extensive districts and large towns; upon the testimony of the commissioners, who had collected a vast body of evidence on the police measure, showing the ill effects of the present law. In the Bill which he intended proposing, he would not take the beer-shop keepers too suddenly, but he would give them eight or ten months' notice before it came into operation. The Duke of Wellington said that, shortly after the passing of the original measure, he had become aware of the injurious effects attending it; and having been the person who proposed the present law to their lordships, he came forward to tell the House that he would support its repeal. - The Marquis of Westminster opposed the Bill, and said if it were carried it would ruin 44,000 individuals who had not the power of defending themselves. -Lord Melbourne said, that he could not give any pledge that either himself or the Government would support this or any other Bill which might be brought in on the subject. The Bill was read a second time, and referred to a select committee. In the HOUSE of COMMONS, on the same day, Lord John Russell proposed the following Resolutions :-" 1. That it is the opinion of this House, that it is expedient to form a Legislative Union of the Provinces of UPPER and Lower CANADA, on the principles of a Free and Representative Government, in such manner as may most conduce to the prosperity and contentment of the people of the United Province. 2. That it is expedient to continue till 1842 the powers vested in the Governor and Special Council of Lower Canada by an Act of last Session, with such alteration of those powers as may be deemed advisable." -Mr. Hume was favourable to a union of the Provinces, but objected to the suspension of legislation till 1842.-Sir R. Peel did not see why they were not now to legislate. He objected not to the union of the Provinces, but to the affirming the abstract principle of union, without telling him what were the details of the plan on whic it was to be effected. -The debate was adjourned to Monday June 10. June 4. Sir Hesketh Fleetwood moved for leave to bring in a Bill " for extend ing the QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS for members of Parliament, representing English and Welsh counties, to the occupiers of a house of the clear annual value of ten pounds, the same as in boroughs."-Lord J. Russell opposed the motion; when a strong debate ensued, Mr. Warburton, Mr. Wakley, &c. telling Lord J. Russell that by such opposition he had sealed the fate of the administration. The House divided. The numbers were-For the Bill, 81; against it, 207-majority, 126. Lord John Russell stated that the Government did not intend to press the EDUCATION plan which had been proposed, in consequence of the opposition raised against it. The outcry, he thought, arose entirely from a mistaken view of the subject, but from the misunderstandings that had taken place, and the impressions spread abroad, it would be unadvisable to proceed further. June 10. In answer to a question, Mr. Labouchere informed the House, that in acquiescence with the earnest wish of the inhabitants, it was intended to appoint a Bishop of Upper CANADA, with out thereby entailing upon the country any additional charge. -Lord John Russell announced it to be his intention to give up his proposed Resolutions, and at once bring in a Bill, providing for the legislative Union of the two Canadas, but not to proceed with the measure during the present session. - The House, having resolved itself into Committee on the JAMAICA Bill, Sir E. Sugden, in a long speech, moved the omission of the first clause, which, with reference to vagrancy, service, and "squatting," authorises the Governor in Council to make ordinances upon such of those three subjects as shall not have been previously provided for by Acts of the Colonial Legislature.-Mr. Labouchere maintained the necessity of losing no time in legislating on those three points. After some further discussion, the House divided, when there were -for the clause, 228; against it, 194; majority, 34. The remaining clauses were then agreed to. June 12. The RATING OF TENEMENTS Bill was thrown out, on the motion for its committal, by a majority of 24-the numbers being 94 against 70.-In favour of the Bill it was represented that, according to the present law, land is liable to rates; but if covered with small tenements, no rates would be paid. This was thought to be a hard case upon the parishes, because, with an increased population, they would be actually receiving a less amount of poor-rate.- The opponents of the measure argued that if the Bill were carried, the landlord would add the rate to his rent, and thus a house of 91. value would be raised to 107. It was also contended that, wherever there was building ground, cottages would be built till the rent fell to the level of other investments. But should this Bill come into operation, it would, by laying a tax upon the landlord, prevent the building of cottages, and would act in the nature of a house-tax, and therefore fall upon the labourer and the artizan. June 14.-Lord Stanley, in a speech of more than two hours' duration, objected to the plan of NATIONAL EDUCATION proposed by Government, to the source whence it sprung, and to the irresponsible authority vested in the Privy Council. The noble lord concluded by moving an address, praying that her Majesty would be graciously pleased to revoke the order in council of the 10th April, 1839, appointing a committee of council to superintend the application of any sums voted by Parliament for the purpose of promoting Education.-Lord Morpeth, Mr. Hawes, and Mr. Slaney, defended the Government plan, and Lord Ashley, Lord F. Egerton, and Sir W. James opposed it. The debate was adjourned. HOUSE OF LORDS. June 17.-Lord Brougham moved the third reading of the BEER Bill.-Lord Wrottesley opposed the motion, and said he believed that more crimes were arranged in public-houses than in beer shops. The Marquis of Salisbury and the Marquis of Westminster also objected to the Bill.-Lord Ellenborough thought that the bill should be recommitted in order to afford another opportunity for supervision.-Lord Melbourne thought that under all the circumstances it would not be a wise and prudent course to pass the bill. The Duke of Wellington was desirous that the measure should pass that house, and was supported by Lords Delawarr and Portman. - Their lordships divided-For the third reading, 36; against it, 19; majority, 17. The bill was then ordered to be recommitted. HOUSE OF COMMONS. June 17. An order of the day for taking into consideration the second report of the select committee on PRINTED PAPERS having been read, Lord J. Russell proposed two Resolutions to this effect, viz. "That it is the opinion of this House that, under the special circumstances of the case of Stockdale v. Hansard, it is not expedient to adopt any proceedings for the purpose of staying the execution of the judgment. 2d. That this House, considering the power of publishing such of its Reports, Votes and Proceedings, as it shall deem necessary or conducive to the public interests, an essential incident to its constitutional functions, will enter into the consideration of such measures as it may be advisable to take in consequence of the recent judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, for the maintenance and protection of that power, so soon as the Committee shall have made that full and complete Report on this important matter, which they have declared it to be their intention to make in the commencement of their second Report." His lordship enforced the propriety of the House acceding to these resolutions on various grounds. At the same time his lordship dissented from the judgment pronounced by the Court of Queen's Bench, and endeavoured to show that it was an erroneous one. - Mr. Warburton moved as an amendment, "That acquiescence in the judgment pronounced in this case will create on the part of the House great impediment in the future necessary exercise of the parliamentary authority in vindication of its privilege, and that it is therefore necessary that the House shall forthwith declare that the prosecution of the said action, and the attempt to levy any damages upon the defendant for the publication by him in pursuance of its orders, directly impedes the exercise of their parliamentary functions, and is a high contempt of the privileges of the House, and that the House will visit with its severe displeasure all officers, ministers, and others, who shall act or aid in any manner in enforcing the judgment in such action, or otherwise troubling or molesting the said defendant for such publication, and that a copy of this resolution be served upon the sheriff of London and Middlesex."-The speakers in support of the resolutions were Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Pemberton, Sir E. Sugden, the Solicitor-general, and Mr. Kelly. The speakers against the resolution were Sir S. Lushington, Mr. Warburton, Mr. Hume, the Attorney-general, Mr. Sergeant Wilde, Mr. Wynn, and Lord Howick. On a division the numbers were-For the amendment 166; against it 184; majority 18. The first resolution was then agreed to. On the second resolution the numbers were-For 133; against it 36; majority 97. June 18. Mr. Grote moved for leave to bring in a bill "to provide that the votes at election for members of parliament be taken by way of BALLOT."Lord Worsley seconded the motion.Mr. Gaskell opposed it, as calculated alike to affect the morals and the constitution of the country.-Mr. Macaulay supported the principle of secret voting, as a remedy for intimidation, though not for bribery. Mr. Milnes and Lord John Russell opposed the motion. Mr. Sheil supported it.-Sir James Graham opposed it, as did Lord Howick and Sir Robert Peel. The house divided. For the motion, 216; against it, 333; majority against the motion, 117. June 19.-Lord John Russell moved the third reading of the JAMAICA BILL. After a short debate, the House divided. For the third reading, 267; against it, 257; majority, 10. The bill then passed. The debate on NATIONAL EDUCATION was continued June 20 and 21, and after the third debate had been prolonged to a very late hour, the House divided. For the motion, 275; against it, 280; majority 5. June 24. It was moved in a Committee of Supply, "That it is the opinion of this Committee that a sum not exceeding 30,0001. be granted to her Majesty for PUBLIC EDUCATION in Great Britain in the year 1839;" when, on the House dividing, the numbers were, Ayes 275, Noes 273; majority two. EGYPT. FOREIGN NEWS. The war between the Ottoman Porte and the Pacha of Egypt has been renewed. The Turkish army crossed the Syrian frontier, at Byr, near Aleppo, on the 26th of April, and the Egyptians were mustering their forces at Aleppo, which was not very far from Byr, to receive the invaders. PERU. The Peru-Bolivian army, under the command of the Protector-General Santa Cruz, has been totally defeated by the invading army of Chili. The loss of the vanquished is reported to have been 3,400 prisoners, 2,600 killed and wounded, the whole park of artillery, the commissariat, with more than 90,000 dollars, the equipages, horses, &c. Generals Moran and Urdininex were killed, and Generals Herrera, Quiros, Bermudes, Otero, and Amara, were prisoners, the last mortally wounded. Santa Cruz escaped, with twenty men, in the direction of Janin, The Chilians expected to take both Lima and Callao. The castle of the latter place was said to be in the possession of Gen. Santa Cruz, who had there a garrison of 1,500 men, well provisioned for five or six months. A naval combat at Casma terminated in favour of the Chilians, who had destroyed the enemy's squadron of four vessels, under the command of Commandant Simpson. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. May 23. The new church of Alveston, Warwickshire, the first stone of which was laid on the 1st Aug. 1837, was consecrated by the Bishop of Worcester. The expense of erecting this edifice has amounted to about £2,300, which has been principally defrayed by the voluntary contributions of the proprietors and inhabitants of the parish, aided by a grant of £150 from the Incorporated Society for promoting the Enlargement and Building of Churches and Chapels. Chapels, £100 from the Worcester Diocesan Church Building Society, and £500 the profits of a bazaar. Pronts May 24. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager landed at Portsmouth, on her return from Malta: her health having much improved from having passed the winter in a milder climate. May 27. The new Royal Berkshire Hospital, at Reading, was opened to public inspection with great pomp and solemnity. In the afternoon a dinner took place in the Town Hall, in celebration of the event, the High Sheriff in the chair, supported by nearly all the title, the wealth, and the influence of the county. In the course of the Chairman's address he informed the company that Mr. Benyon de Beauvoir, the President of the Hospital, had given the munificent sum of £3,000 to the building fund, and a further sum of £1,000 to assist them in carrying on the Hospital. The structure is in the Grecian style, and is characterised as much by good taste in its architecture and internal arrangements, as by the great GENT. MAG. VOL. XII. beauty of its situation. The architect is Mr. Bryant, of Reading. It May 31. In the Court of Queen's Bench, Lord Denman gave judgment in the case of Stockdale v. Hansard. was an action for a defamatory libel brought by the plaintiff for the publication by the defendant, who is Printer to the House of Commons, of a Report of the Commissioners of Prisons, in which certain strictures were made on some ob scene works alleged to be published by the defendant. To the pleas in the declaration generally the defendant pleaded the authority of the House of Commons. Lord Denman said that the supremacy of Parliament, on which the claim for exemption from responsibility was made to rest, might have been recognised as a valid authority; but the report complained of was made not by the sanction of the three co-ordinate powers acting harmoniously together, but by the House of Commons singly-an assumption of authority abhorent to the constitution of England. Parliament was said to be supreme; it followed that neither estate acting singly is supreme. His lordship then went into the history of the privileges assumed by the House of Commons, and adduced various authorities to show that no assumption of privilege on the part of the House collectively, or of individual members, could warrant the right of any publisher to disseminate speeches or reports prejudicial to individuals, without making him amenable to the law. M PROMOTIONS, PREFERMENTS, &c. GAZETTE PROMOTIONS. May 23. Her Majesty the Queen Dowager has appointed the Hon. William Ashley Cooper, to be Master, Governor, and Keeper of the Royal Hospital and free chapel of St. Katharine, in the Regent's Park.-Rear-Adm. Sir Arthur Farquhar, Knt. K.С.В. К.С.Н. and K.S. to accept the insignia of a knight commander of the royal Swedish military order of the Sword, conferred in testimony of his services, especially at the siege of Gluckstadt. May 25. George Constable, esq. to be one of Her Majesty's hon. corps of Gentlemen-atArms. May 31. The Duke of Richmond, K.G., the Marquess of Salisbury, Lord Eliot, Lord Hatherton, and the Hon. W. S. Lascelles, to be Her Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into the State of the Roads in England and Wales.-16th light dragoons, Major Sir Walter Scott, Bart. to be Lieut.-Colonel; Capt. Augustus Wathen to be Major.-4th foot, Major Wm. Sadlier, 58th foot, to be Major, vice Major H. H. Irving, who exchanges.21st foot, brevet Lt. Col. John Luard, h. p. to be Major.-29th foot, Major J. V. Evans to be Lieut. Col.-Brevet Major T. B. Hicken to be Major.-52d foot, Capt. S. Streatfeild to be Major.-Rifle brigade, Capt. K. Irton to be Major. June 1. Thomas Seymour Sadler, esq. to be Exon of Her Majesty's yeomen of her guard, vice Sir T. J. H. Curteis, retired. June 5. Knighted, Thomas Hastings, of Titley House, co. Hereford, esq. Captain R.N.; and Colonel William Warre, C. B., K. St. B. and K. T. S., commandant of the garrison at Chatham. June 7. Edward Hobhouse, esq. to be one of the gentlemen ushers quarterly waiters in ordinary to Her Majesty.-6th dragoon guards, Lt. Gen. Sir T. Hawker to be Colonel.---Brevet, Capt. H. G. Edwards, 10th foot, to be Major. June 8. Geo. Hammond Whalley, esq. barrister at law, to be an Assistant Tithe Commissioner. June 14. The Hon. Charles Alexander Gore to be one of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's woods, land revenues, works, and buildings. June 15. The Rev. Sir Edw. Smijth, of Hill hall and Horham hall, Essex, and of Attleborough hall, Norfolk, Bart. to take the name of Bowyer before Smijth, and bear the arms quarterly. June 21. 13th foot, brevet Major T. C. Squire to be Major.-15th foot, Capt. W. R. B. Smith to be Major.-82d foot, brevet Lt. Col. George Marshall to be Lt. Colonel; Capt. J. J. Slater to be Major. NAVAL PROMOTIONS. Commanders R. L. Warren, and the Hon. P. P. Cary, to the rank of Captain.-Lieutenants R. W. Otway, A. T. Goldie, Hon Robt. Gore, John Richardson, B. H. Bunbury, C. J. Bosanquet, to the rank of Commander. Capt. H Éden to the Impregnable; Capt. John Lawrence, C. B. to the Hastings; Captain J. C. Ross to the Erebus. Comm. W. C. Phillott to the Belleisle; H. W. Gifford to the Cruizer; E. Nepean to the Comus; F. R. M. Crozier to Terror; the Hon. R. Gore to Serpent; Charles Deare, from the Clio, to the Lily; Step. G. Fremantle to the Clio. Lieutenant J. P. B. Hay, first of the Cornwallis, to the rank of Commander, and to command the Snake. Members returned to serve in Parliament. Edinburgh. Thos. Babington Macaulay, esq. Ludlow. Thomas Alcock, esq. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. Rev. John Seapork to be Dean of Connor. Rev. John Cecíl Hall, B.C.L. to be Archdeacon of the Isle of Man. Rev. S. H. Alderson, Fornham St. Genevievecum Risby R. Suffolk. Rev. J. Aspinall, Althorpe R. Lincolnshire. Rev. M. Beebee, Alston V. Staffordshire. Rev. J. H. Clayton, Farnborough R. Hants. Rev. W. Kenna, Clane R. co. Kildare. Rev. W. Lacy, Allhallows R. London Wall. Rev. J. E. Lyon, Ballyfin V. Queen's Co. Rev. J. J. Matthews, Melbury Osmond R. Staffordshire. Rev. C. Morse, St. Michael at Plea R. Norwich. Rev. W. Pulling, Tidenham V. Gloucestersh. CIVIL PREFERMENTS. Rev. R. Tatham, B.D. to be Master of St. John's college, Cambridge. Rev. B. Chapman, M.A. to be Master of Gonville and Caius coll. Cambridge. Rev. R. Michell, B.D. to be Prælector of Logic at Oxford. Rev. G. A. Butterton, B.D. to be Head Master of Uppingham School. Rev. H. Cape to be Vice Principal of Huddersfield Church of England School. Rev. T. Daintry, to be Head Master of the Rev. J. T. Matthews, to be Master of Shiffnel Rev. C. K. Williams, to be Master of Plympton Grammar School, |