[July, LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. NEW PUBLICATIONS. History and Biography. Historical Society's Publications :Gildas de Excidco Britanniæ. 8vo. 58. Nenni Historia Britonum. 8vo. 58. The Dukes of Normandy, from Rollo to the expulsion of King John. By JoNATHAN DUNCAN, B.A. 12mo. 68. Lord BROUGHAM'S Historical Sketches, Second Series. 8vo. 218. Conclusion of the Diary of the Times of George IV, being vols. III. and IV.; containing letters of Queen Caroline, the Princess Charlotte, &c. &c. 8vo. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Charles the Tenth and Louis Philippe. COOPER'S History of the Navy of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. 30s. The Works of Mrs. Hemans; containing a Memoir by her Sister, &c. vol. I. illustrated with a Portrait and Vignette. 8vo. 58. Travels and Topography. Reconnoitering Voyages and Travels in Australia. By W. H. LEIGH, esq. late Surgeon of the ship South Australian. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Narrative of the Voyages of H. M. S. Adventure and Beagle, on the coast of South America. By Captains KING and FITZROY, and CHARLES DARWIN, esq. Naturalist, of the Beagle. 4 vols. 8vo. 31. 18s. Bogota in 1836-7, being a Narrative of an Expedition to the capital of New Grenada. By J. STEWART. 12mo. 6s. 1 vol. royal Asia Minor. By C. FELLOWES. Imperial 8vo. 288. Summer in Andalusia. 2 vols. 8vo. 288. A Tour in Connaught. By C. O. author of Sketches in Ireland. 78. 6d. BILLING'S Antiquities of Carlisle Cathedral. Part I. 4to. 218. Monuments of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey. By G. L. SMYTH. 2 vols. 8vo. 278. Poetry. Divinity. The Fall of Babylon, as exhibited in Prophecy. By the Rev. CHARLES CAULFEILD, A.B. Vicar of Kilcock. fcap. 8vo. 48. 6d. The Scriptural Character of the English mons, with Notes and Illustrations. By Church considered, in a Series of Serthe Rev. DERWENT COLERIDGE, Master of Helleston Grammar School, Cornwall. 8vo. 12s. 6d. The History of Christianity in India, from the Commencement of the Christian Era. By the Rev. JAMES HOUGH, M.A. Perpetual Curate of Ham. 2 vols. 248. Bampton Lectures. By HENRY ARTHUR WOODGATE, B.D. Rector of Bellbroughton, Worcestershire. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Horæ Apostolicæ, an Attempt to inves- Six Sermons on the Church and her Education. city. Being the Fourteen Series, from 1831, with Corrections and Notes. By MICHAEL FARADAY, Esq. F.R.S. 8vo. 18s. Practical Philosophy of the Muhammahilosophy dan People. By W. T. THOMPSON, esq. of the Bengal Civil Service. 8vo. 15s. A Syllabus of Logic, in which the views of Kent are generally adopted, and the laws of Syllogism symbolically expressed. By THOMAS SOLLY, esq. late of Caius College, Cambridge. 8vo. 78. 6d. Medicine. Insanity; a Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. By J. RAY, M.D. 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Geology and Natural History. MACGILLIVRAY'S History of British Birds. Vol. II. with Plates and numerous Wood-cuts, 168. British Coleoptera delineated, drawn in outline by W. SPRY, M. E. S. and edited by W. E. SHUCKARD, Librarian to the Royal Society. Nos. I. and II. 2s. 6d. The Elements of British Entomology. By W. E. SHUCKARD. Part I. 8vo. illus. trated with Wood-cuts, 8s. Geological Sketches. By CHARLES CLAY, M.C.R.S. Ed. Ashton. With numerous wood engravings, 6s. 6d. cloth. Field Sports. The British Angler's Manual. By T. C. HOFLAND, esq. Dedicated to Sir F.L. Chantrey, R.A. F.S.A. &c. Post 8vo. £1. 1s. or £1. 168. large paper. A Few General Ideas on Fox Hunting. By F. P. DELME RADCLIFFE, esq. Master of the Hertfordshire Hounds. Royal 8vo. 11. 8s. Engraving and Printing. A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical, with upwards of 300 Illustrations, engraved on Wood. By JOHN JACKSON. 21. 12s. 6d. Dictionary of Printers and Printing. By C. H. TIMPERLEY. 8vo. 11. 68. 6d. The Printer's Manual. By the same Author. 3s. 6d. BIBLICAL LITERATURE. With respect to the "Library of the Fathers," now publishing in Oxford, of the two first volumes which have appeared upwards of 1,200 copies have been sold in the first three months. Of Mr. Jacobson's "Apostolical Fathers," the whole edition has been sold in the first six months. The entire edition of Mr. Palmer's "Treatise on the Church" has been sold in about the same time; and there have been already two editions of a book on "The Antiquity of the Liturgy," by the same author. The demand for the old English divines has so increased that many are not to be procured at all, and others only at a great advance of price, which seems rapidly increasing; for instance, Field, on the Church," has risen from 158. to 31. 3s., and is hardly to be met with at any price. Collyer's " Church History" has risen from two guineas to five or six. The works of Hammond, Patrick, Brett, Thorndyke, Hickes, &c., are equally in request. Many have been reprinted, and have succeeded beyond expectation; and reprints at Oxford of Sutton, Taylor, Laud, and Cosin, are meeting with a very rapid sale. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Oxford has enjoyed one of the gayest Commemorations and festivals that it has been her good fortune to witness. At an early hour on Monday June 10, the Theatre was filled with company anxious to be present at the performance of the musical exercise for the degree of Bachelor of Music, composed by Mr. Henry R. Bishop, now a Gentleman Commoner of Magdalen College. It was a selection from his Oratorio of "The Fallen Angel," the words taken principally from Milton's Paradise Lost, with selections from the book of Revelations. The day concluded with a ball at the Star Assembly Room, at which there were upwards of four hundred present. On Tuesday the annual meeting of the Governors of the Radcliffe Infirmary took place at the Radcliffe Library, from which they went in procession to St. Mary's, accompanying the stewards, Lord Dungannon and Colonel North. Full cathedral service was performed, and the anthem, "Plead thou my cause," and the old hundreth psalm were sung with fine effect. An admirable sermon was preached by the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Pellew, Dean of Norwich, and the sum of £90 was collected for the infirmary. In the afternoon the Stewards gave their first musical performance in the theatre, consisting of sacred music, chiefly Handel and Mozart. On Wednesday the Vice-Chancellor hav ing opened the Convocation, which he did with much grace and dignity, the candidates for the honorary degrees were presented in the following order : Doctors in Civil Law. The Earl of Ripon; the Rt. Hon. S. R. Lushington, late Governor of Madras; the Chevalier Bunsen, Privy Councillor and late Envoy of Prussia at Rome; Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart. F.R.S. Corresponding Member of the Institute of Paris; Major Sir T. L. Mitchell, F.G.S. &c.; Henry A. Merewether, Esq. Sergeant-at-Law, Solicitor-General to the Queen dowager; Francis Beaufort, esq. Capt. R.N. F.R.S. Corresponding Member of the Institute of Paris; W. H. Smyth, esq. Captain R.N. F.R.S. Corresponding Member of the Institute of Paris; Lieut. Col. J. S. North, of Wroxton Abbey, co. Oxford; and William Wordsworth, esq. of Rydal Mount, Westmorland. Honorary Masters. -Lord Brooke, of St. John's College; and George Bowyer, esq. of the Middle Temple, eldest son of Sir George Bowyer, Bart. of Radley, Berks. It is hardly necessary to say of such a list that every name was received with the loudest acclamation. The chief attraction, however, appeared to be Sir John Herschell and Wordsworth, particularly the latter, whose reception from every part of the Theatre could not but have been most gratifying to that amiable and accomplished poet. The laudatory addresses of Dr. Phillimore, the Regius Professor of Civil Law, were (as they always are), remarkable for their felicitous allusion to the peculiar merits of the individuals eulogised, as well as for good taste, good Latin, and forcible and animated delivery. The Poetry Professor, Mr. Keble, pronounced the Creweian Oration, couched in the most pure and elegant Latinity. The prize compositions were then recited in the following order. LATIN VERSE.-Marcus Atilius Regulus fidem hostibus solvit. William George Henderson, Demy of Magdalen College. ENGLISH ESSAY. -The Classical Taste and Character compared with the Romantic. Thomas Dehaney Bernard, B.A. of Exeter College. LATIN ESSAY. - Quænam sint erga Rempublicam Academiæ officia. - Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, B.A. of University College. SIR ROGER NEWDIGATE'S PRIZE.ENGLISH VERSE. - Salsette and Elephanta. John Ruskin, Gentleman Commoner of Christ Church. The Ellerton Theological Prize, on the conduct and character of St. Paul, has been awarded to Steuart Adolphus Pears, M.A. Scholar of Corpus Chr. coll. The following subjects are proposed for the Chancellor's Prizes for the ensuing year, viz. For Latin Verse.-Pestis Londinum devastans. For an English Essay. -Do States, like Individuals, inevitably tend, after a certain period of maturity, to decay ? For a Latin Essay. - Miles Romanus quando primum, et quibus de causis, cœperit libertati Civium obesse? SIR ROGER NEWDIGATE'S PRIZE.The Judgment of Brutus. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, The Chancellor's Gold Medal for the best English Poem, has been adjudged to Charles Sangster, of St. John College. -Subject, Bannockburn. The Porson Prize to Edward Meredith Cope, of Trinity College. June 11. Sir Wm. Browne's medal for the best Greek Ode to Frederick Anderlecht Goulburn, of Trinity College. CAMBRIDGE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. We are happy to announce the formaof the study of the history and antiquition of a Society " for the encouragement ties of the University, Town, and County the publication of Essays illustrative of of Cambridge." Its first object will be those subjects. Any member of the University may become a member of the Society on paying a subscription of Ten Shillings every term; and any other perSociety, and admitted on payment of the son may be proposed by a member of the Society are vested in a President and a same subscriptions. The affairs of the Council consisting of eight members, inwhom are to be elected annually by the cluding a Treasurer and Secretary, all of Society at large, at a General Meeting, to be held on the day of the division of the Lent Term. The Meetings of the Society will take place thrice during each term. The Rev. the Master of St. John's dent; and the present Council are as folCollege has accepted the office of Presilow:-Rev. H. W. Cookson, M.A.; Rev. Professor Corrie, B.D.; Sir Henry Dryden, Bart. M.A.; J. O. Halliwell, esq. horne, M.A. F.S.A.; Rev. James HildF.R.S., F.S.A. Secretary; Rev. C.H.Hartsyard, M.A.; Rev. John Lodge, M.A.; and the Rev. J. J. Smith, M.A. TreaB.D. and Rev. C. Yate, B.D. We unsurer. Auditors, Rev. Henry Calthrop, derstand that the numbers of the Society already amount to three hundred. OXFORD SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE May 30. A general meeting of this University College in the chair. An inSociety was held, the Rev. the Master of teresting paper on Saxon Architecture, Rugby, was read. A short account of the communicated by M. H. Bloxam, esq. of fordshire, was read by F. Courtenay, esq. Saxon tower of Northleigh Church, Oxof Exeter College, illustrated by sketches account of the very fine and interesting of the baluster windows in the belfry. An church of St. Sernin at Toulouse, was read by J. Harrison, esq. of Christ Church, illustrated by several sketches of this and other churches in the south of France, of the Romanesque? Saxon? or Norman? character. Some sketches of Anglo-Saxon architecture from the celebrated manuscript of Cædmon, in the Bodleian Library, well known to be not later than the tenth century, were also handed round, together with several engravings illustrative of the subject. ROYAL SOCIETY. April 25. The Marquess of Northampton, Pres. Robert Rigg, esq. and Professor Sylvester, of University college, London, were elected Fellows of the Society. Read, 1. On the motion of the Blood, by James Carson, M.D. F.R.S. 2. Account of Experiments on Iron-built Ships, instituted for the purpose of discovering a correction for the deviation of the Compass produced by the iron of the ships, by G. Biddell Airy, esq. M.A. F.R.S. May 16. J. G. Children, esq. V.P. Read, On the Visibility of certain rays beyond the ordinary red rays of the Solar Spectrum, by J. S. Cooper, esq. May 30. The Marquess of Northampton, Pres. Profs. C. Hansteen, M. Melloni, L.A.J. Quetelet, and F. Savart, were elected Foreign Members; Edw. D. Davenport, esq. James O. Halliwell, esq., G. W. Mackmurdo, esq. and the Ven. Charles Thorp, D.D., were elected Fellows. The papers read were:-1. Fifth letter on Voltaic Combinations; with some account of the effects of a large Constant Battery; addressed to M. Faraday, esq. By J. F. Daniell, esq. F.R.S. 2. An experimental inquiry into the influence of Nitrogen in promoting Vegetable Decomposition, and the connexion of this process with the growth of Plants, by R. Rigg, esq. ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. May 11. The sixteenth Anniversary was held: the Right Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart. in the chair. The Report of the Council stated, that the recentlyadopted arrangements have enabled the Society to carry on their affairs without diminishing the capital stock. Among the deaths, that of the late Secretary, Captain Harkness, and of the Librarian, Colonel Francklin, were the only ones particularly adverted to; and some account was given of the various publications of Colonel Francklin. It was then stated, that General Briggs had resigned the secretaryship, which office Mr. Rd. Clarke had kindly offered to undertake; and in consequence of the death of Colonel Francklin, Mr. Shakespear had allowed himself to be put in nomination as Librarian. In noticing the condition of the Oriental Translation Fund, the Council were happy to state, that that institution still continued to enjoy the support of a large number of the patrons of oriental literature, both at home and abroad; and that its operations were carried on with a zeal and activity commensurate to its means. Sir Alexander Johnston, as chairman of the Committee of Correspondence, gave a comple detail of the different objects to which that Committee had directed its researches during the past year; embracing, among other matters, the changes which are taking place in the education, manners, and feelings of the Turks; the influence exerted upon the Affghans by the Indians on one side, and the Persians on the other; the moral and political effects likely to be produced on the people of India, by the introduction of inland steam navigation; the effects likely to be produced on China by our occupation of Assam; and the measures adopted by Russia, for gaining acquaintance with the river Amur, and the sea coast at its mouth. The Right Hon. Holt Mackenzie read the Report of the Committee of Commerce and Agriculture, which commenced by acknowledging the valuable services of Dr. Royle (Sec.), and Mr. Solly (Chemical Analyser). It then stated, that an abstract of the Proceedings of the Committee, up to the end of 1838, had already been printed; and that another was in progress, which would show that the matters which had been investigated by the Committee were highly important in relation to the trade and agriculture of India, and to the commerce and manufactures of Great Britain; and that various inquiries had been instituted, from which interesting and beneficial results might be expected. The articles to which the Committee had principally directed their attention, had been cotton, oil seeds, and the vegetable tallow of Canara : and they had also collected information relating to caoutchouc, kino, hemp, tea, iron, cochineal, timber, wool, silk, and minor articles; all of which are procurable of superior quality, and at a less price, than in any other parts of the world; and for many of which Great Britain has now to depend for a supply from foreign states. The following gentlemen were elected of the Council of the Society, viz.S. Ball, esq. Gen. Briggs, the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, Col. Galloway, Henry S. Græme, esq. J. Guillemard, esq. Sir Joseph O'Halloran, and Col. Sykes, in the place of those gentlemen who went out by rotation. Richard Clarke, esq. was elected Honorary Secretary, and John Shakespear, esq. Librarian. ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. May 27. The anniversary meeting was held at the rooms of the Society in Regent-street, W. R. Hamilton, esq. President, in the chair. The report of the Council congratulated the meeting on the steady increase in the number of members, and the increasing taste for geographical discovery. In the last year there had been admitted 63 new Fellows, whilst there had been but 12 vacancies by death and resignation, making a present number of 651 members, and 60 foreign, honorary, and corresponding. The finances were also satisfactory, and although the expenditure included the extraordinary items of 2251. paid to the South African, and 1501. to the Koordistan expedition, the funded property of 4,800l. was untouched. The receipts of the past year were 2,0981. 188. 3d. and there was a balance in hand of 4157. It had been usual, formerly, to distribute the annual donation of 50 guineas, given by William IV., and since by her present Majesty, in onehalf the value of a medal, and the other in money, but it had this year been decided to appropriate the donations to two medals of equal value. The first or founder's medal had been awarded to Mr. Thomas Simpson, of the Hudson's Bay Company's service, for his perseverance in Arctic discovery, and the patrons' medal to Dr. Rüppell, of Frankfort, in testimony of the services rendered by him for the advancement of Physical Geography, by his travels in Arabia Petræa, Abyssinia, and Koordistan. The report also contained a notice of the progress of Mr. Schomburgek in his expedition into Guiana, now in its fourth year; and of that of Mr. Ainsworth to Koordistan, both being under the superintendence of the Society. The Council regretted that they had not been able to procure apartments more suitable for the Society, but that they still kept the object in view. The meeting proceeded to the election of officers and council, when G. B. Greenhough, esq. F.R.S. was chosen President; and Lord Prudhoe, Lord Colchester, Rt. Hon. J. C. Hobhouse, Sir R. W. Parish, F.R.S. Sir Charles Vaughan, and Capt. W. Buller, in the room of an equal number of members of the council retiring by rotation. The Government are on the point of sending out an expedition to the Antarctic circle, for the purpose of making magnetic observations in the southern hemisphere. The ships to be employed on this service are the Erebus and Terror; and the charge of the expedition is entrusted to that able officer, Captain James Ross. The other ship will be commanded by Commander F. R. M. Crozier. ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. May 30. Hudson Gurney, Esq. V.P. Beriah Botfield, Esq. F.R.S. of Norton hall, Northamptonshire, was elected a Fellow of the Society. Edward Hawkins, Esq. F.S.A. communicated a drawing of a small brass vessel discovered at Pulford in Cheshire, and now in the possession of the Rev. J. R. Lyon. It is Roman, and very ancient in form, having one side flat, and the other strongly convex, with a handle on each side, apparently to be slung by a cord across the shoulder. It would appear to have been used, after the Romans embraced Christianity, as an ampula, or some other utensil, for sacred purposes, as a cross was engraved on the convex side. The reading of Mr. Bond's "Memoir of the Financial Transactions in the reigns of Edward I., II., and III., with reference to the Italian Money-lenders," was concluded. June 6. Mr. Gurney in the chair. session of the family of Louterell, of Dunster, and now in that of John Weld, esq. of Lullworth Castle. It is a thick folio on vellum, containing more than 300 leaves, and measuring 14 inches by 10. The text is black letter, nearly half an inch long, each page containing fourteen lines. The margins throughout the greater part of the manuscript are variously painted, with representations of all the incidents of ancient life, mixed with grotesque figures and foliage; forming illustrations of English manners and customs during the earlier part of the fourteenth century, of the highest interest and value. Mr. Rokewode, after briefly describing the contents of the volume, gave an account of the various states in which the Psalter is usually found in MS. and of the earliest printed editions. The Psalms in the Louterell manuscript correspond with the Gallican version, which was generally adopted in this country. He then described the beautiful illumination in fol. 202, which accompanies the inscription "D'n's Galfridus Louterell me fieri fecit." It has been already published in Carter's "An |