and has been peaceably succeeded by his son, Kheruck Singh. The following interesting passage is extracted from a letter addressed by the Bishop of Calcutta to the Earl of Chi. chester:-" It appears that between fiftyfive and sixty villages are thirsting for the waters of life, in a greater or less degree; they stretch to the north and north-east of Kishnaghur, on the Jelingha, to the distance of forty or fifty miles, and to the south-west fifteen or twenty. The numbers described as prepared for holy bap tism-in various measures of course-are between 3000 and 2500. The archdeacon assisted himself at the reception of about 500 souls, including women and children, into the Christian church, and there seems the fairest prospect, if we can but enter at the wide door in time, that not only these 3000 or 4000, but the whole population of the fifty or sixty villages may receive the Christian faith, and resemble our Christian villages in the times of our Anglo-Saxon forefathers. Such a glorious scene has never yet been presented to our longing eyes in Bengal! and, after making all deductions for over-statements, sanguine hopes, the existence of secular motives, and the instability of large numbers-nay, after allowing for the influence of the temporal relief which was exhibited to the sufferers, Christian and heathen, by one of those inundations to which the sandy banks of the Jelingha are peculiarly liable, and which occurred during the progress of this religious awakening, and which excited a natural admiration, as it ought to do, in the neighbourhood, and contributed to augment the number of our inquirers-admitting all this, and as much more as the most timid observer can require, it still appears that a mighty work of Divine Grace is begun-a work wide and permanent, as we trust-a work marking the finger of God-a work which will demand, and warrant, and repay, all our pastoral care, anxiety, and labour a labour for which our fathers in India, Brown, Buchanan, Martyn, Thomason, and Bishops Corrie, Middleton, and Heber, would have blessed and praised God, in the loudest strains of gratitude and joy." DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. Aug. 28. A magnificent festivity, in imitation of the ancient Tournaments, which has been for two years in preparation, at the expense of the young Earl of Eglintoun, commenced on this day at his Lordship's seat, Eglintoun Castle, near the coast of Ayrshire. The place chosen for the lists lies about a quarter of a mile to the east of the castle, surrounded by very beautiful scenery. The arena was about four square acres, around which was erected a fence, engrossing 12,000 square feet of boarding. The barrier in the centre of the ground, along which the jousting took place, measured 300 feet. Two galleries were erected, one to accommodate 1000 and the 2000 persons; in the former were placed the private friends of the Earl and the Knights; in the latter, those strangers who had obtained tickets (granted gratuitously) from Messrs. Pratt of Bond-street. Nearer the castle were erected two temporary saloons, each 250 feet long, for the banquet and the ball. Each of the Knights had his own marquée, or (in more appropriate language) pavilion, for himself and attendants. The decorations of the lists were costly and magnificent, and some of the splendid erections provided for at her Majesty's coronation were again brought into use. At the request of Lord Eglintoun, alarge proportion of the visitors came attired in ancient costume. The morning was unfortunately very wet, and the feudal appearance of the display was sadly marred by thousands of umbrellas. In consequence of the rain, a considerable part of the ceremonial was omitted; and the Queen of Beauty and her ladies, instead of mounting their palfreys, were confined within their carriages. It was two o'clock, and in the midst of a drenching shower, when the procession started from the castle in the following order : Men in Arms, in demi suits of armour and costumes, on horseback. Musicians, in party costumes of silk, richly embroidered their horses trapped and caparisoned. Trumpeters, in full costume-the trumpet and banners emblazoned with the arms of the Lord of the Tournament. Banner bearers of the Lord of the Tournament. Two Deputy Marshals, in costumes, emblazoned with the arms of the Earl of Eglintoun, on horses caparisoned, attended by a party of men at arms, on foot. The Eglintoun Herald, with his tabard embroidered with the arms of the Earl. Two Pursuivants, in emblazoned surcoats. THE JUDGE OF PEACE, (Lord Saltoun), in his robes, and bearing a wand, on a horse richly caparisoned. Retainers, on foot, in costumes, carrying heavy steel battle-axes. Officer of the Halberdiers, on horseback, in a suit of demi armour, with a gilt partizan. Halberdiers, on foot, in liveries of the Lord, carrying their halberds. Men at Arms, in demi suits of armour. THE KNIGHT MARSHAL OF THE LISTS, (Sir Charles Lamb, Bart. the Earl's step-father,) in a suit of black armour, richly embossed and gilt, covered by a richly emblazoned surcoat. His Esquires, Viscount Chelsea, and Major M'Doual. Attendants of the Knight Marshal, in costumes of his colours, blue, white, and gold. Halberdiers of the Knight Marshal, in liveries of his colours. Ladies Visitors-Lady Montgomery, Lady Jane Montgomery, (the Earl's mother and sister,) and the Hon. Miss Macdonald-on horses caparisoned with blue and white silk, embroidered with gold and silver, each led by a groom (on the second day). THE KING OF THE TOURNAMENT, the Marquis of Londonderry, in a magnificent tunic of green velvet, embroidered with gold, covered by a crimson velvet cloak, trimmed with gold and ermine, having a crown covered in with crimson velvet. The harness of his horse of crimson velvet. Esquires, Colonel Wood, and H. Irvine, Esq. Halberdiers in liveries, as before. THE QUEEN OF BEAUTY, Lady Seymour, in a robe of violet, with the Seymour crest embroidered in silver on blue velvet, and a cloak of cerise velvet trimmed with gold and ermine, and riding on a horse superbly caparisoned. Ladies Attendants on the Queen. Esquire, F. Charteris, esq. The Jester (Mr. M'Ian, a Highland artist and actor), in a characteristic partycoloured (blue and yellow) costume, bearing his sceptre, on a mule caparisoned in blue and yellow cloth and trapped with bells, &c. Retainers on foot, in liveries of blue and yellow. The Irvine Archers, in costumes of Lincoln green, black velvet baldric, roudelle, &c.:-Claude Alexander, esq. Lord Kelburne, Sir Robert Dallas, Captain Blair, Stuart Hay, esq. J. Brownlow, esq. - Hamilton, esq. Capt. Blane, A. Cunningham, esq. C. S. Buchanan, esq. Sir A. Hamilton, bart. Capt. Montgomerie, J. Burnett, esq. Hon. J. Strangways, George Ranking, esq. Servitors of the Lord of the Tournament. The Gonfalon, borne by a Man at Arms, between two others in half armour. THE LORD OF THE TOURNAMENT, (Earl of Egl armour, with a skirt of chain-mail. The charger caparisoned with satin of blue and gold tissue, with the Earl's crest emblazoned in colours proper. Eglintoun,) in a suit of richly-damasked gilt The Banner, borne by Lord A. Seymour. Esquires, G. Dundas, esq. F. Cavendish, esq. and G. M'Doual, esq. Then followed, in like manner, each preceded by his halberdiers and his gonfalon, and followed by banner, esquires, and retainers, the several Knights, as follow: The Knight of the Griffin, the Earl of Craven; Esquires, the Hon. F. Craven, and the Hon. F. Macdonald. The Knight of the Dragon, Marquis of Waterford; Pages, Lord John Beresford, and T. O. Gascoyne, esq. The Knight of Gael, Viscount Glenlyon; Sir David Dundas, and John Balfour, esq.; his retainers in Highland kilts. The Knight of the Ram, Hon. Captain Gage; Esquires, R. Murray, esq. and J. Ferguson, esq. The Black Knight, John Campbell, of Saddell; Pages, Master Fletcher, and Master J. Fletcher; Esquires, Clanronald and Capt. Blair. The Knight of the Swan, Hon. Mr. Jerningham; Esquires, Capt. Stephenson and Gordon Campbell, esq. The Knight of the Golden Lion, Captain J. O. Fairlie; Esquires, H. Wilson, esq. Capt. Purvis, and Capt. Pettat. The Knight of the White Rose, Charles Lamb, esq.; Esquires, J. Gordon, esq. and R. Crawford, esq. The Knight of the Stag's Head, Captain Beresford; Esquires, Lord Maidstone, and R. Lumley, esq. The Knight of the Border, Sir F. Johnstone; Esquires, Lord Drumlanrig, and The Knight of the Burning Tower, Sir F. Hopkins; Esquires, R. Horlock, esq. and- Corry, esq. The Knight of the Red Rose, R. J. Lechmere, esq.; Banner Bearer, Corbett Smith, esq. The Knight of the Lion's Paw, Cecil Boothby, esq. The Knights Visitors, in ancient costumes. Swordsmen, in characteristic costumes, on foot, each bearing a two-handed sword on his right shoulder. Bowmen, with their hoods and bows. The Seneschal of the Castle, in his costume of office, and bearing his wand. Servitors of the Castle, on foot. Men at arms, as before. Several courses of jousting were run, in which, of all the combatants, the Earl of Eglintoun was the most successful; but the sports were abridged in consequence of the weather, and concluded with a broad-sword combat between Mr. Mackay, an actor, and a soldier. On the second day, the weather continued so unfavourable that nothing could be done; but as it cleared up towards the afternoon, the renewal of the Tournament was fixed for the morrow, and in the meantime the assembled multitudes made merry as they might. In the ball-room a series of mimic tilts on foot, took place between Prince Louis Napoleon and Mr. Lamb, who were both in armour. On Friday the 30th the procession and the joustings were repeated, under more favourable circumstances. They concluded with a tournay, or barriers, at which eight knights were engaged, armed with swords, the blows being limited to two in passing, and ten at the encounter; the only breakers of which law were the Marquis of Waterford and Lord Alford, who appeared to be plying their weapons in good earnest, when they were separated by the Knight Marshal. Shortly before nine a banquet was given to 300 persons in the temporary saloon (which the rain had previously rendered useless), followed by a ball, at which 1000 were present. On the Saturday the weather was so stormy that all further sports were given up. Aug. 30. A grand dinner was given by the Cinque Ports, in honour of their Lord Warden, the Duke of Wellington, in a Pavilion erected for the occasion at Dover, on the Priory Meadow, directly opposite the large hall of the Maison Dieu. This structure was composed entirely of wood, in shape nearly square, and the flooring of the side portions was made to rise gradually, so as to enable the gentlemen dining there to have an uninterrupted view. A long gallery, occupying the whole of one side, opposite the chairman, was appropriated to the use of ladies. The decorations of the hall were exceedingly gay. Every part, with the exception of the roof, was covered with pink and white striped drapery; and the walls at regular distances were ornamented by a variety of escocheons, paintings, and tapestry. The ceiling was divided into three distinct compartments, supported by rows of pillars. In front of the two first rows, suits of armour were placed, and in all parts of the hall floated a profusion of flags. This Pavilion was erected at the cost of nearly 1,2001. by Messrs. Drayson and Mackenzie, under the superintendence of Mr. Edmunds, of Margate. It stood, including its covered ways and entrance lobbies, upon 20,420 feet of ground; the area alone occupied for the purposes of the dinner being 120 by 130 feet. There was consumed in its erection 400 loads, or 20,000 cubic feet, of timber, and it took a hundred men 60 days in building. The arrival of the Duke was announced by a salute of 12 guns from the heights. He appeared in buoyant health and spirits, was dressed in the habiliments of Lord Warden, and accompanied by Mr. Walker, Mayor of Romney and Speaker of the Cinque Ports, who officiated as chairman of the meeting. On the right side of the Chair sat the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Bute, Lords Loftus, Fitzroy Somerset, Strangford, Sondes, Forester, and Lyndhurst, Sir F. Pollock, Sir F. Burdett, &c. &c. On the left Lords Cardigan, Brecknock, Canterbury, Marsham, Maryborough, Wharncliffe, and Brougham, the High-Sheriff, &c. The number of diners was about 1500. The Duke's health was proposed in a very eloquent speech, by Lord Brougham; and the whole festival went off with the greatest eclat. Sept. 3. The extended time allowed by the Marylebone vestry for testing the durability of the various specimens of experimental paving laid down in Oxfordstreet having expired, a minute examination was made of the specimens. The blocks of granite, the interstices of which were filled up with Claridge's Asphalte, were found to be in excellent condition, as was also the granite laid down by the parish, and grouted together. The Bastienne Gaujac Bitumen had stood in a surprising manner; but at parts, where the traffic was most severe, here and there slight ruts were perceptible. On arriving at the wooden blocks, the surface was found to be as smooth and even as when first laid down. Five of the blocks were taken up and minutely examined by the committee, and one of them was split into pieces, for the purpose of discovering if any symptom of decay had made its appearance; but the wood was found to be perfectly sound, and the dimunition of the length of the blocks (12 inches) was scarcely perceptible. The Paving Committee have agreed to the following resolution :"That the wooden block paving has proved itself equal to the traffic and paving of the whole of Oxford-street, and it is, therefore, resolved to recommend to the Vestry to adopt the wooden block paving for that thoroughfare, subject to certain conditions and regulations." This resolution the Vestry has since confirmed. Sept. 7. The directors of the Thames Tunnel Company gave an elegant dinner, in the tunnel, to the persons employed in that undertaking, to celebrate their having reached low-water mark. Mr. Hawes, M.P. was in the chair, and 280 persons sat down to table. On a raised platform, about 500 visitors, the majority of whom were ladies, were provided with places to view the scene. There are yet 250 feet of the Tunnel to excavate, which will be GENT. MAG. VOL. XII. completed within twelve months. This is at the rate of five feet a week, but the men have been known to make an advance of 14 feet in a week; so that the probability is, the completion will take place in probaa much shorter period. Sept. 11. A young woman named Margaret Moyes, daughter of a master baker, of Hemming's-row, Hem St. Martin'slane, committed suicide by throwing thro herself from the top of the Monument. It appeared on the inquest that her mind was suffering from the idea of quitting home. She carried up a rope with her concealed under her shawl, fastened it to the rails, and after taking off her bonnet, shawl, and waistband, climbed over the fence and flung herself off. The body rolled over several times in its descent to the ground, and striking against the column one arm was completely severed from the trunk. The spine was broken, and the skull and both thighs were also fractured. This is the fourth instance on record of this kind of suicide. The first was that of a weaver in 1750; the second, John Craddock, a baker, in 1788; and the third, Lyon Levy, a diamond merchant Jan. 17, 1810. Newark Castle. - The purchaser of this venerable pile, which has so conspicuously played its part in the more stirring historical scenes of by-gone times, has let it for the purpose of forming a cattle-market. All the ancient chambers of the castle are levelled with the ground, and the internal space has been cleared of the materials. The ground is the property of Mr. W. F. Handley, who purchased it at the late sale of the Crown lands; and it is agreed to be let at a yearly rent on a lease for seven years, to certain members of the town council, which, as a corporation, has no available funds to undertake such a lease. The Duke of Newcastle has granted a lease of the tolls and profits arising from the cattle-market, for the like period, to the same persons. The inclosure is likely to be a great accommodation to the frequenters of Newark market and fairs. On this spot more than 100 skeletons have been dug up. It is conjectured that these bodies were buried during the different sieges, and at the time of a destructive pestilence, in 1646, which carried off many of the garrison, previous to its surrender. Edwards' College, at South Cerney, Gloucestershire, is now ready for reception of inmates. This excellent institution was founded in 1834 by a benevolent lady named Edwards, who left the residue of her estates for the support of widows and orphans of distressed clergymen in the diocese of Gloucester. 3 H PROMOTIONS, PREFERMENTS, &c. GAZETTE PROMOTIONS. July 24. Leicestershire Old Militia, John King, esq. to be Lieut.-Colonel; the Marquis of Granby to be Major. Aug. 23. The Marquis of Breadalbane, K.T.; the Earl of Dalhousie; the Earl of Roseberry; Viscount Melville, K.T.; Lord Belhaven; the Hon. Fox Maule; the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Rae, Bart.; Thomas Maitland, esq. Advocate; J. S. Stewart, esq. Advocate; A. E. Monteith, esq. Advocate; Adam Anderson, esq. Advocate; Graham Spiers, esq. Advocate; Frederick Hill, esq.; and John Wigham, jun. esq.; in addition to certain ex officio Directors appointed by the Act, passed in the last session of Parliament, intituled, "An Act to Improve Prisons and Prison Discipline in Scotland," to form the general Board of Directors of Prisons in Scotland. Andrew Murray, jun. esq. Advocate, to be Secretary to the Board. Aug. 26. Royal Marines, Col. G. P. Wingrove, and Col. G. Lewis, C.B., placed on the retired full pay of their ranks as Colonels.Col. Second Commt. T. Adair, C.B. to be Colonel-Commt. of the Plymouth division, vice Lewis; Col. Second Commt. Wm. Conolly to be Colonel-Commt. of the Woolwich division, vice Wingrove; Lieut.-Col. John Owen, C.B. K.H., to be Colonel Second Commt. of the Plymouth division; Lieut-Col. John Wright, K.H. to be Colonel Second Commt. of the Chatham division; Captain and brevet Major W. W. Burton to be Lieut.-Colonel in the Woolwich division. Colonel Owen to continue Deputy Adjutant-general, notwithstanding his promotion; and, consequently, Lieut.-Col. Thompson Aslett to be Colonel Second Commandant of the Plymouth division, vice Owen; Capt. and brevet Major Abraham Gordon to be Lieut.-Colonel.---Knighted, John Gardner Wilkinson, esq. F.R.S. Aug. 28. Thomas Wyse, esq. to be one of the Lords of the Treasury. Aug. 29. Right Hon. Charles Poulett Thomson to be Governor-general of all her Majesty's provinces within and adjacent to the continent of North America. -The Rt. Hon. Rich. Lalor Sheil sworn of the Privy Council, and appointed Vice-President of the Board of Trade. Aug. 30. 2nd Dragoons, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. K. Grant, K.C.B. to be Colonel.-8th Dragoons, Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Straton to be Colonel.-9th Dragoons, Major-Gen. J. W. Sleigh to be Colonel.-17th Dragoons, Major-Gen. Sir A. B. Clifton, K.C.B. to be Colonel. Sept. 6. 45th Foot, Capt. F. O. Montgomery to be Major. Sept. 7. Sarah Otway Cave, of Stanford Hall, co. Leic. widow, being one of the coheirs of John the last Lord Braye, and as such one of the coheirs of the Barony of Braye, originating by writ of summons to Parliament granted to Sir Edmund Braye, in the reign of King Henry the Eighth, confirmed Baroness Braye by letters patent.-Knighted, by patent, Michael Mac Turk, esq. of British Guiana. Sept. 9. Thomas Baron Monteagle to be Controller-General of the Receipt and Issue of her Majesty's Exchequer. Sept. 11. Doctor John Lee, to be Secretary to her Majesty's sole and only Master Printers in Scotland. Sept. 12. Edward Porter, esq. to be her Majesty's Consul at Bahia; Goodschall Johnson, esq. to be Consul at Antwerp. Sept. 14. Thomas Stonor, of Stonor, co. Oxford, esq. summoned by writ to the House of Peers, by the title of Baron Camoys, he being one of the heirs of the body of Margaret, eldest coheir of Hugh last Lord Camoys, grandson of Thomas Lord Camoys, who sat in Parliament in the reign of King Richard the Second. Sept. 17. 6th Foot, brevet Col. W. H. Sewell, from 31st foot, to be Lieut.-Col.-31st foot, brevet Major H. C. V. Cortlandt to be Major. -76th foot, Capt. R. F. Martin to be Major.92nd foot, brevet Major J. A. Forbes to be Major. Unattached, Major H. H. Rose, from 92nd foot, to be Lieut.-Col.-Brevet Major H. H. Jacob, from 80th foot, to be Major. Sept. 20. 52nd foot, Capt. E. Gibson to be Major. Mr. More O'Ferrall to be Secretary to the Admiralty, vice Mr. C. Wood. Lieut.-Gen. Sir S. F. Whittingham to be Commander-in-Chief at Madras, land Lieut.Gen. Sir Archibald Campbell Commander-inChief at Bombay; Lieut.-Gen. John Maister to be Commander-in-Chief in the Windward and Leeward Islands. NAVAL APPOINTMENTS. Capt. F. E. Loch to the Victory; Comm. R. S. Robinson to the Phenix. Members returned to serve in Parliament. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. Rev. D. W. Adams, Haroldstone St. Issel's Rev. H. A. S. Atwood, Ashalworth V. Glouc. Rev. A. G. Cornwall, Beverstone R. Glouc. Rev. C. Garstin, Drumballyowney R. Dromore. Rev. J. Hanbury, St. Nicholas R. Hereford. Bodney R. Norfolk. Rev. W. F. Powell, Cirencester V. Glouc. Rev. T. B. Stuart, Northallerton V. Yorksh. CHAPLAINS. Rev. J. Clarke to Lord Howden. Rev. G. Weight to the Marchioness of Northampton. |