on the whole, give the palm of superiority: but they all awaken interest in the plan of their story and place, by the details with which is constructed. The work is dedicated to the late Sir Herbert Taylor. Twenty Essays on Providence, &c. 12mo. Without possessing any remarkable excellence which should be the subject of particular criticism, these Essays are such as will not fail to gratify the reader by the importance of the subject, as by the impressiveness with which the duties of religion and the rules of humility are advanced and enforced. Some of the subjects might be improved, and in some of the sentiments and opinions we should not altogether agree. P. 131. The author says, "The best use of Novels seems to be as weather-vanes of fashionable society, or popular opinion." The true use of Novels, we should say, is to present the abstraction of truth, freed from the accidents that belong to history. A Summary of the Writings of Lactantius, by Rev. J. H. B. Mountain, B.D.We have read this little work with pleasure and improvement; the writer has proved himself to be an excellent scholar and divine, and his Treatise deserves to be placed by the side of those written on other Fathers of the Church by the very learned Bishop of Lincoln, to whom it is judiciously dedicated. We should like to see Mr. Mountain proceed in the same manner, and, if possible, in somewhat the same space give us summaries of the writings of Basil and Gregory, in which his taste and erudition would find materials worthy of them. The Lone Grave, a Play; with Dramatic Illustrations of Female Character, by Eleonora L. Montagu. The play of the Lone Grave is the chief production in this volume, and the one on which the exertions of the author's genius have been most vigorously bent; yet we must confess, that the story does not bring much interest with it to our minds, and is not very clearly or happily worked out. Still, we must do Miss Montagu the justice to say, that the execution of many parts of it evinces a very poetical feeling, and a correct taste; that the sentiments are conceived and expressed with elegance, and that her versification is harmonious varied, and pleasing; and we exhort her to pursue her career of genius with unabating confidence in her powers, but at the same time with the most unwearied industry in supplying them with the finest materials of thought. Desultory Thoughts and Reflections, by the Countess of Blessington. 1839. That more than a hundred pages of Thoughts and Reflections, compressed into the pithy form of adages and maxims, should be all original, or all deep, is more than could be expected from Rochefoucauld himself; but, we think that Lady Blessington has given us a very fair proportion of just and ingenious thoughts, and of many elegant and forcible illustrations. A person who should enter into the walks of society, or commence the course of life, with some of those fruits of experience in his hand, might learn to estimate himself and others with more accuracy than is generally done. Adelaide Zaire, of Guadaloupe, an Emancipated Negress; by the Rev. Thomas Sims, M. A. 12mo. This is an interesting authentic narrative of a negress of Guadaloupe, who, having obtained her freedom at Philadelphia, afterwards went to Halifax in Nova Scotia, and there became a servant in the family of the Duke of Kent, whose cook, Hippolite Celestin, she there married. She afterwards, when a widow, lived for seven years as his Royal Highness's laundress at Kensington, until in 1816 she made an imprudent second marriage, which reduced her to poverty. In her latter years her mind became impressed with so becoming a sense of her religious duties, that the author of this little volume was not only induced to assist her when living, but has now written this memorial of her history, under an impression that her example will be useful to others in her station of life. In 1834 Mr. Sims procured from the Duchess of Kent an increase of Adelaide Zaire's superannuated allowance from 41. a year to 61. a quarter; and he was told that "Her Royal Highness was all anxiety to smooth the path of the poor woman's last days." It was added that " This case has been read with equal interest by the Princess Victoria."-" It cannot be surprising that she cherished in her mind very ardent gratitude towards her royal benefactresses. When her majesty was five years of age, Adelaide, as was very natural, had solicited the favour that she might see the child of the Prince in whose service she had once lived; and standing, as directed, when the Princess was to pass, the latter put money into Adelaide's two hands. She related with lively interest that she had heard that this young Princess, having money ready to be given, used to request her nurse to look out of one window of the carriage whilst she would look out of the other, lest any poor people should pass and escape notice," FINE ARTS. PORTRAIT OF THE QUEEN. Hayter's splendid picture of the Queen in her state robes, has been hung up in the Common Council Chamber in Guildhall, the large historical painting of the "Murder of David Rizzio being removed to make room for it. From this place the picture is seen to the most advantage, but its position completely deranges the previous disposition of the other paintings, between twenty and thirty in number, especially as the frame is of a more gorgeous and massive description, having cost about 80l. This picture is a present from her Majesty, in acknowledgment of her loyal reception on visiting the City. THE MONUMENT OF NOLLEKENS. A monument to the memory of this celebrated sculptor has been erected in Paddington Church. It is the work of Mr. Behnes, and will add to his reputation. In front of a white marble sarcophagus is carved, in very bold relief, the figure of Nollekens, employed upon one of his principal works-the Monument of a Lady who died in Child-birth. The group is very fine; the attitudes of the figures graceful and easy, the body of the dead child relaxed in the moment of dissolution, but stiffening into the rigidity of death. The likeness of Nollekens is a correct one; it has the character and mannerism of the old man, and portrays his peculiar look with great fidelity of imitation. STATUES BY BOZZONI. Constable Maxwell, esq. of Everingham-park, in Yorkshire, has, with an almost unexampled munificence, given an order to a young artist from Rome, whose name is Bozzoni, to execute 16 lifesized statues with 18 bassi-relievi of a corresponding magnitude; the models of two statues of St. Peter and St. Paul, werelately exhibited at the artist's studio, in the Imperial Hotel, Covent-garden. The entire commission is to consist of 12 statues of the apostles, four of the martyrs, and 18 bassi relievi, each illustrative of some important event connected with Scripture history. Signor Bozzoni deserves all the praise that can be awarded him; for his statues are rare examples of classical design, combined with fine expression. PAINTED GLASS WINDOW. A very splendid window, designed to be placed in Upwell Church, Cambridgeshire, has been painted by Messrs. Handley and Oldfield, under the direction of Messrs. Hancock and Co. The crayon drawings for the designs are by Mr.Wood, and the architectural portion of the windowis by Messrs. Buckler. The window contains three compartments, besides the canopies. The centre compartment is a copy from a Descent from the Cross by Spagnoletti. The compartment to the left hand of the spectator is from the Altar-piece by Morales, in the chapel of Magdalene college, Oxford, Christ bearing the Cross. The right hand compartment is a copy of the Altar-piece by Raphael Mengs, in the chapel of All Souls, Oxford, representing Christ and Mary Magdalene, and called a Noli me tangere. The canopies are taken from originals in Fairford church, Gloucestershire. The falling of the Manna, the Flowing Rock, the Commandments, and the Cloven Tongues, are from the representations in King's college, Cambridge. The Crowns of Immortality, and other devices, are original. These paintings are executed on large pieces of crown glass, kept together by metal bands, grooved like the frames of a casement window. This very splendid work has been executed at the expense of the Rev. Wm. Gale Townley, the excellent vicar of that parish, and the original painting by Spagnoletto is his property. MONUMENT TO SIR WALTER SCOTT. On the 15th of August, Sir Walter Scott's birthday, a statue of Sir Walter Scott, executed by Mr. Alexander H. Ritchie, sculptor in Musselburgh, was erected in the square or market-place of Selkirk. The pedestal is very handsome, being light and tapering, and well adapted to the size of the statue, itself seven feet and a half high, and a striking likeness of the poet. Sir Walter is in his gown, in the costume of the sheriff, with a roll of papers in his left hand, his right hand resting on his trusty staff. The following is the inscription under the statue : "Erected in August, 1839, in proud and affectionate remembrance of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., Sheriff of the County from 1800 to 1832. "By Yarrow's stream still let me stray, Though none should guide my weary way; Still feel the breeze down Ettrick breaks, Though it should chill my withered cheeks." On the several sides of the pedestal are Sir Walter's arms-the arms of the burgh -on other compartments are emblematical allusions to the character of the poet and novelist-a winged harp, with the word Waverley" under it, and a finely cut Scotch thistle on another panel; the whole most beautifully done. The entire erection, for beauty and correct proportions, is not surpassed in Britain. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. NEW PUBLICATIONS. History and Biography. Anglo-Saxon Charters, Vol. I. 8vo. 12s. (Published by the Historical Society.) LE CRAS's Laws, Customs, &c. of Jersey. Fcap. 68. The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresham. By JOHN WILLIAM BURGON, esq. 2 vols. 8vo. 308. Historical Records of the 7th Dragoon Guards. 8vo. 88. Victories of the British Army. By W. H. MAXWELL. 2 vols. 8vo. 288. Travels and Topography. Narrative of the Ten Years' Voyages of H. M. S. Adventure and Beagle. By Captains KING and FITZROY, R.N. 2 vols. 8vo; with an Appendix by Major SABINE; and Maps, Charts, and upwards of 60 Illustrations by LANDSEER, &c. 21. 188. Six Years' Residence in the Australian Provinces, ending in 1839. By W. MANN. 12mo. 12s. MACBRAIN'S Missionary Travels in Egypt, &c. post 8vo. 78. 6d. The History and Topography of Ashbourn. 8vo. 118.; large paper, 198. The History and Antiquities of Newburn and its Environs. 8vo. 148. A Summer's Day at Hampton Court. By EDWARD JESSE, esq. Fcp. 8vo. BLACK'S Picturesque Tourist of Scotland, containing an accurate Travelling Map, &c. 78. Guide to Guernsey and Jersey. 4s. 6d. Guide to Peterborough Cathedral. 12mo. 28. 6d. 28. HEARN'S Guide to Salisbury. 12mo. Politics. Ireland, Social, Political, and Religious. By G. DE BEAUMONT. 2 vols. post 8vo. 21s. On Qualification and Registration of Electors. By G. P. ELLIOTт. 12то. 10s. 6d. Australiana; Thoughts on Convict Management, and other Subjects connected with the Penal Colonies. By Capt. MACONOCHIE, R.N., K.H. 8vo. 58. Essays. Miscellanies. By THOMAS CARLYLE. 4 vols. post 8vo. 40s. Modern Pyramid to commemorate a Septuagint of Worthies. By M. F. TUPPER. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Poetry. Blindness, a Poem. By A. PARK. post 8vo. 10s. GENT. MAG. VOL. XII. An Apology for the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession. By the Hon. and Rev. A. P. PERCEVAL. 12mo.6s. The Voluntary System: a Prize Essay, in reply to the Lectures of Dr. Chalmers on Church Establishments. By JOSEPH ANGUS, M.A. 12mo. 68. An Apology for Cathedral Service. Crown 8vo. 8s. An Essay on the Pastoral Office. By the Rev. ALF. BURRETт. 12mo. 6s. 6d. Jethro. A Prize Essay on Lay Agency for Home Missions. 8vo. 58. Sermons preached in India. By JoSIAH BATEMAN, M. A. 12mo. 5s. Heavenly Doctrine, or the New Revelation of the Religion of Jesus. Translated from the French, promulgated by CHARLES LEWIS Duke of Normandy, son of Lewis XVI. King of France. 12mo. 4s. Natural History, &c. Zoology of Captain Beechey's Voyage to the Pacific. Royal 4to. 51. 58. Recreations in Geology. By ROSINA M. ZOMLIN. With many cuts. 4s. 6d. Treatise on the Management of the Carnation, Piccotee, and Pink. By LUKE PIGOTT. 12mo. 1s. 6d. Encyclopædia of Rural Sports. By DELABERE P. BLAINE, Esq. Part I. 8vo. 58. Anatomy. Narrative of the Discoveries of Sir Charles Bell in the Nervous System. By ALEX. SHAW. 8vo. 58. Heraldry. The Regal Armorie of Great Britain; from the time of the ancient Britons to the reign of Queen Victoria, &c. ByALEX. BRUNET. 8vo. 10s. 3 F FOREIGN LITERATURE. A History of the Reformation in the Marquisate of Brandenburgh is announced by Dr. Spieker, in 3 vols. This part of Germany, the Prospectus states, through the piety and liberality of its princes, was as rich as the south-western provinces in religiousinstitutions and pious foundations. Besides three bishoprics, the Marquisate could reckon nineteen provostships, eighty-seven monasteries, many possessions of the Knights of St. John, and an innumerable multitude of churches, chapels, hospitals, benefices, and religious corporations. Notwithstanding all these apparently ample means for the support of religion and its concomitant virtues, the author asserts that Prussia is indebted to the Reformation for its prosperity and civilization, its active and free spirit, its intelligence and strength, its fame and greatness. Englishmen need not travel from their own shores to find a country resembling Prussia in this respect. A translation of Mr. Thirlwall's History of Greece into German, is now in course of publication at Bonn. Mr. T. has made a communication to the translator of some additions and corrections, which render the translation more valuable than the original. A preface by the celebrated Welcker is prefixed to the first volume, in which he bestows the highest praises on the work, for its acuteness, learning, and comprehensive views. That the author has given greater prominence to the political than the literary history of Greece is an advantage for the German reader, whose native literature is more abundant in works of an opposite description, political events being treated with less fulness.-Oxford Herald. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE The Ninth meeting of this Association was opened at Birmingham, in the library of King Edward's School, on Saturday the 27th of August. The Rev. Vernon Harcourt, the President for the year, took the chair at three o'clock, when the finance report was received; Mr. Francis Baily elected a trustee in the place of Mr. Babbage, resigned; and the officers and committees of Sections chosen. The officers were as follow: A. Mathematical and Physical Science, President, Rev. Professor Whewell; Vice Presidents, Francis Baily, esq. Professor Forbes, and Major Sabine; Secretaries, Messrs. J. T. Chance, W. Snow Harris, and Professor Stevelly. Place of meeting, King Edward's School, New Street. B. Chemistry and Mineralogy. President, Professor Graham; Vice Presidents, Prof. Johnstone, Mr. Richard Phillips; Secretaries, Golding Bird, M. D. J. B. Melsom, M. B. At the Copper Company's Room, Cannon Street. C. Geology, and Physical Geography. President, Rev. Dr. Buckland; Vice Presidents for Geography, G. B. Greenough, esq.; for Geology, Messrs. H. T. De la Beche, Leonard Horner, Charles Lyell; Secretaries, G. Lloyd, M. D. Messrs. H. G. Strickland, and C. Darwin. At the Philosophical Institution, Cannon Street. D. Zoology and Botany. President, Professor Owen; Vice Presidents, Mr. J. E. Gray, Dr. Graham, and G. B. Daubeny, M. D.; Secretaries, Messrs. E. Forbes, R. Patterson, and W. Ick. At the Atheneum, Temple Street. E. Medical Science. President, Dr. Yelloly; Vice Presidents, Dr. Johnstone, Dr. Roget, and Dr. Macartney; Secretaries, Dr. G. O. Rees, and Mr. F. Ryland. At the Medical School, Paradise Street. F. Statistics. President, Henry Hallam, esq.; Vice Presidents, Sir Charles Lemon, Bart. G. R. Porter, esq.; Secretaries, Messrs. Francis Clark, Rawson W. Rawson, and Dr. W. Cook Taylor. At the Billiard Rooms, adjoining the News Room. G. Mechanical Science. President, Professor Willis; Vice Presidents, Mr. Robert Stephenson, Dr. Lardner, Mr. G. Rennie; Secretaries, Messrs. W. Carpmael, W. Hawkes, and T. Webster. At King Edward's School. These several sections pursued their labours throughout the following week; but we must resign the task of even giv. ing the titles of the papers read. It is but a just tribute to the very full and elaborate manner in which they have been reported in the Atheneum, to state that the completest record of the proceedings will be found in that publication. It was observed that but a small number of the great factories with which Birmingham and its neighbourhood abounds, were opened to the visitors (which was attributed to the embarrassments arising from the recent riots); but the very large collection of models assembled in King Edward's School excited the greatest admiration and satisfaction. At the general meeting, which took place in the magnificent Town-hall on the Monday evening, a very judicious and eloquent address was delivered by the President, Mr. Harcourt; in which, after alluding to the scientific objects of Capt. James Ross's Antarctic Expedition; to the happy spirit of co-operation now prevalent in the fields of science; to M. Arago's eulogy on Watt, and to the unjust imputations therein cast on Mr. Cavendish; and to the character of Priest ley, once the great scientific ornament of Birmingham; he proceeded to defend the pursuits of the inductive philosopher from the imputation of impiety; and after adverting to the opposition which the Royal Society encountered in its infancy, remarked: "These are bygone days; and time, gentlemen, which seems to have little effect in removing prejudice, makes great changes at least in circumstances : the philosophy thus early dreaded, has since extended itself on every side; science pervades our manufactures, and science is penetrating to our agriculture; the very amusements, as well as the conveniences, of life, have taken a scientific colour. In these altered circumstances, were any now rash enough to kindle the dying embers of this obsolete bigotry-to stir up a worse than civil war between the feelings of piety and the deductions of reason, to go forth with the argumentum ad odium for their only weapon, against a host of facts patiently ascertained, and inferences fairly drawn, were they to call in the Scriptures to supply their defects, and fasten on them their own crude and ignorant speculations, were they to be seen shifting their ground from one false position to another, all equally untenable, and all assuming to be the sole defences of the true faith, what would be the natural consequence of a warfare at once so offensive and so hopeless? what the effect of so many baffled aggressions and self-inflicted defeats? what the fruit which the tree of knowledge would bear, thus injured, in the name of religion, by men who should remove the boundary marks of faith and philosophy, and confound things human and divine ?" On the Tuesday evening there was a promenade in the Town Hall, where the magnificent organ was finely played by the Chevalier Neukomm. At the meeting of the General Committee on Thursday, letters of invitation were read from Glasgow, Hull, and York, and personal applications for an early visit of the Association were made by delegates from Manchester and Devonport. It was unanimously resolved, that the next meeting should be held at Glasgow, in September, and, in deference to the strong opinions entertained by the Scotch generally on the impropriety of Sunday travelling, that the meeting should commence in the middle of the week, viz. on Thursday, the 17th of September, and that the General Committee should assemble on the preceding day. The following noblemen and gentlemen were chosen as officers of the Association for the next meeting: - The Marquis of Breadalbane, President; Dr. M'Farlane, Principal of the Glasgow University, Lord Greenock, Sir T. M. Brisbane, Sir D. Brewster, Vice-Presidents; L. P. Nicholl, LL.D., A. Little, esq. J. Strang, esq. Secretaries; C. Forbes, esq. Treasurer. The Dean of Ely regretted that, in consequence of increasing business, he was under the necessity of resigning his office as one of the General Secretaries. -Mr. Murchison, in accordance with what he had announced last year, tendered his resignation, but, at the unanimous request of the Council and the General Committee, consented to hold office another year. Major Sabine was elected in the room of the Dean of Ely. Saturday. In the absence, from illness, of the Rev. W. V. Harcourt, the Marquis of Northampton took the chair. Mr. J. Taylor, the Treasurer, then made his Report, from which it appeared, that the number of tickets issued toAnnual subscribers before the commencement of the meeting, was Tickets to annual subscribers during the meeting Tickets to old life members.. Tickets to foreigners .. 387 .. .. 737 280 34 .. .. Total number of tickets issued at .1,438 The proportion of new to old annual |