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The First Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine at this university was held during the week, commencing on the 1st of July. On that occasion 26 candidates presented themselves; and of these the following were declared to have passed that examination:

First Division-Philip B. Ayres, University College; Wm. Marten Cooke, Webb-street School; Richard Hindle, University of Edinburgh ; Thomas Lewis, University College; Fred. William Mackenzie, University College; Oliver Mauger, Westminster Hospital School; Richard Quain, University College; Edward Smith, Birmingham School of Medicine; John Taylor, University College.

Second Division-Henry Girdlestone, University of Edinburgh; Benjamin Hobson, University College; Henry Lang, Sydenham College; Charles R. Nicoll, Aldersgate School; Prior Purvis, St.

Thomas's and Webb-street Schools; John Storrar, University College; John Tomes, King's College.

The Second Examination for the same degree was held during the week, commencing on the 15th July; on which occasion 10 of the same candidates presented themselves; and of these nine were declared to have passed this examination, and consequently to be entitled to the degree.

The following is a complete list of the medical examiners of this university :In Anatomy and Physiology-*Francis Kiernan, Esq. F.R.S.; R. B. Todd, M.D., F.R.S. In Physiology and Comparative Anatomy-* P. M. Roget, M.D., Sec. R.S. In Chemistry-J. F. Daniell, Esq. F.R.S. In Botany-*Rev. J. S. Henslow.

In Materia Medica and Pharmacy-Jonathan Pereira, Esq. F.R.S.

In Surgery-Sir Stephen Hammick, Bart., -*John Bacot, Esq.

In Midwifery-*Charles Locock, M.D. In Medicine - *Archibald Billing, M.D., Alexander Tweedie, M.D., F.R.S.

The examinations in Forensic Medicine are conducted by the examiners in Chemistry, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy and Midwifery, conjointly.

Those marked thus * are Members of the Senate of the University.


An agricultural meeting, on a scale of unprecedented magnitude, took place at Oxford, in the third week of July. It was the first assemblage of the English Agricultural Society, which has been established by Earl Spencer and other influential friends of agriculture for the advance of the science in this country, and the encouragement of its honest and ingenious professors. Very extensive preparations had been made for the reception and accommodation of company, not only in Oxford but in the neighbouring towns of Abingdon and Woodstock, and the adjoining villages. Several of the colleges invited their principal tenants, and vast numbers took advantage of this exercise of liberality, and filled the various apartments usually occupied by the younger members of the University; whilst hundreds of the most noble and influential personages of the land partook of the hospitality of their friends, and were scattered through the various collegiate establishments, or lodged at private houses. During the week the town was fuller than on any previous occasion known. Every avenue was crowded with vehicles of every description, every inn and almost every house filled with company.

On the morning of Tuesday, July 16, by 8 o'clock, all the pens were occupied, and immediately after, the judges proceeded to inspect the stock and award the prizes. The first object of public attention was a trial of implements in a ploughed field adjoining the show-yard; but there was only an exhibition of a subsoil plough, a modification of an old principle, which, however, succeeded well in loosening and raising up the soil to a depth of nearly two feet. This, which was intended to form a valuable depart

ment of the society's operations, may be pronounced a present failure. The afternoon meeting, at the Town-hall, was very well attended, Earl Spencer, the President for the year, being in the chair, supported by the Duke of Richmond, and many other noblemen and gentlemen of distinction.

The President opened the business of the meeting by announcing that the prize essays would be read, and commenced by reading one from Colonel Le Couteur, of Jersey, containing an account of the most approved varieties of wheat hitherto introduced into England, for which a prize of 20 sovereigns, or a piece of plate to that value, had been awarded. The first description referred to, was that of the hoary white, or velveteen, a species formerly existing in Kent, where it appears to be now lost. This was described as one of the most profitable, leaving a balance to the cultivator of 151. 68. 9d. per acre. The next variety described was the Jersey Dantzic, which is, however, known in different parts of the country under several names. It is not so hardy as the former species, though it succeeds well in any part of this kingdom, except the north of Scotland. The straw is use. ful for bonnet-making. The estimated profit per acre is 121. 148. 6d. The third description named was the Whittington, the grain of which was light, firm, and plump, and afforded a straw generally six feet and not unfrequently seven feet in height. This variety is hardy and very productive, but the straw is too long to be used for thatching or for any practical purpose. The fourth variety was the Talavera Bellevue, which is hardy and prolific, appearing above the ground in 25 days, and ripening much earlier than any other description of wheat. Numerous experiments were adduced with respect to other varieties, and the paper excited considerable interest.

Mr. Handley, M.P. next read his paper on the comparative advantages of wheel and swing ploughs, for which a prize of 10l. or a piece of plate of equal value, had been awarded.

The third prize essay, which was read by Earl Spencer, was from Mr. Richard Hopper, of Nottingham, being the best account of the advantages of drawing turnips from the land, and consuming them in houses or yards, and to which a prize of 10l. was awarded. Mr. Handley next read a communication from Mr. Mr. Childers, M.P. on the advantages of shed-feeding for sheep; and Earl Spencer read some interesting physiological observations on the breeding of cows, deduced from his own observations. The remaining prize essays, which could not be read for want of time, were

4. For the best account of rural economy abroad, the Society's gold medal and 25 sovereigns.

5. For the best account of liquid manure, 10 sovereigns, to C. W. Johnson, Esq. of Gray's Inn, London.

6. For the best mode of making compost heaps, 10 sovereigns, to Jas. Dixon, Esq. Hathersham Lodge, near Oakham, Lanc.

The company afterwards, to the number of more than 400, dined together in the large room at the Star Hotel; Earl Spencer in the chair.

At seven o'clock the next morning the doors of the show ground at Holywell were thrown open, and, from that hour till the evening, there was a continued stream of people pouring into it. Before 12 o'clock the charge for admission was 2s. 6d. and the tickets issued, amounting to 5,000, were all disposed of. The price after that hour was 1s. and 12,000 tickets were all sold, and the committee compelled to take money at the doors, so that the number of persons on the ground during the day could not have been less than 20,000. The money taken was more than 1,189l. Every town and village within many miles appeared to have a holyday. The show of beasts was considered very superior; and the distribution of the prizes gave general satisfaction. In the centre of the ground was an exhibition of agricultural implements.

The society of Queen's College lent their quadrangle (an area of 144 feet square), for the grand public dinner. It was covered with an awning, and tables were arranged in the manner of an amphitheatre; the diners were in number about 2,430; and every window of the college and surrounding buildings was filled with well-dressed ladies. At four o'clock the chair was taken by Earl Spencer, who was supported on his right hand by the Earl of Devon, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Lord Sandon, and on his left by the Duke of Richmond, the Provost of Queen's college, the Mayor, and Hon. Mr. Webster, from the United States. The dinner was an

excellent cold collation, which was judiciously served up under the arrangements of Mr. Griffiths, the proprietor of the Angel Inn. Mr. Handley, M.P. officiated as vice-chairman. The festivity went off with the greatest eclat in this magnificent banqueting-hall, an excellent representation of which is published in the Oxford Herald of the 20th July. The

Duke of Richmond accepted the office of President for the next year's meeting; which will take place at Cambridge. The subjects of the Prize Essays for 1840, are:-I. Storing Turnips. II. Admixture of Soils.-III. Early Spring Feed. The prizes, in money or plate, are for the firstsubject 10/. and for the twolatter, 201. The number of members is now upwards of 1,800, and the annual income exceeds 2,4001.

An Agricultural College is proposed to be established in Kent. Besides the usual branches of education (arithmetic, geography, &c.), the pupils are to be taught the mode of cultivating arable, pasture, hop land, &c.; the nature of soils, their chemical properties, and the manures proper for each; the different courses of husbandry, the best rotation of crops in different soils, and the knowledge of botany, grain, seeds, and natural history in general; the irrigation and improvement of grass land, &c.; gardening, planting, draining, and the management of farms and woods; the knowledge of stock and other animals, how to breed, feed, and treat them; their points, conditions, and diseases; agricultural bookkeeping and accounts; agricultural mechanics; the power required to draw given weights, and how to combine speed, power, and economy, in draught; the construction of farm buildings, cottages, &c. and the construction and use of implements of husbandry; surveying and valuing of lands, &c. The sub-committee of the college have been offered a farm of 200 acres between Maidstone and Ashford, for the purposes of the institution. Its cost and that of the necessary buildings, is estimated at 18,900l. Agricultural colleges are not uncommon on the Continent, but the present is the first attempt to establish a similar institution in England. The Earl of Brecknock is chairman of the sub-committee of the Kent college.


July 16. At a special general meeting of this society, the report of the building fund committee recommended the purchase of a freehold site near Lant-street, Borough, for the erection of a new building, the whole cost of which, including the necessary fittings and the freehold, it was ascertained would not exceed 3,0001. On the motion of Mr. Blake, seconded

by Mr. Sturmy, the committee were empowered to carry their recommendation into immediate effect, towards which object nearly 1,5001. are already subscribed.




Mr. T. Attwood moved that the House resolve itself into a committee on the NATIONAL PETITION for Universal Suffrage, Ballot, Annual Parliaments, Abolition of Property Qualification, and Remuneration of Members (signed by 1,280,834) presented on the 14th June. Lord J. Russell opposed the motion, and after a long debate the House divided: for the motion, 46; against it, 235;majority, 189.

On bringing up the report of the whole House on the POST OFFICE acts, Mr. Goulburn moved several resolutions, to the effect that, with a deficiency of revenue, it was not expedient to adopt a penny postage system at the present period of the session, when it could not command the deliberate attention it should receive from Parliament. The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied. The numbers were for the original motion, 213; for the amendment, 113; majority, 100. R. Peel then proposed to leave out of the resolution all words pledging the House to make good any deficiency that might result from the adoption of the plan. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said that if the House agreed to the right hon. Baronet's amendment, he should proceed no further in the measure. After some


discussion, another division took place, when the numbers were, for the original motion, 184; for the amendment, 125; majority, 59.

July 15. Several clauses were added to the LONDON CITY POLICE BILL, in order to make the system of Police uniform in the City and other metropolitan districts; after which, it was read a third time and passed.

The MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (IRELAND) BILL was read a third time, after a division of 97 to 21; and was passed.

Lord John Russell moved the second reading of the Poor LAW COMMISSION CONTINUANCE BILL. Mr. Grimsditch moved, as an amendment, that it be read a second time that day three months. After some debate the House divided. For the amendment, 35; for the second reading, 120;-majority, 85.

second reading of the ELECTORS' REMOVAL BILL; and Lord Redesdale thereupon submitted an amendment that it be read a second time that day six months. The House divided-for the second

reading, 39; against it, 80; majority, 41. The Bill is consequently lost.

The House went into Committee on the PRISONS BILL. On clause 17, which provides that Roman Catholic chaplains should be appointed to gaols where fifty prisoners of that persuasion were in con. finement being read, the Marquis of Salisbury moved that it be expunged from the Bill. On a division, the numbers were for the clause, 24; against it, 76; majority against the clause, 42.

In the HOUSE OF Commons, the GoVERNMENT OF CANADA BILL was read a third time after a division of 110 against 10. The CATHEDRAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS BILL was read a third time, and passed.

July 20. Lord J. Russell moved that the House resolve itself into committee on the Poor LAW COMMISSION CONTINUANCE BILL. The motion was strongly opposed by several members, especially by Mr. Liddell, who condemned the system of " centralisation," a system fraught with danger to the best interests of the community. The question was carried by ayes, 86; noes, 27-majority, 59.

July 22. Lord J. Russell gave intimation that in consequence of the state of the country he should bring forward a proposition for the increase of the infantry regiments, so as to give an increase to the ARMY of 5,000 men, the cost of which however, to April next, he calculated would not exceed 75,000l. He also stated that he had received a communication from Birmingham, expressing the opinion that nothing but a permanent police force could enable the magistracy to enforce the law and preserve it; and that it was therefore the intention of government to advance for such purpose 10,000/., to be repaid by a rate levied in Birmingham.

The PENNY POSTAGE BILL was read a second time without a division, but not till after strong protests from Mr. Goulburn and Sir R. Peel against the adoption of such a measure with a declining reveThe Earl of Clarendon moved the nue, and when, if the plan failed, it


would be impossible to impose any new tax to make good further deficiency, and to support public credit.

Mr. Gillon moved that the House resolve into committee, for the purpose of revising the POST HORSE AND MILEAGE DUTIES, &c. A lengthened discussion followed, after which the motion was negatived by 109 to 48.

July 23. The House went into committee upon the BIRMINGHAM POLICE BILL, when Lord John Russell, after impressing upon the House the urgency and absolute necessity of the case, moved a resolution, that the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury be authorized to direct that 10,000l. be advanced out of the consolidated fund, for a police force in the town of Birmingham, the same to be charged upon and repaid out of the rates to be levied upon that town. Sir Robert Peel supported the resolution. He preferred the system of a local police, such as this resolution would establish, to a habit of draughting down detachments of the metropolitan constables. A strange force would ever be in danger of doing too much or too little. Mr. T. Attwood affirmed that the proposed measure was wholly gratuitous: that the town had not been asked for any money: if it were so called on, it would be very well able to raise its own defensive force. The resolutions were then passed and reported, and the Bill founded on them was forthwith brought in, and read a first time.

July 24. Lord J. Russell, in submitting his promised measure, empowering the county magistracy, in case of necessity only, to establish COUNTY AND DISTRICT CONSTABLES, said that there were now so many examples of an efficient police throughout the country, established through the recommendation and advice of the metropolitan commissioners, that it evidently would not be difficult for the magistrates to constitute a good police force. He thought that the Bill he proposed to bring in would lay the foundation of an improved system in the country. He thought it would tend permanently to the security of the country, if the peace could be preserved in counties without calling out the military or yeomanry. Mr. D'Israeli inveighed against the Ministers as the virtual originators of all the mischief, and said, that unless they would enter upon the whole question of the recent outbreak, its causes and its circumstances, he would not consent to the measure propounded. Mr. Rice indignantly remarked, that the last speaker had attempted to affix to this measure, which was intended for the public benefit, a party character. The

present measure was not one of war, but of protection to the mass of the people. Mr. Wakley complained that the object of the measure was to stifle the voice of the people. Let Government redress their grievances, and then there would be no necessity for a proposition of this nature. Colonel Sibthorp denounced the unconstitutional conduct of the Government. Leave was given to bring in the Bill.


In committee on the IRISH MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS' BILL, Lord Lyndhurst proposed a number of amendments, the effect of the principal of which went to raise the qualification of voters from 81. to 10l.; to vest the appointment of municipal sheriffs in the Crown; to afford full compensation to all those persons who might be deprived of office by the operation of the Bill; and that municipal charters should be granted in those cases only where they should be petitioned for by a majority of inhabitant householders rated at such a sum as would entitle them to act as burgesses under such charters. These and other amendments were carried by triumphant majorities. After a good deal of discussion, in the course of which the Bishop of Exeter strenuously opposed the CHURCH DISCIPLINE BILL, it was read a third time and passed, by a majority of 21 against 12.

HOUSE OF COMMONS, July 25. The Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed that the charter of the BANK OF IRELAND should be renewed for the term yet unexpired of the Bank of England charter, that is, till 1844; and he proposed to continue to the bank the circle within which the monopoly of issue now existed. There was a capital loan of 1,015,0001. for which the public paid the bank 5 per cent.; and another of 1,615,000l. for which they paid 4 per cent. making together 2,630,0001. and an average interest of 47.7s. 6d. per cent. He proposed to reduce this interest to 3 per cent., the bank charging nothing to the public for transacting all its business. Mr. Hume moved as an amendment that the exclusive privileges enjoyed by the Bank of Ireland shall cease as soon as the notice required by law can be given; which was lost by a division of 36 to 112.


In committee on the MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (IRELAND), Lord Lyndhurst moved an amendment to the qualification clause to raise the amount of the qualification from 87. to 101.; and was supported by the Duke of Wellington. The House

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