May 16. At Cornwall Estate, Jamaica, Matthew Lushington, esq. third son of Sir Henry Lushington, Bart. ABROAD.-Jan. 31. At Batavia, aged 39, P. Hardie, esq. M.D. March. At Cotta, Ceylon, aged 26, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. J. F. Haslam, of St. John's Coll. Camb. eldest dau. of the late Pym Denton, esq. of Whittington, Derb. April 2. At Colombo, Ceylon, aged 28, Frederick Shallis Saner, Assistant Surgeon 61st Reg. youngest son of James Saner, esq. of Finsbury-sq. April. Aged 22, Rowland Bateman, esq. of Her Majesty's ship Wellesley, off the Persian Gulf, third son of Colthurst Bateman, esq. of Bertholey House, co. Monmouth. May 20. At Stertzingen in the Tyrol, Mrs. Cumming, née de Gersdorf, widow of Patrick Cumming, esq. of East Cliff Lodge in the Isle of Thanet, and of Riga. June 6. At St. Michael's, Mr. William Harding Read, Consul-general for the Azores for upwards of thirty years. The inhabitants of the city of Ponta Delgada, as a mark of their respect, conducted his remains to the Protestant cemetery with military honours. June 9. At Brussels, aged 21, William George, eldest son of the Rev. William Drury. July 3. At Yeres, near Paris, Deborah, wife of J. B. Garland, esq. late of Stone House, near Wimborne. BILL OF MORTALITY, from June 25 to July 23, 1839. Christened. Males 728 688 Females } 1416 Buried. Males 537 Females 501 1038 Whereof have died under two years old...268 Between 2 and 5 150 | 50 and 60 89 AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, by which the Duty is regulated, July 26. Farnham Pockets, 6l. Os. to 87. 88. - Kent Bags, 21. 2s. to 51. 58. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW AT SMITHFIELD, July 27. Hay, 31. 10s. to 41. 18s. Od. Straw, 11. 18s. to 21. Os.-Clover, 31. 15s. to 61. Os. Od. Walls Ends, from 17s. Od. to 23s. Od. per ton. Other sorts from 17s. 9d. to 23s. Od. TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 53s. Od. Yellow Russia, 52s. Od. CANDLES, 8s. Od. per doz. Moulds, 98. 6d. PRICES OF SHARES. At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock and Share Brokers, Birmingham Canal, 222.- Ellesmere and Chester, 821. -Grand Junction, 185.- Kennet and Avon, 28. - Leeds and Liverpool, 750.- Regent's, 12. -----Rochdale, 112.--London Dock Stock, 67. - St. Katharine's, 107.-- West India, 111.- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 196.--Grand Junction WaterWorks, 68.--West Middlesex, 101. - Globe Insurance, 1311.- Guardian, 39. Hope, 5. Chartered Gas, 55. - Imperial Gas, 50.- Phœnix Gas, 29.Independent Gas, 50. General United Gas, 351. Canada Land Company, 30.- Reversionary Interest, 133. For Prices of all other Shares inquire as above, METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W.CARY, STRAND. From June 26 to July 25, 1839, both inclusive. J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, late RICHARDSON, Goodluck, and ARNULL. J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. nextiletham: S:robh:eborateu:ar nghe:prmatus:৮:১০ SEAL OF ROBERT WALDBY, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. for his Lordship of Hexham.1397. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. SEPTEMBER, 1839. BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. CONTENTS. PAGE Seal of Archbishop Waldeby, for the Lordship of Hexham (with a Plate) Arms of Archbishops, and of the Church of York. ---Fabricated Matrices...... 236 Letter of the Duke of Norfolk, 1472, on the Duchess taking her Chamber The Saxon Lecture in Tavistock Abbey.-Saxon dialect in Devonshire.. Remarks on the Polytheism of the Ancient Britons, drawn from inscriptions Notices of the Church and Parish of Pencombe, Herefordshire ll-ringing.-Register of the College Youth.-" Clamour your Tongues".... CORRESPONDENCE OF WALTER MOYLE, Esq. -On Titus's Triumphal Arch.- Tillotson, 259.-Memoir of Captain Thomas Savery POETRY.-Sonnets to Spenser, 262. To the River Deben, 263. -To Mira.... 264 Sir A. Weldon's Court of King James I. reviewed by Bishop Goodman, 265 ; Archæologia, Vol. XXVIII. Part I. 273; Bowles's Pudens and Claudia of St. Paul, 278; Catalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral, 279; Faulkner's History of Hammersmith, 281; Bigsby's Triumph of Drake, 285; Smyth's Law Officers of Ireland, Teulet's Catalogue of Documents relating to the History of Scotland, Sermons by Melville, and by T. Smith, and Mis- LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. -New Publications, 290. University of London, 291.- The English Agricultural Society .. HISTORICAL CHRONICLE.-Proceedings in Parliament, 294. - Foreign OBITUARY; with Memoirs of the Sultan Mahmoud, 309; the Earl of Lucan, 310; General Lord Howden, ib.; Le Baron de Prony, 312; Sir J. G. Crawfurd, Bart. 313; Sir James Montgomery, Bart 314; Rev. Sir E. Kynaston, Bart. ib.; Sir E. K. Lacon, Bart. ib.; Sir Stephen Gaselce, Knt. 315; General the Hon. R. Taylor, ib.; General Archdall, ib.; Lieut.- General Ainslie, 316; Major-General Sir B. C. Stephenson, 317; G. P. Holford, Esq. 318; F. F. Turvile, Esq. ih.; W. M. Praed, Esq. M.P. Bill of Mortality-Markets-Prices of Shares, 327. - Meteorological Diary- Embellished with a Representation of the SEAL OF ARCHBISHOP WALDEBY, for |