many of the characters given of modern publications, are like false lights, held out only to mislead, and the critic becomes either the too partial friend, or the mercenary eulogist of the author. From such a betrayal of our duty to the public, we trust the pages of this Magazine will be always free. We have no more to observe at the present time, but to hope that our correspondents will continue to favour us with their obliging and valuable communications on Literature and Antiquities as they have done; and, in conclusion, we venture to observe, that to animadvert without acrimony, and to amend without the severity of censure, are the surest methods of obtaining the ends desired;-the domain of Literature and Science should emphatically be-the domain of Peace. Dec. 31, 1839. S. URBAN. LIST OF EMBELLISHMENTS TO THE VOLUME. Those marked thus * are Vignettes, printed with the letter-press. * The Brief-Maler and Form-Schneider, from Hans Sach's Book of Trades 110 * Copy of St. Christopher, the earliest known Wood-Cut 112 * Several Specimens of Wood Engraving 114-123 Wood Engravings by Bewick and Jackson (Plates II. and III.).. ..125 Seal of Robert Waldby, Archbishop of York, for the Lordship of Hexham. 234 View of the Cedar Tree at Butterwick House, Hammersmith.. 281 * Representation of a Roman Altar at Hardriding, Northumberland ..409 View of the New National School of Wootton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire ..464 View of Tickenham Church and Court, Somersetshire ..573 * Elevations of two Windows in Tickenham Court.... ...574 * Representations of three Roman Inscriptions in the Newcastle Museum 634-5 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. JULY, 1839. BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. CONTENTS. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE.-Winestead Church, Yorkshire-Captain Coe's Burman MSS.-Frigorific rays of the Moon-Life of Sir John Hayward- Tytler's England under Edward VI. and Queen Mary.. MEMORIALS OF LITERARY CHARACTERS, No. XXVI.---Poetical Note from Edward Cave to Mr. John Hughs, Printer-Memoir of M. Desforges Mail- lard alias Mlle. Malcrais de la Vigne Description of Hurley Church, Berkshire.. The Right Hon. T. P. Courtenay's Annotations on Shakspeare-The Emperor -The House of Guise-The Triumphs of Maximilian and Dr. Dibdin- Chronology of Rome-Lord Brougham's Historical Sketches-Diderot's Library-Distinguished Irishmen settled in France-The Courtenays of PAGE On Celtic Names of Places-Pembroke-Dublin-Nottingham Letter of the "Lover of Literature" to Mr. Sharon Turner.. Conjectures on the Bayeux Tapestry by Mr. Bolton Corney On the Seal of the Borough of Maidenhead (with a Cut) RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW. Middle-Age Geography-Sir John Maundevile's Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays, 49.--Keightley's Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy, 54.-Bishop Hopkin's on the Church of Rome, 57.-Lieutenant Johns's Legend and Romance, 59.-Lindsay's View of the Coinage of Ire- land, 61.-Diary of the Rev. John Ward, A.M. Vicar of Stratford-upon- New Publications, 68.-Biblical Literature, 69.- University of Oxford, ib.- Royal Society, 70. - Royal Geographical Society, ib. - Royal Asiatic Society ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES.-Society of Antiquaries, 72. The Anti- quities of France, 74.-Sepulchre at Rome, 77. Roman Antiquities near Frome, ib. Sepulchral Urn, 78.-Palace of Westminster....... HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. Proceedings in Parliament, 78. - Foreign OBITUARY; with Memoirs of the Earl of Powis; Dr. Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough; Rev. Dr. Davy; Right Hon. W. Saurin; Right Hon. Sir G. F. Hill, Bart.; Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. Pritzler; Major-Gen. Sir P. Linde- say; Commander W. Love, R.N.; The Duc de Bassano; M. Broussais; John Galt, Esq.; T. H. Bayley, Esq.; Rev. Rice Rees; Ralph Thomp- 2 MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. MR. URBAN,-In the church of Winestead, in Yorkshire, is preserved a document, a copy of which follows. The original, as I judge from a fac-simile given me by the Rev. James Hildyard, is nearly contemporary with the latter event : "Anno ab incarnatione domini MCLXXXVIII. combusta fuit hec ecclesia in mense septembri in sequenti nocte post festum sancti mathei apostoli: et in anno MCXCVII. VI idibus martii facta fuit inquisitio reliquiarum beati johannis in hoc loco et inventa sunt hec ossa in orientali parte sepulchri et hic recondita et pulvis cemento mixtus ibidem inventus est et reconditus." As far as I know, this has not been printed before, and, as it is well worthy of preservation, I hope it will find a corner in your miscellany. - Jesus Coll. Cam, In our number for March (p. 318) we gave a short biography of Captain Thomas Coe. Since then his museum has been sold by public auction at Cambridge, and formed perhaps the largest collection of Burman curiosities ever brought into this country. The idols were purchased at reasonable sums, but the larger portion fetched high prices: all the Burman MSS. and inscriptions were purchased by J. O. Halliwell, esq. of Jesus College. C.W.L. remarks that the following passage in the Psalms of David-" So that the sun shall not burn thee by day, nor the moon by night," which is not intelligible to the inhabitants of a colder climate, where the injurious effects of the full moon are not so obvious, becomes plain when the curious facts which were noticed in our review of Martin's History of the West Indies are considered; and to them it may be added that the human frame does not escape these skyey influences, the cause of which is not easily explained. It may however be observed, that some years since a series of experiments was carefully made, from which it appeared that if two thermometers were exposed to the beams of the moon, and a slight cover interposed between one of them and the moon, it indicated a higher temperature than that which was uncovered; and it was therefore inferred that there is a direct descent of frigorific rays through the atmosphere when the moon is shining brightly at its full. MR. BRUCE will be much obliged by any information respecting the Life, or Works, of Sir John Hayward, D.C.L., author of the Life of Edward VI. and other works. Address, 17, King's Parade, Chelsea. MR. J. G. NICHOLS is about to prepare for the press a new edition of Leland's Itinerary; to which he proposes to give a clearer text and arrangement, but without modernising the orthography; and he intends to illustrate it with such notes as may appear strictly pertinent to the subjects mentioned by the Author, and the period at which he wrote. Any communications in furtherance of this design will be gratefully received. a few C. J. inquires for any information as to a family named De Vestrous? An antique seal was found, years ago, at Finningley, near Doncaster, having thereon a lion rampant, (not on a shield) and this legend, S. NICOLAI DE VESTROVS. J. T. remarks "In your March number, p. 226, it is stated by An old County Magistrate' that no Special Commission has been issued in England since 1820. This, I beg to observe, is an error,Special Commissions were issued in 1830 for the trial of Rioters in the counties of Wilts, Berks, and Hants, which were held at Salisbury, Reading, and Winchester; in 1832, for the trial of Rioters in Bristol and Nottingham; and in 1833 for the trial of Prisoners at the Old Bailey, London, who had been previously tried at Hicks's Hall, but which was rendered necessary by the celebrated mistake of the Middlesex Magistrates." With reference to "names ending with -cock," H. remarks, Luke Badecot was Sheriff of London 1266. It is possible, after all, that Badcock may be the corruption of this surname, originating from not "a shocking bad hat," but a shocking bad coat. |