esq. late purser of her Majesty's ship Griffon. At Baden Baden, aged 13 months, Charlotte Henrietta, only child of the Hon. John Boyle. May 22. Aged 21, Prince William of Saxe Weimar, eldest son of Duke Bernard of Saxe Weimar, and nephew to her Majesty the Queen Dowager. May 27. On his way to Canada to join his regiment, aged 22, John Boughton Egerton Ward Boughton Leigh, esq. Cornet in the First Dragoons, eldest son of John Ward Boughton Leigh, esq. of Brownsover Hall, Warwickshire. Lately. In the United States, Zera Colburn. He was distinguished when a child for a most remarkable power of arithmetical calculation. He was born in Vermont, and soon after his remarkable talent was discovered, he visited some of the principal towns and cities of America. Subsequently he came to Europe, but after an absence of twelve years returned to his native country. He became a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and recently a professor of the Literary Institution of Norwich, in which situation he remained to the period of his death. At Paris, aged 80, M. Emeric David, member of the Institute. At the Hague, aged 62, M. Van Os, the distinguished animal and landscape painter. BILL OF MORTALITY, from May 28 to June 18, 1839. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, by which the Duty is regulated, June 21. Farnham Pockets, 6l. 6s. to 91. 9s.-Kent Bags, 21. 2s. to 51. 128. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW AT SMITHFIELD, June 24. Straw, 11. 18s. to 21. 2s.-Clover, 41. 10s. to 51. 128. 6d. Hay, 31. 10s. to 4l. 15s. Od. Walls Ends, fróm 17s. 6d. to 22s.3d. per ton. Other sorts from 19s. 3d. to 21s. Od. TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 48s. 6d. Yellow Russia, 48s. 6d. CANDLES, 8s. Od. per doz. Moulds, 9s. 6d. PRICES OF SHARES. At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock and Share Brokers, Birmingham Canal, 201.- Ellesmere and Chester, 811.- Grand Junction, 190.Kennet and Avon, 284. Leeds and Liverpool, 750.- Regent's, 15. -Rochdale, 112.--London Dock Stock, 664. St. Katharine's, 109.-- West India, 110. Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 193.--Grand Junction WaterWorks, 69.-- West Middlesex, 104.- Globe Insurance, 140.- Guardian, 39, Hope, 6. Chartered Gas, 55. Imperial Gas, 51.- Phenix Gas, 28.-Independent Gas, 50.- General United Gas, 36.- Canada Land Company, 28. Reversionary Interest, 136. For Prices of all other Shares inquire as above, METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W.CARY, STRAND. From May 26 to June 25, 1839, both inclusive. Fahrenheit's Therm. Fahrenheit's Therm. Weather. in. pts. 26 49 59 45 30, 16 fair 12 66 77 65 14 do. , , 29 51 67 49 , 17 do. , 87 cloudy , 06 do. 30,00 do. fair 16 62 71 54 , 20 do. Ju. 1 54 69 48 29, 90 do. , 14 fair, cloudy 29, 98 do. do. , 19 6074 60 30,00 do. do. 4 53 61 54 65 do. fair 20 62 76 63 , , 04 do. do. 29, 80 do. do. 6 60 69 58 , 92 fair, cloudy 22 59 61 57 60 64 57 , 80 cloudy, rain , 50 do. hvy. do. 60 71 56 , 87 fair, cloudy 9 60 70 57 30, 04 do. 25 61 72 58 90 do. do. , J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, late RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and ARNULL. J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET. |