The Itinerary of John Leland in Or about the Years 1535-1543: Parts I to III. 1907G. Bell and sons, 1907 |
From inside the book
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Page xli
... withyn the space of xii . Britanniae monethes following , such a description to make of your reaulme yn writing , that it shaul be no mastery after for the graver or painter to make a like by a perfecte exemple . Yea and to wade farther ...
... withyn the space of xii . Britanniae monethes following , such a description to make of your reaulme yn writing , that it shaul be no mastery after for the graver or painter to make a like by a perfecte exemple . Yea and to wade farther ...
Page 3
... Withyn the ruines of the castell is now a meane house for a fermar . From Barnewelle to Oundaled a mile . The towne stondith on the farther ripe as I cam to it . The bridge over Avon is of great arches and * smaul apon Nene R. the ...
... Withyn the ruines of the castell is now a meane house for a fermar . From Barnewelle to Oundaled a mile . The towne stondith on the farther ripe as I cam to it . The bridge over Avon is of great arches and * smaul apon Nene R. the ...
Page 6
... withyn a mile of Foderingey . Kirkham the knight dwellith aboute a mile from Foderin- gey , but is place is sum what distant from Avon . From Foderingey bak by Owndale 4. miles to Lilford village apon [ Avon ] where Elmes a gentil [ man ...
... withyn a mile of Foderingey . Kirkham the knight dwellith aboute a mile from Foderin- gey , but is place is sum what distant from Avon . From Foderingey bak by Owndale 4. miles to Lilford village apon [ Avon ] where Elmes a gentil [ man ...
Page 7
... withyn the waulles be 7. fo . 8 . wherof the chirch of Al Halowes is principale , stonding yn the harte of the toune , and is large and welle buildid . a Finedon . с • Wellingborough . b Higham Ferrers . d Castle Ashby . Northants . fo ...
... withyn the waulles be 7. fo . 8 . wherof the chirch of Al Halowes is principale , stonding yn the harte of the toune , and is large and welle buildid . a Finedon . с • Wellingborough . b Higham Ferrers . d Castle Ashby . Northants . fo ...
Page 10
... withyn it : now there is nothing but greate barnes longging to the fermar . Towcester is 7. miles from Wedon , and as much from d Banbury . a Fawsley . • Floore . b Charwelton . ! Weedon . c Cherwell . Watling Street . Northampton , al ...
... withyn it : now there is nothing but greate barnes longging to the fermar . Towcester is 7. miles from Wedon , and as much from d Banbury . a Fawsley . • Floore . b Charwelton . ! Weedon . c Cherwell . Watling Street . Northampton , al ...
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The Itinerary Of John Leland In Or About The Years 1535-1543 (Volume V ... Lucy Toulmin Smith No preview available - 2020 |
Common terms and phrases
abbate abbay afore agayn apon arches auncient Avon Axmouth beneth berith Berstaple betwixt Bisshop botom bridge of stone broke buildid buried Burton castelle caullid cawled chanons chapelle chirch yard corne Cornwall creke cummith cumpace Devonshire doughter doun Duke Dunmere dwellith eche enclosid Erle Excester fair Freres fundation gate Glaston goith goodly ground half a mile hard hath haven Hearne hedde heire Henry hille hospitale isle John King landes Leland lernid litle longgid Lord lordship lyith maner place manor maried medow midle miles lower mouth myles north side obiit park paroch chirch passid pasture praty prebendaries priory rennith right hond ripe risith ryver Saresbyri secunde shippes Shirburn shire smaul Somerset south side south west stonding stondith Stow streate Sum say sumtyme sumwhat sunne ther therby Thomas toun town tumbe tyme village waulle west ende wher wherof withyn wood yere ynto Yorkshire
Popular passages
Page xi - It would be a great profit to students, and honour to this realm,' he wrote; 'whereas now the Germans, perceiving our desidiousness and negligence, do send daily young scholars hither that spoileth them and cutteth them out of libraries, returning home and putting them abroad as monuments of their own country.
Page 63 - In the first court of it be a 4. toures, ol the which one is caullid Rosamunde's Toure. In the ynner court be also a 4. toures, wherof the kepe is one. The castelle waulles and the toures be meatly welle, the logginges yn the ynner court that be of timbre be in ruine, in this inner court is a chappelle and a cantuarie prest.
Page 140 - Tymes with Water derivid out of it 2 Places in Bath Priorie usid for Bathes: els voide ; for in them be no springes. "The Colour of the Water of the Baynes is as it were a depe blew So Water, and rikith like a sething Potte continually, having sumwhat a sulphurous and sumwhat a pleasant savor.
Page 139 - In this table was an inscription of a tumbe or burial wher in I saw playnly these wordes : vixit annos xxx. This inscription was meately hole but very diffusely written, as letters for hole wordes, and 2. or 3. letters conveid in one. Then I saw a. 2 images, wherof one was of a nakid manne grasping a serpent in eche hand, as I tooke it: and this image was not far from the north gate. Such antiquites as were in the waulles from the north gate to the est, and from the est gate to the south, hath been...
Page xi - A great nombre of them whych purchased those superstycyouse mansyons, reserved of those lybrarye bokes, some to serve theyr Jakes, some to scour thevr candelstyckes, and some to rubbe their bootes.
Page 206 - Then a 3. miles by mory and hethy ground. Then 2. miles by hilly and woddy ground to Liscard. About half a mile or I cam to Liskard I passid in a wood by a chapel of owr Lady caullid our Lady in the Park, wher was wont to be gret pilgrimage.
Page 48 - Hasille village a 2 or 3 mile of, upper on Humber. The first great encreasing of the towne was by passing for fisch into Iseland, from whens they had the hole trade of stoke fisch into England, and partly other fisch. In Richard the...
Page 75 - Then were al the chief toures of the 3. court as in the hart of the castel. The haul and al the houses of offices be large and stately : and in the haul I saw an incredible great beame of an hart. The great chaumber was exceding large, but now it is fals rofid and devidid into 2.
Page 275 - Goddeshouse-Gate, of an hospitale yoinid to it. And not far beyond it is a fair gate caullid the Water [gat]e: without the wich is [a faire square key] forsid with [piles into the haven water] for ship[pes to resort to]. Then a 3. towrres to the west gate.
Page 204 - ... of the very hedde of them. The sande that cummith from tynne workes is a great cause of this, and yn tyme to cum shaul be a sore decay to the hole haven of Fawey. Barges as yet cum with marchanties within half a mile of Lostwithiel.