4 RAILROAD JOURNAL. OFFICE, 35 WALL-STREET. CONTENTS. Editorial Notices, &c..... 417 | Foreign Intelligence.....424 New York and Eric Rail- Home Affairs-Legislative from Wood's Treatise...418 Steam-Carriages on Com- Congress 426 apparatus which acts as a wedge or inclined plane, be thoroughly tested before it is adopted to any conwith a horizontal movement, under the rails.- sidorable extent. When the draw is to be opened, the apparatus is with HAERLEM RAILROAD.-In taking a short walk this drawn from its position until those parts of the rails morning up town, we passed the scene of operations of the Public Health..425 which fill its space fall below the other parts of upon this work; and we were gratified to find that Legislature of New York.428 the rails, then they also partake of the horizon- the rails, or rather the stone sills for the reception Indian War, &c.423 Miscellany.. 430 tal movement until the space designed for the pas- of the iron rails, are laid between 14th and 12th Poetry, Marriages, Deaths, sago of the vessel is clear. After the vessel has streets, and that they will, in a very short time, be &c... ..431 Summary, Price of Stocks, passed, and the draw is to be closed, a counter move- completed as far down as Prince street; when our ment of the rails and apparatus takes place until the citizens will have an opportunity of witnessing the The AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL is pub moveable rails have regained a position directly manner of laying rails along paved streets, as well lished at 35 Wall-street. New-York, at $3 a year, in advance AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. NEW-YORK, JUNE 30, 1832. under that which they are to occupy, their hori-as the greater safety of using carriages on a Railzontal motion then ceases and a perpendicular one road in cities, than in any other way, as they move follows, caused by the continued horizontal move-directly forward, and are entirely under the control ment of the inclined plane beneath it-until the rail of the driver, who can check his horse with one has regained the level of the road, where it is firm- hand, and move his lever, which stops the carriage, THE PATERSON RAILROAD, to which we referred ly supported by the frame on which it rests, and with the other. There will be no racing, and, in in our last, is, perhaps, less known to this community the cars will pass over it with as little difficulty as truth, no danger to be apprehended. Those who than any other of equal importance in the country. over any other part of the road. are desirous to see the manner of laying the rails, This arises probably from the circumstance that the After passing the Bergen ridge, the marshes, and as well as the ease with which they are crossed by stock is principally owned by those who projected the Hackensack river, there will be a high embank-carriages and carts, may do so by a visit to the the enterprize, and who choose to retain the control ment, of considerable extent, formed from the exca.corner of the Bowery and 12th street. of the road; hence the stock has been less in mar-vation, to the depth of 25 or 30 feet, of the summit The work on the line of the road, we understand, ket, and of course less interest has been excited up- of Berry's hill. There will also be a corresponding goes bravely on; and we hope it will not be many on the subject. There cannot be a doubt, however, embankment on the west side of Berry's hill to the months before the thousands who are impatiently we think, but that it will ere long be duly apprecia. Passaic river. These rivers must be passed by draw waiting, may have an opportunity to enjoy the ted. It will open an easy communication between this bridges, in order to permit vessels to navigate them pleasure of a trip to Haerlem on a Railroad. city and one of the first, if not the very first manu- as usual; and here it is that Mr. Winans' newly in. STEAM CARRIAGES UPON COMMON ROADS.-We have facturing village in its vicinity, and greatly facili- vented draw bridge is to be tested. The work on in previous numbers given extracts from the examinatate its business. It will, when completed, enable these heavy embankments and deep excavation is tions taken before a Committee of the House of Com thousands of our citizens-who have not weeks of progressing rapidly, yet they will somewhat retard mons, and we now give in part, and shall complete leisure upon their hands, to spend in the country- the completion of the work, as a large force cannot in our next number, the report of that committee upto pass a leisure day occasionally, at a very small be brought to bear upon them. After crossing the on the above subject. We find it has become in Engexpense, in the enjoyment of as pure air and as en. Passaic, the ascent is gradual until the point is at land a subject of much interest, and we shall, there. chanting scenery as can be found eitherat Saratoga tained to which the read is already completed, near fore, hereafter make further extracts from the exaSprings, at Trenton or Niagara Falls. mination of other gentlemen who have heen engaged Another attraction will be found in the crossing of The plan of laying the rails on this road varies in in similar experiments. It would be a little singular navigablo rivers, (the Hackensack and Passaic both some measure from any other within our knowledge. if steam carriages on common roads should treat crossing its line,) a circumstance of which, by any After the road is prepared for receiving the rails, Railroads with as little ceremony as Railroads pre other Railroad we have seen no account. There parallel rows of square pits or holes, of 18 inches treating Canals. must of course be draw-bridges-usually construct. in diameter, and 2 1.2 or 3 feet in depth, and 3 feet We are authorized to state, that the Philadelphia, ed, we believe, so as to form two inclined planes from centre to centre, are dug and filled with bro. Germantown and Norristown Railroad Company, have received for tolls during the short period since -which would greatly interfere with Railroad ken stone, of an inch or inch and a half in diameter, the opening of their Road, a sum considerably ex traveling; but this difficulty has been entirely, and, closely rammed, which forms a compact mass, ceeding three thousand dollars. We have further as we have been informed, very ingeniously obviated across which sleepers of cedar or locust are laid, authentic information that the company are in daily by a draw-bridge upon an entirely new principle, upon which, at right angles, rest the pine rails, expectation of receiving a first rate locomotive en. gine from England, which will immediately be put invented by Ross WINANS, Esq., already favorably by 8 inches, with a plate of wrought iron, 5-8ths by an operation on the road, arrangements having been known as the inventor of the improved car, spo. 2 1-2 inches on the surface. This mode of pre-made for the employment of a first rate steam enken highly of by the Chief Engineer of the Baltimore paring the foundation is new, and we were in. gineer. We learn, also, that the road in a very short and Ohio Railroad and others who have used it. formed that it was proof against the severity of the time will be completed to the Germantown main We are not familiar with the plan adopted, but bo. past winter, as scarcely any injury was sustained lieve that instead of being raised, it is lowered, still from frost. It is deemed superior to the block of having on hand all the materials for the extent of retaining its horizontal position, by means of an stone for the support of the rails. It however should the route.- [Ohio Gazette, 26th inst.] Aquackanonk. street, and that the located line to the Wissahiccon will forthwith be put under eontract, the company From the Oswego Gazette.] load was 16 tons gross each, at the rate of three) The total cost of the Baltimore and Ohio RailRAILROAD MEETING. At a meeting of the Corpor- miles per hour. On this line there is a suspension road is stated in the last annual report at $27,128 Lors of, and citizens friendly to the New York and bridge, supported by iron chairs. per mile from the city to the Point of Rocks, (being Crie Railroad Company, held at L. Manning's, in the Many writers have stated that this was the first 73 miles, including the branch of 3 1-2 miles to llage of Oswego, Tioga county, on the 4th day of Railroad intended for the purpose of general trade: Frederick,) although the Editor has reasons for beJane, 1832, pursuant to notice given, the Hon, this is a mistake. Several Railroads of considerable lieving that the ultimate cost will be, at least, $30,'nilip Church, of Allegany county, was chosen extent were made in Great Britain many years pre. 000. The main road is composed of a double line Chairman, and J. R. Drake, of Tioga county, Sec viously. The Surrey, the Sirhoway, the Cardiff and of tracts. It is well known that much unnecessary etary. Merthyr Tydvill, and several other Railroads, were expenditure has been bestowed on this work-parResolved, That a committee of three be appointed intended to accommodate a general trade, and the ticularly on the first division of 13 miles. Great › correspond with the proper officers of the General tolls on them specified accordingly in the several extravagance has been displayed in the construction tovernment in relation to the Survey of a Railroad acts of Parliament; although the articles conveyed of the bridges on every part of the line. With one oute from New York to Lake Erie, and that J. R. on them, as well as on the Stockton and Darlington exception, they are constructed, at an enormous exDrake, J. H. Avery, and S. B. Leonard, be said com. Railroad, are chiefly minerals and other heavy goods. pense, of masonry. Moreover, the physical difficulties encountered on the route are unusual, and, anttee. Resolved, That the above named gentlemen be a Dominittee for devising and recommending the ne. Dessary measures for effecting a survey or explora ion of the said Railroad route. Resolved, That a committee be appointed for the purpose of applying to the Holland Land Company and to 101 a the Poultryand Hornby Estates, and * This includes the profit of the contractors, oil, for the first 13 miles are unparalleled in the Union. &c.; they also draw back the empty wagons without When the Editor proposed the execution of a Railany charge. The prime cost of the wagons was de: road from Baltimore to the Ohio, in the year 1824, frayed by the Company. he was well aware that the line would necessarily traverse a country abounding in unusual difficul. [CONTINUATION OF CHAP. X. ties, which would increase the cost to a sum greater digression, the cost of wooden Rail-delphia to Pittsburg, which he at that time urged on In raenmingsh and others: ted by this FV L ploration; and also for the purpose of creating a roads, resting on wooden sleepers, provided with the public attention. In several of his pamphlets fund to be offered as premiums for useful informa tron rails, will next be given. One of these on Railroads, published in the year 1825, he stated tion respecting the construction and use of Railroads Railways has cost about $3062 per mile for a single that the greater cost of the Baltimore road would and Railroad machinery: and that Philip Church line composed of the best materials, and the dimen- render it less beneficial than the proposed rival road be said committee; said premiums to be awarded as sions, strength, and arrangement being adapted to lo- in Pennsylvania. Subsequent investigation and ex. as the company shall hereafter designate. comotive engines. The timber rails being imported perience have confirmed these views. Nevertheless, Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to meet in from Carolina (the size 5 by 9, the iron 2 by 4-10 the cost of the former road will, in its farther pro. the city of New York, on the first Tuesday in July inch) and conveyed nearly 560 miles, to their place gress to the west, be much less than that already next, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the Exchange, and at of destination, on the line of the Schuylkill Rail incurred, which has already been stated at $27,128 Erwin's Hotel at Painted Post, Steuben county, on road. The cost of the Railway alone, is here allu. per mie. The graduation and masonry, alone, of the third Tuesday of July next, at four o'clock P. M. ded to, as the Road Formation, &c. is not at present the first 13 miles, has cost $46,334 56 cents per Gentlemen interested in, and friendly to the said mile; whilst on the remainder of the line extend. Railroad, are invited to attend the above meeting. PHILIP CHURCH, Chairman. JOHN R. DRAKE, Secretary. the subject of investigation. The cost of no single line of this species of Rail. ing 54 5-8 miles, it has been only $8,532 16 cents way in Pennsylvania has been as great as the sum per mile! (This also includes the bridge across the mentioned, (with one exception;) but this work has Monocacy river.) The cost, therefore, has been in been selected in consequence of its superior charac. the proportion of about 51.2 to 1 for the road forma. [From the Philadelphia edition of Wood's Treatise ter. The cost of the Railroad, including every item tion, including bridges, &c. The total cost of the tends 22 1-2 miles, is not as much as the cost of a ishing the second track, which is yet to be added on The great South Carolina Railroad (which is the The Pennsylvania Railroad has unfortunately, the Allaghang Stockton and Darlington Railroad. This road extends from Stockton, on the river Tees, to the coal mines, which are 12 miles distant from Darlington. The length of the main line is this respect in the Old) is founded on piles, and the ladelphia to the Susquehannah, a distance of 81 6.10 about 25 miles; and there are several branches which wooden string-pieces and accompanying iron rails miles: thence to Holidaysburg, the line is continued extend in the aggregate 15 miles. The line traverses are adapted to locomotive engines, which have for by a Canal extending 172 58-100 miles: the road is an undulating and hilly country, and the amount of some time been in use on it. The cost has been then resumed, and nagee excavation and embankment was enormous. Some about $4000 per mile, the dino is single, (with oc mountain, by means of nine inclined planes, to of the cuttings and ambulants are ou and even 40 casional double tracks for side lines,) and extends Johnstown, a distance of 36 69-100 miles, the rise feet from the surface. The curves on this road are 135 miles. and fall being 2570.29 feet on the Alleghany port. abrupt, and causing much friction, the repairs of the The road formation of this work required only a age: and thence to Pittsburgh, a distance of 105 rails and wagons require unusual expense. The small sum for its execution. The embankments, miles, the remainder of the line is a Canal: from profile of that part of the road, where stationary which are usually adopted elsewhere, are supersed. Pittsburg to the town of Beaver, the Ohio river con. power is not employed, is undulating--varying from ed by the great elevation of the piles which sustain tinues the line: from the latter town, the canal is a level to an inclination of 1 in 104 nearly, or 51 the rails. If the customary plan had been adopted continued in a direction to Lake Erie and the Ohio feet in a mile; the average is 1 in 246. There are for Road Formation, the expense of these piles, and Canal, 24 3-4 miles, to the town of Newcastle. Its two summits, the Etherley and Brusselton, which of the superstructure, or Railway, would have been farther progress depends, if the phrase may be used, are passed by means of a stationary engine on each, less than the sum just mentioned. The total cost of on the wisdom of the Legislature.. which works the two inclined planes on each side of the Railroad, including every item, has been $4500 The Railroad portions of this extensive line-the the summit. The Etherley north plane is one hali per mile. (For a description of this road, see the longest in the world-have been confined to the most of a mile in length, and the ascent is 180 foet. The Appendix.) difficult parts of the route. The nature of these difengine is estimated a 30 horse power. The Etherly The first cost of Railways, composed of iron ficulties will be apparent from an examination of the soath plane is rather more than 1760 yards in length, rails, resting on wooden string-pieces, which are description of the Railroad which is given in the Apand the descent is 312 feet. From the foot of the supported by stone piers or blocks, is, of course pendix. The undulating surface of the route, which, latter plane to the foot of the west Brusselton plane usually greater. The cost on the Baltimore and moreover, passes over three mountains, required is four fifths of a mile. This plane is one mile long, Ohio Railroad for such Railways has been about enormous embankments and excavations, whilst a and the ascent is 150 feet; the steam engine on this $10,500 per mile for a double set of tracks, includ. tunnel through solid rock increased the unusual cost: summit is estimated at 60 horse power. The east ing every expense of construction and purchase of the numerous streams, the impetuous torrents, and Brusselton plane is one half of a mile in length, and materials. On the Newcastle and Frenchtown several broad rivers, rendered the cost for bridges descends 90 feet. Thirty-two tons (including the Railroad the cost of a single line of Railway, rost. and other works enormous. Nevertheless, the cost weight of the wagons) are drawn up these planes, in ing on stone blocks, has been nearly $6,000 per of the whole road, with the exception of the maone train, at the rate of 8 or 10 miles per hour.- mile. On the high ombankments of each of these chinery, and the superstructure or Railway, wiil be This Railroad is a single line, with four turn outs, roads, wooden sleepers, &c. are, of course, adopt only $12,000 per mile for the 81 6.10 miles, and each of 100 yards in length, in a mile; width be ed. The cost, where wooden sleepers are used, $16,860 per mile for the remaining 36 69-100 miles. tween the tracks 4 foet 6 inches. The rails are chief has been a small fraction less than the preceding The greater portion of this work is already finished, ly of malleable iron, 15 fect long, 2 1.4 inches wide sums. and the present year will witness the completion of on the top, and weigh 28 lbs. per yard, (the form of The total cost of the latter Railroad, which is the whole road formation, and of a large portion of Birkenshaw's patent.) The cost of the iron was even superior in profile, and equal in plan to the the Railway. The cost of the latter will, in future, more than twice the present price of that article- Manchester and Liverpool line, was $22,810 per depend on the decision of the Legislature, respect. The expense attending their charter was £12,000, mile. It is now in operation, and is admirably ing the materials and dimensions to be adopted.and the land cost more than this sum. Without in adapted to rapid travelling and transportation. It Bat, even if the most durable, efficient, and expencludify these items, the cost of the main line was is graded for a double track. nearly £5,100 per mile, being a much larger sum sive mode be adopted-a mode far more costly and substantial than that of the hitherto unrivalled than any single Railroad in Europe had cost. The * The first Railroad, of any description, executed Manchester and Liverpool Railway-if the superlocomotive engines on this road weighed twelve in the Union, was in Pennsylvania. It was made structure be continued in the same manner as the tons, and this enormous and improper load material entirely of wood. Several others, of small extent, portion now in progress, the cost will be $16,000 ly injured the rails, which were of the lightest pat. were subsequently established. The Editor sugges-per mile; or, the total cost of the whole Railroad. tern. The cost of traction, with these imperfect ted to the proprietor of one of these Roads, to cover will be less than $30 000 per mile-a sum less than and antiquated engines, was one-fourth of a penny it with wrought iron nails. This was effected. It would be requisite for the construction of the locks per ton for goods per mile;* the cost and repairs of has often been erroneously stated that the Quincy and tunnel, alone, on the Canal-if it were even the engines were one-eighth of a penny additional. Railroad, made in the year 1826-7, was the first in possible to construct a Canal on this route. Horses were formerly employed on this road; their the United States. The plan and profile of this line, located in a rugged country, could not be expected to equal these most consolidation of the banks. Canals, recently features of the Manchester and Liverpool road; constructed, are, of course, more subject to these but, in these respects, the line is far superior to any accidents; but all are liable to them: even the Eu other important Railroad in the British dominiona. ropean works are not exempt. The burrowing of The far-famed Stockton and Darlington, or Crom-vermin, the growth of some plants, &c. occasion ferd and High Peak Railroads, are decidedly infe. sometimes serious injury. A muskrat, a few years rior to it in every respect. since, notwithstanding the laws in such cases made the rate of toll actually levied upon such coaches or other vehicles under any acts of Parliament now in force; and who were instructed to inquire generally into the present state and future prospects of land carriage by means of wheeled vehicles propelled by steam er gas on common roads; and to report upon the probable utility which the public may derive therefrom; and who were empow. ered to report the minutes of the evidence taken before them, to the House; have examined the. matters referred to them, and agreed to the following report; It will be absolutely necessary in a few years to and provided, set at defiance the State of New extend this Railroad so as to form a continuous York, and for several days put an effectual stop to line from the Ohio to Philadelphia. The mere trans. the navigation of her great Canal. The leaks and portation of passengers and light merchandize, and breaches, and destruction of dams, on some of our the winter trade, will justify the expense. The im- American canals, have occasioned (as every person portance of reaching the waters of the west, when is aware) the most serious embarrassment, and stop- The commttee proceeded, in the first instance, to they are high in the latter part of the winter, when page of the trade sometimes for several weeks, and inquire how tar the science of propelling carriages the canals will be closed by ice, is an additional argu- even months. In some soils the former cannot be on common roads by means of steam or mechanical ment in favor of the proposed measure. foreseen; and no effectual remedy has been, or power, had been carried into practical operation; on The Railroad from Camden to Amboy, 61 miles sometimes even can be, provided. These repairs are and whether the result of the experiments already in length, is composed of a double set of tracks; the expensive, and require inuch time, during which the made had been sufficiently favorable to justify their edge rails of wrought iron possess unusual stranath nanization is onenanded and creat loss of tolls and recommending to the House that pretention should they weigh on 10 τως, το the yard, and rest on blocks extensive injury to merchants and others, are ex- be extended to this mode of conveyance, should the of stone two feet square; the plan and profile admit perienced. Several millions of dollars have already tolls imposed on steam carriages, by local acts of of the passage of locomotive engines at the most ra- been expended on the mere repairs of the Ca. Parliament, be found prohibitory or excessive. pid velocity. The total cost will be only $18,550 per nals in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Maryland In the progress of their inquiry, they have exten. mile, (exclusive of land, wagons and steamboats :) and Virginia :- a very large sum will be for ever re ded their examination to the following points, the line is almost mathematically straight. The quired for this purpose annually, although improve. which the chief objections to this application of road forination of the division, in the valley of the ments, which time and skill have effected in them, steam have been founded, viz. the insecurity of Delaware, extends 27 miles, and will cost only two. will render the cost, probably, less onerous in future. carriages so propelled, from the chance of explosion thirds of the remainder of the line which crosses Some of the materials, however, have been in use of the boiler, and the annoyance caused to travel. the ridges which separate the waters of the Dela. but a short time, and, consequently, have been hithers, on public roads by the peculiar noise of the maware from those of the Raritan On the latter di erto less affected by decay than they will be in a few chinery, and by the escape of smoke and waste vision, the embankmente and excavations have been, years. steam, which were supposed to be inseparable acas in all similar cases, proportionally more expen The embankment of Railroads are also consolidated companiments. sive. It is partly finished, and the remainder will by age, and to a greater extent than the embankments It being also in charge to the committee "to re. be in operation during the present year. (See the on canals: leaks and breaches are not to be dreaded; port upon the proportion of tolls which should be description in the Appendix.) and the passage of vehicles, in lieu of injuring them, iniposed upon steam carriages," they have examined The Railroad from Baltimore to the Susquehanna actually renders them more firm. Their ruins are several proprietors of those already in use, as to the has cost about $6800 for the graduation and mason. not liable to be carried away by a breach, and to be effect produced on the surface of the roads by the ry per mile. 21 1-10 miles are finished and prepared strewn over the surface of the adjoining fields, and action of the propelling wheels. for a double track: the Railway has cost $4000 per thereby reduce to sterility valuable land. As this was too important a branch of their in. mile for a single track-the rails are of wood, pla- When Railways are made with durable materials quiry to rest entirely on the evidence of individuals, ted, with iron, and rest on wooden sleepers. (See the iron rails are, indeed, subject to wear; and the whose personal interest might have biassed their the description in the Appendix.) various excavations, embankments, bridges, and opinions, the committee also examined several very From an examination of the list of Railroads and other works, are, like all the works of man, tending scientific engineers, by whose observations, on the Canals which has been presented to the reader, it is to decay: nevertheless, experience proves that they causes of the ordinary wear of roads, they have been manifest that the cost of construction, of even the require less expenditure for repairs than the most greatly assisted. most expensive and difficult of the former, (which durable canal: and, of course, less than the flimsy The committee were directed also to report "on are comparatively few in number,) has been greatly canals in this country. It is important to observe, the probable utility which the public may derive from exceeded by many of the latter; and that the usual, that the recent improvements, in almost every de- steam carriages." On this point they have examor average cost of the latter, has, in almost every tail of Railways and of their carriages, render them ined a member of the committee, well known for Pomora duruhla, and that everv vear additional im. his intelligence and research on subjects connected Canals greatly increases their aggregate cost, even provements continue to be discovered. with the interests of society, and they feel that they when the cost per mile is equal to the cost per mile When Railways are constructed with less durable cannot fulfil this part of their instructions better of Railroads. materials, (which may be frequently expedient,) the than by merely referring the House to the evidence annual cost for repairs may be considerable; but, in of Col. Torrens. such cases, these will be balanced by the diminished These inquiries have led the committee to believe The repairs and maintenance of Railroads and Canals are next to be considered. The cost of keep ing Canals in repair is well known to be enormous capital which will be required for their construction. that the substitution of inanimate for animal power, even in Great Britain, where the utmost expendi. The cheapest species of single Railway, made even in draught on common roads, is one of the most imture has been lavished on them, and where the entirely of wood, would, in some cases, cost less portant improvements in the means of internal commost durable materials and modes of construction (even if it would require a total renewal every few munication ever introduced. Its practicability they are adopted, the expense of repairs has been stated, years) than the mere average repairs on the canals consider fully established; its general adoption will by every engineer who has written, or been consult. of Pennsylvania and New York. take place more or less rapidly, in proportion as the ed on the subject, as greater than the sum requisite The repairs on canals frequently occasion a total attention of scientific men shall be drawn, by pub. to maintain Railways in repair; and especially when stoppage of the trade on them-sometimes for long lic encouragement, to further improvement. horse power, or moderate velocities, are employed. periods-and the time when such stoppage may oc- Many circumstances, however, must retard the If the velocity on them be increased to twice or cur, or the duration of it, cannot often be foreseen or general introduction of steam as a substitute for even ten times the rate which is customary on Ca. provided for. On Railways little embarrassinent, horse power on roads. One very formidable obstanals, of course, some additional expense will be in and no delay of any moment, occurs when repairs cle will arise from the prejudices which always becurred; the beneficial result may, however, in such are required. If there be two sets of tracks, both set a new invention, especially one which will at case justify the increased expenditure; and even in will not be out of order at the same place; conse. first appear detrimental to the interests of so many an extreme case, as such velocity is not practicable quently, one of them can be used when the other is individuals. This difficulty can only be surmounton Canals, it would be idle to compare the relative injured. If only one track exists, a few planks, &c. ed by a long course of successful, though probably expenditure for repairs. Canals would be speedily will form a temporary Railway at the injured place; unprofitable, experiment. The great expense of the destroyed if the boats were permitted to be drawn or the wagons may be drawn separately for a short engines must retard the progress of such experat the rate of six, or even four miles per hour. distance, even on the natural surface of the ground: iments. The projectors will, for a long period, Some of the opponents of Railroads have assert. this, in fact, is sometimes done. work with caution, fearing not only the expense ined that every year they deteriorate, whilst Canals The salaries of lock-keepers (if locks be in the curred by failure, but also that too sudden an expobecome more permanent; that the only parts of the usual proportion) is much greater than the salaries sure of their success would attract the attenlatter which are exposed to decay, are the gates of of the few attendants at the inclined planes of Rail- tion of rivals. It is difficult to exemplify to the the locks. All experience, as well as the least re roads: and many Railroads do not require inclined House how small and apparently unimportant an Aection, evince the fallacy of the latter statement: planes, and in this respect require no expenditure.- adaptation of the parts of the machinery, or of the The wooden aqueducts, the road and other bridges, The supply of water which is required for the use of mode of generating or applying the steam, may bo the waste weirs, dans, and planking, when the lat. canals is, strictly speaking, as much a part of their the cause of the most rapid success: yet he who, ter is used, and other works of which wood is a cost for repairs, as the supply of iren to repair the by a long course of experiment, shall have first component part in this country, are peculiarly sub- wear of the rails of Railways. The expense of con. reached this poin', may be unable to conceal the ject to decay, from the combined action of mois- structing feeders, danis, or pumping apparatus, for improvement, and otherwise will at once reap the ture and the air. The locks, culverts, &c. are con- this purpose, has already been discussed. The an-benefit of it. stantly exposed to the filtration of water, to the nual cost of maintaining such apparatus will be some. The committee are convinced, that the real merits shock of boats, &c. The slepe wall, which is times enormous, and it always will be attended with of this invention are such, that it may be safely left sometimes used to line the interior of the banks, is some expense. exposed to some injury from the passage of every boat; and the banks are constantly slipping in, and Extract from a Report to the House of Commons-alone relieve it. Tolls, to an amount which would leoning the depth of the Canals. The streams bring to contend with these and similar difficulties; there are others, however, from which the legislature can printed for the House of Representatives U. S. utterly prohibit the introduction of steam carriages, in their deposit of mud and sand: the action of ice and The Select Committee appointed to inquire into, and have been imposed on some roads; on others, the freshets, on the exposed portions of the banks, is al. ways injurious, and sometimes very destructive. Leaks and breaches are constantly occurring, even on the oldest Canals, where time has effected the ut. to report upon, the proportion of tolls which trustees have adopted modes of apportioning the ought to be imposed upon coaches and other vehi. charge which would be found, if not absolutely proeles propelled by steam or gas, upon turnpike hibitory, at least to place such carriages in a very reads; and also, to inquire into, and report upon, unfair position as compared with ordinary coaches. Two causes may be assiged for the imposition of Mr. James Stone states that "thirty six persons These boilers expose a very considerable surface such excessive tolls upon steam carriages. The first, have been carried on one steam carriage." to the fire, and steam is generated with the greatest a determination on the part of the trustees, to ob"That the engine drew five times its own weight rapidity. From their peculiar form, the requisite struct, as much as possible, the use of steam as a pro- nearly at the rate of from five to six miles per hour, supply of steam depends on its continued and rapid pelling power; the second, and probably the more partly up an inclination." formation; no large and dangerous quantity can at frequent, has been a misapprehension of their weight The several witnesses have estimated the probable any time be collected. Should the safety valve be and effect on reads. Either cause appears to the saving of expense to the public, from the substitution stopped, and the supply of steam be kept up in a committee a sufficient justification for their recom- of steam power for that of horses, at from one halt greater abundance than the engines require, explo. mending to the House, that legislative protection to two thirds. Mr. Farey gives, as his opinion, "that sion may take ploce, but the danger would be com. should be extended to steam carriages with the least steam coaches will, very soon after their first estab paratively trifling, from the small quantity of steam possible delay. lishment, be run for one third of the cost of the pre- which could act on any one portion of the boilers. It appears from the evidence, that the first ex-sentstage coaches." As an engine, invented by Mr. Trevithick, has not tensive trial of steam as an agent in draught on Perhaps one of the principal advantages resulting been as yet applied to carriages, the committee can common roads, was that by Mr. Gurney, in 1829, from the use of steam, will be, that it may be emp.oy.do no more than draw the attention of the House who travelled from London to Bath and back in hised as cheaply at a quick as at a slow rate; "this is to the ingenuity of its contrivance. Should it in steam carriage. He states, that although a part of one of the advantages over horse labor, which be practice be found to answer his expectation, it will the machinery which brings both the propelting comes more and more expensive as the speed is in- remove entirely all danger from explosion. In each wheels into action when the full power of the en crossed Tha gine is required, was broken at the onset, yet that, the end, the rate of traveling by steam will be much lers have been proved to a considerable greater pres. on his return, he performed the last eighty-four miles, quicker than the utmost speed of traveling by horses; sure than they can ever have to sustain. from Melksham to Cranford bridge, in ten hours, in short, the safety of travelers will become the Mr. Farey considers that "the danger of explosion including stoppages. Mr. Gurney has given to the limit to speed." In horse draught the opposite ris less than the danger attendant on the use of hor. committee very full details of the form and power sult takes place; "in all cases horses lose power ses in draught; that the danger in these boilers is of his engine, which will be found in the evidence. of draught in a inuch greater proportion than they less than in those employed on the railway, although The committee have also examined Messrs. Sum-gain speed, and hence the work they do becomes there even, the instances of explosion have been mers & Ogle, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Stone, whose more expensive as they go quicker." On this, and very rare." The danger arising to passengers from steam carriages have been in daily use, for some other peints referred to in the report, the committee breaking of machinery, need scarcely be taken into months past on common roads. It is very satisfac. have great pleasure in drawing the attention of the consideration. It is a mere question of delay, and tory to find that, although the boilers of the several House to the valuable evidences of Mr. Davies Gil engines described, vary most materially in form, bert. yet that each has been found fully to answer the ex can scarcely exceed in frequency the casualties which may occur with horses. It has been frequently urged against these carriages, that wherever they shall be introduced, they Without increase of cost, then, we shall obtain a pectation of its inventor. So well, in fact, have power which will insure a rapidity of internal com their experiments succeeded, that in each case imunication far beyond the utmost speed of horses in must effectually prevent all other traveling on the where the proprietors have ceased to use them, it draught; and although the perforinance of these car-road, as no horse will bear quietly the noise and smoke has only been for the purpose of constructing more riages may not have hitherto attained this point, of the engine. perfect carriages, in order to engage more exten. when once it has been established, that at equal speed The committee believe that these statements are sively in the business. we can use steam more cheaply in draught than unfounded. Whatever noise may be complained of When wo consider that these trials have been horses, we may fairly anticipate that every day's in. arises from the present defective construction of the made under the most unfavorable circumstances-at creased experience in the inanagement of the en. machinery, and will be corrected as the inakers of great expense-in total uncertainty-without any gines, will induce greater skill, greater confidence, such carriages gain greater experience. Admitting of those guides which experience has given to other and greater speed. even that the present engines do work with some branches of engineering;-that those engaged in The cheapness of the conveyance will probably noise, the effect on horses has been greatly exagge. making them are persons looking solely to their be for some time a secondary consideration. If at rated. All the witnesses accustomed to travel in own interest, and not theorists attempting the per present it can be used as cheaply as horse power, the these carriages, even on the crowded roads adjacent fection of ingenious models;-when we find them competition with the former modes of conveyance to the Metropolis, have stated that horses are very convinced, after long experience, that they are in- will first take plece as to speed. When once the seldom frightened in passing. Mr. Farey and troducing such a mode of conveyance as shall tempt superiority of steam carriages shall have been fully Mr. Macneil have given even more favorable ev. the public, by its superior advantages, from the use established, competition will induce economy in the idence in rempaat to sou direk wwwwwwww lwy of the admirable lines of coaches which have bean east of marking shower The evidence, however, of No smoke need arise from such engines. Coke gonorally votablished it surely cannot be contended Mr. Macneil, showing the greater efficiency, with is usually burned in locomotive engines on railways that the introduction of steam carriages on common diminished expenditure of fuel, by locomotive en to obviate this annoyance; and those steam carriaroads is, as yet, an uncertain experiment, unworthy gines on Railways, convinces the committee that ges which have been hitherto established also burn of legislative attention. experience will soon teach a better construction of it. Their liability to be indicted as nuisances will Besides the carriages already described, Mr. Gur. the engines, and a less costly mode of generating sufficiently check their using any offensive fuel. ney has been inforined, that from "twenty to forty the requisite supply of steam. There is no reason to fear that waste steam others are being built by different persons, all of Nor are the advantages of steam power confined will cause much annoyance. In Mr. Hancock's which have been occasioned by his decided journey to the greater velocity attained, or to its greater engine it passes into the fire, and in other locomo. cheapness than horse draught. In the latter, dan-tive engines it is used in aid of the power, by crea in 1829." The committee have great pleasure in drawing ger is increased, in as large a proportion as expense ting a quicker draught and more rapid combustion the attention of the House to the evidence of Mr. by greater speed. In steam power, on the contrary, of the fuel. In Mr. Trevithick's engine it will be reFarey. His opinions are the more valuable from "there is no danger of being run away with, and turned into the boiler. his uniting, in so great a degree, scientific knowldge that of being overturned is greatly diminished. It The committtee not having received evidence that to a practical acquaintance with the subject under is difficult to control four euch horses as can draw a gas has been practically employed in propelling carconsideration. He states that he has "ne doubt heavy carriage ten miles per hour, in case they are riages on common roace, have not considered it expe. whatever but that a steady preservance in such frightened or choose to run away; and for quick dient to inquiro as to the progress made by several trials will lead to the general adoption of steam traveling they must be kept in that state of courage, very scientific persons who are engaged in making carriages:" and again, "that what has been done that they are always inclined for running away, par.experiments on gases, with the view of procuring proves to his satisfaction the practicability of impell-ticularly down hills and at sharp turns of the road. a still cheaper and more efficient power than steam. ing stage coaches by steam) on good common roads, In steam, however, there is little corresponding dan. The committee having satisfied themselves that in tolerably level parts of the country, without ger, being perfectly controllable, and capable of ex steam has been successfully adopted as a substitute horses, at a speed of eight to ten miles per hour." erting its power in reverse in going down hills."- for horse power on roads, proceeded to examine Much of course, must remain to be done in im. Every witness examined has given the fullest and whether toils have been imposed on carriages thus proving their efficiency; yet Mr. Gurney states that most satisfactory evidence of the perfect control propelled, so excessive as to require legislative inter. he has kept up steadily the rate of twelve miles per which the conductor has over the movement of the ference, and also to consider the rate of tolls by hour; that" the extreme rate at which he has run carriage. With the slightest exertion it can be stop. which steam carriages should be brought to contriis between twenty and thirty miles per hour." ped or turned, under circumstances where horses bute, in fair proportion with other earriages, to the Mr. Hancock" reckons that, with his carriage, would be totally unmanageable. maintenance of the roads on which they may be he could keep up a speed of ten miles per hour, with. out injury to the machine." The committee have, throughout their examina. used. tions, been most anxious to ascertain whether the They have annexed a list of those local acts in Mr. Ogle states " that his experimental carriage apprehension very commonly entertained, that an which tolle have been placed on steam, or mechani. went from London to Southampton, in some places, extensive use of these carriages on reads would be cally propelled carriages. at a velocity of from thirty two to thirty five miles the cause of frequent accidents and continued an- Mr. Gurney has given the following specimens of per hour." the oppressive rates of tolls adopted in several of noyance to the public, were well founded. "That they have ascended a hill rising one in The danger arising from the use of steam car these acts: On the Liverpool and Prescot road, six, at sixteen and a half miles per hour, and your riages, was stated to be two fold; that to which pas. Mr. Gurney's carriage would be charged £2 88. miles of the London road at the rate of twenty four sengers are exposed from explosion of the boiler, and while a loaded stage coach would pay only 4s. On miles and a half per hour, loaded with people." the breaking of the machinery, and the effect pro. the Bathgate road the same carriage would be char"That his engine is capaple of carrying three tons duced on horses by the noise and appearance of the god £1 7s. ld., while a coach drawn by four horses weight, in addition to its own." engine. would pay 5s. On the Ashburnham and Totness Mr. Summers adds, "that they have travelled in Steam has been applied as a power in draught in road Mr. Gurney would have to pay £2, while a the carriage at the rate of fifteen miles per hour, two ways: in the one, both passengers and engine coach drawn by four horses would be charged only with nineteen persons on the earriage, up a hill one are placed on the same carriage; in the other, the 3s. On the Teignmouth and Dawlishroads the pro. in twelve." "That he has continued, for four hours and a half, to travel at the rate of thirty miles per hour." "That he has found no difficulty of traveling over the worst and most hilly roads," engine carriage is merely used to draw the carriage portion is 12s. to 2s. First, because the number of passengers conveyed on, or by, a steam carriage will be so great as to di |