| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...him. which died for them, and rofe again, c Wherewith (hall I' come before the Lord/ and bow my felf before the High God ? Shall I come before him with...Burnt-Offerings, with Calves of a Year old ? Will the Lord be'pleafed with thoufands of, Rams, or ten thousands of Rivers of Oil ? Shall I give my Firft-born... | |
| Joseph Butler - 1726 - 340 pages
...Righteoufnefs which God will accept. Balak demands, Wherewith (hall I come before the Lord, and bow my felf before the high God ? Shall I come before him with Burnt-Offerings, with Calves of a Tear old? Will the Lord be p leafed with thoufand of Rams, or with ten thoufands of Rivers of Oil ?... | |
| Samuel Croxall - 1735 - 526 pages
...as a Cloak for their Ihi, by faying, Wherewith jhall I come O befirt before the LORD, and bow myfelf before the high God? Shall I come before him with...burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? •will the LORD be pleafed with thoufands of rams, or with ten thoufands of rivers of oyl? Shall I give my firft-bornfor... | |
| John Orr - 1750 - 424 pages
...before the Lord, fays the Prophet Micab, ond^^ . bow myfelf before the high God ? Shall I come * 8. before him with Burnt-^Offerings, with Calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleafed w<th tboufands of Rams, or witb ten tbou/.ands of Rivers of Oil? Shall I give my firjl^born... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1756 - 306 pages
...Micabvi. 6,7. ' Wherewith ' fhall I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf be' fore the high God ? Shall 1 come before him with ' burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? Will ' the Lord be pleafed with thoufar)4? of rams, or with ' ten thoufands of rivers of oil ? Shall! give my firft '... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 496 pages
...their lives. " Wherewith " mall I come before the LORD, and bow my felf " before the high GOD ? Shall 1 come before him. " with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? *' Will the LORD be pleafed with thoufands of rams, *c and with ten thoufands of rivers of oyl ? Shall I ** give my firft-born... | |
| Isaac Penington - 1761 - 698 pages
...alfo. Wherewith Jhall I come before the Lord (faid the prophet of the Lord of old) and bow my f elf before the high God? Shall I come before him with...burntofferings, with calves of a year old ? Will the Lord be f leafed, with thoufands of rams, with ten tboufands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firjt-born for... | |
| James Hervey - 1767 - 440 pages
...fame Truth, in the very feme Wojds ; By Grace, pur-jjy, entirely, exclufive of all Works, are Ver. 8. before the High GOD ? Shall I come before Him with Burnt-offerings, with Calves of a Tear old? Will the LORD be pleafed with Thoufands of Rams ; with ten Thoufands of Rivers of Oil ? Shall... | |
| Horace - 1767 - 428 pages
...ever written more rational, or more elegant i Wherewith jhall I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf before the high Go'd? Shall I come before him with BurntOfferings, with Calves of a Tear old ? Will the Lard bt pleafed with tboufands of Rams, or with ten tboufands of Rivers of Oyl... | |
| John Owen - 1772 - 498 pages
...Holy Ghoft declares, Micah vi. 6, 7. Wherewithal Jball 1 ccne before the Lord, and boiv myfelf btfore the high God ? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? will the Lord be f leafed with thoufands of. raws, or with ten thoufands. of rivers of oyl ? Jhall I give myfirft born... | |
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