reality, only one large mansion or homestead, more or less fortified, the square tower being, as it were, the keep of the whole. This may probably be the correct explanation, unless another suggestion be worth consideration; namely, that when in course of time the square tower was not considered so convenient a residence, another one better suited to the requirements of the time was built near it, and protected by a moat, and, perhaps, other works which have now disappeared, for the tower appears to have been so strong as not to require any additional defences. The tower is also said to have been the ancient rectory, and the dove-cot, farm-house, and appurtenances, with a considerable farm-house adjoining, are the property of the sinecure rector of this benefice, which Giraldus Cambrensis thought worthy of acceptance. How this account is to be reconciled with the property being in the hands of the Sherburnes after his time, and how it subsequently came back to the church, remains yet to be explained. In the tower is the usual vaulted basement, which could never have been used for other purposes than cellarage or storage. The first floor (see cut 3) is reached by a staircase, partly internal and partly external, afterwards continued by a newel stair, which leads to the second and third stories. There are no other evidences of vaulting employed except in a narrow passage between the walls on the level of the second story, lighted by small windows on each side. This passage leads to a latrina. Each of the stories is provided with a fire-place, and the whole arrangement of rooms is on a more ample scale than in houses of the same time and locality. The large opening opposite the fire-place in the first story will be alluded to in the notice of the exterior of the building. The cut No. 4 gives a faithful representation of the exterior. The entrance is not visible from the point whence the view was taken, but is above the level ground, and approached by stone steps, which conduct |