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omnibus fidelibus et custodienda predictus Malginus Rex testes idoneos tam Clericos quam Laicos ad ista vocavit: Vocavit Clericos, Sanctum Danielem quondam Ep'um Bangorens' et Patronum, Sanctum Trillum et Sanctum Grwst.-Laicos, Malginum Regem Rwyn filium ejus et Gwrgenan senescallum ejus. Meta et limites terræ immunitatis sanctæ civitatis Llanelwy, existunt in longitudine ap Adwy Llweni usque locum vocatum Pen isaf i Gell Esgob usque locum vocatum Pontyr wddar, vizt. spacium miliarii in longitudine et unius miliarii in latitudine: Et si quis violaverit predictum immunitatem (quod absit) seu ad hoc concilium auxilium vel favorem dederit, aut fecerit occulte vel expresse, excommunicatus est ab omni choro ecclesiastico et etiam indignacionem omnipotentis Dei, beatæ Mariæ Virginis, Sanctorumque Assaph' et Kentigerni 373 Sanctorum et Sanctarum se noverint incursuros. Et quicunque predictam immunitatem non servaverit divinis officiis ibidem celebratis destituitur et Dei maledictione repleatur. Amen per infinita secula seculorum.

The Bishop of St. Asaph is patron of all the livings in his diocese, excepting these that follow, viz.: Rectoria Kegidog. Rex patronus.

Vicar. Holywell. Collegium Jesus in Oxonio ex dono Roberti Davies de Gwysaneu.

Vic. Kinnerley.

Vic. Knockin, cujus Comes Derbie aut Dominus Elsmer patronus.

Vic. Oswestrie. Comes Suffolk, patronus.

R. Whittington

R. Selatton


Mr. Albany.

Contenta in altero Libro Pergameno.

Fol' la, b. Fundacio ecclesiæ Asaphens.

2a.-Placitum apud Flint coram Tho' de Felton Justiciar' Cestr' a'o R' Ed' III, 45'0 quod continetur in Coch Asaph fol. 96a.

26.-Sile (simile) Placitum pro manerio de Altymeliden, excepta feriâ.

3a. Confirmacio Privilegii quod habetur in Coch Asaph 966. et 1496.

36.-Placitum inter Leolinum Ep'm et Regem de quibusdam libertatibus.

4a. Inquisitio quod est in Coch Asaph fol. 15a, b. 46,5a,6,6a,b.--Placita apud Flint inter etc. Ep'us et tenentes sui agnoscunt coram Justiciar' Cestr in sessione indenturam submencionatam esse scriptum suum.

Hæc indentura facta inter nos Ep'm Ass' Decan et capitulum As' ex unâ parte et libere tenentes et proprietarios infra Villam de Llanelwy qui sunt heredes de 7 lectis, voc' Aldrid, Uliar, Kedmor, Segenabeit, Cateit, Possenet et Alan, (ex altera) parte, testatur quod cum predicti libere tenentes et eorum antecessores fecerunt et facere deberent pro terris villæ predictæ certa servicia in operibus ad inveniendum omni die feriali, viz. omni die Anni exceptis diebus Dominicis et Festivis a solis ortu ad occasum 6 homines sufficientes, et ad laborem aptos ad dis cooperiendam rupem rubeam Ecclesiæ Cathedr' Ass' et si contingat defalta in aliquo dictorum tenentium fuerunt amerciati per 4d. pro qualibet defalta, hocque a tempore cujus memoria hominum non existit, dicti Ep'us et Decanus considerantes paucitatem tenentium predictorum, exonerant eos a dicto servicio, pro quâ exoneracione dicti tenentes concedunt dictis Ep'o et Capit'o unum annuum redditum decem marcarum ad festum S'i Michaelis et Pasche per equales porciones, cum causa districtionis si post dies predictos fuerit non solutus. In cujus rei testimonium Ep'us et Capit'm sigilla sua apposuerunt et septem predicti tenentes viz. pro quolibet lecto unus, sigilla sua apposuerunt et quia eorum sigilla non sunt nota sigilla Abbatis de Basingwerke et Valle Crucis apponi fecerunt. Dat' apud Llanelwy die Dominico post festum exaltationis Sanctæ Crucis. A'o Dom' 1380 et Richardi IIdi Anno 4'to.

(This agreement appears to be the original, the confirmation of which is given in Willis, Appendix 39.)

Fol. 66.-186 continentur nomina eorum.

19a. Tres Ballivi Episcopi in Llanelwy and Llangernyw

viz. Raglot, Segynnab et forestar.

De lectis Llanelwy et eorum serviciis.

De feodis offerendis l'mo die Maii.

Exitus maneriorum variorum dom' Epi' apud Llanelwy.

Nativi Epi' Ass'.

Perquisita curiæ Llanelwy et Llangernyw.

Servitia tenentium de Alltmeliden.

196.-Redditus ibidem.

Terræ Dincates ibidem.

Redditus Llandegla.

Terra apud Llanelwy.

20a.-Redditus et servicia Kil-Owain & Bodeugan cum


Redditus de Bryngwyn cum serviciis.

Redditus de Pengwern cum serviciis.

20b-Redditus de Meriadog cum serviciis.

Redditus de Llanufydd cum servic:

Redditus et servicia Ville de Vaynol.
Redditus et servicia Ville de Treflech.
Redditus et Servitia Ville de Bodnid.

Bodaynwch similiter.

Llansannon similiter.

Llangerniw similiter.

Proficua Ep'i apud Llanelwy.

Nannerch redditus.

(216)-Concordia inter Ep'um et L. Principem Walliæ de

quibusdam libertatibus facta apud Campum Crucis a'o 1260.

Abergeley Ecclesia cum pertinentiis.

This is subscribed by



It is with great regret that we have to record the death of THOMAS WAKEMAN, Esq., on the 23rd April last, at the age of 79. He had been declining in health for some time, and unable to follow up his usual antiquarian pursuits with vigour. His decease took place at the Graig House, near Monmouth, where he had long resided. From almost the first starting of the Cambrian Archæological Association, Mr. Wakeman has been an active member of it; but his connection with it ceased after the Monmouth meeting, in consequence of some differences of opinion which led to this unfortunate result. Mr. Wakeman was one of the best and most accurate antiquaries in our ranks, and his papers, published in our pages at various periods, testify his extensive and valuable information. He was always well known for the care with which he examined all points of doubt or difficulty, and from the lucid manner in which he made his knowledge known. His collections for Monmouthshire are believed to be voluminous, and we hope that some of his brother antiquaries in that county will give a selection of them to the world. One of his works-Antiquarian Excursions in the Neighbourhood of Monmouth is well known; and his contribution to the

Memoirs of the Caerleon Antiquarian Association, as well as to our own pages, have had their special value assigned to them immediately on publication. It will be very difficult to replace Mr. Wakeman for the amount of his antiquarian knowledge, for his correctness in facts, and his shrewdness in examining doubtful


These departures of our old friends and fellow labourers in the archæological field, unfortunately frequent of late, are deeply felt by those who remain behind: they are in the due course of nature, and lamentation on their account is almost misplaced; but it is impossible to avoid expressing the hope that they may be succeeded by others from among ourselves, who will continue similar labours, and worthily emulate the good examples they have left.




DEAR SIR, I am anxious to procure a list of proper names from ancient British, or what are termed Romano-British monuments, found on the west coast of Wales, Cornwall, and Devon. I have procured some, as you will see by the following list; but there are, doubtless, others with which you are acquainted, as your researches have been much in that direction. Should you have any such at hand, I should feel much obliged for a list of them, or for directions where I might procure them.

I am, dear sir, very truly yours,

Sundays Well, Cork, June 28th, 1868.


Proper Names. - Turpilli, Danocati, Rhifidi, Brohe, Brochmael, Catamanus, Nin or Nim, Cungen, Trenacatus, Maglagni, Fannuci, Deceti, Denocuni, Evali, Ovende, Cunocenni, Tegernacus, Mari, Maquirini, Faqquci, Sasramni or Sagramni, Fannoni, Vital, Torrici, Macarit, Beric, Nounita, Ercili, Barrivenda, Vendibarra, Metiaco.


Pedigree of Williams alias Cromwell Family from about the y 1066 'til 1657, by Brooke, York Herald.

GLOTHIAN, lord of Powis, Marveth, dr. and hr. of Edwin ap Tydwall,

lord of Cardigan

Gwarth Voed, lord of Powis=Morveth, dr. and cohr. | of Inys, lord of Gevante

and Cardigan

Gwrivestan ap Gwaith Voed, lord of Powis=

Gurganny ap Gwivestan ap Gwaith=

[blocks in formation]

Gronwell (Edw. I), son of Catherine, dr. of Roger ap Howell Melyn


Gronwey Vichan=... dr. and cohr. of Rhyne ap


Rhyde ap Gronwell,=... dr. Avon ap Howell lord of Ryborel Igham, lord of Brigan


Madock ap Rhyde, lord of =

Howel ap Madoc, lord = Wenllyan, dr. and hr. of Llyne ap Yevan of

of Ribour

[ocr errors]

Raby Morgan ap Howell=Jane, dr. Thomas Button, Esq., of Glamorgan

Yevan ap Morgan of New Church, Margaret, dr. of Jenkyn Kemys,

near Cardiff, Glamorgan

of Begam, Esq.

Wm. ap Yeavan served Jasper D. of Bedford =

and K. Henry 7

Morgan Williams, son and heir=... sister to Thos. Lord Cromwell,

of Wm.

Sir Richd. Cromwell alias Williams,

of Thucpanbrook, Huntingdonshire |

and dr. Walter Cromwell

Frances, dr. and cohr. of Thos.

Sir Henry

Murfyn, Knt.

Joan, dr. of Sir Rafe
Warren, Kt.

Robert Eliz. Steward, descended from the 1 Walter Steward

[ocr errors][merged small]

Cybor or Kyfor, the hundred in which Cardiff, the chief town, is situated.

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