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" into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each degree being divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute into 60 equal parts, called seconds, &c. "
Course of Civil Engineering: Comprising Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and ... - Page ix
by John Gregory - 1842
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A Compleat Treatise of Practical Navigation Demonstrated from It's First ...

Archibald Patoun - 1734 - 568 pages
...of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree is divided into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds; and thele into Thirds> Foarlbs, ore. thefe Parts being greater or lefs according as the Radius is....
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A Treatise of Algebra in Two Books: The First Treating of the Arithmetical ...

Philip Ronayne - 1738 - 458 pages
...DEFINITIONS. i. A Circle is fuppos'd to be r\ divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees j and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds 5 t£c. Any Portion \ of whofe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meafured by the Number of Degrees...
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Navigatio britannica: or, A complete system of navigation in all its ...

John Barrow - 1750 - 498 pages
...Circumference of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &c. which are written in this manner 51°, 16', 14", which fignifies 51 Degrees 16 Minutes, 14 Seconds....
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A New Introduction to the Mathematicks: Being Essays on Vulgar and Decimal ...

Benjamin Donne - 1758 - 430 pages called a Day; which Day they fubdivided into 24 equal Parts called Hours, and each of thefe again into 60 equal Parts called Minutes, and each Minute into 60 equal Parts called Seconds, &c. 60 Seconds-) 60 Minutes 24 Hours 365 Days 366 Days Minute Hour Day Ii Common lear Li Leap-Year Here...
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The Popular Educator, Volumes 5-6; Volume 14

1867 - 878 pages
...of measuring angles, according to which the circumference of every circle is considered as divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees, each degree being divided into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds, the signs for which are respectively ° ' ". The fourth part...
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A Complete Treatise of Practical Navigation, Demonstrated from It's First ...

Archibald Patoun - 1770 - 568 pages
...of every Circle is fuppofed to be divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees, and each Degree is divided into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes-, and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds ; and thefe into Thirds, Fourths, &c. thefe Bans being greater or lefs according as the Radius is....
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The Young Mathematician's Guide: Being a Plain and Easy Introduction to the ...

John Ward - 1771 - 510 pages
...I. A Circle is fuppofed to be diЩ _£\^ vided into 360 equal Parts called Degrees ; and each Degree into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes ; and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, lac. Any Portion of whqfe Circumference is called an Arch, and is meaof Degrees it contains. 2. A Chord...
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The Geometrician: Containing Essays on Plane Geometry, and Trigonometry ...

Benjamin Donne - 1775 - 336 pages
...are a Semicircle, or 2 Rt. ¿.s, and 90 Degrees a Quadrant, or Rt L. j) each Degree is fuppofed to be divided into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes, and each Minute into 60 equal Parts, called Seconds, &c. Hence it is plain, that in une' qual Circles, as well as in equal, equal Angles are fubtended by an...
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The Elements of Euclid, Viz: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have ...

Robert Simson - 1775 - 534 pages
...of a circle is fuppofed to be divided into Hh ' 360 360 equal parts called degrees, and each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal pans called feconds, &c. And as many degrees, minutes, ftconds, &c as are contained in any arch, of...
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The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 552 pages
...C ; the arch AC is called the mea« angle ABC. II. 360 equal pnrts called degrees, and each degree into 60 equal parts called minutes, and each minute into 60 equal parts called feconds, &c. And as many degrees, minutes, fcconds, &c. as are contained in any arch, of fo many degrees,...
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