THE ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF NORFOLK ; TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED THE CHARTER OF THE BOROUGH, AND A COLLECTION OF Acts and parts of Acts of Assembly, 1 RELATING TO THE CORPORATION. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. 1829. Norfolk: PRINTED BY T. G. BROUGHTON AND SHIELDS & ASHBURN. COPY OF THE CHARTER OF NORFOLK BOROUGH. (Incorporated the 15th September, 1736.) George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. TO ALL AND SINGULAR OUR FAITHFUL SUBJECTS, Greeting: WHEREAS, a healthful and pleasant place, commodious for trade and navigation, by act of the General Assembly of our Colony and Dominion of Virginia, hath been appointed and laid out for a town, called by the name of Norfolk; which place of late years, especially during the administration of our trusty and well beloved William Gooch, Esq. our Lieutenant Governor of our said Colony, hath very greatly increased in the number of its inhabitants and buildings, in so much that the said town not being capable of containing all such persons as have resorted thereto, divers of our loving subjects have seated themselves and families upon the adjoining lands, so far as to a place called the Town Bridge. Know Ye, That we being willing to encourage all our good and faithful subjects, as well at present residing and inhabiting, as shall or may hereafter reside and inhabit within the said town of Norfolk and the places thereto adjoining, SO far as the Town Bridge, at the instance/ and petition of divers of our dutiful and loyal subjects, inhabitants of the said town and places adjacent, of our royal grace, good will, certain knowledge, and meer motion, with the advice of our council of our said Colony, have constituted and erected, and by these our LETTERS PATENT do constitute and erect the said town of Norfolk, and the said parts thereto adjoining so far as the said bridge, A BOROUGH, by the name of the Borough of Norfolk; and for us, our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the inhabitants of the said Borough and of the parts adjacent, that the said Borough and the parts adjacent shall be a Borough Incorporate, consisting of a Mayor, one person learned in the law, stiled and bearing the office of Recorder of the said Borough, eight Aldermen, and sixteen other persons to be Common Council Men, of the said Borough; which said Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council Men, shall be a body incorporate, and one community forever, in right and in fact; and by the name of Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of the Borough of Norfolk, and as such shall be persons able and capable in law to acquire, purchase, 203939 |