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The COUNCIL OF THE BRISTOL AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY desire that it should be distinctly understood that the Council are not responsible for any statement made, or opinions expressed, in the TRANSACTIONS of the SOCIETY. The Authors are alone responsible for their several Papers and Communications, and the Editor, except in case of signed reviews, for the Notices of Books.

Members of the Society may obtain cases for binding the Transactions from the Society's printer, John Bellows, Gloucester, who will also complete the casing of Volumes sent to him.


The Society's Library (with the exception of the books housed at the Red Lodge, Park row, Bristol, under the care of Mr Wilfrid Leighton), is now housed in the Public Library, Brunswick road, Gloucester, and is accessible to Members every week-day (except Public Holidays) from 9.0 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. It is placed in a room (which is not used by the general public) with accommodation for reading and writing.

Members wishing to borrow books should apply (enclosing stamps) to Mr Roland Austin, at the Public Library, Gloucester, who will despatch them at once.

The Transactions of numerous Societies are received and new books are purchased from time to time. Members wishing to propose books for the Library should forward their suggestions to Mr Austin, who will place them before the Library Committee of the Council. The books at Gloucester number over 3,000.



Bristol and Gloucestershire

Archaeological Society



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