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tynuance of the Queenes maiestie to be
songe on the xvijth of November 1587.
Licensed to John Charlwood, 14 Nov.


A newe yeres remembrance wherein we
howe muche we be beholden to
the quene. Licensed to Thomas Duffild,
20 Nov. 1587.

The oration of Neptune to Jupiter in the
prayse of Queen Elizabeth, &c. Licensed
to John Wolf, 10 Dec. 1587.
Warachtighe Relatie/... Tot Dellf...
Anno 1588. 4o, A—Ċ 2 in fours. Grenv.

"This is a German translation of the
Spanish account of their Armada.
The Recantations as they were seuerallie
pronounced by Wylliam Tedder and An-
thony Tyrrell: (sometime two Seminarie
Priests of the English Colledge at Rome,
and nowe by the great mercie of almightie
God conuerted, vnto the profession of the
Gospell of Iesus Christ) at Paules Crosse,
the day and yeere to be mentioned in their
seuerall Tytles of theyr Recantations.
With an Epistle dedicatorie vnto her
Maiestie, and their seuerall Præfaces vnto
the Reader, contayning the causes that
mooued them to the same.
Printed by Iohn Charlewood and Wil-
At London,
liam Brome, and are to be sold by Thomas
Gubbin, dwelling in Pater-noster Rowe,
at the signe of the Gryffin. Anno. Dom.
M.D.LXXXVIII. 4o, A-F in fours, besides
a general title as above, with a portrait of
Q. Elizabeth on the back.

Trivmphalia De Victoriis Elisabethae
Anglorvm, Francorvm, Hybernorvmqve
Reginæ Avgvstissimae,
Classem Instrvctissimam Philippi Hispani-
arvm Regis... Anno Christi Nati 1588.
Ivlio et Avgvsto Mensibvs. 4o,
fours. In verse.
A-H in

A godlie prayer, for the preservation of
the quenes maiestie, and for her Armyes
both by Sea and lande againste the Eny-
mies of the churche and this Realme
of Englande. Entered conditionally to
Thomas Woodcock, 31 July, 1588.

An excellent songe of the breaking vp of the campe. Licensed to John Wolf, 23 Aug. 1588.

A Ballad of thankes gyvinge vnto God for his mercy toward hir maiestie begynnynge Reioyce England. Licensed to H. Kyrkham, 7 Oct. 1588.

A ballad of the most happie Victory obtained ouer the Spaniardes and yeir ouer



throw in July last 1588. Licensed to H. Carre and T. Orwin, 3 Nov. 1588. A Joyfull ballad of the Roiall entrance of Quene Elizabeth into her cyty of London the [24] Day of november 1588 and of the solemnity vsed by her maiestie to the glory of God for the wonderful ouerthrowe of the Spaniardes. Licensed to John Wolf by anticipation, 14 Nov. 1588, but no sum named."

An excellent dyttie of the Quenes comminge to Paules Crosse the 24th Daie of November 1588. Licensed to Thomas Nelson, 26 Nov. 1588. The ioyfull Tryumphes performed by dyuerse Christian princes beyond the Seas for the happines of England and the ouerthrowe of the Spanishe Navye, shewinge also the Justinge at Westminster on the Coronacon Daie in the xxxjth yere of her maiesties reigne. A ballad. Licensed to John Wolf, 27 Nov. 1588.

A ballad wherein is Declared the greate goodnes of God in preservinge our gratious sovereigne ladie from soe manye conspiracies, &c. Licensed to H. Carre, 20 Jan. 1588-9, but no sum namad. A ballad of her maiesties Ridinge to her highe Court of parlamente. Licensed to William Blackwall, 3 Feb. 1588-9.

A songe to be printed in Duch, French
or English of thouerthrowe of the Spanysh
navies. Licensed to John Wolf, 4 March,

A Skeltonicall Salvtation,
Or Condigne Gratvlation,
And Ivst Vexation
Of the Spanishe Nation,
That in a Bravado,
Spent many a Crvsado,
In setting forth an Armado
England to Invado.

Printed at Oxford By Joseph Barnes, and
are to bee sold in Paules Churchyeard, at
the signe of the Tygres head. 1589. 4°,
A-B 2 in fours. Lambeth.


Declaratio Cavsarvm, Qvibvs Serenissi-
mæ maiestatis Angliæ Classiarij adducti,
in expeditione suâ Lusitanensi, quasdam
naues frumento, alióque apparatu bellico
ad vsus Hispaniarum Regis,
dini Excudebant Deputati Christopheri
Barkeri... 1589. 4o, A-C 2 in fours.
An Answer to the Vntrvthes, Pvblished
and Printed in Spaine, in Glorie of their
svpposed Victorie atchieued against the
English Navie, and the Right Honorable
Charles Lord Howard, Lord high Admiral
of England, &c. Sir Francis Drake, and the


rest of the Nobles and Gentlemen, Captaines and Soldiers of our said Navie. First written and published in Spanish by a Spanish Gentleman; who came hither out of the Lowe Countries from the seruice of the Prince of Parma, with his wife and familie, since the overthrow of the Spanish Armada, forsaking both his countrie and Romish religion, as by this Treatise (against the barbarous impietie of the Spaniards, and dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie) may appeare. Faithfully translated by I[ames] Lea] London, Printed by Iohn Iack4o, son, for Thomas Cadman. 1589. A-H in fours.

Dedicated to Lord Howard of Effingham. On the back of the title occur two copies of verse: England to her Queene," S. D., and "England to hir Admirall," I. Lea. Following the dedication to Howard is a second to Queen Elizabeth by the author, and this succeeded by "The Author to hir Majestie," subscribed S. D., and "The translator," subscribed I. L. The former may be the initials of Daniel.

This is a very curious volume, and is partly in verse. At p. 31 occurs "An answer to the songs of Christovall Bravo, of Cordova, blinde of bodie and soule, in praise of the victorie which the Spanish With the answers are Armada had. At p. 49 given translations of the songs. we have, "A song in the praise of the English Nobilitie," followed by another by the translator "to the same effect."

A Treatise Wherein is manifestlie proved, that Reformation and those that sincerely fauor the same, are vniustly charged to be enemies, vnto hir Maiestie, and the state. Written both for the clearing of those that stande in that cause: and the stopping of the sclaunderous mouthes of all the enemies thereof. [Quot. from Zephaniah, 3, 18. 19.] 1590. 4o, roman letter, A-I in fours, besides ¶, 2 leaves.

A ballad made vppon the late fighte at the Sea betwene 2 ships of Dunkerke, and a small ship of 80 Tonne apperteyninge to the Erle of Cumberland, the 26 of July 1590. Licensed to W. Wright, 5 Aug. 1590.

A rare and due Comendacon of the singuler vertues and governement of the quenes most excellent maiestie with the happie and blessed estate of Englande and howe God hathe blessed her highnes from tyme to tyme. Licensed to W. Wright, 5 Jan. 1590-1.


A ballad shewinge the treasons of George Bysley alias Parsey and Mountford Semynarie prestes whoe suffered in Flete


streete the Firste of Julye 1591. Licensed
to Abel Jeffes, 19 July, 1591.

A letter sent from a gentleman of ac-
coumpte concerninge the true estate of
the Englishe forces nowe in Fraunce vnder
the conduct of the right honorable the
Licensed to Johu
Erle of Essex, &c.
Wolfe, 6 Sept. 1591.

A ioyfull newe ballad of our quenes go-
inge to the parliament shewing her most
happie and prosperous reigne and the
great care she hath for the government of
her people made this yere 1593. Licensed
to Abel Jeffes, 18 March, 1592-3.

The chief occurrences of bothe the armyes from the viijth of aprill to the xvijth of the same monethe. Licensed to John Wolf, 21 April, 1592.

The honnour of the tilthe. xvijo Novembris. 1593. A ballad. Licensed to John Danter, 21 Nov. 1593.


The renewing of certaine Orders deuised by the speciall commandement of the Quenes Maiestie, for the reliefe and stay of the present dearth of Graine within the Realme in the yeere of our Lord 1586. Now to bee againe executed this present yere 1594. Vpon like occasions as were seene the former yere. With an addition of some other particular orders for Reformation of the great abuses in Ale-houses and such like. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1594. 4o, A-C in fours. Black letter.

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A ballad of the triumphes at the tilte and thanksgyvinge the xvjjth of November 1594 for her maiesties xxxvij yeares Reigne. Licensed to E. White, 15 Nov. 1594.

A New Charge giuen by the Queenes commandement, to all Iustices of Peace, and all Maiors, Shiriffes, and all principall Officers of Cities, Borroughs, and Townes Corporate, for execution of sundry orders published the last yeere for staie of dearth of Graine. With certaine additions nowe this present yeere to be well Imprinted at obserued and executed. London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1595. 4o, black letter, A-C in fours. Discovrs veritable de Diverses Conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tres-excellente Majeste de la Royne: par assassinemens autant barbares, comme la conseruation a esté miraculeuse de la main du Tout-puissant, opposée aux desseings pernicieux de ses




Anglois rebelles, & aux violences de ses
trespuissants ennemis
Londres, Par Charles Yetsweirt. Et a la
estrangers. A
Haye, Chez Albert Henry . . . 1595. 4o,
A-D in fours.

Elizabethae Angliae Reginae Haeresim
Calvinianam propvgnantis saevissimvm
in Catholicos svi Regni Edictum,
Promulgatum Londini 29. Nouembris.
M.D. XCI. Cvm Responsione ad singvla
capita. Per D. Andream Philopatrum
Presbyterum, ac Theologum Romanum,
ex Anglis olim oriundum
Licentia Svperiorvm. Romæ


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1593. Title and summary, 2 leaves : A-Rrr 2 in fours.

A most ioyfull newe ballad shewinge the happines of England for her maiesties blessed reigne and the subiectes ioy for the same. Licensed to E. White, 15 Nov. 1594.

Certaine Prayers set foorth by Authoritie, to be vsed for the prosperous successe of her Maiesties Forces and Nauy. Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker,... 1597. 4o, A-C in fours, first and last leaves blank. Lambeth.

[ocr errors]

Cavsarvm Explicatio Qvibus hoc Anno 1597.... Londini... 1597. 4o, 4 leaves, Speciall Orders and directions set foorth By the Queenes maiesties commandement, to all Iustices of Peace, and all Maiors, for stay and redresse of dearth of Graine. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Anno 1600. 4o, A-B in fours. Lambeth. The Last Speech and Thanks of Queen Elizabeth of ever Blessed memory, To her last Parliament, after her Delivery from the Popish Plots, &c. London, Printed, 1679. Folio.

Queen Elizabeth's Opinion concerning Transubstantiation, Or the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacranient, with some Prayers and Thanksgivings composed by Her in Imminent Dangers. London: Printed for F. E. [1688.] A large sheet, surmounted by a portrait of the Queen.

ELIZABETH, Queen of Bohemia.

Triumphes or a description of the ho, and roiall celebracon of the pryncesse Elizabeth and prince Palatines nuptialles, with the true maner of the fyreworkes, seafightes, &c. Licensed to Henry Gosson, 30 January, 1612-13.

A ballad on the subject was licensed the same day to Gosson.



The Honour of Englishmen / Shewing the gloriouse tryumphes performed by the cheife of the English Nobility at Tilt before the King and Queens Maiesties, the Paulsgraue and the Ladie Elizabeth at White Hall vppon the 24th of March 1612. Licensed to Ralph Blower, 25 March, 1612-13.

Englandes Joye or the happie nuptialles of prynce Friderick and the Lady Elizabeth. Licensed to Edward White, 20 February, 1612-13.

Englandes comfort or A ioyfull newe songe of the Ladye Elizabeth and the Count Palatine, which 2. Princes were betrothed together in his maiesties Chappell at Whitehall vppon Saint Johns Day Last before his maiestie and diuerse of the Nobilitie. Licensed to George Eld, 14 January, 1612–13.

A farewell to prynce palatine and his fayre bryde the lady Elizabeth being their passages through Kent, their Arrivalles in the Lowe-Countreyes, with their entertaynement there, and their Royall retourne home into his owne Court. Licensed to John Wright, 16 April, 1613. A ballad called, The Roiall pedygree of the Lady Elizabeth. Licensed to the widow White, 28 April, 1613.

The journall of the Journey of the Countie Palatine and the lady Elizabeth from England to Hedelberghe in Germany, and their entertaynement by the Way. Licensed to Nathaniel Butter, 30 June, 1613.

The portrature of the most gratious and right Vertuous Ladie Elizabeth princesse of great Britton, &c. By F. Delaram. Licensed to Henry Holland, 6 December, 1616.

An Elegy Upon the Decease of the most Incomparable Pious Lady, the Princesse Elizabeth, who Dyed in Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight, Septemb. 8. 1650 [Feb. 24th.] 4o, 4 leaves. Br. Museum. ELLIOT, ADAM, M.A., a Priest of the Church of England.

A Modest Vindication of Titus Oates the
Salamanca-Doctor from Perjury: Or an
Essay to Demonstrate him only Forsworn
in several instances. . . . London, Printed
for the Author, and are to be sold by
Joseph Hindmarsh,
A-O in twos.
. . 1682. Folio,
The Lieutenant of the Tower his Speech
and Repentance, at the time of his Death,


who was executed vpon Tower Hill, on the 20. day of Nouember. 1615. Together with a Meditation and Vow of his that hee made not long before hee dyed. Mors mihi Lucrum. Printed by G. Eld for Na: Butter, and are to be sold at his A shop neere Saint Austenes gate. 4o, --D 3 in fours.


Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotes Dictionarie the second tyme enriched, and more perfectly corrected, by Thomas Cooper, schole maister of Maudlens in Oxforde. This last edition, beside the addition and correction of verie manie thynges, hath the propre names of most herbes that be agreed of among phisicians the correction of weightes, measures, and coynes, with the applyinge of the same to our tyme. Londini in Aedibvs T. Bertheleti. Cum priuilegio. [Cpl.] Thvs endeth this Dictionarie printed at London in the house of Thomas Berthelet, Anno DoThe .x. daie of Decemmini. M.D.LII. A, 8 ber. Cum priuilegio. Folio. A, leaves, with title, &c.: A (repeated)-4 E in sixes, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Dr. Haddon, President of Magdalen, by Cooper. Printed in two columns. Bibliotheca Eliotæ. Eliotes Dictionarie, by Thomas Cooper the third tyme corrected, and with a great number of Londini in Ediphrases enriched bus nuper Tho. Bertheleti. Anno DoFolio. mini. 1559. Cum priuilegio. Title, &c., 9 leaves: A (repeated)-4 F in sixes, 4 F 6 blank.

The Castel of Helthe. Gathered, and made by syr Thomas Elyot knight, one of the chief authors of Phisyke, whereby euery man may knowe the state of his owne body, the preseruation of helthe, and how to instruct well his phisition in sicknes, that he be not deceyued. M.D.XXXIX. [Col]Londini in ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress.

[ocr errors]

40, A-X in fours: Y, 6 leaves. Dedi-
cated to Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Lam-

The Castel of Helth.... [Col.] Londini
in ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti.

8°, black letter, A-R in
eights, R 7 with the colophon only, and
R8 blank.


The Castell of Helth . . . 1572.
printed at London, by Thomas Marshe.
8°, A-N in eights. Black letter.
The Castle of Health, . . . Now Newlie
Pervsed, amended, and corrected, this

[blocks in formation]

present yeare, 1610.

Anno. M.D.XL.

London, Printed
for the Company of Stationers, 1610. 4o,
black letter. T, 4 leaves: A-S in
Pasqvill the Playne.
[Col] Londini in ædibus Thomæ Ber-
theleti typis impress. Cum privilegio
ad imprimendum solum. Anno. M.D.XL.
8°, A-C 6 in eights, C 6 occupied on
the verso by a large woodcut device with
the motto Face avt Tace.

In prose. It is an interlocution between
Pasquillus, Gnatho, and Harpocrates.
The Banket of Sapience,

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]


Christi. 1564. [Col] Londini Excude-
bat Henricus Wykes
M.D.LXIIII. 8°, A-G in eights, G 8 blank.


A true report of the Late woorthie fight performed in the voiage from Turke by fyve shippes of London against xj galleis and ij fregates the strongest of christiandom in the passage of the straightes the 13 of Julye 1586 by Thomas Ellis marLicensed to Humphrey Bate, 10


Nov. 1586.

Magnæ Britanniæ Deliciæ seu Insvlarvm
et Regnorvm qvae magnae Britanniae
imperio hodie comprehenduntur,
Title and dedication to
the Duke of Lenox, 2 leaves: A-H 6 in





Enchiridio preclare ecclē Sarisburiēsis deuotissimis precationibus ac venustissimis imaginibus ijs quidē non paucis refertu. [Col.] Impressum est hoc orariu Parisiis in edibus spectabilis viri [1533.] 8o, Germani Hardouyn.

A-Z 4 in eights. With woodcuts.

Described from a fine copy, which I examined at Mr. John Bohn's, Canterbury, October 18, 1878.

[blocks in formation]


the gouernement of Oxen, Kyen, Calues, horse, shepes, . . . Licensed to Robert Waley, 14 Sept. 1583.

An Invention of Engines of Motion lately brought to perfection. Whereby may be dispatched any work now done in England or elsewhere, (especially Works that require strength and swiftness) either by Wind, Water, Cattel or Men. And that with better accommodation, and more profit then by any thing hitherto known and used. London, Printed by I. C. for Richard Wood noth, . . . 1651. 4o, A— B in fours. ENGLAND.


[A Chronicle of England to A.D. 1447. No place, printer's name, or date, W. de Machlinia, circa 1480] Folio. Prologue, 6 leaves (?): A-Z in eights: z, 8 leaves: aa- in eights. Br. Museum (Grenville).

This copy is not perfect; it wants the end of the Table, aa 8, and the conclusion. [The Chronicles of England. Colophon:] Thus endeth this present booke of the cronicles of englond / enprinted by me william Caxton In thabbey of westmynster by london Fynysshid and accomplishid the x. day of Juyn the yere of thincarnacion of our lord god M.CCCC. LXXX. And in the xx. yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the fourth. Folio, 182 leaves, including two blanks. Publ. Lib. Cambridge, Lambeth, and Duke of Devonshire.

[The Chronicles of England. Second Edition. Colophon :] Thus endeth this present book of the Cronycles of England Enprynted by me William Caxton In thabbey of westmestre by london / Fynysshed and accomplysshyd the /viij / day of Octobre / The yere of the Incarnacyon of our lord God / M / cccc/ lxxxij And in the xxij yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the fourth. Folio, 182 leaves, including two blanks. Br. Museum, &c. (all imperfect).

All the copies known appear to be more or less defective.

The cronycle of Englonde. [There is no regular title. The colophon:] Here endyth this present cronycle of Englonde wyth the frute of tymes: compiled in a booke & also enprented by one somtyme scole mayster of saynt Albons, on whoos soule god haue mercy! And newly in the yer of our lord god. M.CCCC. lxxxxvij. enpryntid at Westmestre by Wynkyn de Worde. [A new title:] The descrypcyon of Englonde. Here foloweth

[blocks in formation]

a lytell treatyse the whiche treateth of the descrypcyon of this londe whiche of olde tyme was named Albyon And after Brytayne And now is called Englonde and spiketh of the noblenesse and worthynesse of the same. [A second colophon :] Fynysshed and enprynted at Westmestre by me Wynken de worde / the yere of our lorde A.M.CCCc. and foure score and xviij. Folio. Printed in two columns. Table, 6 leaves: Prologue, with commencement of text, a-z in sixes: 9, 6 leaves: A-H in sixes, I in fours, with the familiar large mark on I 4 verso: the Description of Britain, A-D in sixes. Grenv. Coll.

The leaf which was in facsimile in this copy has since been supplied from another imperfect one.

Hic incipit fructus tempor9 [This occurs on the first column of the leaf marked a ij, there being no regular title. Col.] Fynysshed & enprynted in flete strete in the syne of the sonne by me wynkyn de worde / the yere of our lorde a.M.CCCCC. and ij. mensis Mayus. Folio, black letter, printed in two columns. Collation: a leaf making Aai (wanting in this copy), and probably blank or with a page-cut Table, 5 leaves: a-z in sixes: 2, 6 leaves: aa-pp in sixes: cc, 7 leaves, with a colophon on the 2nd column of c 7 recto, c 7 verso occupied by the device: the Description of Britain, A-D 3 in sixes. Grenv. Coll.

Hic incipit Fructus tempor9 [This occurs as a headline on the 2nd column of a i verso immediately after the close of the Prologue. Col. ] Fynysshed and enprynted at Temple barre be me Julyan Notary Dwellynge in Saynt Clements parysse/the yere of oure lorde a.M.CCCCC. and iiij. mensis Augusti. Folio, black letter, printed in two columns. Collation: Table, 4 leaves marked A, A recto occupied by a woodcut composed of pieces a-x in sixes: y, 4 leaves the Description of Britain, with a new title, A-C 5 in sixes. With cuts. Grenv. Coll. Hic incipit Fructus tempor9 [This occurs, as in Notary's impression of 1504, on a i verso, col. 2. The colophon is:] Enprynted at Londo in powlys chyrche yarde at the west dore of powlys besyde my lorde of londons palays by me Julyan Notary. In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.XV. Folio, black letter, printed in two columns. Collation, 4 leaves, occupied with woodcuts on the first and last pages, the rest with the Table: a-z in sixes, 4 leaves. Grenv. Coll.

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