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there chosen to be bishop, and Cuthbald, a monk of the same monastery, was chosen abbat. This synod was held six hundred and seventy-three years after the birth of our Lord.1

A.D. 658. This year Cenwalh fought against the Welsh at Peonna [Pen]; and he drove them as far as Pedrida [Petherton?]. This was fought after he came from East-Anglia; he was there three years in exile. Thither had Penda driven him, and deprived him of his kingdom, because he had forsaken his sister.

A.D. 659.

A.D. 660. This year bishop Aegelbryht departed from Cenwalh, and Wine held the bishopric' three years, and Aegelbryht obtained the bishopric of Paris in France, by the Seine.

A.D. 661. This year, during Easter, Cenwalh fought at Posentesbyrg, and Wulfhere, the son of Penda, laid the country waste as far as Ashdown. And Cuthred, the son of Cuichelm, and king Coenbyrht, died in one year. And Wulfhere, the son of Penda, laid waste Wight, and gave the people of Wight to Aethelwald king of the South-Saxons, because Wulfhere had been his sponsor at baptism. And Eoppa, the mass-priest, by the command of Wilferth and king Wulfhere, was the first of men who brought baptism to the people of the Isle of Wight.

A.D. 662, 663.

A.D. 664. This year the sun was eclipsed on the 5th of the nones of May; and Arcenbryht, king of the Kentish-men died, and Ecgbriht, his son, succeeded to the kingdom; and Colman," with his companions, went to his country. The same year there was a great pestilence" in the island of Britain, and bishop Tuda died of the pestilence, and was buried at Wagele. And Ceadda and Wilferth were ordained; and the same year archbishop Deus-dedit died. A.D. 665, 666.

A.D. 66713. This year Oswiu and Ecgbriht sent Wighard, the priest, to Rome, that he might there be consecrated archbishop of Canterbury; but he died soon after he came thither.

A.D. 667.14 This year Wighard went to Rome, even as king Oswi and Egbyrht had sent him.15

A.D. 668.1" This year Theodore was ordained an archbishop," and sent to Britain.

1 Here ends the extract from E.

* This year is not recorded in F.

• See Beda, Eccl. Hist. III. vii.

* Namely, at Wessex. See Beda, as above.

He was the father of Caedualla, of Wessex.

• Beda, Eccl. Hist. IV. xiii.

7 Ibid. IV. xvi.

• The date is from E. F., it is incorrect, though borrowed from Beda, for the

eclipse occurred on May 1st. See Eccl. Hist. III. xxvii,

• The succession of Ecgbriht is from E.

10 Bishop of Lindisfarne. See E. H. III. xxvi.

11 The conclusion of the sentence is from E. Tuda was bishop of Lindisfarne;

the place of his burial is unknown.

13 From E. and F. See E. H. III. xxix.

12 E. H. III. xxviii.

14 From F.

15 Continued as above, after the word "Rome," A.D. 667, in the text.

16 See Eccl. Hist. IV. i.

17 E. F. add that this was done by pope Vitalianus, and from them we have the concluding clause of the year.

A.D. 669. This year king Ecgbyrht gave Reculver to Bass, the mass-priest, that he might build a minster thereon.

A.D. 670. This year Osweo, king of the North-humbrians, died,1 on the 15th of the kalends of March (15th Feb.); and Ecferth, his son, reigned after him; and Hlothere, the nephew of bishop Aethelbyrht, obtained the bishopric over the West-Saxons, and held it seven years. Bishop Theodore consecrated him. 'And Oswio was the son of Aethelferth, Aethelferth of Aethelric, Aethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa.

A.D. 671. This year was the great destruction among the birds. A.D. 672. This year king Cenwalh died, and Seaxburg, his queen, reigned one year after him.

A.D. 673. This year Ecgbyrht, king of the Kentish-men, died; and the same year there was a synod at Hertford, and St. Aetheldryht began the minster at Ely.

A.D. 674. This year Aescwin succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons; he was the son of Cenfus, Cenfus of Cenferth, Cenferth of Cuthgils, Cuthgils of Ceolwulf, Ceolwulf of Cynric, Cynric

of Cerdic.

A.D. 675. This year Wulfhere, the son of Penda, and Aescwin, the son of Cenfus, fought at Beadan-head; and the same year Wulfhere died, and Aethelred succeeded to the kingdom.

'Now, in his time, he sent bishop Wilfrid to Rome to the pope that then was; he was called Agatho, and showed him by letter and by message how his brothers Peada and Wulfhere, and Saxulf the abbat, had built a minster, which was called Medeshamstede, and that they had freed it, against king and against bishop, of all services; and he besought him that he would assent to it with his writing and with his blessing. And then the pope sent his writing to England, thus saying :

"I, Agatho, pope of Rome, greet well the worshipful Aethelred, king of the Mercians, and the archbishop Theodore of Canterbury, and the bishop of the Mercians Saxulf, who was formerly abbat, and all the abbats who are in England, with the greeting of God and my blessing. I have heard the desire of king Aethelred, and of archbishop Theodore, and of bishop Saxulf, and of abbat Cuthbald; and it is my will that it be in all wise even as you have spoken. And I ordain, on behalf of God and St. Peter, and of all saints, and of every person in orders, that neither king, nor bishop, nor earl, nor any man have any claim, nor any tribute, geld, or military service; neither let any man exact any kind of service from the abbacy of Medeshamstede. I also ordain that the shire-bishop be not so bold that he perform any ordination or consecration within the abbacy unless the abbat beseech it of him, nor have any claim there for proxies, or synodals, or for any kind of thing. And it is my will that the abbat be holden as legate of Rome over all the island, and that whatsover abbat shall be there chosen by the monks, he be consecrated by the archbishop of Canterbury. I will and concede that whatever man shall have made a vow to go to Rome, which he may be unable to fulfil, either from sickness or (his) lord's need (of him), or from poverty, or be unable to come there from any other kind of need, be he of England, or of whatever other island he be, let him come to the minster at Medeshamstede, and have the same forgiveness of Christ and St. Peter, and of the abbat and of the monks, that he should have if he went to Rome. Now I beseech thee, brother Theodore, that thou cause to be commanded throughout all England, that a synod be gathered, and this decree be read and observed. In like manner I command the bishop Saxulf, that even as thou didst desire that the minster be free, so I forbid thee and all the bishops that shall come after thee, from Christ and all his saints, that ye have any claim upon the minster, except so far as the abbat shall be willing. Now will I say in a word, that whoso observeth this writing and this decree, let him be ever dwelling with God Almighty in the kingdom of heaven; and whoso breaketh it let him be excommunicated, and thrust down with Judas and with all the devils in hell, unless he turn to repentance. Amen!"

1 The date is from E., and does not occur in F. See Beda, Eccl. Hist. IV. v. 2 Eleutherius, bishop of Winchester. E. H. III. vii.

• This pedigree does not occur in E. F

See E. H. IV. v.

This entry dees not occur in F.

This concluding clause not in F.

The following interpolation is from E.

• See Cod. Diplomat. No. 990.

This writ pope Agatho and one hundred and twenty-five bishops sent to England by Wilfrid archbishop of York. This was done six hundred and eighty years after the birth of our Lord, and in the sixth year of king Aethelred.

The king then commanded the archbishop Theodore that he should appoint a meeting of all the "witan" at the place which is called Heatfield. When they were there assembled, he caused the writ to be read, which the pope had sent thither, and they all assented to and fully confirmed it.

Then said the king: "All those things which my brother Peada, and my brother Wulfhere, and my sisters Kyneburh and Kyneswith, gave and granted to St. Peter and the abbat, it is my will shall stand; and I will in my day increase it for the good of their souls and of my own soul. Now, to-day I give St. Peter for his minster Medeshamstede, these lands and all that lieth there adjoining; that is to say, Bredune, Hrepingas, Cedenac, Swineshaefed, Heanbyrig, Lodeshac, Scuffanhalch, Costesford, Stretford, Waettelleburne, Lusgeard, Aethelhun-iglond, Barthanig. These lands I give St. Peter all as freely as I myself possessed them, and so that none of my successors take anything therefrom. If any one shall do so, let him have the curse of the pope of Rome, and the curse of all bishops, and of all those who are here witnesses, and this I confirm with Christ's token." "I, Theodorus, archbishop of Canterbury, am witness to this charter of Medeshamstede, and I confirm it with my signature, and I excommunicate all those who shall break any part thereof, and I bless all those who shall observe it." "I, Wilfrid, archbishop of York, I am witness to this charter, and I assent to the same curse." "I, Saxulf, who was first abbat and am now

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bishop, I give those my curse, and that of all my successors, who shall break this." I, Ostrithe, wife of Aethelred, grant it." "I, Adrianus, legate, assent to it." I, Putta, bishop of Rochester, I subscribe it." "I, Waldhere, bishop of London, confirm it." "I, Cuthbald, abbat, assent to it, so that whoso shall break it, let him have the cursing of all bishops and of all Christian folk. Amen!"


A.D. 676. This year Escwin died, and Hedda succeeded to the bishopric, and Centwin succeeded to the kingdom of the WestSaxons: and Centwin was the son of Cynegils, Cynegils of Ceolwulf. And Aethelred, king of the Mercians, laid waste Kent. A.D. 677.

A.D. 678. This year the star (called) a comet appeared, in August, and shone like a sunbeam every morning for three months ; and bishop Wilfrith was driven from his bishopric by king Egferth; *and two bishops were consecrated in his stead; Bosa to Deira, and Eata to Bernicia. And Eadhed was consecrated bishop over the men of Lindsey; he was the first of the bishops of Lindsey.

A.D. 679. This year Aelfwin was slain near the Trent, where Egferth and Ethelred fought; and St. Aetheldryth died. 'And Coldingham was burned by fire from heaven.

A.D. 680. This year archbishop Theodorus. appointed a synod at Haethfield, because he wished to set forth aright the Christian faith. And the same year Hild, abbess of Streonesheal [Whitby], died.

A.D. 681. This year Trumbriht was consecrated bishop of Hexham, and Trumwine of the Picts," for at that time they were subject to this country.

A.D. 682." In this year Centwin drove the Britons to the sea. A.D. 683.

A.D. 684." Here in this year Ecgferth sent an army against the Scots, and Briht his "ealdorman" with it, and miserably they plundered and burned the churches of God,

A.D. 685. This year king Ecgferth commanded that Cuthbert should be consecrated a bishop; and Theodore, the archbishop, consecrated him, at York, on the first day of Easter, as bishop of Hexham; because Trumbriht had been deposed from that bishopric. This year Ceadwalla began to contend for the kingdom. Ceadwalla was the son of Coenbert, Ceonbert of Cadda, Cadda of Cutha, Cutha of Ceawlin, Ceawlin of Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic. And Mul was the brother of Ceadwalla, and he was afterwards burned in Kent. And the same year, king Egfrid was slain," near the North Sea, and a great army with him, on the 13th of the kalends of June [20th May]. He was king fifteen years, and Aldfrid, his brother, succeeded to the kingdom after him. 'Ecgferth was the son of Osweo, Osweo of Aethelferth, Aethelferth of Aethelric, Aethelric of Ida, Ida of Eoppa. And Hlothere, king of the Kentish-men, died the same year. And John was consecrated bishop of Hexham, and he was there until Wilfrid returned. Afterwards John succeeded to the bishopric of "Chester" [York), for bishop Bosa was dead. Then, after that, Wilfrid, his priest, was consecrated bishop of "Chester" [York), and John retired to his minster at Derewood. *This year it rained blood in Britain, and milk and butter were turned into blood.

1 Beda, Eccl. Hist. IV. xii.

2 This genealogical information respecting Centwin is not in E. or F.

3 See Beda, Eccl. Hist. IV. xii.

• From E.

E. F.

+ These details are from E. F.

• See Eccl. Hist. IV. xix. xxi. xxv.

• See Eccl. Hist. IV. xvii. xxiii.

10 Namely, of Whitern, or Candida Casa.

11 Ascribed by G. to 681.

13 E. F. See Eccl. Hist. IV. xxvi.

13 As far as "bishopric" from E.

15 The passage as far as p. 24, note 1 is from E.

From E. F.

14 Eccl. Hist. IV. xxvi.

A.D. 685. And in this same year Cuthbert was consecrated bishop of Hexham, by archbishop Theodore, at York, because bishop Trumbert had been driven from the bishopric.

A.D. 686. This year Ceadwalla and Mul his brother laid waste Kent and Wight. This Ceadwallas gave to St. Peter's minster at Medeshamstede, Hoge, which is in an island called Heabur-eagh; the then abbat of the monastery was called Egbalth. He was the third abbat after Saxwulf. At that time Theodore was archbishop in Kent.

A.D. 687. This year Mul was burned in Kent, and twelve other men with him; and the same year Ceadwalla again laid waste Kent. A.D. 688. This year Ine succeeded to the kingdom of the WestSaxons, and held it thirty-seven years; and he built the minster at Glastonbury; and he afterwards went to Rome, and there dwelt to the end of his days: and the same year Ceadwalla went to Rome, and received baptism from the pope, and the pope named him Peter; and in about seven days he died. Now Ine was the son of Cenred, Cenred of Ceolwald, Ceolwald was Cynegils's brother, and they were sons of Cuthwine the son of Ceaulin, Ceaulin of Cynric, Cynric of Cerdic.

A.D. 688. This year king Cead walla went to Rome, and received baptism of pope Sergius, and he gave him the name of Peter; and in about seven days afterwards, on the 12th of the kalends of May10 [20th April), while he was yet in Christ's [his baptismal] garments, he died; and he was buried in St. Peter's church. And Ine succeeded to the kingdom of the West-Saxons after him, and he reigned twenty-seven years.11

A.D. 689.

A.D. 690. This year archbishop Theodore died; he was bishop twenty-two years, and he was buried at Canterbury; and Beorhtwald succeeded to the bishopric. Before this the bishops had been Romans, but from this time they were English.

A.D. 691.

A.D. 692. This year Brihtwold was chosen archbishop on the

1 The pedigree which follows is not in G.

• See Beda, Eccl. Hist. V. ii. iii. vi. The passage as far as Derewood is from E.

3 F.

The conclusion of the year is from E.

A.D. 689, G. See Eccl. Hist. V. vii.

' As far as "days" from G. and inserted

* E. F. as far as "days."

10 This date is not in F.

F. at note 2 above.

in A.

9 E. F.

11 As at note & above.

12 Eccl. Hist. V. viii. The duration of the pontificate of Theodore, and the place

of his burial are from E. F.

13 E. F. See Beda, Eccl. Hist. V. viii.

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