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Haslewood S'C'D'A Cantaria.

Jacobus Wilson, Incūbens.
Cantar'. ibm valet in.

Scit mansionis cū terr' eidē adjacen' p
Diñs pastur' bestiaz ibm viijs.
quandam annual' reddit' exeunt de
molendino in Sutton pannū xxxiijs.
iiij tribz carcet' bosc' ibm p annu
xijd. pastura duoz eq's infra
Wyndeyeatz viiijs. pannā uno
columbar' ibm xijd. p annu & in
oblačõe in cappella ibm cõibz ann'
vjs. In toto panm...



lviij iiij

Suma valoris.
Xma ps inde

Hasilwood Cantar' Bine.

Christofor Bolton, Will'm Byngley,

Ex fundac' Vavasor
Cantar' val' in

Ad altere B'te Nictre p Bolton terr' et tent in Ferribrig vj cottag' ij cotag' in Fenton iij tent in Aberfurth, uno tent in Adwalton p anuū. In toto.....

Ad altare Bte Marie ibm Wittm' Byngley penc' de fřibz & vicar' Bederin Eborz lxvjs. viijd. Fenton cum Towton terr' & tent' imb xliiijs. iiijd......

In toto p annū

Sma valoris

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d. iiij xvij iiij

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R. Omibz ad quos etc. Licet de cõi consilio regni nři puiderim qđ nou liceat viris religiosis seu aliis ingredi feod alicui fca qd ad manū mortuam deueniat sine licencia nra et capitał dñi de quo res illa immediate tenet'. Volentes tamen ditco & fid nrõ Witto Le Vauessur grām fac'e speciale : dedim' ei licenciam qūtu in nob est, qd vnũ toftũ & qdraginta acras t're cum ptin in Heselwede dare possit & assignare cuidam Capellano diuina celebranti apud Heselwode tenend & hend sibi & successor suis imppetuű et eidē Caplło, qd p'dča toftũ & tram a p'fato Wilto recipe possit tenore p'sentiũ similit licenciam concedim' speciałe. Nolentes q p'dtus Wilts aut heredes sui, seu p'dtus Capellanus, aut successor sui,

12 Valor Ecclesiast., vol. V., pp. 39, 40.

13 Charter for building the Chapel.

ratione statuti pati p nos hereð nrõs inde p nos occasionent' in aliquo vł grauentur. Saluis tamen capitał dñis feodi illius s'uic inde debitis & cõsuetis. In cui' &c. . F' vt Sa.

Pat: Roll.

31 Henry VI. Part 2. Mem. 17,

5 June, 1452.14

R. Omibz ad quos &c. saltm. Sciatis qd nos de grã nữa sp'ati concessimus & licenciam dedim' p nob & heredibz nřis quantum in nob est Elizabeth Sewardby Witto Vauasoure & henr' Kyghley exacutoribz testamenti henr' Vauasoure Armig'i iam defuncti qd ip'e quandam Cantariam ppetuam de vno Capellano ppetuo diuina singulis dietz in Capella sci leonardi die hesilwode in Com Ebor p salubri statu nrõ ac p'carissime Consortis nre margarete Regine Angtip'or Elizabeth Wifti & laurencij dum vixerim' ac et etiam p animabz ñris cum ab hac luce migra'uim' et p animbz dõi henr' Vauasoure & Johanne nup ux'is sue & antecessor suor & oim fidelium defunctor iuxta ordinationem p'dior Elizabeth Wifti & laurencij ac executor vel assignator suor in hac pte facient imppm celebratur fac'e fundare erig'e creare & stabilire possint. Et qd dłus Capellanus et quilt successor suus Capellanus Cantarie pdłe p tempore existens Capellanus Cantarie henr' Vauasoure imppm nuncupet Et qd quilt huiusmodi Capellanus Cantarie pdie cum Cantaria illa sic fta fundata erecta creata && stabilita fu'it sit psona habilis in lege plitare & plitari respondere && responderi in omibz accoibz reālibz psonalioz mixtis sectis querelis et demandis motis & mouendis p ip'm seu contā ip'm et ad lucrand vel pdent in eisdem in quibuscumqz Curiis placeis & locis Et qd Capellanus Cantarie p'dłe cum Cantaria illa sic fcă fundata erecta creata && stabilita fu'it et successores sui tras ten' et redditus cum p tin ad valorem decem libraz pannũ que de nob non tenent in Capite de quacumq3 psona seu quibuscumq3 psonis ea eis dare concedere & assignare volente seu volentib3 pquirere possint hend & tenend sibi & successoribz suis p'dtis in sustentacoem suam imppm absqz impedimento nři vel heredum nroz Justic Escaetoz Vicecomitu Ballivoz senalioz ministroz nroz quozcumqz statuto de tris & teñ ad manu mortuam non ponendis edito aut aliquo alio statuto siue ordinacoẽ incontrariű fact non-obstant dunctamen p Inquisicoes inde debite capiendin Cancellariam nrăm vel heredum nror rite retornand comptum sit qd id fieri possit absqz dampno vel p'iudicio nři vel heredum nror aut alior quorcumqz. In cuius &c. T. R. apud Westin quinto die Junij

pipm Regem & de dat &c.


Thomas Heptonstall died Dec. 30, 1810, aged 82. Jane, his wife, died Oct. 19, 1799, aged 72.

Francis Moverley died Oct. 28, 1833, aged 70. Mary, his wife, died Aug. 9, 1855, aged 77.

Richard Eccles died March 28, 1860, aged 47. Jane, his mother, died Aug. 16, 1860, aged 78. William Eccles died Nov. 1866, aged 72. Helen Eccles died Jan. 3, 1880, aged 66. Richard Eccles died June 14, 1880, aged 56.

14 Deed making it extra-parochial.

Anna Maria, widow of Thomas Salvin, Esq., of Croxdale, co. Durham, died Nov. 14, 1864, aged 84.

Patrick Haveney died Nov. 1, 1883, aged 38.

Conjugi dilectæ Catharinæ quæ apud Harewood moruit die 19 Junii, anno Domini 1811, ætatis 67, conjugii 36. Misericordia Dei freta pie decessit. Hoc monumentum posuit maritus mœrens J. Wood.

P. J. Meriel, native of Caen, in Normandy, 20 years emigrant in this country, died at Thorp-arch, Feb. 1, 1813, aged 43.

Ann Coulson, wife of Ralph Coulson, died June 16, 1812, aged 56. Ralph Coulson died Jan. 23, 1824, aged 68.

Orate pro anima Caroli Josephi Vavasour, qui annos natus xxix pie obiit die xxiii Aprilis, Anno Salutis MDCCCXLVI. Cujus animæ propitietur Deus.

Elizabeth Langdale died July 31, 1811, aged 6.

Ellen Simpson died April 26, 1730, aged 47.

Mary Reynolds died Sept. 20, 1724.

The Hon. Marcia Bridget Vavasour died June 10, 1826, aged 36. The Hon. Sir E. M. Vavasour died at Chanceux, in France, March 16, 1847, aged 60. His remains were moved to Hazlewood, and placed by the side of his wife, on March 16, 1876.

William Joseph Vavasour died Jan. 11, 1860, aged 37.

Dorothy Green died Sept. 20, 1837, aged 70.

Nicholas Whitfield died Dec. 2, 1776, aged 69.

Sir Edward M. Vavasour, Baronet, died Aug. 23, 1885, aged 70.

The Very Rev. Philip Vavasour, Canon of Leeds, youngest son of the Hon. Sir E. M. Vavasour, Bart.; the builder of St. Wilfrid's Church at Ripon, and 25 years its pastor, died suddenly in London, April 19, 1887, aged 61.

Sarah Winship, 31 years the faithful attendant as lady's maid of the Right Hon. Mary Dowager Lady Stourton. She died Nov. 1, 1828, aged 52.

John Thompson died July 4, 1842.

Richard Baillie died Aug. 17, 1832. Jane, his wife, died June 21, 1866.

William Thompson died May 4, 1849, aged 28.

Rev. William Chew, O.S.B., nearly 26 years pastor of the Hazlewood congregation, died Feb. 25, 1832, aged 61.

Annie Beevors died Sept. 26, 1892, aged 4 days.

Joseph Moverley died Jan. 10, 1886, aged 79. Elizabeth, his wife, died Aug. 26, 1886, aged 84.

Michael Banks died Nov. 10, 1861, aged 22.

James Moverley, accidentally killed on Wingate Hill, June 16, 1862.

Stephen Mudd died Dec. 27, 1847, aged 85.

Ruth Steel died March 1, 1865, aged 88.

Sarah McCarter died August 22, 1886, aged 61. Archibald McCarter, her husband, died Dec. 12, 1877, aged 75.

Elizabeth Hopperton died May 28, 1867, aged 53.

Joseph Heptonstall died July 23, 1867, aged 14.

Laura Mary Maxwell died Dec. 14, 1861, aged 23. Philip Joseph Maxwell died May 7, 1872, aged 7. Mary Josephine Maxwell died May 10, 1873, aged 19.



Fannie, wife of George S. Lane-Fox, died at Paris, April 28, 1875, aged 30. Thomas Moverley died July 25, 1889, aged 58. Jane, his wife, died Dec. 28, 1891. Elizabeth V. Riall, widow of General Sir Phineas Riall, died Jan. 4, 1869, aged 74. Thomas Heptonstall died Sept. 13, 1872, aged 72.

Thomas Hughes died Nov. 3, 1872, aged 29.

John Winter died Feb. 3, 1873, aged 72.

Thomas Moverley died June 24, 1876, aged 69. Mary, his wife, died Dec. 16, 1880, aged 71.

Alexander Swarbreck died March 2, 1875, aged 40.

Anthony Saynor died Dec. 9, 1858, aged 62. Many years faithful servant to the family at Hazlewood. Erected to his memory by the Hon. Mrs. Vavasour,

James Matson died Oct. 21, 1867, aged 21. Ann, wife of James M. Matson, and mother of the above, died July 10, 1872, aged 52.

Peter Murray died Dec. 17, 1849.

Thomas Heptonstall died Feb. 22, 1865.

E. D. Born Oct. 1869. Died Jan., 1870.

Alfonso Bordessa. Born Jan. 24, 1881. Died May 16, 1881.
Mary Emma Heptonstall died May 18, 1877.

Joseph Matthew Atkinson. Born Sept. 22, 1869. Died Sept. 6, 1881.

The Veneration and Venerable Bishop, late of Beverley, the Right Rev. John Briggs, D.D., died Jan. 4, 1861, aged 72, and in the 28th year of his Episcopacy.


[The Council have decided to reserve a small space in each Number of the Journal for notices of Finds and other discoveries; it is hoped that Members will assist in making this a record of all the matters of archæological interest which may from time to time be brought to light in this large county.]



THE Cathedral of York, with its precincts, was enclosed by a wall about three quarters of a mile in length. There were in it four gates, one at Petergate facing Little Blake Street; another opening into Petergate opposite Stonegate; a third at the end of College Street opposite the Bedern; and a fourth at Uggleforth. Within this area were, the palace of the Archbishop on the north side of the Cathedral, near which was a chapel, the Chapel of S. Sepulchre, the Prison of the Liberty of S. Peter, the Church of S. Michael-le-Belfrey, the Deanery, S. William's College and the Bedern, a college of vicars choral of the Cathedral.

In "The Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I., 1281— 1292," issued 1893, there is an entry which gives the date of the enclosure and the reason for the building of it. It is as follows :

1285. May 18. Westminster. Licence for the Dean and Chapter of S. Peter's, York, to enclose the churchyard and precinct of their church with a stone wall 12 feet high all round, for the better security of the canons, and for the prevention of nocturnal incursions of thieves in the streets and lanes in the said precinct, and of night wanderers committing homicides, fornications, and other evil there: the said wall to be provided with competent gates and posterns, which are to be left open from dawn till night.

That the state of things mentioned really existed, and that it was not a merely formal reason for granting the

1 Allen.

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