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lambs till they are separated from their dams, and 40 beasts given them by Helias, viz. from the ford of the stream (ductus) of Dalby between Scowisby and the grange of Scakilden by the said stream westward, up to the brooks (rivulas), and by the outer brook, southwards to the springs. the corner of the park of Ric. de Br-aria, and from the north side of the park to the dike which divides the grantor's wood from the wood of the said Richard; also one toft and 2 oxgangs in Scowisby; with leave for their tenants to use Scowisby Mill, without multure; in frank almoin. Witnesses: - Sir Miles de Stapilton, knt. John de Kirkeby, Adam de Lud, John de Multon, Robt. de Buscy, John de Topclyf, John de Bugdon.

Byland, Friday the Feast of S. John Baptist, 1356, 30 Edw. iii. Mutilated and defaced. Endd: "1356. A deed from John de Percoons of Scowisby to the Abbot of Wherein the parcells are well abuttall'd, but the writing being much damaged, it is impossible to copy it &c."

[Β. 90.]

1324. Bond of Ingelram de Scauceby to Robert son of Richard de 17 Oct. Pikelne for a loan of 20s. sterling to be repaid at Scauceby on Easter Day 1325; for which he pledges one acre of land in the east field of Scauceby. Scauceby, Wednesday after the feast of St. Wilfrid the Archbp. 1324. [B. 66.]


1327 Grant by John son of Gilbert de Cropton in Snycale to Robt. 24 Feb. de Blakebourne of Snycale, of half a toft late belonging to Gilbert Bercar' in Snycale, 7 roods of arable land and the whole meadow thereto belonging, in the town and territory of Snycale; 1 rood thereof lying in the croft of the said half toft; 2 roods in Estcroft between les Schaghes, abutting on le Waterdoles between the land late of Wm. Halflouerd now of Peter Belle, on the west, and the land of Wm. de Walton on the east; one rood in Estcroft, between the land of Wm. de Castelford on the north and the land of Wm. de Walton on the south abutting on Fohildyck; one rood on le Northtoft, between the land of Wm. de Walton on the west, and the land of John son of Adam del Hylle on the east; one rood under Drakylgate, abutting on Godewyn rode, between the land of Wm. de Castelford on the east, and the land of Wm. de Walton on the west; and one rood on Brerelandes, between the land of Wm. de Castelford on the south and the land of Wm. de Walton on the north; all which his father held by gift of Nicholas Halflouerd of Snycale. Witnesses :- Ric. de Birstal, John Woderove, John Malet, John Picard of Normanton, Wm. de Castelford, Wm. Halflouerd, Robt. Ernys of Snycale, John son of William de Preston of Snycale ..... Belle. Snycale, Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle, 1327.

[Α. 131.]

61 Snidall, formerly Snithall, in the

parish of Normanton, but in the deed a

c seems to have been used instead of a t. See Y. A. J. viii., 481.


1376. Writ of novel disseisin to the sheriff of Yorkshire on the 20 April. complaint of Wm. de Carlynghawe, chaplain against Wm. de Skargill, knt. the younger and Robt. de Skargill concerning his free tenement in Sutchil, to be tried before Roger de Kyrketon and Roger de Fulthorp.

Westminster, 20 April, 50 Edw. iij.

Endd: Per Thomam de Thelwall, quia assisa quam tenet non excedit xxiiij solidos redditus per annum. [Α. 208.]


Quitclaim by Thomas de Spofford, chaplain to Adam Lytster 4 Oct. of Hekmundwyk, clerk, of certain lands and tenements, meadows, woods and pastures in Suthill, called Doggelache, Sutillwod and le Kowehey. Witnesses :-Sir William Sappelyng priest, Richard de Lymelay, Wm. de Fenton, Adam de Morlay, Richard de York. Erdeslow, Sunday after Michaelmas, 1 Ric. ij.

Seal, a squirrel.


[B. 114.]

1462. Feoffment by John Haghe of Hoddresfeld late of the Botham12 Aug. hall, of all his lands, &c. in the township of Staynland and Wharneby to Sir Ric. Staynton, priest, Robt. Beaumout of Whitlay, Thos. son of Henry Beaumont of the Lascelhal, Adam son of the said Henry, Thos. Lokewod of Dudmanston, Wm. Lokewod of Lokewod, and Ric. Horsfall of Hoddresfeld, who after his decease shall make estate in fee tail to Thomas his son and the heirs of him and Margaret his wife, daughter of Henry Beaumont, with remainder to Jonett Alys, Isabell, Agnes and Katerine, daughters of the said John in fee tail with ultimate remainder to the right heirs of the said John Haghe. 12 Aug., 2 Edw. iv.



[Α. 302.]

1364. Grant by Thomas son of Wm. le Ssissor to Ric. son of Wm. del Estewod of lands in the town of Stansfeld which came to him at his father's death; for a yearly rent of 3s. 2d. to Sir Henry de Soth[ill]. Witnesses: - Wm. de Grenewod, Wm. de Estewod, John his son, Roger son of Wm., Wm. son of Adam de Crosseley.

Routonstall, Sunday before the Feast "S. Math' " 65 38 Edw. iii.

[Α. 183.]

62 So now spelt, but nearly always formerly Suthill, meaningprobably Southill. A township in Dewsbury parish and seat of an ancient family bearing the name of which no pedigree has yet been attempted.

63 In Halifax parish. The deed will

interest those of the name of Haigh on account of the genealogical information


64 Stansfeld in Halifax parish. 65 S. Matthew is Aug. 9, 1364; S. Matthias is 24 Feb., 136.


Grant by Hen. Hoyle to Thos. his son of all his land in Stans29 Sept. feld, between the wood of Rowtonstall on the east, and Stonesyke on the west, the watercourse of the Caldre on the south and le Wynter on the north. Witnesses:-John Kyng, vicar of Halifax church, Hen. Sayvell, esq. Ric. Pek. Sourby, Michaelmas, 2 Hen. vj. Seal, I. H. crowned.

[Α. 267.]



Grant by Robt. de Ranfeld to Hugh de Ranfeld, his son, of a 30 Sept. messuage and one oxgang in the town and fields of Stenton,

late held by John Dey.

Witnesses:-Sir Thos. de Reresby, Knt. Thos. Clarell, Thos. de Totehill, Thos. de Westby, Thos. Breton.

Ranfeld. Sunday after Michelmas, 10 Henry iv.


[Α. 252.]

Grant by William de Spina to Richard del Sac de Dungwith of his right in the plot of land bought by the grantor from William del Storthes and called New Meadow. Witnesses: - Richard Riuel, William his son, William de Leston, Richard son of Ralph, William de Storthis.

Seal, device indistinguishable.

legend, CPOCIADIS.

Studley. North.68

[В. 10.]

Grant by lady Agneta de North Stodeley, late wife of Sir Thos. Colevill of Kirkewald, to Hugh son of Roger de Karleton, marrying her daughter Margery, in fee tail, of two tofts in the town of North Stodeley, once held by Wm. son of John and Gilbert Selli, lying between Constance de Horsseford and Symon the Carter (Caretarius); 11⁄2 oxgang in the same territory, 14 acres making an oxgang, whereof 7 acres abut on the said tofts, 7 acres 1 rood in Himpegarth, and 6 acres 3 roods in Sunnehch'. The said Hugh and his heirs may grind their corn at her mill without multure "et propinquior' vas molendini"; for 1d. yearly rent. Witnesses: - Sir Alan de Aldfeld, Sir Patrick de Westwice, Sir Nic Mauleverer de Norton, knts. John de Traicotes, Gocelin de Braiwait, Wm. de Cluthrum, Robt. of the same, Wm. de Stodlay. [Α. 62.]

5 Feb.

[123] Pope (Gregory ix] to [Walter de Grey] Archbp of York. Permits him to grant the petition of [Wm. de Maincestre to have divine service performed] in his chapel of North Stodeley, he being often unable to attend his parish ([parochial]em) church on account of the dangers of the road. Lateran, Non. Feb. 11 Pont. Mutilated.

[Α. 77.]

66 Stenton, probably Stainton juxta Tickhill in D. B. Stantone. See S. Yorks. I., 254. This deed was made at

Ravenfield a few miles away.
67 Query Storthes in Thurstanland.
68 Near Ripon.

[1249] Confirmation by Walter [de Grey] Archbp of York of the 21 Jan. graut by the Canons of Rypon to Wm. de Maincestre concerning having a chantry in the chapel built by him in his court [A. 77.]

of North Stodeley. Rypon, 12 kal. Feb. 25 pont.

Grant by the Chapter of St. Wilfrid's Rypon to Wm. de Maincestr' of a chapel and chaplain at North Stodeley on the following conditions. The said William will present to them the chaplain who will swear to save the chapter harmless with regard to offerings &c. due to their church; to be faithful to the church and chapter and to the canon to whose prebend the parish dues of Stodeley belong; to answer for the whole parish which he serves for the three offerings at Christmas, Easter, and St. Wilfrid's day, i.e. for every "husband," d., for every "husewythe" (sic) d. On these days the said William and his household shall attend the Mother Church, and the other parishioners on Christmas day, Candlemas, Holy Cross day, Easter, Ascension, Whitsunday, St. Wilfrid's day and All Saints day. The said William will supply the chaplain with food and clothing or a sufficient allowance as agreed upon between them. The Chaplain will receive on behalf of the Chapter the gifts (manupositum) offered to him by parishioners and others, except offerings at the festivals of the Chapel, and what is due to St. Wilfrid's Church, i.e., a tenth at marriages, churchings, doles (divises) and confessions. The Chapter will remove any Chaplain failing to keep this oath. The said William will also swear to save St. Wilfrid's Church harmless and observe the above.

Witnesses :-Masters Geoffrey de Lardar', Laurence de Toppeclyf and Thos. de Kyrkeby, Canons of Rypon Sir Carinus de Apula, Robt. de Monkton, Alan de Aldefeld, Wm. de Claibert (?), Wm. de Stodeley.

The three preceding, later copies on one piece of vellum.

1288. Demise by Hugh de Karleton to Wm. son of John de Clother 11 Nov. (um?) of a tenement in North Stodeley which he had in free marriage with Margery his wife, for 26 years from Martinmas 1288, at 24s. yearly rent, payable at the Invention of the Cross and at Rypon fair in the winter. The lessees shall grind their corn growing thereon at the mill in the town nearest the granary without toll, and shall keep up the buildings at their own expense, with compensation for or permission to remove additions. Witnesses :- Wm. de Clother (? um), John de Slengesby, John de Biscopton, John son of Robert, Hugh de Thorp.

Later copy.


[Α. 82.]

Quitclaim by Reginald de Morthinc to Walter de Brompton of his right in the land and wood he bought from John de Roderam on Bernestokes in the field of Swinton', between his land and the boundary towards Addewyc, abutting on the Court of the Prior and Convent of Bretton; for a yearly rent of 2s. to John de Roderam and 2d. to the Prior and

69 Near Rotherham, and in the parish of Wath-upon-Dearne, see S. Yorks. II., 76.

Convent of Wirkissope. Witnesses: - Ric. de Brerechink', Peter de Wath, Ric. Herlyng, Robt. de Parys, Wm. de Woth de Swinton'.

Endd: Carta Reginaldi de Morthyng de terra et bosco in Swynton. Swynton, ij.

Fragment of a green seal, * * de m


[A. 16.j

Tanield. West.70

129 Concord between Sir John Marmyun, knt. lord of Tanfeld and 26 Jan. Elyas son of Elias of the same, made at York, Tuesday before the Purification of the B. V. M. 1293, before Sir Hugh de Cressingham, and his fellows, justices in eyre. Elyas releases to Sir John his claim to common of pasture in Northscoth Wood, which Sir John can shut up if he please; the meadows of Newheng' and Cringelmire in Westwode; two messuages with 2 oxgangs of land in Westanfeld bought of Ric. son of Hugh; and the wardship of William son of Alan de Eskelby by reason of 2 oxgangs in Eskelby; If the said Elyas acquire by legal process any arable land from Wm. le Red of Este Tanfeld or from John de Barewell of Nosterfeld, he shall hold it of the said Sir John. Sir John grants to the said Elyas reasonable estovers, in Westewode, viz. "husebote," and "hay bote" by view of the forester, and twigs for burning and hedging without view, as by deed between lady Avice Marmyum and Elias father of Elyas; common of pasture in Tanfeld as pertains to the tenement which he holds of Sir John in Tanfeld; pannage for his own pigs in Westwod, but for his tenant's pigs, half the pannage must be paid to Sir John; pasture for ploughoxen in Newheng' for 15 days after haytime when Sir John's own oxen go there, (this is granted out of courtesy); and liberty to pick nuts in Westewod. Witnesses :-Sir Robt. de Tatirsale, Sir Brian son of Alan, Sir Roger de Lasceles, Sir Andrew de Newyl, Sir Alan de Caberg', knts. Ric. de. Lyns, Wm. de Menyl, Robt. de Conyheres, Ralf de Rychemund, Nic. de Middelton, Thos. de Gaytenby, Hen. de Langeton, Geoffrey de Wyntringham, Robt. de Burton.

Counterpart of the preceding.


[Α. 88.]

Concord between Sir John Marmyon knt, lord of Tanf and 26 Jan. Elyas son of Elyas of the same, made at York, Tuesday before Candlemas, 1293, before Sir Hugh de Cressingham, and his colleagues justices in eyre, at York 22 Edw. I. Elias releases his right in common of pasture of the wood of Northscoth, in the whole wood and the circuit outside it, so that Sir John may enclose it; and also in the meadows of Neuenge and Cringelmire in Westwod, 2 messuages and 2 oxgangs in West Tanfeld bought of Richard son of Hugh of the same, and in the wardship of William son of Alan de Heskilby, with reasonable estovers, pannage and the picking of nuts. If Elias obtains any arable land from Wm. le Rede of Est Tanfield, or from John de Barewelle of Nosterfeld, he will hold it of Sir John. Sir John grants to Elias in Westwod husebote and haibote by view of the forester and twigs for

70 West Tanfield near Masham, a possession of the Marmions.

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