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CRAVEN ARMS (Ancient).


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On July 26, 1603, he was knighted by James I. at Whitehall. He married (perhaps in 1596) Elizabeth, third daughter of William Whitmore, of London, by Ann, daughter of William Bond, Alderman of London, and the first child of which there is any record was christened at St. Antholin's in 1597. On July 1, 1618, Sir William Craven attended the court of the Merchant Taylors for the last time; he died on July 18; and he was buried in the church of St. Andrew Undershaft on Aug. 11 (cf. art. in Dict. of Nat. Biog.; London and Middlesex Note Book, Mayors and Sheriffs temp. James I., by G. E. Cokayne), "In this Church," says Strype in his edition of "Stow's London," Book ii., p. 67, ed. 1720, "also lyeth Sir William Craven, Knight and Alderman, and in the year 1610 Lord Mayor of this City. Buried with great pomp and splendour, and yet without any monument erected for him as I can find or learn, though one of the wealthiest and most eminent citizens of his time; and from whence the Lord Cravens descended." The present Rector of St. Andrew's, the Bishop of Bedford, has been so good as to institute a search for any memorial or inscription in the Church, and has been unable to find anything of the kind. His will bears date July 16, 1617. In it he desires that he may be buried in St. Andrew Undershaft, as near as may be to the grave of his beloved friend, Mr. William Parker. He bequeaths to his son William his chain of gold and seal ring; to his wife, Elizabeth, besides an equal part of his whole estate due to her by the custom of London, the lease of his house for her life and household stuff; to his children one third part of his estate in equal portions; to 100 poor men a black gown apiece, and 12d. each to pay for their dinner on the day of his funeral; to St. John Evang., Watling Street, where he was first apprenticed, 100l. ; to the poor of Tiverton in Devonshire, 50l.; to Mr. Nicholas Felton, D.D., all debts are forgiven; to Mr. Rich. Mason, parson of St. Andrew Undershaft, 10l. and a black gown; to various parishes in London, 100l.; to St. Giles' and St. Sepulchre's, near London, St. Saviour's, St. Olave's, St. Thomas', and St. George's in Southwark, 10l. each; to Newgate, Ludgate, and the two Compters, 10l. to each house; to Christ's Hospital, 100l.; to St. Bartholomew's, 100l.; to Bridewell, 100l.; to St. Thomas', 100l.; to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, 100

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nobles for a dinner for those of the Governours of the four hospitals as shall attend the funeral; to the Merchant Taylors Company the same sum for a like purpose; to the parishioners of St. Antholines the same ; to my loving brother" Anthony Craven of Darley in Yorkshire, and to his son William, 1500l.; to Ellen Ledam, his daughter, 100l. ; to three other daughters, 200l. each; to his cousin Robert Craven, son to "my brother Henry Craven of Appletreewick," 500l.; to Nicholas Rayner, son to "my sister Elizabeth Rayner," 200l.; to Anne Bayne, one of her daughters, 200l.; to his cousin Anne Richardson's children, 50l. each, to be paid to his cousin Nicholas Rayner for their use; to my cosin Thomas Craven of Appletreewick," 20l.; to Jane Younge of A., and one Robinson's wife of Thorp, and to one

Croft's wife, being three sisters of "my cosin Anthony Craven of Appletreewick," 10l. each; to Robert, son of William Younge, 20l.; to Robert Elsey of A., 10l.; to Tho. son of William Preston of A., 5l.; to Mr. John Topham and Mr. William Brogden, the two parsons of Burnsall Churche, 5l. each; to his cousin Ralphe Cooke of Beaston, 10l.; to the poor of Burnsall to be distributed at Easter and Christmas, 50%.; to his servant Anne Holden, 60l.; to J., her brother, 40l.; to Mr. Peter Benson of Knaresborough, 10l.; to his brothers in law, Mr. William and Mr. George Whitmore, 50l. each; to his sisters in law, Mrs. Anne Barber and her husband Fran. Barber, Dame Margaret Grobham and her husband Sir Richard Grobham, Dame Mary Montagu and her husband Sir Charles Montagu, Mrs. Frances Wild and John Wild her husband, Mrs. Jane Still and her husband Nath. Still, 10l. each and black gowns; to his cousin Sir Francis Jones and his wife, Mr. Rich. Wright, Tho. Chapman, Tho. Paradine, Peter Towers, Rich. Heath-to some 10l., to some 51. and black gowns; to his servants, Thomazin Hayward, 50l.; William Milburne, 50l.; William Gibson, 1,000l.; Thomas Locker, 50l.; John Cook, 100l.; Francis Stringer, 50l.; Edward Breghe, 30l.; Mary J——, 30l. ; and any others 40s. for every year they served him; to his son William, 20,000l., to be invested in land; to his son John, 5,000l.; to his son Thomas, 5,000l.; to his daughter Elizabeth, 500l.; to his daughter Mary, 500l.; the residue to his loving wife Elizabeth and his son William, who are appointed executors, the overseers being his loving brethren William Whitmore and George Whitmore and his good friend John Parker. This will had a codicil attached wherein additions were made to former legacies to servants, and especially to John Gibson the free loan of 3,000l. for five years to help him in his business. The witnesses to the will were John Parker, John Greene, William Gibson, and Arthur Juxon, and a codicil dated July 17, 1618, was witnessed by John Ellet and James Browning, The will was proved by Dame Eliz. Craven on July 27, 1618, and administration granted on April 13, 1627.2 (P. C. C. Meade 75.) His widow was buried Aug. 17, 1624; her will is dated June 26, 1624, and was proved Aug. 20, 1624 (P. C. C. Byrde, 61).

The register of St. Antholin's, London, has been published by the Harleian Society, and contains the following

entries :

1583 May 13th.

1597 Dec. 18th.

1599-1600 Jan.

1602 Oct. 17th.


Nicholas Clackson servt. to Mr. Craven, buried.
Ann dau. of William Craven, bapt.
7th. Elizabeth dau. of the same, bapt.
Mary "the dater of Mr. Willm Craven Alderman,

1603 July 15th.

William Craven kinsman to Mr. Allm. Craven,


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Jane Sanders servt. to do., buried.

Thomas Craven servt. to Sr. William Craven,


William son of Sir William Craven, bapt.

1605 Nov. 25th.

1605-6 March 4th. Ann dau. of do., buried.

1606 Apr. 3rd. William son of do., buried.

1611 July 9th. Anthony Young servt. to do., buried.

The other members of the Alderman's family were baptized at St. Andrew Undershaft.

Of these children, John, the second surviving son, was christened at St. Andrew Undershaft on June 10, 1610. He was held in such esteem by King Charles I., that by letters patent bearing date at Oxford, March 21, 1642-3, "he was advanced to the peerage by the title of Barou Craven of Ryton in com. Salop, (Patent Roll, No. 2901, 18 Chas. I. p. 2, No. 9,) and having at Brington, co. Northampton, Dec. 4, 1634, married Elizabeth, daughter of William second

2 An earlier will which was not proved is dated August 9th, 1616, the witnesses being John Parker, Robert Parker, William Gibson, G. Lulls, John Cooke; a

codicil bearing date May 22nd, 1618 witnesses John Parker, William Gibson, John Cooke.

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