The Brazen Serpent, crowned Virgin above. Das vogel gsang der sunufgang erquickt der Mentsche Mertzen. Bedüt des läbens ein anfang, vil weinen, und vil schmertzen.4 Pilgrim walking by a river. S. Anthony with lions. Coat of arms supported by Virgin and Child and a monkish figure with a vessel in the left hand from which a serpent is issuing. 46 Jodockus vo(n) Gottes gnaden Abtt des gothuss Engelber(g), 1563.45 On either side of this are coats of arms labelled, Triengen Moruw mitt Longensond, Ebcken, Mabspurg, Maggus, Kriensz, Merischwand, Kuserk. Adoration of Magi, Crucifixion, with a man praying below. Bit für mich helige_ju(ngf)row Sant Katrina das ich der... möge... Keit Gott der Vater die wisheit Gottes... Melligen Geistes beware mich vor allen übel und bossen kinden. 1534, the Virgin holding the dead Christ on her lap. S. Sebastian. Coat of arms with a man and woman as supporters. Baschi, Degen Moupinan, 1553. S. George and the Dragon. S. Catherine. A man in half armour with a woman holding a silver cup. Jörg Scheuen= berger und Chatherina Lantzlig... i sin e Gmachel, Anno 1600. A man on a horse, a man attacked by robbers. The coronation of the Virgin, to the left S. Andrew and to the right a female saint. Inscription illegible. Two figures of nuns, one assisting a beggar. The crucifixion, to the left of it S. Catherine, to the right S. Christopher. Inscription illegible. WESTERNMOST WINDOW. NORTH SIDE OF NAVE. Right-hand Light. A man standing by a river, an angel appearing to him. Coat of arms. Die Statt Zug, Maschwil, Gangelschwil, Kahm, Hünenberg, Steinhusen, Küni, Anno 1674. Coat of arms. A man with a rosary. S. Sebastian. Sich vir dich so kan dich nit bettriegen 47 Fendrich Jacob Wirg und Frow Barbara Coat of arms. Die Statt und Ampt arburg. 49 The Pope. A tented field. A crowned figure with shepherd's crook and wallet, tents Man in half armour. 44 The singing of the birds and the rising of the sun gladdens the hearts of men, It denotes the beginning of life, much weeping, and much pain. 45 J., by the grace of God abbott of the church of Engelberg, 1563 (E. is a well-known Benedictine convent in the canton of Unterwalden, founded 1120). 46 Pray for me, holy virgin, S. Catherine, that I God the Father.. the wisdom of God. . of the Holy Ghost, defend me fromall evil and wicked children. 47 Be on thy guard, Confiding in others is dangerous, They will not easily deceive thee. 49 Aarburg, small town in the canton of Aargau. A around (? David). William Tell landing from the boat. Coat of arms. Ampt Mary. A figure with palm branch. MARIANUS M. Two men in half armour. Forlix vō Mandelberg, 1572. Coat of arms. figure with a palm branch. S. GETULIUS, MARTYR. Coat of arms. Mupert von Kofenbach Kitter des Z. Jo. ordenss und Commentur zu basel, Rütfelden, Mowrein, und Reiden, Anno 1588.50 Coat of arms. Men duck shooting and hawking by a river. Coat of arms. PRO. Men hawking and shooting in a wood. Coat of arms, with portrait of a lady. Wendell schum..cger, 1571. Coat of arms, a cardinal on one side, a pilgrim on the other. Incription almost illegible. Melchior Brandenberg... Zug Alt Oberbogtt zu Zlalchwill von ... ein sin Erste... (Ehege) mahel, 1626. Coat of arms. Johans Bücher Bürger zu Bremgartten, Elsbetha Masin in Gott selig, und Elbetha Mattlerin sine Ehgmahel, 1614. Centre Light. Coat of arms. A man in half armour with a flag, to the left the Flagellation and S. Luke painting, to the right the Crucifixion, S. Ann seated with the Child standing naked on her lap, the Virgin kneeling. Coat of arms. Die lobliche Statt Lucern, Anno 1632. Figures of Hope and Faith and the Crowning with Thorns. Two small shields, one labelled Ayggen, the other Sempach. Das Landt Glarus. A watchman on a castle by the waterside, mountains in the distance. Half figure of a man in armour with a long beard above a coat of arms. Die Zt(adt) Kapperschweil, 53 (1)686. The Annunciation. St. Peter. A hermit with beads. A man in half armour. Coat of arms. Wr Nicholaus (K)eyser Alt Landtvogt im Bolent; diser (zei)t Regierender Landtamen 5 und Landts=Fendrich zu Un(ter)walden nit dem Kärmwaldt 5% Fr Anna Barbara Langg(en)stein sein Ehegemahlin, Anno 1688. Soldiers storming a castle. A man on horseback. An angel with sword and scales (S. Michael?). Coat of arms. Mauptman Joseph am Kyn Z. Z. Mau(rit); und Lazary ordens Rytter (un)d der zitt Landtvogt der Fryen Gr(a)fschafft zu Baden Em Frgö(w), 1670.57 Coat of arms. The Annunciation. AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA. Coat of arms. Johann Wasser Ritter und Panerherr 5 und Landtamen 5o zu underwalden nit dem kermwald Frouw Elissabe(th) Bodmerin sein Eliche gemachel, 1603. Two bishops in canonicals. The Pope in full canonicals, above him a skull and 50 H. von R., knight of the order of St. John, and Comthur (commander of the said order) at Basle, etc. 51 Blessed in God, i.e., deceased. 52 Löblich = praiseworthy, worshipful, good. 53 Rapperswyl or Rapperschwyl, small town in St. Gallen, on the banks of the lake of Zürich. 54 Late L. at Bellentz (Bellinzona). 55 Amen=ammann, Swiss for amtmann, justiciary. 56 Unterwalden nit dem Kärmwaldt. The canton of U. is divided by the Kernwald into two parts, each of which has its own administration; Nidwalden and Obwalden. The first of these is meant here. 57 Captain J. A. R., knight of the order of S. Maurice and S. Lazarus, and at present Landvogt of the free county of Baden in Aargau, 1670 (the Grafschaft of Baden, is that part of the canton of Aargau which lies between the Limmat, Aar and Rhine). 58 Panerherr = Bannerherr, flagbearer. 59 Landtatñen = Landamman Landamtmann, see 55 and 56. RMS. wing:1. Grant er coat, of undée , &c. of ze after erox De TULGE. earted Land s ИДЕИ. merging KULELE wen and Bis the J Gibbon born De oldest A around (? David). William Tell landing from the boat. Coat of arms. Ampt Mary. A figure with palm branch. MARIANUS M. Two men in half armour. Foelix vō Mandelberg, 1572. Coat of arms. figure with a palm branch. S. GETULIUS, MARTYR, Coat of arms. Mupert von Kofenbach Ritter des S. Jo. ordenss und Commentur zu basel, Rütfelden, Howrein, und Keiden, Anno 1588.50 Coat of arms. Men duck shooting and hawking by a river. Coat of arms. PRO. Men hawking and shooting in a wood. Coat of arms, with portrait of a lady. lendell schum.. cger, 1571. Coat of arms, a cardinal on one side, a pilgrim on the other. Incription almost illegible. Melchior Brandenberg... Zug Alt Oberbogtt zu Aalchwill von ... ein sın Erste... (Ehege) mahel, 1626. 51 Coat of arms. Johans Bücher Bürger zu Bremgartten, Elsbetha Masin in Gott selig, und Elbetha Mattlerin sine Ehgmahel, 1614. Centre Light. Coat of arms. A man in half armour with a flag, to the left the Flagellation and S. Luke painting, to the right the Crucifixion, S. Ann seated with the Child standing naked on her lap, the Virgin kneeling. Coat of arms. Die lobliche Ztatt Lucern, Anno 1632. Figures of Hope and Faith and the Crowning with Thorns. Two small shields, one labelled Ayggen, the other Sempach. Das Landt Glarus. A watchman on a castle by the waterside, mountains in the distance. Half figure of a man in armour with a long beard above a coat of arms. Die Zt(adt) Kapperschweil, 53 (1)686. The Annunciation. St. Peter. A hermit with beads. A man in half armour. Coat of arms. Wr Nicholaus .. (K)eyser Alt Landtvogt im Bolent; diser (zei)t Regierender Landtamen 55 und Landts-Fendrich zu Un(ter)walden nit dem Kärmwaldt 5% Fr Anna Barbara Langg(en)stein sein Ehegemaytin, Anno 1688. Soldiers storming a castle. A man on horseback. An angel with sword and scales (S. Michael?). Coat of arms. Mauptman Joseph am Ryn Z. Z. Mau(rit); und Lazary ordens Kytter (un)d der zitt Landtvogt der Fryen Gr(a)fschafft zu Baden Em Ergo(w), 1670.57 Coat of arms. The Annunciation. AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA. Coat of arms. Johann Wasser Ritter und Panerherr und Landtamen 5o zu underwalden nit dem kermwald Frouw Elissabr(th) Bodmerin sein Eliche gemachel, 1603. Two bishops in canonicals. The Pope in full canonicals, above him a skull and cross bones and a nude figure crowned with a laurel wreath, representing the genius of death, with the legend, HoD. MIHI CRAS TIBI. Coat of arms. Melcher Merth.. 55. Virgin and Child. S. Catherine. A man in half armour holding a flag on which is armorial bearings. Das Ampt und G(r)afschafft Rotenbur(g), 6o (1) 654. Three figures seated on clouds with palm branches in their hands, labelled S... ERIUS M. S. PLACID... ET M. S. ELA... NUS. Coat of arms. Ignatius Abtt und Merr des Freyen Gottshausz und Mersch(a)fft Engelberg, 160..61 50 H. von R., knight of the order of St. John, and Comthur (commander of the said order) at Basle, etc. 51 Blessed in God, i.e., deceased. 52 Löblich = praiseworthy, worshipful, good. 53 Rapperswyl or Rapperschwyl, small town in St. Gallen, on the banks of the lake of Zürich. 54 Late L. at Bellentz (Bellinzona). 65 Amen=ammann, Swiss for amt. mann, justiciary. 56 Unterwalden nit dem Kärmwaldt. The canton of U. is divided by the Kernwald into two parts, each of which has its own administration; Nidwalden and Obwalden. The first of these is meant here. 57 Captain J. A. R., knight of the order of S. Maurice and S. Lazarus, and at present Landvogt of the free county of Baden in Aargau, 1670 (the Grafschaft of Baden, is that part of the canton of Aargau which lies between the Limmat, Aar and Rhine). 58 Panerherr = Bannerherr, flagbearer. 59 Landtamen = Landamman Landamtmann, see 55 and 56. Left-hand Light. A man's head in a morion. Six kneeling figures. Man ploughing with horses. Cannon in position. Coat of arms. Statt Zugg, 1761. Walchwil. Zteinhusen. Koom. Hünenberg. Gangoltschwil. Kütli. A figure in robes of office with a coronet. Coat of arms. Oswald zur Lauben der zitt Schutzenmeister Zug un Fraw Maria Magdalena Benggin sin Eegmachel, Anno 1600. To the left a figure in half armour, to the right a woman. A man with horses. A graveyard. A skeleton is issuing from a grave; near the skeleton stands a man nimbed with a staff in his left hand, while with his right he grasps the right wrist of the skeleton, which is also nimbed and holds a sealed document in left hand. The same man with a staff in his right hand and a book in his left appears twice in the picture immediately below the above-described scene. A man riding meeting a woman walking. A house. A man shooting with a crossbow. Two longbearded men in armour, one with a mace the other with a sword. Das Land Glarus, Anno 1579. An attack with cannon on a walled town, scaling ladder, &c. SPES. FORTITUDO. Figure of Justice blindfolded, with sword and scales. RECTE JUDICATE FILII HOMINUM, 1605. Coat of arms, on it the initials M. S. Mans Ztockalper Bürger zu Brigg, 3 der zidt Landtvogt zu Z. Moritz und houptmā des Ersten Akzugs64 in Intremon.65 A bishop with crosier and book. A nun with a jug. Coat of arms. Pfritz Moldenner Schwitz Alter 66 Landtvogt zu Baden im Ergöuw, 1593. Four small coats of arms, one labelled Kosswy. Two men tilting. A lady and half figure of a man. A man standing by a coat of arms. The Annunciation. A coat of arms. On the coat S. T. P. Z. Wouptman Jost Pfyffer, 1569. Adoration of the Magi. The Virgin kneeling in prayer. Two coats of arms. M. Caspar Weissenbach Müntz Verwalter Zug und fr Barbara Brandenbergin sin Ehliche gmahell, Anno 1624. A man struck by lightning. Uider bösz g(l)ück guott hertz.67 A man in armour with a mace and coat of arms, die aller dürist zerung ist die zit.68 Fändrich Scharttin Vägen von Sch. ... 1552. 60 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, in Mittelfranken, in Bavaria; it was until 1108 seat of the Grafen von RothenburgHomburg; in 1172 it was made a freie Reichsstadt. In 1803 it became part of Bavaria. 61 See 45. 62 Captain of the city rifle-band. 63 Same as Brieg (French Brigue), a village in the canton of Wallis. 6+ Aufzug, Company. 65 Val d'Entremonts, the direct route from the valley of the Rhone to the Great St. Bernhard. It has a population of about 10,000. 66 Late L. at B. in Aargau; see 57. 67 A pious heart is the best medicine for bad luck. 68 Time is the meagrest of all food. |