and clerestory of the whole church is not embattled, but has a cornice of bold foliage. The windows in the north aisle are mostly Early English lancets, and between them are good buttresses of curvilinear period, having triangular crocketed heads, and some with polygonal fronts. A string-course is carried all along under the parapet and continued over the buttresses. There are large projecting heads for waterspouts. The north porch is a truly splendid composition, having much of Early English and curvilinear work, both of the most elaborate description. It is of two stories, but as the groined ceiling never was completed, is open to the top. The exterior door is wide and of Early English character, having deep bands of moulding with the toothed ornament, and clustered shafts. On either side of this door is a lancet arch springing from the same shafts, and having fine deep mouldings. The upper story of the porch has a singular and plain appearance, and probably was never completed. The parapet has an Early English string, and at each angle a small square turret. The sides of the interior of the porch are richly panelled with trefoil niches, having dripstones and shafts with elaborate foliated capitals. The springings of the ribs of the groined ceiling are begun, and rest upon clustered shafts of curvilinear character, but never were completed. The interior door is of curvilinear period and very fine. The mouldings are very deep and the capitals of the shafts enriched with beautiful foliage. Down the shafts of some of the niches on the side walls run bands of flowers. The clerestory windows on the north side are of very fine curvilinear character, and of four lights, but many of them have beenshamefully walled up; between each is a flat buttress. The exterior of the south side differs considerably in many respects from the north, and is not altogether so well preserved. The arrangement of the clerestory is different, the windows being carried down much lower and divided into two parts by a transom, the lower part opening to the triforium. The three western clerestory windows are of rectilinear tracery, the remainder curvilinear and very fine. The aisle has no windows in its western portion, and those in the eastern portion are raised higher up and are short, so that it 2 2 The south-west tower is now surmounted by a modern brick turret of octagonal form. appears the cloisters adjoined this side, especially as there is a range of pointed arches below the windows in the wall, springing from low octagonal pillars, which seem to be traces of the cloisters. The buttresses between the windows of the eastern or curvilinear portion of the aisle have plain set-offs and triangular heads. The western part presents much blank wall and some heavy buttresses. There are traces of the ruins of the transept at the east end, but the transept has evidently been long destroyed, there being a window in the east wall of curvilinear character. This wall is supported by two clumsy buttresses. There is a good door on the south side, with deeply-recessed mouldings and shafts with rich foliated capitals. The interior of the church is very striking from its fine space and uncommon loftiness, but its beauty is much impaired by the extreme irregularity of the pews and galleries, which are scattered about all over the church without the least regard to order or regularity. The thick and coarse coats of whitewash with which the whole is bedaubed detract considerably from the elegance of the interior. There are nine fine and very lofty pointed arches on either side, their architraves are deeply moulded and the piers of lozenge form, composed of clustered shafts with plain moulded capitals, the angular shafts being of larger size than the intermediate ones. The three western piers on the south side are cased with rectilinear panelling. The clerestory windows are of four lights and all of fine curvilinear tracery, excepting the three western ones on the south side, which are rectilinear. The west window has been a magnificent rectilinear one of nine lights and vast dimensions, but a large part of it is now barbarously walled up. The triforium on each side is different. On the north side it is very rich and of an intermediate character, partaking both of Early English and curvilinear, but more of the latter. It is formed of a fine deeply-moulded arch, divided into two by a central mullion, and each portion again subdivided into two lights, feathered, and springing from a central shaft with round plain capital. Between the heads of the lights in each portion is a circle containing a cinquefoil. In the six eastern compartments of the south side the triforium is differently arranged, and is evidently curvilinear, consisting of a range of most elegant and beautiful open lattice-work divided into compartments filled with delicate curvilinear tracery. The shafts have rich foliated capitals. The clerestory windows are much longer than those on the north side, being divided into two by a transom, and the lower compartment is seen through the lattice-work of the triforium, which has a very fine effect, as in many of the French cathedrals. The lattice-work to the three western rectilinear windows is rectilinear pieced panelling of rather a plain character but not inelegant. The same is carried along the west end in front of the great window. This church has not any groining to the roof, but the timer is open to the church, which rather detracts from the elegance of it, and gives it a barn-like appearance. The windows in the eastern portion of the south aisle are very fine curvilinear tracery of three lights and rather early in the style. There are clustered shafts with rich foliated capitals, from which the ribs of the groining spring, but this never was completed. These windows on the north side are chiefly lancets ranged in pairs, with deep architrave mouldings and shafts with plain round capitals. In the east wall are two curvilinear windows of three lights, with rather early tracery. At the east end of the south aisle is a portion now enclosed and used as a vestry, in which are two monumental slabs in good preservation with black-letter inscriptions. One very perfect runs thus: Kobt brustwyk qūōda prior huis loci q obiit ano do MCCC nonagisimo iit cuis aie ppiciej des. Amen. The font stands at the west end of the church elevated on steps; it is circular and of black marble. Near it is a black marble slab well worthy of notice, and curiously wrought with rude carving representing various animals. One figure resembles an ass, one a cat, one a bird, and then another like dragons; beneath these figures are three arches in basrelief, the centre one pointed, the others semicircular. The shafts from which they spring have capitals of rude foliage of Late Norman or very Early Gothic character, which marks the antiquity of this singular monumental remain. Whom it commemorates, or to what the figures allude, I know not. There is another slab with a cross flory, but no inscription. The fine Abbey gateway still remains, and forms a communication from the town to the green or area where the church stands. It is chiefly of rectilinear character, the windows having square heads and labels. The ceiling within the archway is finely groined and has foliated bosses. The rooms over the gateway are occasionally used for transacting business. Bridlington Quay is about a mile distant from the town, and is a pleasant and quiet watering-place. The cliffs are high and bold, the sea view fine, but the surrounding country bleak and bare of trees. From thence we went the following day, which proved most rainy and miserable, to Flamborough Head. The country bleak and very dreary, and looked the more wretched amidst the unceasing rain. We went over the lighthouse at Flamborough Head, which is extremely interesting. The coast is very bold, and the sea was raging in a most magnificent manner among the rocks, the waves very high and boisterous. It being high water it was impossible to see the caves, which are said to be very curious and interesting. Not far from the lighthouse is the ruin of a more ancient one. The village of Flamborough is a wretched place, inhabited chiefly by fishermen, and situated two miles from the lighthouse. Its church we did not visit. From thence we went over bare, wretched country (of which, however, we saw little, being shut up close in the carriage) to Hunmanby, a large village, which anciently enjoyed a market. There we dined with Archdeacon Wrangham, the vicar. Soon after we arrived at the inn, a tremendous storm of thunder came on. HUNMANBY. The church consists of a lofty nave with a north aisle, a chancel, and a tower at the west end. The tower is mostly Norman, except the upper part, which has a rectilinear battlement and four pinnacles. In the lower portion is a small window with semicircular head on the west side, and on the south side is a double Norman window with central shaft, and below it two smaller windows of a single light. There is also a string of billet-moulding. The nave has some rectilinear windows of late and debased character on the south side. There is one curvilinear window in the north aisle; those in the chancel are modern and of bad character. The nave is irregularly pewed, and open to the timbers of the roof. The arches to the north aisle are five in number, of which the two western ones are lower than the others, and spring from a central octagon pillar with a square base. The three eastern arches are loftier, and are supported upon circular pillars with moulded capitals. Between the nave and chancel is a wood screen of late and debased workmanship. The arch to the chancel is Norman, with good shafts. In the chancel is a large monument to some of the Osbaldeston family. The font is at the west end, and raised on steps: it is a plain cylinder on a square base. The arch to the tower is narrow and semicircular. Under one of the south windows is a Tudor arch for a tomb, but now stopped up. From Hunmanby we went to Filey, but not arriving there till it was quite dark we were unable to enjoy a view of its beautiful bay, or visit its church, which appeared good. SCARBOROUGH. We arrived at Scarborough late in the evening, the beauties of which place are probably well known to all and need no description. The situation of the castle is truly magnificent, on a bold rock overhanging the sea. The extent of the walls and outworks is very great, and the walls are all embattled. There is a handsome plain gateway, flanked by two circular towers. There is one very fine square tower of beautiful Norman work, having flat buttresses and several tiers of good Norman windows, divided by a central shaft into two lights. Some of the lights are pointed. At the angles of this square tower shafts are inserted in hollows, which run up the whole height. The church of Scarborough is still a spacious structure, though much curtailed of its original dimensions; and notwithstanding the depredations and mutilations it has suffered by modern injudicious alterations, it yet affords many good and curious specimens of architecture. Its situation is fine and bold, though highly inconvenient, being near the top of a steep hill at a great distance from a large part of the town. The church at present consists of a nave with two north aisles, and one south aisle, and a south transept used as a school. The tower was built in the 17th century, and is at |