victors of Hastings and their iron institutions, the origin of all that is desirable in a state, and the only sources of our country's elevation. In this work different views have been taken of these matters, and as they are based on the statements of the most nearly cotemporary writers, they will perhaps be regarded as sound. The passages from Greek and Latin writers, accumulated with so much diligence by the Editors of our only National historical worka, afford most valuable corrections or elucidations of the statements of Cæsar; and the Saxon Chronicle and Anglo-Saxon Laws detail with minuteness and indisputable truth the state of our Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. These have been carefully analyzed, and the following pages contain a summary of their contents; while from Northern sources some brief notices have been drawn which may serve to correct the ordinary erroneous impressions regarding the Northmen, who had so great an influence on the fortunes of Britain for "Monumenta Historica Britannica," edited by Messrs. Petrie, Sharp, and Hardy. It is to be regretted that but a single volume has yet appeared of a work so well calculated to do credit to the liberality of Government, and which, if carried out in the manner proposed, will be a worthy rival to the "Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de France," on which successive rulers in France have, to their own honour and the advantage of their country, for more than a century bestowed their patronage, many centuries, and several of whose institutions still prevail among us. Two highly important documents, Domesday Book and Magna Charta, will be found described as fully as the limits of the work would permit ; valuable corrections of various kinds, (particularly of dates,) and some facts hitherto little known, have been derived from the Close and the Patent Rolls, from the Rolls of Parliament and Parliamentary Writs, but especially from the Statutes of the Realm; and, to meet in some measure a deficiency often felt in perusing history, brief biographies have been given of many eminent persons. b Since the above was written a volume of Oxford Essays has appeared, one of which, from the pen of Mr. Froude, is "On the best Means of teaching English History;" the coincidence of its main recommendation with the plan that has been followed in this work is both remarkable and gratifying : : "We recommend," he says, ".... the study of the old Statute-book; in which, notwithstanding all that is thought and believed of the dependent position of Parliament, the true history of this English nation substantially lies buried,—a history, different indeed from any which has been offered to us as such. Every thing of greatest consequence is to be found there. All great movements, political and religious, are treated of there; and all those questionable personal transactions which have appeared so perplexing are there..... We believe, for our own part, that, for a serviceable study of English History, the Statutes are as the skeleton is to the body; that in them is contained the bone and marrow of the whole matter, and around them as a sustaining and organising structure the flesh and colour of it can alone effectually gather itself." The Illustrations, mainly derived from the trustworthy sources of coins, great seals, and monuments, will be found to present a tolerably complete series of the portraits, arms, and devices of each ruler, and may indicate the importance of some acquaintance with heraldry as an aid to the study of history. The work, as its name implies, is mainly devoted to the affairs of England, but notices are given at suitable times of the course of events in Scotland and the Isles, in Wales, and in Ireland; these are necessarily brief, but being drawn from the cotemporary Annals, Chronicles, and Laws of each country, they may perhaps be sufficient to shew what degree of connexion formerly existed between the long independent and often hostile States which now happily unite to form the British Empire. Esto perpetua! Brass Coin of Severus, on occasion of his victories in Britain xvi Gold Coins of Tasciovanus and of Cunobelin . Silver Coin of Claudius, commemorative of his conquest of Britain Brass Coin of Hadrian, on occasion of his visit to Britain Brass Coin of Antoninus Pius, representing Rome seated on the rocks of Britain Brass Coin of Commodus, commemorating the victories of Ulpius Marcellus Brass Coins of Caracalla and of Geta, commemorating their father's conquests Gold Coin of Carausius, on his founding an empire in 333 Brass Coin of Carausius, representing his association with Diocletian and Maximian ib. Gold and Brass Coins of Allectus Figure of St. Alban, from a brass in St. Alban's Abbey Roman Masonry, from the Jewry Wall, Leicester Edmund of East Anglia; from a painted panel of the William I., from his Great Seal, and Arms ascribed to, Henry I. and Queen Maud, from Rochester Cathedral Cross of the Hospitallers Stephen, from his Great Seal, and Arms ascribed to, The Escarboucle and Planta Genista Henry II. and Eleanor of Guienne, from their Monuments at Fontevraud. Arms of William Longespee Arms and Badge of Henry II. Richard I., from his Monument at Fontevraud ib. 239 242 243 263 ib. 265 279 ib. 281 Isabella of Angoulême, from her Monument at Fontevraud |