of...... DAY AND NIGHT.......140 DEAD, Bliss of the Grief for the-Immortality of the- Numbers of the Remem- brance of the Resurrec- tion of the Sacredness of the ...140, 141 DEATH, Acquiescence in Affliction of-The Angel of Anticipations of - Ap- proach of-Awfulness of- Certainty of-of a Child- of the Christian-Compla- cency in-Composure in- Consolations in-Cowardice in- Description of - Des- olation caused by the Destiny of all - a Divine Dispensation-Eloquence of -the End-the last Enemy -Equality in-Eternity of -not an Evil-Fears of- Film before of Friends- Happiness after a quiet Haven Indifference to- Inexorability of-Crushing Influence of Joy of-the great Liberator-Loveliness EARTHQUAKE, The Na- ture's convulsive Efforts...177 EATING, Love of Moderation in-of the Rich and Poor..177 EATING AND DRINKING, Moderation in ...177 ECCENTRICITY......178 ECHO, An-Definition of an- Poetic Influence of an-Re- verberations of an-Super- stition respecting an......178 ECONOMY, Advantages of- in small Expenditure-pre- ferable to Extravagance- due to the Wisdom of a Fa- ther-Intellectual-Maxims of-in the Use of Time- Virtues of Worth of.. 178, 179 EDUCATION, Advantages of- better than outward Beauty -a distinguished Blessing -of Boys-Cant in-College -of the Working Classes- Modern Cultivation of- Early-Mental Epochs of- and Self-Education-by the Eye-Exalting Influence of -Moral Influence of of La- dies-an Intellectual Light -of Man of the Morals- EGOTISM, Selfishness of-Va- nity of.......183 ELECTION, Doctrine of......183 ELOQUENCE, Abuse of Af- fectation in - Depth and Danger of of Lovers of Nature-Power of Seduc- tiveness of not mere Talk- ing .....184 ELOQUENCE AND SONG, Power of.... ......184 ELYSIUM, Beauties of......184 EMOTIONS AND SENSA- TIONS, Classification of....185 EMPIRE, Extended...185 EMPLOYMENT, Advantage of EXTREMES, to be Avoided- Evils of Fate of...... 203, 204 EYE, The-in Death-Expres- sion of the.... ..204 EYES, like those of a Demon- Talismanic Effect of the- an Index of the Feelings- Grey-Power of the........204 EYES OF WOMEN-Inspiring Influence of the .......205 FABLES, Moral Effects of....205 FABULOUS, Teaching of the 205 FACE, Beauty of the-Changes of the A Fascinating-not always an Index of the Heart ...205 FACETIOUSNESS, Lawful..206 FACTION, to be Avoided - Dangers of... ...206 FACTS, Food to the Mind....206 FAILURE, a Practical Lesson -in Great Objects ...206 FAIRIES, Departure of the- Fountain of the Gambols of the Retreat of the.. 206, 207 FAIRY-LAND .... ...208 FAITH, Benefits of Defini- tion of Discipline of - Happiness of the Link between God and Man Grounded on Principle-the Repose of Reason Re- liance in the Pencil of the Soul The Steps of FAVOURITES, Evils of ......216 FEARS, Absurdity of........217 sensibility of-Transiency of 218 |