INDEX TO SUBJECTS. "I look upon every true thought as a valuable acquisition to society, ACTION, Causes of - Consequences of-Decision inEloquence of- Importance of-Intent of-Lawfulness of-Man designed for-Motives to-Necessity for-the perfection of Man's Nature -Perseverance in-Principles of Speech the Reflex of Strength of. 3 3, 4 -Novelty necessary for- Pangs of Power of-Sanc tifying Power of Trials of -Uses of................................ 11, 12 AFFRONTS, Forgiving of.... 12 ........ 12 AGE, Approach of-Caution of -Compensation for-Experience of The Golden-Looks of precipitated by Passion -Rejoicing with Youth(Middle) the Happiest Part of Life (Old) One advantage of-Assumptions of-Blessedness of Calmness ofCares of-Characteristics of -Difficulties of-Duties of INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Energy of Evils of-Gratifications of-Holiness ofHopes of-Hypocrisy ofInfirmities of-Irritability of-Marks of-Miseries ofObjections to-PrematurePremonitions of-Progress of-Repose of -Talkativeness of Tranquillity ofTranquillity for-on the last Verge-Wishes of ......13-17 AGES (The Middle) and our own Times...... AGREEABLENESS, Characteristics of-of Manners AGRICULTURIST, Life of the 17 AIR (Vitiated), Fatal to Life.. 17 ALARMS, Mysterious ALCHEMIST, The ......... ALIENATION, Evils of...... 18 ........ ...... ALLEGIANCE, Tempted too 17 17 18 18 far. 18 ALLEGORIES, Use of ...... 18 ALPS, The-Arrangement of the Grandeur of the AMAZEMENT.. AMBIGUITY. the-Ethereal Course of the -Description of the-Guar dian-Harbingers of the Most High-Attendants of Man-compared to MenMinistering-Appeal to their Protection Reverence of the Sympathy of the Messengers of Wrath .. 24-26 ANGER, Allaying of-Gentle Correction of-Cure of-Definition of Evils of-Fierceness of Folly of-Imprudence of Obstinacy ofRemedy for-Restraining of -Violent-of Wisdom.. 26, 27 ANGER AND MADNESS, Difference between .......... 28 ANGLO-SAXON RACE, The 28 ANSWER, a Slight 28 ANTICIPATION, Improvidence of-Weariness of.... 28 ........... ......... 19 ANTIDOTE, Vital Power of an 28 ANTIPATHIES, Irreconcilable 28 19 AMBITION-Anguish of-Aspirations of- Characteristics of to be ControlledCurse of Dangers ofRightly Directed - Disappointed-Doings of-End of Ennobling Evils ofFate of Honourable - Impulses of Incurable-Lowliness the Ladder of-has many Masters -a Rebel against Reason-Spirit ofTemptations of-Torments of-Unfruitfulness of.... 19-23 AMUSEMENT, Abuse of ... 23 AMUSEMENTS, Necessity for 23 ANARCHY, Digest of..... 23 23 24 ANATHEMA ............ ANATOMY, Knowledge of ANCESTRY, Boast of-Nobi .......... secrates Once New-Nothing Old in ANXIETY, the Poison of Life -for any Prospective Object 29 APATHY APOLOGY of ........ APOSTATE, A Religious ASTRONOMY, ATHEIST, Despicable AVARICE, Aim of—Cause of— Covetousness of-Effects of 59 BLIND, Touch of the BLINDNESS, Compensation for Desolation of- The Want of Politeness in a.... 63 Eloquence of Changes the BLUSTERER-Characteristics of the BOASTER, Characteristics of 64 64 ...... 72 CANNON, A CANNONS.. CANT, Hypocrisy and Assump- CARDS, Duty on-Folly of 73 73 73 BREVITY, Advantages of- - .... 73 74 ing CHANCE-Argument against 75 Disappoint- ments of-Troubles of "BUT YET," Equivocality of 75 |