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Happy all day, and happy all the night.

Living jewels dropp'd unstained from heaven. Pollok. CHILDREN-Prattling of.

Oh! how precious to me have been the prattlings of little children, and those subtle questions and those still subtler replies that I have heard coming from their spotless lips, and have listened to as to oracular breathings! How true the words, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength;" ay, strength of insight, to which that of most philosophers and theologians is abject weakness and folly. Almost every doctrine now "most surely believed" by me, I have heard again (sometimes without much conviction till long afterwards) from the lips of prattlers ere or after their evening prayer was said, at the hour when those acquainted with the children must have noticed how, after they are watered with the baptism for the night, and clad in their sleeping robes, their souls and bodies seem both liberated; and how, as a double portion of the child's spirit seems to fall on them, their utterances sometimes far transcend the thoughts of the highest genius. Gilfillan.

CHILDREN-Precocity of.

It always grieves me to contemplate the initiation of children into the ways of life when they are scarcely more than infants. It checks their confidence and simplicity, two of the best qualities that Heaven gives them, and demands that they share our sorrows before they are capable of entering into our enjoyments.

CHILDREN-a Relief.


His cares are cased with intervals of bliss: His little children, climbing for a kiss, Welcome their father's late return at night. Dryden.

CHILDREN-Singing of.

There is something exceedingly thrilling in the voices of children singing. Though their music be unskilful, yet it finds its way to the heart with wonderful celerity. Voices of

cherubs are they, for they breathe of Paradise; clear, liquid tones, that flow from pure lips and innocent hearts, like the sweetest notes of a flute, or the falling of water from a fountain! Longfellow. CHILDREN-not to be taught Secresy.

Do not command children under six years of age to keep anything secret, not even the pleasure you may be preparing as a surprise for a dear friend. The cloudless heaven of youthful open-heartedness should not be overcast, not even by the rosy dawn of shyness-otherwise

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Children should not be flattered, but they should be encouraged. They should not be so praised as to make them vain and proud, but they should be commended when they do well. The desire of praise should not be the principle from which they are taught to act, but they should feel that the approbation of parents is a desirable thing, and when they act so as to deserve that approbation, no injury is done them by their understanding it. He who always finds fault with a child; who is never satisfied with what he does; who scolds and frets and complains, let him do as he will, breaks his spirit, and soon destroys in the delicate texture of his soul all desire of doing well. The child in despair soon gives over every effort to please. He becomes sullen, morose, stupid, and indifferent to all the motives that can be presented to him, and becomes indifferent as to what he does-since all that he does meets with the same reception from the parent. Barnes.


The measure of choosing well, is whether a man likes what he has chosen. Lamb. CHRIST-Divine Attributes of.

Christ is a rare jewel, but men know not His value; a sun which ever shines, but men perceive not His brightness, nor walk in His light. He is a garden full of sweets, a hive full of honey, a sun without a spot, a star ever bright, a fountain ever full, a brook which ever flows, a rose which ever blooms, a foundation which never yields, a guide who never errs, a friend who never forsakes. No mind can fully grasp His glory; His beauty, His worth, His importance, no tongue can fully declare. He is the source of all good, the fountain of every excellency, the mirror of perfection, the light of heaven, the wonder of earth, time's masterpiece, and eternity's glory; the sun of bliss,

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"He is CHRIST-Gentleness of.

the way of life, and life's fair way. altogether lovely," says the saint; a morning without clouds, a day without night, a rose without a thorn; His lips drop like the honeycomb, His eyes beam tenderness. His heart gushes love. The Christian is fed by His hands, carried in His heart, supported by His arm, nursed in His bosom, guided by His eye, instructed by His lips, warmed by His love; His wounds are his life, His smile the light of his path, the health of his soul, his rest and heaven below. Balfern.

In Him, the self-existent and infinite mind, the Christian beholds unceasingly an object of boundless sublimity, grandeur, beauty, and loveliness, commanding by the disclosure of His character, and exhausting all finite admiration, complacency, love, and praise, expand ing every view, refining every affection, and ennobling every attribute.


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CHRIST-Benevolent Character of.

In the beautiful character of the blessed Jesus there was not a more striking feature than a certain sensibility, which disposed Him to take part in every one's affliction to which he was a witness, and to be ready to afford it a miraculous relief. He was apt to be particularly touched by instances of domestic distress, in which the suffering arises from those feelings of friendship, growing out of natural affection and habitual endearment, which constitute the perfection of man as a social creature, and distinguish the society of the humankind from the instinctive herdings Bishop Horsley.

of the lower animals.

CHRIST-Divinity of.

In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. St. Paul.

CHRIST-Fidelity to.

We indeed may not be called upon to make any very difficult sacrifices on account of our religion, or to undergo any extremity of labour, or to incur any signal dangers in that behalf. Yet the faithful Christian will always find occasions in which he may testify his fidelity to Christ, by labouring to instruct the ignorant, and by administering assistance and comfort to his afflicted brethren. And he who engages in these works and labours of love, provided he engage in them with Christian prudence as well as Christian benevolence, is manifesting thereby a laudable attachment to Christian faith. Bishop Mant. |

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The moon, a softer but not less beautiful object than the sun, returns and communicates to mankind the light of the sun, in a gentle and delightful manner, exactly suited to the strength of the human eye; an illustrious and most beautiful emblem, in this and several other respects, of the divine Redeemer of mankind: who, softening the splendour of the Godhead, brings it to the eye of the understanding, in a manner fitted to the strength of the mind, so that, without being overwhelmed or distressed, it can thus behold "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

CHRIST-Benign Influence of.


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In costly raiment clad, nor on His brow
The symbol of a princely lineage wore;
No followers at His back, nor in His hand
Buckler, or sword, or spear-yet in His mien
Command sat throned serene, and if He smiled,
A kingly condescension graced His lips
The lion would have crouch'd to in his lair.
His garb was simple, and His sandals worn;
His stature modell'd with a perfect grace;
His countenance the impress of a God,
Touch'd with the open innocence of a child;
His eye was blue and calm, as is the sky
In the serenest noon; His hair unshorn
Fell to His shoulders; and His curling beard
The fulness of perfected manhood bore.




CHRIST-the Person of.

There has appeared in this our day, a man of great virtue, named Jesus Christ, who is yet living amongst us, and with the Gentiles is accepted as a prophet of truth, but his own disciples call him the Son of God. He raiseth the dead, and cureth all manner of diseases; a man of stature somewhat tall and comely, with a very reverend countenance, such as the beholder may both love and fear; his hair is of the colour of a filbert full ripe, and plain down to his ears, but from his ears downwards, somewhat curled, and more orient of colour, waving about his shoulders. In the midst of his head, goeth a seam or partition of hair, after the manner of the Nazarites; his fore head very smooth and plain; his face, nose, and mouth so framed, as nothing can be reprehended; his beard somewhat thick, agreeable to the hair of his head for colour, not of any great length, but forked in the middle; of an innocent and mature look; his eyes grey, clear, and quick. In reproving, he is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair-spoken, pleasant in speech, amidst gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen him laugh, but many have seen him weep. In proportion of body, well-shaped and straight; his hands and arms most beauteous to behold; in speaking very temperate, modest, and wise; a man of singular virtue, surpassing the children of men. Publius Leontulus.

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CHRISTIAN-Blessedness of being a.

I have known what the enjoyments and advantages of this life are, and what the more refined pleasures which learning and intellectual power can bestow; and with all the experience that more than threescore years can give, I, now on the eve of my departure, declare to you, (and earnestly pray that you may hereafter live and act on the conviction,) that health is a great blessing-competence obtained by honourable industry a great blessing-and a great blessing it is to have kind, faithful, and loving friends and relatives; but, that the greatest of all blessings, as it is the most ennobling of all privileges, is to be

indeed a Christian.


CHRISTIAN-not to be Despised.

However the world may affect to despise the genuine Christian, it is beyond their power; they feel too sensibly the necessity of attaining that very state of feeling and dispo


sition which is displayed in such a character, to entertain in their heart any mean or degrading opinion of the character which they apparently undervalue. Every thought which it wrung from their conscience by its unwelcome intrusion upon their contemplation, rises in judgment against their indifference-God has not permitted them to despise a true Christian; they may pass him by with a haughty and supercilious coldness: they may deride him with a taunting and sarcastic irony; but the spirit of the proudest man that ever lived will bend before the grandeur of a Christian's humility. You are at once awed, and you recoil upon your own conscience when you meet with one whose feelings are purified by the Gospel. The light of a Christian's soul, when it shines into the dark den of a worldly heart, startles and alarms the gloomy passions that are brooding within. Is this contempt? No: but all the virulence which is excited by the Christian graces can be resolved into envy, the feeling of devils when they think on the pure happiness of angelsand, to complete their confusion, what is at that moment the feeling in the Christian's heart? Pity, most unfeigned pity! Wolfe.

CHRISTIAN-Nobility of a.
A Christian is the highest style of man.

CHRISTIAN-Gold in the Ore.


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we are led, perhaps, to muse upon their possible uses; but, however curious as subjects of

A Christian's wit is inoffensive light,
A beam that aids, but never grieves the sight; speculation, it must, after all, be confessed

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It is more to the honour of a Christian soldier by faith to overcome the world, than by a monastical vow to retreat from it; and I more for the honour of Christ, to serve Him in a city, than to serve Him in a cell.

Matthew Henry. CHRISTIANITY-without Ceremonial.

Christianity has no ceremonial. It has forms, for forms are essential to order; but it disdains the folly of attempting to reinforce the religion of the heart by the antics of the Croly.


CHRISTIANITY-Difficulties of.

Now you say, alas! Christianity is hard: I grant it; but gainful and happy. I contemn the difficulty, when I respect the advantage. The greatest labours that have answerable requitals, are less than the least that have no regard. Believe me, when I look to the reward, I would not have the work easier. It is a good Master whom we serve, who not only pays, but gives; not after the proportion of our earnings, but of His own mercy.

Bishop Hall.

CHRISTIANITY-Distinctions in.

The main distinction between real Christianity and the system of the bulk of nominal Christians, chiefly consists in the different place which is assigned in the two schemes to the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel. These, in the scheme of nominal Christians, if admitted at all, appear but like the stars of the firmament to the ordinary eye. Those splendid luminaries draw forth, perhaps, occasionally, a transient expression of admiration when we behold their beauty, or hear of their distances, magnitudes, or properties; now and then, too,

they twinkle to the common observer with a vain and "idle" lustre; and except in the dreams of the astrologer, have no influence on human happiness, or any concern with the course and order of the world. But to the real Christian, on the contrary, these peculiar doctrines constitute the centre to which he gravitates/ the very sun of his system! the origin of all that is excellent and lovely! the source of light, and life, and motion, and genial warmth, and plastic energy! Dim is the light of reason, and cold and comfortless our state while left to her unassisted guidance. Even the Old Testament itself, though a revelation from Heaven, shines but with feeble and scanty rays. But the blessed truths of the Gospel are now unveiled to our eyes, and we are called upon to behold and to enjoy "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ," in the full radiance of its meridian splendour. The words of Inspiration best express our highly-favoured state; "we all, with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." Wilberforce.

CHRISTIANITY-Evidences of.

As to the Christian religion, besides the strong evidence which we have for it, there is a balance in its favour from the number of great men who have been convinced of its truth after a serious consideration of the question. Grotius was an acute man, a lawyer, a man accustomed to examine evidence, and he was convinced. Grotius was not a recluse, but a man of the world, who certainly had no bias on the side of religion. Sir Isaac Newton set out an infidel, and came to be a very firm believer. Johnson.


Ours is a religion jealous in its demands, but how infinitely prodigal in its gifts! It troubles you for an hour, it repays you by immortality. Bulwer Lytton.

CHRISTIANITY-true to the Heart.

Christianity, which is always true to the heart, knows no abstract virtues, but virtues resulting from our wants, and useful to all. Chateaubriand.


Christianity did not come from heaven to be the amusement of an idle hour, to be the food



of mere imagination; to be "as a very lovely | CHRISTIANITY-Perversion of. song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and It may be well said of many who would be

playeth well upon an instrument." No; it is intended to be the guide, the guardian, the companion of all our hours: it is intended to be the food of our immortal spirits; it is intended to be the serious occupation of our whole existence. Bishop Jebb.


Christ appeared the career of Paganism was checked, the fate of Judaism was sealed. A character and a religion were placed before the eyes of men hitherto inconceivable, in the beauty and philosophy of their nature. Unlike all other founders of a religious faith, Christ had no selfishness, no desire of dominance; and His system, unlike all other systems of worship, was bloodless, boundlessly beneficent, inexpressibly pure, and most marvellous of all-went to break all bonds of body and soul, and to cast down every temporal and every spiritual tyranny.

William Howitt.

CHRISTIANITY-Divine Origin of.

Christianity bears all the marks of a divine original: it came down from heaven, and its gracious purpose is to carry us up thither. Its author is God; it was foretold from the beginning, by prophecies, which grew clearer and brighter as they approached the period of their accomplishment. It was confirmed by miracles, which continued till the religion they illustrated was established. It was ratified by the blood of its author; its doctrines are pure, sublime, consistent; its precepts just and holy; its worship is spiritual; its service reasonable, and rendered practicable by the offers of

divine aid to human weakness. It is sanctioned by the promise of eternal happiness to the faithful, and the threat of everlasting misery to the disobedient. It had no collusion with power, for power sought to crush it; it could not be in any league with the world, for it set out by declaring itself the enemy of the world; it reprobated its maxims, it showed the vanity of its glories, the danger of its riches, the emptiness of its pleasures. This religion does not consist in external conformity to practices which, though right in themselves, may be adopted from human motives, and to answer secular purposes; it is not a religion of forms, and modes, and decencies; it is being transformed into the image of God; it is being like-minded with Christ; it is consider ing Him as our sanctification, as well as our redemption; it is endeavouring to live to Him here, that we may live with Him hereafter. Hannah More.

displeased with you if you did not call them Christians, that had some of the ancient heathen sages lived to the present day, to see their abominations and vices, they would have despised that faith which produced no better works.

Alas! how has the social spirit of Christianity been perverted by fools at one time, and by knaves and bigots at another; by the self-tormentors of the cell, and the all-tor mentors of the conclave. Colton.


Christianity forbids no necessary occupations, no reasonable indulgences, no innocent relaxations. It allows us to use the world, provided we do not abuse it. It does not spread before us a delicious banquet, and then come with a "touch not, taste not, handle not." All it requires is, that our liberty degenerate not into licentiousness, our amusements into dissipation, our industry into incessant toil, our carefulness into extreme anxiety and endless solicitude. So far from forbidding us to engage in business, it expressly commands us not to be slothful in it, and to labour with our hands for the things that be needful; it enjoins every one to abide in the calling wherein he was called, and perform all the duties of it. It even stigmatizes those that provide not for their own, with telling them that they are worse than infidels. When it requires us "to be temperate in all things," it plainly tells us, that we may use all things temperately; when it directs us, "to make our moderation known unto all men," this evidently implies, that within the bounds of moderation we may enjoy all the reasonable conveniences and comforts of the present life. Bishop Porteus.

CHRISTIANITY-Treatment of.

Servile, and base, and mercenary is the notion of Christian practice among the bulk of nominal Christians. They give no more than they dare not withhold: they abstain from nothing but what they must not practise. When you state to them the doubtful quality of any action, and the consequent obligation to desist from it, they reply to you in the very spirit of Shylock, "they cannot find it in the bond." In short, they know Christianity only as a system of restraint. She is despoiled of every liberal and generous principle: she is rendered almost unfit for the social intercourses of life, and is only suited to the gloomy walls of a cloister, in which they would confine her. Wilberforce.

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