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Or every foolish brain that humours you.
I would not have you to invade each place,
Nor thrust yourself on all societies,
Till men's affections, or your own desert,
Should worthily invite you to your rank.
He that is so respectless in his courses,
Oft sells his reputation at cheap market.
Nor would I you should melt away yourself
In flashing bravery, lest while you affect
To make a blaze of gentry to the world,
A little puff of scorn extinguish it,
And you be left like an unsavoury snuff,
Whose property is only to offend.
I'd ha' you sober and contain yourself :
Not that your sail be bigger than your boat;
But mod'rate your expenses now (at first)
As you may keep the same proportion still.
Nor stand so much on your gentility,
Which is an airy and mere borrow'd thing,
From dead men's dust and bones; and none

of yours,

Except you make, or hold it.

Ben Jonson. ADVICE-Seasonableness of.

The honest and just bounds of observation by one person upon another, extend no further but to understand him sufficiently, whereby not to give him offence, or whereby to be able to give him faithful counsel, or whereby to stand upon reasonable guard and caution in respect of a man's self; but to be speculative into another man, to the end to know how to work him, or wind him, or govern him, proceedeth from a heart that is double and cloven, and not entire and ingenuous. Bacon.

ADVICE-Soliciting but not Taking.
His friends were summon'd, on a point so nice,
To pass their judgments and to give advice;
But fix'd before, and well resolved was he,
As those who ask advice are wont to be. Pope.

He who can take advice is sometimes supe-
rior to him who can give it.
Von Knebel.
ADVISER-the Sacred Duty of an.

The sacred duty of an adviser (one of the most inviolable that exists,) would lead me, towards a real enemy, to act as if my best friend were the party concerned. Burke.

ADVOCATE-the first Duty of an.

The first duty of a wise advocate is to convince his opponents that he understands their arguments and sympathizes with their just feelings.

ADVOCATE-Qualities of an.



where he fears it is foundred. For many clients, in telling their case, rather plead than relate it, so that the advocate hears not the true state of it till opened by the adverse party. Surely the lawyer that fills himself with instructions, will travell longest in the cause without tiring. Others that are so quicke in searching, seldom searche to the quicke; and those miraculous apprehensions who understand more than all, before the client hath told halfe, runne without their errand, and will return without their answer. Fuller.


Affectation is a greater enemy to the face than the small pox. St. Evremond.

AFFECTATION-Characteristics of.

Paltry affectation, strained allusions, and disgusting finery, are easily attained by those who choose to wear them; they are but too frequently the badges of ignorance or of stupidity, whenever it would endeavour to please. Goldsmith.

I will not call Vanity and Affectation twins, because, more properly, Vanity is the mother, and Affectation is the darling daughter; Vanity is the sin, and Affectation is the punishment: the first may be called the root of self love, the other the fruit. Vanity is never at its full growth, till it spreadeth into Affectation; and then it is complete. Saville.


Affectation in any part of our carriage, is lighting up a candle to our defects, and never fails to make us be taken notice of, either as wanting sense or wanting sincerity. Locke.

AFFECTATION-Loathsomeness of.

In man or woman, but far most in man,
And most of all in man that ministers
And serves the altar, in my soul I loathe
All affectation; 'tis my perfect scorn;
Object of my implacable disgust.

Cowper. AFFECTATION-Ridiculousness of. All affectation is vain and ridiculous; it is the attempt of poverty to appear rich.


Great vices are the proper objects of our detestation, smaller faults of our pity; but affectation appears to be the only true source of the ridiculous. Fielding.

AFFECTION-in Families.

When the tide of family affection runs smooth and unbroken, it bears the bark of

The good advocate not onely heares but examines his client, and pincheth the cause | happiness securely on its bosom. Mrs. Opie.


AFFECTION-in Families.

You once remarked to me how time strengthened family affections, and, indeed, all early ones; one's feelings seem to be weary of travelling, and like to rest at home. They who tell me that men grow hardhearted as they grow older, have a very limited view of this world of ours. It is true with those whose

views and hopes are merely and vulgarly worldly; but when human nature is not perverted, time strengthens our kindly feelings, and abates our angry ones. Southey


Fathers alone a father's heart can know,
What secret tides of still enjoyment flow
When brothers love, but if their hate succeeds,
They wage the war; but'tis the father bleeds.


The poor wren,


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Some feelings are to mortals given,
With less of earth in them than heaven;
And if there be a human tear

From passion's dross refined and clear,
A tear so limpid and so meek,
It would not stain an angel's cheek,
'Tis that which pious father's shed
Upon a duteous daughter's head.


AFFECTION-Power of the.

Hearts may be attracted by assumed qualities, but the affections are only to be fixed by those that are real. De Moy.

AFFLICTION-the Balm of.

With all natural emotions and becoming manly thoughts, there mingle in the Christian mind the beliefs, hopes, impulses, and aspirations of a divine life, which invest affliction with high attributes, and impart to it the character of a golden link between earth and

heaven. To him the darkest cloud "has a silver lining;" sorrow "may continue for a night," but "light is sown in the darkness," and "joy returns with the day." Religious faith, as it exists in the Christian mind, looking on the vicissitudes and undulations of life, and listening to their apparently confused murmur, finds, far more certainly than anything else, that God's great universe, in spite of its mysterious and sometimes appalling movements,

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Though affliction, at the first, doth vex
Most virtuous natures, from the sense that 'tis
Unjustly laid yet, when the amazement


That new pain brings is worn away, they then
Embrace oppression straight, with such

Sir Walter Scott. Obedient cheerfulness, as if it came

AFFECTION-Periods of. There are moments of mingled sorrow and tenderness, which hallow the caresses of affection. Washington Irving.

AFFECTION-Power of the.

There are few mortals so insensible that their affections cannot be gained by mildness, their confidence by sincerity, their hatred by scorn or neglect. Zimmerman.

From heaven, not man.


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AFFLICTION-Difference in.

In afflictions, especially national or public

calamities, God oftentimes seems to make no distinction betwixt the objects of His compassion and those of His fury, indiscriminately involving them in the same destiny; yet His prescience and His intentions make a vast difference where His inflictions do not seem to make any; as when on the same test, and with the self-same fire, we urge as well the gold as the blended lead or antimony, but with foreknowing and designing such a disparity in the events, as to consume the ignobler minerals, or blow them off into dross or fumes, and make the gold more pure, and full of lustre. Boyle.

AFFLICTION-Discipline of.

To a certain extent, we can all see that discipline is good for us. What man of business repents him of the time he spent in what appeared to be the sharp discipline of school? Who does not wish that he had had more of it and sharper? The time when you strained | all your powers, denied yourselves all your pleasures, and tied yourselves tight to your tasks, is the time which you remember most gratefully; had you your youth over again,


you would make that the rule, and not the rare exception. Tell me which of you came through childish and youthful follies without some sharp lessons? Who has not been | bitterly mortified by the wounding of his selfimportance, or heartily laughed at for what he thought very wise and grand? The sharper the lesson the better it served its purpose. Looking back you would not wish one drop of its bitterness extracted; you would rather that the infusion had been stronger, that it might have killed the weakness at its very root. We see, so far, that good comes out of discipline. We do not sit down and cry over it. Hereby you consent to the wisdom of the discipline of God. Baldwin Brown.

AFFLICTION-succeeded by Heavenly


When the Christian's last pit is digged, when he is descended into his grave, and finished his state of sorrows and suffering, then God opens the river of abundance, the rivers of life and never-ceasing felicities. As much as moments are exceeded by eternity, and the sighing of a man by the joys of an angel, and a salutary frown by the light of God's countenance, a few groans by the infinite and eternal ballelujahs; so much are the sorrows of the saints to be undervalued, in respect of what is deposited for them in the treasures of eternity. Their sorrows can die, but so cannot their joys.... Every chain is a ray of light, and every prison is a palace, and every loss is the purchase of a kingdom, and every affront in the cause of God is an eternal honour, and every day of sorrow is a thousand years of comfort, multiplied with a never-ceasing numeration: days without night, joys without sorrow, sanctity without sin, charity without stain, possession without fear, society without envying, communication of joys without lessening; and they shall dwell in a blessed country, where an enemy never entered, and from whence a friend never went away. Jeremy Taylor.

AFFLICTION-the Lot of Man.

Man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly Job.


AFFLICTION- the Medicine of the Mind.

Afflictions are the medicine of the mind. If they are not toothsome, let it suffice that they are wholesome. It is not required in physic that it should please, but heal. Henshaw.

AFFLICTION-Operations of,

As thrashing separates the corn from the chaff, so does affliction purify virtue. Burton.



He went, like one that hath been stunn'd,

And is of sense forlorn:

A sadder and a wiser man

He rose the morrow morn.



AFFLICTION-Sanctifying Power of.

No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteColeridge. ousness unto them which are exercised And here and there, from clustering groups of the Golden Age, place behind us, lies actually trees,

Many men have such weak spirits, that though God gives them abundance of mercies, yet, if but one affliction befall them, in the midst of their abundance they forget all but it. One affliction is as the grave to bury hundreds of mercies. A small thing laid upon a man's eye, will keep the sight of all the heavens from him: so many times a little affliction keeps the sight from abundant blessings.


AFFLICTION-Sanctifying Power of.

It is by affliction chiefly that the heart of man is purified, and that the thoughts are fixed on a better state. Prosperity, alloyed and imperfect as it is, has power to intoxicate the imagination, to fix the mind upon the present scene, to produce confidence and elation, and to make him who enjoys affluence and honours forget the hand by which they were bestowed. It is seldom that we are otherwise, than by affliction, awakened to a sense of our imbecility, or taught to know how little all our acquisitions can conduce to safety or to quiet; and how justly we may ascribe to the superintendence of a higher power, those blessings, which, in the wantonness of success, we considered as the attainments of our policy or courage.

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I compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year, to a great bundle of fagots, far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole at once; He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry to-day, and then another, which we are to carry to-morrow; and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for us each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterday's stick over again to-day, and adding to-morrow's burden to our load, before we are required to bear it. John Newton.

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Young men soon give, and soon forget affronts; Old age is slow in both. Addison.


Earth putteth on the borrow'd robes of heaven,
And sitteth in a sabbath of still rest;
And silence swells into a dreamy sound,
That sinks again to silence. The woods drone
A drowsy song, that in its utterance dies;
And the dim voice of indolent herds floats by
With slow, luxurious calm. The runnel hath
Its tune beneath the trees. The insect throng,
Drunk with the wine of summer, dart and


In mazy play; and through the woodlands The tender trembles of the ringdove's dole.



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It is said that we suffer less as we grow older-that pain, like joy, becomes dulled by repetition, or by the callousness that comes with years. In one sense this is true. If there is no joy like the joy of youth, the rapture of a first love, the thrill of a first ambition, God's great mercy has also granted that there is no anguish like youth's pain; so total, so hopeless, blotting out earth and heaven, falling down upon the whole being like a stone. This never comes in after-life; because the sufferer, if he or she have lived to any purpose at all, has learned that God never meant any human being to be crushed under any calamity like a blindworm under a stone. Hughes.

AGE-Experience of.

Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the I reason of everything appears more clear. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end. Richter.

AGE-The Golden.

What Rousseau, under the name of the state of Nature, and the old poets by the title of

before us. It is a phenomenon of frequent occurrence, particularly in past ages, that what we shall become, is pictured by something which we already have been; and that what we have to obtain, is represented as something which we have formerly lost.


Julian had thrown the magic light of his genius upon the common day, and gilded every moment as it passed with joy. His presence had made the world rich to her; the morning and the evening hours were winged with love and happiness. There is, in the life of many of the most fortunate of the earth, a golden age, or hours and moments of gold, that take the place in life which the golden age holds in history:-then nature is kinder, the skies are of a more tender blue, the air is more balmy, the flowers are tinted with richer colours, the world is more beautiful, the countenances of our friends are lovelier, we are ourselves better; and oh! so happy! In our hearts the lamb leads the lion, and they both lie down in peace together. Parthenia had lived in this age of gold, while Julian was in Athens.


Old writers push'd the happy season back, The more fools they, we forward: dreamers both:

You most, that in an age when every hour
Must sweat her sixty minutes to the death,
Live on, God love us, as if the seedsman, rapt
Upon the teeming harvest, should not dip
His hand into the bag; but well I know,
That unto him who works, and feels he works,
This same grand year is ever at the doors.


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