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to PURITANS-of our Day.


are sown Hesiod.

But in their deaths remember they are men; Strain not the laws, to make their tortures grievous.

Lucius, the base degenerate age requires
Severity and justice in its rigour.

This awes an impious, bold, offending world,
Commands obedience, and gives force to laws:
When by just vengeance guilty mortals perish,
The gods behold their punishment with

And lay the uplifted thunderbolt aside.


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We may censure Puritanism as we please; and no one of us, I suppose, but would find it a very rough, defective thing. But we, and all men, may understand that it was a genuine thing; for nature has adopted it, and it has grown, and grows. I say sometimes, that all goes by wager of battle in this world; that strength, well understood, is the measure of all worth. Give a thing time; if it can succeed, it is a right thing. Look now at American Saxondom; and at that little fact of the sailing of the Mayflower, two hundred years ago, from Delft Haven, in Holland! Were we of large sense as the Greeks were, we had found a poem here, one of nature's own poems, such as she writes in broad facts over great continents: for it was properly the beginning of America. There were straggling settlers in America before, some material as of a body was there; but the soul of it was first this.


The sour aspect and sad-coloured garb of the puritans have descended to us without the high heroism of the puritan's soul. You can forgive a man for despising art, letters, beauty, pleasure, song, and sport in the crisis of some tremendous battle. Men sing when the field is won. And so you forgive the puritan for mortifying even unto death half the faculties which God has given him for use in this living and beautiful world, when he found himself born into the midst of a terrible moral and political struggle, in which all that man holds dear-all that makes man's life-was in peril of being lost. He was a man shut up to the work of reformation. The gloom of his aspect and the sadness of his suit were the meet dress of his stern, devoted, heroic soul. But the conditions of our life are essentially different. He fought our battles; we have to occupy and use what his devotion won. We have to possess the world of Christian life and freedom which his heroism saved. A mien more genial and loving better becomes us, a spirit more prompt to harmonize with all the genuine concords of the universe around us, more ready to recognize and accept whatever may offer employment and education to any of our Baldwin Brown.


PURITANS-Dress and Manners of the.

But in the manner of dress and manners, the Puritan triumph has been complete. Even their worst enemies have come over to their side, and "the whirligig of time has brought about its revenge." Their canons of taste have become those of all England," and high churchmen, who still call them roundheads and cropped ears, go about rounder-headed and closer cropped than they ever went. They held it more rational to cut the hair to a comfortable length than to wear effeminate curls down the back; and we cut ours much shorter than they ever did. They held (with the Spaniards, then the finest gentlemen in the world), that sad, i. e., dark colours, above all black, were the fittest for stately and earnest gentlemen. We all, from the Tractarian to the Anythingarian, are exactly of the same opinion. They held that lace, perfumes, and jewellery on a man were marks of unmanly foppishness and vanity; and so hold the finest gentlemen in England now. They thought it equally absurd and sinful for a man to carry his income on his back, and bedizen himself out in reds, blues, and greens, ribbons, knots, slashes, and "treble quadruple dædalian ruffs, built up on iron and timber (a fact), which have more arches in them for pride than London-bridge for use." We, if we met such


a ruff and ruffled worthy as used to swagger by hundreds up and down Paul's-walk, not knowing how to get a dinner, much less to pay his tailor, should look on him as firstly a fool, and secondly a swindler; while if we met an old Puritan, we should consider him a man gracefully and picturesquely dressed, but withal in the most perfect sobriety of good taste; and when we discovered (as we probably should), over and above, that the harlequin cavalier had a box of salve and a pair of dice in one pocket, a pack of cards and a few pawnbrokers' duplicates in the other; that his thoughts were altogether of citizens' wives, and their too easy virtue; and that he could not open his mouth without a dozen oaths, we should consider the Puritan (even though he did quote Scripture somewhat through his nose) as the gentleman, and the courtier as a most offensive specimen of the "snob triumphant," glorying in his shame. Wilson.

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QUACKS-Impostures of.

I have heard they are the most lewd impostors,
Made of all terms and shreds; no less beliers
Of great men's favours than their own vile

Which they will utter upon monstrous oaths;
Selling that drug for two pence ere they part,
Which they have valued at twelve crowns
Ben Jonson.

QUACKS-Learned Jargon of.
"Good Dr. Alcon, I am come to crave
Your counsel, to advise me for my health;
For I suppose, in troth, I am not well;
Methinks I should be sick, yet cannot tell;
Something there is amiss that troubles me,
For which I would take physic willingly."-
"Welcome, fair nymph, come let me try your

I cannot blame you hold yourself not well.
Something amiss, quoth you: here's all amiss!
The whole fabric of yourself distemper'd is;
The systole and diastole of your pulse
Do show your passions most hysterical:
Tobserve the prophylactic regimen
It seems you have not careful been

Of your own body; so that we must now
Descend unto the therapeutical;
That so we may prevent the syndrome
Of symptoms, and may afterwards apply
Some analeptical alexipharmacum,
That may be proper for your malady.”


Hers was one of those faces that time seems to touch only to brighten and adorn. The snowy crape cap, made after the strait Quaker pattern; the plain white muslin handkerchief, lying in placid folds across her bosom; the drab shawl and dress, showed at once the community to which she belonged. Her face was round and rosy, with a healthful downy softness, suggestive of a ripe peach. Her hair, partially silvered by age, was parted smoothly back from a high placid forehead, on which time had written no inscription except "Peace on earth, good-will to men;" and beneath shone a large pair of clear, honest, loving, brown eyes; you only needed to look straight into them, to feel that you saw to the bottom of a heart as good and true as ever throbbed in woman's bosom. Hers was just the face and form that made "mother" seem the most natural word in the world;-for why? For twenty years or more, by nothing but loving words, and gentle moralities, and motherly I

loving-kindness, head-aches and heart-aches QUARRELSOMENESS. innumerable had been cured, difficulties, spiritual and temporal, solved, all by one good loving woman.-God bless her! Mrs. Stowe.

The Quaker matron generally carries with her that serene atmosphere of moral repose, to which a gay and flaunting vesture would be a discord; but a young quaker lady, in the most sportive season of life, full of laughing fancies and fluttering sensibilities, being pinned up in a plain grey boddice, is as great a mistake in its way, as a minister of the Gospel or a grave philosopher in a harlequin's coat; and therefore I have observed that young ladies of that sect, especially when they are pretty and lively, do not at all affect the severe costume. Professor Blackie.

QUARRELLING-Avoidance of.


Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in,
Bear it, that the opposer may beware of thee.


Surely men, contrary to iron, are worse to be wrought upon when they are hot; and are far more tractable in cold blood. It is an observation of seamen, that if a single meteor or fire-ball falls on their mast, it portends illluck; but if two come together (which they count Castor and Pollux), they presage good success. But sure in a family it bodeth most bad, when two fire-balls (husband and wife's anger) come both together. Fuller.

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If he had two ideas in his head, they would fall out with each other. Johnson. QUARRELSOMENESS-Dangers of. I consider your very testy and quarrelsome people in the same light as I do a loaded gun, which may, by accident, go off and kill one. QUEEN-Picture of a.


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High above all a cloth of state was spread, And a rich throne as bright as sunny day; On which there sate, most brave embellished With royal robes and gorgeous array,

A maiden queen, that shone, as Titan's ray,
In glistering gold and peerless precious

Yet her bright-blazing beauty did essay
To dim the brightness of her glorious throne,
As envying herself, that two exceeding shone.
QUESTIONS-Judgment in.
Judge of a man by his questions rather than
by his answers.

QUILL-My Grey-Goose.
Oh! nature's noblest gift, my grey-goose quill,
Slave of my thoughts, obedient to my will,
Torn from thy parent bird to form a pen,
That mighty instrument of little men!
The pen! foredoom'd to aid the mental throes
Of brains that labour, big with verse or prose.
Though nymphs forsake, and critics may deride,
The lover's solace and the author's pride;
What wits! what poets dost thou daily raise!
How frequent is thy use, how small thy praise!
Condemn'd at length to be forgotten quite,
With all the pages which 'twas thine to write.




RABBLE-Censures of the.

They condemn what they do not understand.

RABBLE-Clamour of the.

A hundred mouths, a hundred tongues,
And throats of brass inspired with iron lungs.

RACE-Nobility in the Antiquity of.


in its congener; and we look to find in the son every mental and moral property that existed in the ancestor. In race, it is not the broad shoulders, or litheness, or stature, that give advantage, but a symmetry that reaches as far as to the wit. Then the miracle and renown begin. Then first we care to examine the pedigree, and copy heedfully the training, -what food they ate, what nursing, school, and exercises they had, which resulted in this mother-wit, delicacy of thought, and robust wisdom. How came such men as King Alfred, and Roger Bacon, William of Wykeham, Walter Raleigh, Philip Sidney, Isaac Newton, William Shakspeare, George Chapman, Francis Bacon, George Herbert, Henry Vane, to exist here? What made these delicate natures? Was it the air? was it the sea? was it the parentage? For it is certain that these men are samples of their contemporaries. The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue; and no genius can long or often utter anything which is not invited and gladly entertained by men around him. It is race, is it not? that puts the hundred millions of India under the dominion of a remote island in the north of Europe. Race avails much, if that be true, which is alleged, that all Celts are Catholics, and all Saxons are Protestants; that Celts love unity of power, and Saxons the representative principle. Race is a controlling influence in the Jew, who, for two millenniums, under every climate, has preserved the same character and employments. Race in the negro is of appalling im

A very dark complexion, as far removed from the Negro swarthiness as from the bright Caucasian hue, to which the red blood coursing under the thin transparent skin gave a wonderful vivacity, finely-chiselled features, regular teeth of dazzling whiteness, jet-black pointed beard and moustaches, large lustrous swimming eyes in which many a fair lady would love to see her image reflected,-all gave to his head a rare distinction. His fresh youthful voice, slim form, the delicacy of his hands and feet, his quiet elastic step, like that of a racer, all bore witness to the purity of his descent. I never felt less ashamed of acknowledging my belief in the real value of blood than when in presence of this gentleman of seventy descents, before whose nobility the sovereigns and gentry of Europe must hide their insignificant antiquity. The picturesqueness of his costume matched the beauty of his person. Over a white caftan he wore a loose cherry-coloured jubba; round his waist a Cashmere shawl, in which was stuck cross-portance. The French in Canada, cut off wise a large silver-sheathed curved poniard, called the jambiah; over his shoulder a sabre was slung by silken cords. His head was covered by the yellow and red kufiah, which hung down behind, and was fastened to his head by a wide white muslin turban, over the sides of which the ends of the kufiah were thrown up.

His feet were bare, his sandals, like those of a Roman statue, being left at the edge of the carpet. With all this, his manners were so coldly quiet, that the stiffest drawingroom in England could have found nothing in them to blame; and I confess, that when he left my room after the first meeting, I was inclined to wish that his highness had sent us some less high-born or less unbending guide. Hamilton.

RACE-Physiology of.

We anticipate in the doctrine of race something like that law of physiology, that, whatever bone, muscle, or essential organ is found in one healthy individual, the same part or organ may be found in or near the same place

from all intercourse with the parent people,
have held their national traits. I chanced
to read Tacitus "On the Manners of the
Germans," not long since, in Missouri and the
heart of Illinois, and I found abundant points
of resemblance between the Germans of the
Hercynian forest and our Hoosiers, Suckers,
and Badgers of the American woods. But
whilst race works immortally to keep its own,
it is resisted by other forces. Civilization is
a re-agent, and eats away the old traits. The
Arabs of to-day are the Arabs of Pharaoh;
but the Briton of to-day is a very different
person from Cassibelaunus or Ossian. Each
religious sect has its physiognomy. The
Methodists have acquired a face; the Quakers
a face; the nuns a face. An Englishman will
pick out a dissenter by his manners.
and professions carve their own lines on face
and form. Certain circumstances of English
life are not less effective: as personal liberty;
plenty of food; good ale and mutton; open
market, or good wages for every kind of
labour; high bribes to talent and skill; the

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island life, or the million opportunities and And boystrous battaile make, each other to outlets for expanding and misplaced talent; readiness of combination among themselves for politics or for business; strikes, and sense of superiority founded on habit of victory in labour and in war; and the appetite for superiority grows by feeding. Emerson.

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RAGE-Submission to.
Oppose not rage, while rage is in its force;
But give it way a while, and let it waste:
The rising deluge is not stopp'd with dams,-
Those it o'erbears, and drowns the hopes of

But wisely managed, its divided strength

Is sluiced in channels, and securely drain'd;
And while its force is spent, and unsupplied,
The residue with mounds may be restrain'd,
And dryshod we may pass the naked ford.

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Rags are the reproach of poverty.
RAILLERY-to be Avoided.


But, above all things, raillery decline,-
Nature but few does for that task design;
'Tis in the ablest hand a dang'rous tool,
But never fails to wound the meddling fool:
For all must grant, it needs no common art
To keep men patient when we make them

Not wit alone, nor humour's self will do,
Without good-nature, and much prudence too,
To judge aright of persons, place, and time;
For taste decrees what's low, and what's

And what might charm to-day, or o'er a glass,
Perhaps at court, or next day, would not pass.
Then leave to low buffoons, by custom bred,
And form'd by nature to be kick'd and fed,
The vulgar and unenvied task, to hit
All persons, right or wrong, with random wit.
Our wise forefathers, born in sober days,
Resign'd to fools the tart and witty phrase;
The motley coat gave warning for the jest,
Excused the wound, and sanctified the pest;
But we, from high to low, all strive to sneer,
Will all be wits, and not the livery wear.

RAILWAYS-in Belgium.

We laboured slowly forward, stopping at some little station every ten minutes, and then trumpeting on again, like a procession of teetotallers returning from one of their excitable festivals. On either side lay the well-tilled and fruitful lands of the Low Countries. Everywhere the same flat, smiling level. Quiet villages cluster picturesquely over the landscape, and the flight of every quarter of an hour is pealed musically from many steeples. Yonder is a thick, shadowy wood, which looks like a fine property for somebody; and near, winds a canal, which must have suffered by the railway. Long lines of poplars mark disused dusty roads in every direction. Stunted pollard-trees cast their broad shadow over dikes where the jack lies watchful and ravenous; the dull tench is sleeping among the weeds of many a silent pond; the eel writhes through the mud beneath him, and the frogs croak around-a noisy multitude. In one spot the tall chimney of a manufactory rises high in the air; and wherever a breeze is to be caught, it turns a windmill. The modest homesteads of the comfortable farmers, with their whitewashed walls and straw-thatched roofs, their

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