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BATTLE-Struggles of.

All furnish'd, all in arms, All plumed like estridges, that wing the wind; Baited like eagles having lately bathed! Glittering in golden coats, like images; As full of spirit as the month of May, And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer; Wanton as youthful goats, wild as young bulls. Shakspeare.

Now my fierce courser with a javelin stung, First rear'd in air, then tearing with a bound The trembling earth, plunged deep amidst the foe;

And now a thousand deaths from every side Had but one mark, and on my buckler rung; Through the throng legions, like a tempest, rush'd

This friend, o'er gasping heroes, rolling steeds, And snatch'd me from my fate. Young.


And silence was upon that fatal field,
Save when, to nature's anguish forced to yield,
Some fallen soldier heaved a broken sigh
For his far home, and turn'd hi round to die;
Or when the wailing voice of woman told

That her long weary search was not in vain, And she had found the bosom, stiff and cold,

Where her soft clustering curls had often lain. 'Twas one of these that burst upon my ear

While watching on that field: the windharp's tone

Was not more mournful nor more sweetly clear, Than was the sound of that sad woman's


Through the dim twilight I beheld a form, Her dark brow clouded with grief s passionate storm,

And on her breast an infant calmly slept,

Which she would pause to gaze on; and again,

With bitterness renew'd, she loudly wept,

And call'd on its dead father-but in vain ! Hon. Mrs. Norton. BATTLE-FIELD-after a Lapse of Time. Who turn the turfs of those unhappy plains. Then after length of time, the labouring swains, Shall rusty piles from the plough'd furrows take, And over empty helmets pass the rake: Amazed at antique titles on the stones, And mighty reliques of gigantic bones. BEASTS-Creation of.


God said

When Greeks join'd Greeks, then was the tug "Let the earth bring forth soul living in her of war.

The labour'd battle sweat and conquest bled.



Cattle, and creeping things, and beast of the earth.

Each in their kind." The earth obey'd, and BEAUTY-Allurements of.

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As from his lair, the wild beast where he wons In forest wild, in thicket, brake, or den. Among the trees in pairs they rose, they walk'd ;

The cattle in the fields and meadows green; Those rare and solitary, these in flocks, Past'ring at once, and in broad herds up-sprung. The grassy clods now calved, now half appear'd The tawny lion, pawing to get free

His hinder parts; then springs, as broke from bonds,

And rampant shakes his brinded mane: the

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Leigh Hunt.

There is scarcely a single joy or sorrow, within the experience of our fellow-creatures. which we have not tasted; yet the belief in the good and beautiful has never forsaken us. It has been medicine to us in sickness, richness in poverty, and the best part of all that ever delighted us in health and success. BEAUTY-Allurements of. Nought under heaven so strongly doth allure, The sence of man and all his minde possese, As beautie's lovely baite that doth procure Great warriours oft their rigour to represse, And mighty hands to forget their manliness, Drawne with the powre of an heart-robbing eye, And wrapt in fetters of a golden tresse, That can with melting pleasaunce mollifye Their harden'd hearts enured to bloud and cruelty. Spenser.

The human heart yearns for the beautiful in all ranks of life. The beautiful things that God makes are His gift to all alike. I know there are many of the poor who have fine feeling and a keen sense of the beautiful, which rusts out and dies because they are too hard pressed to procure it any gratification.

Mrs. Stowe.

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and the beholder. Zimmerman.

BEAUTY—of Body and Soul.

Every spirit, as it is most pure,
And hath in it the more of heavenly light,
So it the fairer body doth procure
To habit in; .

For of the soul the body form doth take ;
For soul is form, and doth the body make.

BEAUTY-Celestiality of.

A lavish planet reign'd when she was born, And made ber of such kindred mould to heav'n, She seems more heav'n than ours. Dryden.

BEAUTY-Charms of.

Array'd in all her charms, appear'd the fair; Tall was her stature, unconfined her air; Proportion deck'd her limbs, and in her face Lay love enshrined, lay sweet attractive grace, Temp'ring the awful beams her eyes convey'd, And, like a lambent flame, around her play'd. No foreign aids by ladies mortal worn,

From shells and rocks her artless charms


For, grant that beauty were by gems increased,
'Tis rendered more suspected at the least,
And foul defects, that would escape the sight,
Start from the piece, and take a stronger light
Her chestnut hair, in careless ringlets, round
Her temples wav'd, with pinks and jasmine

And gather'd in a silken cord behind,
Curl'd to the waist, and floated in the wind.
O'er these a veil of yellow gauze she wore,
With amaranths and gold embroider'd o'er ;
Her snowy neck half naked to the view,
Gracefully fell; a robe of purple hue
Hung loosely o'er her tender shape, and tried
To shade those beauties that it could not hide.

BEAUTY-of the Divine Creator.
Oh, if so much of beauty doth reveal
Itself in every vein of life and nature,
How beautiful must be the Source itself,
The Ever-Bright One!


BEAUTY-Constituents of.

In wit, as nature, what affects our hearts,
Is not th' exactness of peculiar parts;
"Tis not a lip or eye we beauty call,
But the joint force, and full result of all.
Thus, when we view some well-proportion'd


BEAUTY-Eternity of.

Though loveliness will pass away

From individual beings, and is oft
More mortal than the human heirs of death,
Yet abstract beauty since at first the will
Of heaven-designed creation, through the lapse
Of past eternity, has ever been

The world's just wonder, and ev'n thine, OA living essence, an immortal thing.

Rome !

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Beauty is a dangerous property, tending to corrupt the mind of the wife, though it soon loses its influence over the husband. A figure agreeable and engaging, which inspires affection without the ebriety of love, is a much safer choice. The graces lose not their influence like beauty. At the end of thirty years, a virtuous woman, who makes an agreeable companion, charms her husband more than at first. The comparison of love to fire holds good in one respect, that the fiercer it burns the sooner it is extinguished. Lord Kaimes.

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What tender force, what dignity divine,
What virtue consecrating every feature;
Around that neck what dross are gold and

BEAUTY-Divinity of.


What's female beauty, but an air divine,
Through which the mind's all-gentle graces

They, like the sun, irradiate all between ;
The body charms, because the soul is seen.
Hence men are often captives of a face,
They know not why, of no peculiar grace :
Some forms, though bright, no mortal man

can bear;

Each generation views it fresh and fair,
As that which went before; and though the

Of Death will grasp the sweetest flowers on

Others become their likeness: and when sounds
The trumpet through the systems, all shall rise
With deathless being and regenerate form;
And through the future shall undying love
Perfect the soul of beauteousness, and shake
Decay from those she dwells with, to adorn
Through endless years the palaces of heaven.
Dilnot Sladden.

BEAUTY-dependent on the Face.

Beauty depends more upon the movement of the face than upon the form of the features when at rest. Thus a countenance habitually under the influence of amiable feelings acquires a beauty of the highest order, from the frequency with which such feelings are the originating causes of the movement or expressions which stamp their character upon it. Mrs. S. C. Hall. A face that should content me wondrous well, Should not be fair, but lovely to behold : Of lively look, all grief for to repel With right good grace, so would I that it should Speak without word, such words as none can Sir Thomas Wyatt.



Are not all natural things, it may be asked, as lovely near as far away? Nay; not so. Look at the clouds, and watch the delicate sculpture of their alabaster sides, and the rounded lustre of their magnificent rolling. They were meant to be beheld far away; they were shaped for their place, high above your head; approach them, and they fuse into vague mists, or whirl away in fierce fragments of thunderous vapour. Look at the crest of the Alp, from the faraway plains over which its light is cast, whence human souls have communion with it by myriads. The child looks up to it in the dawn, and the husbandman in the burden and heat of the day, and the old man in the going down of the sun; and it is to them all as the celestial city on the world's horizon, dyed with the depth of heaven, and clothed with the calm of eternity. There was it set, for Keats. holy dominion, by Him who marked for the

Some, none resist, though not exceeding fair.

BEAUTY-Eternity of.

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness.


Beauty, without kindness, dies unenjoyed and undelighting. Johnson.

BEAUTY-Knowledge of.

sun his journey, and bade the moon know her BEAUTY-without Kindness.
going down. It was built for its place in the
far-off sky; approach it, and as the sound of the
voice of man dies away about its foundation, and
the tide of human life, shallowed upon the vast
aerial shore, is at last met by the eternal
"Here shall thy waves be stayed," the glory
of its aspect fades into blanched fearfulness;
its purple walls are rent into grisly rocks; its
silver fretwork saddened into wasting snow;
the storm-brands of ages are on its breast,
the ashes of its own ruin lie solemnly on its
white raiment.

| BEAUTY-Frailty of.

Not faster in the summer's ray

The spring's frail beauty fades away,

Than anguish and decay consume

The smiling virgin's rosy bloom.

Beauty, like wit, to judges should be shown;
Both are most valued where they best are
Lord Lyttleton.


BEAUTY-upheld by Love.

A woman who could always love would never grow old; and the love of mother and wife would often give or preserve many charms; if it were not too often combined with parental and conjugal anger. There remains in the faces of women who are naturally serene and peaceful, and of those rendered so by religion, an after-spring, and later, an after-summer, the

Some beauty's snatch'd each day, each hour; reflex of their most beautiful bloom. Richter.

For beauty is a fleeting flower;
Then how can wisdom e'er confide
In beauty's momentary pride?


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That is the best part of beauty which a picture cannot express. Bacon. BEAUTY-Inspiration of.

To fill our minds we require the ideal over and above the actual; and the mere fact that

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I have come to the conclusion, if man, or woman either, wishes to realize the full power of personal beauty, it must be by cherishing noble hopes and purposes; by having something to do, and something to live for, which ing the capacities of the soul, gives expansion is worthy of humanity, and which, by expandand symmetry to the body which contains it. Professor Upham.

a certain thing is the actual business of life. divests it at once of the beauty and sublimity after which we long. Poetry is purely spiritual, and the moment we blend with it any mercantile association its essence is gone. I do not believe that any poet writes with the same pure and free inspiration as at first, from the bour when he begins to sell his works. I be- That first in beauty should be first in might.

Beve that a painter or sculptor will work more
devotedly upon a piece for which he has no
particular amount of payment in view. When
the creations of an artist become taskwork;
when tradesmen's bills become mixed up with
gorgeous day-dreams of fame and intellectual
power, or the rapturous conceptions of ideal
beauty, so much of the ethereal spirit is fixed
down and nailed upon the earth to writhe and
vex itself there like a worm.

BEAUTY-with Kindness.
Beauty lives with kindness.


BEAUTY-the first in Might.
'Tis the eternal law,

BEAUTY-with Modesty.


As lamps burn silent with unconscious light
So modest ease in beauty shines most bright;
Unaiming charms with edge resistless fall,
And she who means no mischief does it all.

BEAUTY-lent to Nature.
Beauty was lent to nature as the type
Of heaven's unspeakable and holy joy,
Where all perfection makes the sum of bliss.
Mrs. Hule.


BEAUTY-Pervading Presence of.

Beauty is an all-pervading presence. It unfolds to the numberless flowers of the spring: it waves in the branches of the trees and the green blades of grass; it haunts the depths of the earth and the sea, and gleams out in the hues of the shell and the precious stone. And not only these minute objects, but the ocean, the mountains, the clouds, the heavens, the stars, the rising and setting sun, all overflow with beauty. The universe is its temple; and those men who are alive to it, cannot lift their eyes without feeling themselves encompassed with it on every side. Now this beauty is so precious, the enjoyments it gives are so refined and pure, so congenial with our tenderest and noblest feelings, and so akin to worship, that it is painful to think of the multitude of men as living in the midst of it, and living almost as blind to it as if, instead of this fair earth and glorious sky, they were tenants of a dungeon. An infinite joy is lost to the world by the want of culture of this spiritual endowment. The greatest truths are wronged if not linked with beauty, and they win their way most surely and deeply into the soul, when arrayed in this their natural and fit attire. W. Ellery Channing.

BEAUTY-Pleadings of.
All orators are dumb when beauty pleadeth.

How vain are all these glories, all our pains,
Unless good sense preserve what beauty gains.

Beauties, in vain, their pretty eyes may roll; Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the Pope.


BEAUTY-Powers of.

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy
The appetites they feed; but she makes hungry,
Where most she satisfies.

To give pain is the tyranny, to make happy the true empire, of beauty. Steele. BEAUTY-Qualities of.

Socrates called beauty a short-lived tyranny; Plato, privilege of nature; Theophrastus, a silent cheat; Theocritus, a delightful prejudice Careades, a solitary kingdom; Domitian said that nothing was more grateful; Aristotle affirmed that beauty was better than all the letters of recommendation in the world; Homer, that 'twas a glorious gift of nature; and Ovid calls it a favour bestowed by the gods.

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BEAUTY-Transiency of.

Remember, if thou marry for beauty, thou bindest thyself all thy life for that which perchance will neither last nor please thee one year; and when thou hast it, it will be to thee of no price at all. Raleigh. Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good,

A shining gloss that fadeth suddenly; A flower that dieth when first it 'gins to bud; A brittle glass that's broken presently; A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower, Lost, faded, broken, dead within an hour. Shakspeare. BEAUTY-Triumph of.

We were charm'd,

Not awe-struck; for the beautiful was there Triumphant. Talfourd.


Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance; but if it light well, it makes virtues shine and vice blush. Bacon. BEAUTY-of the Universe.

We all of us, in a great measure, create our own happiness, which is not half so much dependent upon scenes and circumstances as most people are apt to imagine. And so it is with beauty: Nature does little more than furnish us with materials of both, leaving us to work them out for ourselves. Stars, and flowers, and hills, and woods, and streams

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