JOY. Pain'd at thy presence, this redundant joy, Like a poor miser, beggar'd by his store? Young. JOY-one of the greatest Panaceas. Joy is one of the greatest panaceas of life. No joy is more healtl.ful, or better calculated to prolong life, than that which is to be found in domestic happiness, in the company of cheerful and good men, and in contemplating with delight the beauties of nature. A day spent in the country, under a serene sky, amidst a circle of agreeable friends, is certainly a more positive means of prolonging life than all the vital elixirs in the world. Hakeland. JUDGMENT-of Individuals. Every one complains of the badness of his memory, but nobody of his judgment. La Rochefoucauld. JUDGMENT-should be open to Revision. This shall be your creed, says the Roman Catholic church; therefore, investigation is seless: though of late it has become a maxim to suspect all judgments that are not open to revision. Zimmerman. JUDGMENT-a Pair of Scales. That turns with th' hundredth part of true or false, And still the more 'tis used is wont t' abate JUSTICE-Address to. Milman. O immortal justice! JUSTICE-Appearance of. Swenam. JUSTICE To have a son set your decrees at naught; person: Nay, more, to spurn Be now the father, and propose a son: JUSTICE-not to be Evaded. JUSTICE-Impartiality of. Let not rage and vengeance mix their rancour; The calm divinity of Justice sits But justice, though her doom she do prolong, Yet at the last will make her own cause right, Spenser. JUSTICE-Mal-administration of. If they which employ their labour and travail about the public administration of justice, follow it only as a trade, with unquenchable thirst of gain, being not in heart persuaded that justice is God's own work, and themselves his agents in this business,-the sentence, of right, God's own verdict, and themselves his priests to deliver it; formalities of justice do but serve to smother right; and that which was necessarily ordained for the common good, is, through shameful abuse, made the cause of common misery. JUSTICE-Merciless. The rulers of the world, Hooker. Unmercifully just, who punish all JUSTICE AND MERCY. No obligation to justice does force a man to be cruel, or to use the sharpest sentence. A just man does justice to every man and to every thing; and then, if he be also wise, he knows there is a debt of mercy and compassion due to the infirmities of man's nature; and that is to be paid: and he that is cruel and ungentle to a sinning person, and does the worst to him, dies in his debt and is unjust. Pity, and forbearance, and long-sufferance, and fair interpretation, and excusing our brother, and taking in the best sense, and passing the gentlest sentence, are as certainly our duty, and owing to every person that does offend In the intercourse of social life, it is by little acts of watchful kindness recurring daily and hourly and opportunities of doing kindnesses if sought for are for ever starting up,-it is by words, by tones, by gestures, by looks, that afection is won and preserved. He who neglects these trifles, yet boasts that, whenever a great sacrifice is called for, he shall be ready to make it, will rarely be loved. The likelihood is, he will not make it; and if he does, it will be much rather for his own sake, than for bis neighbour's. Many persons, indeed, are said to be penny-wise and pound-foolish! but they who are penny-foolish will hardly be pound-wise; although selfish vanity may now and then for a moment get the better of selfish indolence; for wisdom will always have a microscope in her hand. KINDNESS-Approbation of. Sala. Good and friendly conduct may meet with an anworthy, with an ungrateful, return; but the absence of gratitude on the part of the receiver cannot destroy the self-approbation which recompenses the giver; and we may scatter the seeds of courtesy and kindness around us at so little expense. Some of them will inevitably fall on good ground, and grow up into benevolence in the minds of others; and all of them will bear fruit of happiness in the bosom whence they spring. Once blest are all the virtues; twice blest sometimes. Jeremy Bentham. KINDNESS-Consolations of. Be kind to each other! The night's coming on, How sweet to have earn'd The blest recollection Of kindness-return'd! The great duty of life is not to give pain ; and the most acute reasoner cannot find an excuse for one who voluntarily wounds the heart of a fellow-creature. Even for their own sakes, people should show kindness and regard to their dependents. They are often better served in trifles, in proportion as they are rather feared than loved; but how small is this gain compared with the loss sustained in all the weightier affairs of life! Then the faithful servant shows himself at once as a friend, while one who serves from fear shows himself as an enemy. Frederika Bremer. KINDNESS-Fame of. The drying up a single tear has more A willing heart adds feather to the heel, KINDNESS-Qualities of. To rest the weary, and to soothe the sad, the bad. KING. Oh let th' ungentle spirit learn from hence, Our little lot denies, but heaven decrees On these Heaven bade the bliss of life depend, And crush'd ill fortune when it made a friend. KING-Abdication of a. I give this heavy weight from off my head, KINGS. KINGS-Attributes of. Why, man, I never was a prince till now. Who is not blown up with the flatt'ring puffs Who can enjoy himself, maugre the throng KING-Example of a. The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever. KING-ruleth Rightly. Solomon. A king ruleth as he ought, a tyrant as he lists; a king to the profit of all, a tyrant only to please a few. Aristotle. KINGS-Anxieties of. A monarch's crown, Marston. Golden in show, is but a crown of thorns, When on his shoulder each man's burthen lies: For therein lies the office of a king,- Milton What is a king? a man condemn'd to bear Prior. Oh, unhappy state of kings! Th' unbusied shepherd stretch'd beneath the To every blast of changing fate exposed! hawthorn, His careless limbs thrown out in wanton ease, With thoughtless gaze perusing the arch'd heavens, And idly whistling, while his sheep feed round him Enjoys a sweeter shade than that of canopies Too high for hope, too great for happiness! Then happy low, lie down! Hemm'd in with care, and shook by storms of Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. treason. Aaron Hill. Shakspeare. |