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HATRED-of Relations.

HATE-Characteristics of.

Hated of all, and hating.

HATE-Definition of.
The madness of the heart.

HATE of Enemies.



A man should not allow himself to hate

even his enemies; because, if you indulge this passion on some occasions, it will rise of itself in others: if you hate your enemies, you will contract such a vicious habit of mind, as by degrees will break out upon those who are your friends, or those who are indifferent to you. Plutarch.

HATRED-Characteristics of.

For hatred hatch'd at home is a tame tiger, May fawn and sport, but never leaves his nature; The jars of brothers, two such mighty ones, Are like a small stone thrown into a river.

The breach scarce heard; but view the beaten current,

And you shall see a thousand angry rings
Rise in his face, still swelling and still growing;
So jars circling distrusts, distrusts breeding

And dangers death, the greatest extreme shallow;

Till nothing bound them but the shore, their graves. Beaumont and Fletcher.

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When our hatred is violent, it sinks us even beneath those we hate. La Rochefoucauld.

HATS-Inconvenience of.

Let the European world of inventors be called upon to come forward, hat in hand, and try what can be done to crown humanity in the nineteenth century with something less like a chimney-pot. We know of nothing that can be said in favour of the article which we are forced to wear on our heads: it is hot in summer, it is not warm in winter; it does not shade us from the sun, it does not shelter us from the rain; it is ugly and expensive; you cannot wear it in a railway-carriage; it is always in your way in a drawing-room; if you sit upon it you crush it, yet it will not save your skull in a fall from your horse; it will not go into a portmanteau; you are sure to forget it when suspended from the straps of a carriage-roof; it is too hard to roll up, too soft to stand upon; it rusts with the sea-air, and spots with the rain; if it is good, you are sure to have it taken by mistake at a soirés; if it is bad, you are set down for a swindler. Mark Lemon.

HATS-Stupidity of Modern.

Why was the old, turned-up cocked hat so valuable? Because it had a thousand ways of indicating character that the modern black cylinder we call a hat has not. It had not only feathers to curl, and wave, and flow, and perk up-gay, frank, brave, or defiant-but it had colour and glitter; it was trimmed with feathers or gold lace; it was of various substances and shades; it had its white and black cockades; it could be drawn over the eyes for disguise or sorrow. It was cocked airily by Beau Shatterbrain, snapped angrily over one eye by Bully Roach, thrown backwards by Ranger returning at daybreak to his chambers, singing Goldsmith's "When lovely woman stoops to folly," planted precisely and level by pedant schoolmasters, set on the wrong end foremost by drunken Wilks and his friend, debauched Churchill, as they ride home in a hackney coach, with their legs stuck out at opposite windows. Because it had this lifethis power of expression, I like the cocked hat, and claim for it respect. Because the beaver has not this power, and is a dead. hopeless, ugly, uncomfortable, expensive, inconvenient thing, I despise it. Because it has no brim to keep off the sun, because it


catches the wind, and knocks up against door-sills and entries, I have a contempt for it and always shall have, as long as the imbecile, repulsive thing is worn. Who are we, with sich horror, to laugh at the old headdresses, at hair powder, or grenadiers' caps. Jerrold.

HAYMAKING-Description of.

Now swarms the village o'er the jovial mead:
The rustic youth, brown with meridian toil,
Heathful and strong, full as the summer rose,
Blown by prevailing suns; the ruddy maid,
Half-naked, swelling on the sight, and all
Her kindling graces burning o'er her cheek.
E'en stooping age is here; and infant hands
Trail the long rake, or, with the fragrant load,
O'ercharged, amid the kind oppression roll.
Wide flies the scattered grain; all in a row,
Advancing broad, or wheeling round the field,


HEALTH-Care of.

People who are always taking care of their health are like misers, who are hoarding a treasure which they have never spirit enough to enjoy. Sterne.

HEALTH-Enjoyment of.

Health is the soul that animates all enjoyments of life, which fade, and are tasteless, if not dead, without it. A man starves at the best and the greatest tables, makes faces at the noblest and most delicate wines, is poor and wretched in the midst of the greatest treasures and fortunes: with common diseases strength grows decrepit, youth loses all vigour, and beauty all charms; music grows harsh, and conversation disagreeable; palaces are prisons, or of equal confinement; riches are useless, honour and attendance are cumbersome, and crowns themselves are a burden;

They spread the breathing harvest to the sun, ❘ but if diseases are painful and violent, they There are chords in the human heartstrange varying strings which are only struck Sir W. Temple. by accident; which will remain mute and

That throws refreshful round a rural smell:
Or, as they rake the green-appearing ground,
And drive the dusky wave along the mead,
The russet haycock rises thick behind,
In order gay; while heard from dale to dale,
Waking the breeze, resounds the blended voice
Of happy labour, love, and social glee.

HEAD-The Human.


The head has the most beautiful appearance, as well as the highest station, in a human figure. Nature has laid out all her art in beautifying the face; she has touched it with vermilion, planted in it a double row of ivory, made it the seat of smiles and blushes, lighted it up and enlivened it with the brightness of the eyes, hung it on each side with curious organs of sense, given it airs and graces that cannot be described, and surrounded it with such a flowing shade of hair as sets all its beauties in the mest agreeable light. In short, she seems to have designed the head as the cupola to the most glorious of her works. Addison.

HEALTH-Blessings of.

Auspicious Health appear'd on zephyr's wing; She seem'd a cherub most divinely bright, More soft than air, than blushing morning

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equal all conditions of life, make no difference between a prince and a beggar; and a fit of the stone or the colic puts a king to the rack, and makes him as miserable as he can do the meanest, the worst, and most criminal of his subjects. Sir W. Temple.

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In these days, half our diseases come from the neglect of the body in the overwork of the brain. In this railway age, the wear and tear of labour and intellect go on without pause or self-pity. We live longer than our forefathers; but we suffer more from a thousand artificial anxieties and cares. They fatigued only the muscles, we exhaust the finer strength of the nerves. Bulwer Lytton.


HEALTH-the Greatest of Possessions. Health is the greatest of all possessions, and 'tis a maxim with me, that a hale cobbler is a better man than a sick king. Bickerstaff.

HEALTH-Preservation of.

Socrates used to say that it was pleasant to | grow old with good health and a good friend; and he might have reason: a man may be content to live while he is no trouble to himself or his friends; but, after that, it is hard if he be not content to die. I knew and esteemed a person abroad, who used to say, a man must be a mean wretch who desired to live after threescore years old. But so much, I doubt, is certain, that in life, as in wine, he that will drink it good, must not draw it to the dregs. Where this happens, one comfort of age may be, that whereas younger men are usually in pain whenever they are not in pleasure, old men find a sort of pleasure when they are out of pain; and as young men often lose or impair their present enjoyments by craving after what is to come, by vain hopes, or fruitless fears, so old men relieve the wants of their age by pleasing reflections upon what is past. Therefore, men in the health and vigour of their age should endeavour to fill their lives with reading, with travel, with the best conversation, and the worthiest actions, either in public or private stations; that they may have something agreeable left to feed on when they are old, by pleasing remembrances.

Sir W. Temple.

HEALTH-Fastidious Preservation of. Preserving the health by too strict a regimen is a wearisome malady. La Rochefoucauld.

HEALTH-not to be Purchased.

Who would not be covetous, and with reason, if health could be purchased with gold? Who not ambitious, if it were at the command of power, or restored by honour? But alas! a white staff will not help gouty feet to walk better than a common cane; nor a blue riband bind up a wound so well as a fillet; the glitter of gold or of diamonds will but hurt sore eyes, instead of curing them; and an aching head will be no more eased by wearing a crown instead of a common nightcap.

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HEALTHFUL PRACTICES-Benefit of adhering to.

If mankind in the present day were strictly to adhere to those practices which promote the health and well-being of their minds and bodies, and as strictly to abstain from those which tend to injure them, there would be little or no cause to complain that our race is degenerating, and that the men of modern days scarcely possess the sixth part of the strength of their forefathers. Hodgkin.

HEART-The Broken.

They mourn, but smile at length; and,
smiling, mourn:

The tree will wither long before it fall:
The hull drives on, though mast and sail be


The roof-tree sinks, but moulders on the hall In massy hoariness; the ruin'd wall Stands when its wind-worn battlements are


The bars survive the captive they enthral; The day drags through, though storms keep

out the sun;

And thus the heart will break, yet brokenly live on. Byron.

HEART-Chords of the.

HEALTH-Thankfulness for.

Men that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto life, and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; but I, that have examined the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do wonder that we are not always

senseless to appeals the most passionate and earnest, and respond at last to the slightest casual touch. In the most insensible or childish minds there is some train of reflection which art can seldom lead, or skill assist, but which will reveal itself, as great truths have done, by chance, and when the discoverer has the plainest and simplest end in view. Dickens.

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The heart of a man is a short word-a small substance, scarce enough to give a kite a meal; yet great in capacity-yea, so indefinite in desire, that the round globe of the world cannot fill the three corners of it. When it

desires more, and cries "Give-give!" I will set it over to the infinite good, where the more it hath, it may desire more, and see more to be desired. Bishop Hall.

HEART-Falsehood of the.

In many looks the false heart's history
Is writ, in moods, and frowns, and wrinkles

HEART-Seen of God.

My heart being virtuous, let my face be wan,
I am to God, I only seem to man. Quarles.

There was a great master among the Jews, who bid his scholars consider and tell him what was the best way wherein a man should always keep. One came and said, that there was nothing better than a good eye, which is, in their language, a liberal and contented disposition. Another said a good companion is the best thing in the world. A third said, a good neighbour was the best thing he could desire; and a fourth preferred a man that could foresee things to come; that is, a wise person. But, at last, came in one Eleazar, and he said, a good heart was better than them all. True, said the master, thou hast comprehended in two words all that the rest have said. For he that hath a good heart, will be both contented, and a good companion, and a good neighbour, and easily see what is fit to be done by him. Let every man then seriously labour to find in himself a sincerity and uprightness of heart at all times, and that will save him abundance of other labour.

Bishop Patrick.


HEART-Government of the.

Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life. Solomon.


How easy it is for one benevolent being to diffuse pleasure around him; and how truly is a kind heart a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles! Washington Irving.

HEART-of a Wise Man.

A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart is at his left. Solomon.

HEART-Nobility of the.

A noble heart, like the sun, showeth its greatest countenance in its lowest estate.

Sir Philip Sydney.

HEART-Sensations of the.

The human heart is often the victim of the sensations of the moment; success intoxicates it to presumption, and disappointment dejects and terrifies it. Volney.

HEART-Wonderful Structure of the.

The wisdom of the Creator is in nothing seen more gloriously than the heart. It was necessary that it should be made capable of working for ever without the cessation of a moment, without the least degree of weariness. It is so made; and the power of the Creator, in so constructing it, can in nothing be exceeded but by His wisdom! Hope.

HEART-Trial of the.

The hardest trial of the heart is, whether it can bear a rival's failure without triumph.

HEAVEN-Blessedness of.


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HEAVEN-Brightness of. Around them, bright with endless spring, perpetual roses bloomWarm balsams gratefully exude luxurious perfume; And crocuses and lilies white shine dazzling in Green meadows yield their harvest green, and streams with honey run;

the sun;

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A city never built with hands, nor hoary with the years of time-a city, whose inhabitants no census has numbered a city, through whose streets rush no tides of business, nor nodding hearse creeps slowly with its burden to the tomb-a city, without griefs or graves, without sins or sorrows, without births or burials, without marriages or mournings-a city, which glories in having Jesus for its king, angels for its guards, saints for its citizens; whose walls are salvation, and whose gates are praise.


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There is lyf without ony death,
And there is youth without ony elde:
And there is all manner wealth to welde;
And there is rest without ony travaille;
And there is pees without ony strife,
And there is all manner lyving of life;
And there is bright somur ever to see,
And there is never winter in that countrie,
And there is more worship and honour
Than ever had king or emperour;
And there is great melody of angeles songe,
And there is preysing Him among;

And there is evere perfect love and charitie; | And there is wisdom without folye, And there is honestie without vileneye; As these a man may joys of hevene call; As quitte the most sovereign joye of alle; To the sight of Goddes bright face In whom shineth all mannere grace.

Rolle (an old Monk).

HEAVEN-Floral Emblem of.

If I am allowed to give a metaphorical allusion to the future state of the blessed, I should image it by the orange grove in that sheltered glen, on which the sun is now beginning to shine, and of which the trees are at the same time loaded with sweet golden fruit and balmy silver flowers. Such objects may well portray a state in which hope and fruition become one eternal feeling.

Sir Humphrey Davy,

HEAVEN-The Gates of.

Heaven's gates are not so highly arch'd As princes' palaces; they that enter there Must go upon their knees.

HEAVEN-Glories of.


There God unfolds His presence, clouded here,
And shines eternal day. All, all is there
Bright effluence of the uncreated mind;
Infinite beauty all! A vernal life,
A fire ethereal, unperceived itself,
Felt in its glorious energy, pervades

And thrills through every part the taintless whole:

The air, the soil, the rivers, fruits, and flowers,
Instinct with immortality, and touch'd
With amaranthine freshness, by the hand
That form'd them, and the beatific smile
That ever beams around them. Every heart
Catches that smile; each eye reflects it: all,
In body and in spirit, sumless myriads,
Fill'd with empyreal vigour, fill'd with God,
And radiant in the glory of the Lamb!

HEAVEN-the House of God.


This glorious world is "the house of God," or the peculiar and favourite place of His residence; the place where those manifes tations of Himself are seen, which He is pleased to make, as the most special displays of His presence and character. Present in all other places, He is peculiarly present here. It is also "the throne of God," the seat of universal and endless dominion; where the Divine authority is peculiarly exercised and made known, and the splendour of the Divine government exhibited with singular effulgence and glory. It is the residence of His most


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