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GUILT-Defilement of.


that they will go so far, and no further; om Their mind and conscience is defiled. St. Paul. fault begets another, one crime renders another

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necessary; and thus they are impelled continually downward into a depth of guilt, which, at the commencement of their career, they would have died rather than have incurred.

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GUILT-Fury of.

But 'tis a grief of fury, no despair;

GUILT-Reproaches of.

And if a manly drop or two fall down,
It scalds along my cheeks, like the green wood
That, sputtering in the flame, works outward
Into tears.

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GUILT-Manifestation of.

And nature's laws are broke to discompose me; 'Tis I that whirl these hurricanes in air, And shake the earth's foundation with my

Behold her guilty looks; for guilt will speak, Though tongues were out of use. Shakspeare.



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Nor faith, nor gratitude, nor friendly trust;
No force of obligations can subsist
Between the guilty.

GUILT-Shamelessness of.


He who puts on guilt, must cast off shame.

GUILT-in Sickness.

J. Hill.

Sickness and suffering come with double force upon guilt; anguish of mind lessens the strength, as well as increases the smart; 'tis like a wound in the sword hand; the man is disabled in that which should defend him; he drops his guard, and his heart lies open to the next pass. We ought to summon in all our force upon this occasion, and to fortify ourselves with recollection and good practice,to animate our courage from the topics of honour and interest, from all the weighty considerations of this world and the next, -to take in the auxiliaries of religion, and implore the assistance of Heaven, that pain may never force us to outlive our patience or our honesty, -that we may stand firm against the last assault, of what kind soever, and meet death with resolution, as it lies in the order of Providence; in short, that we may die without being conquered, carry a good conscience along with us, and leave a useful precedent behind us. Jeremy Collier. i

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When everything alarms it! Like a sentinel Who sleeps upon his watch, it wakes in dread F'en at a breath of wind.

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It is almost as difficult to make a man

When apprebension can form naught but fears, unlearn his errors as his knowledge.

And we distrust security itself.


'Tis guilt alone,

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When at first from virtue's path we stray, How shrinks the feeble heart with sad dismay! More bold at length, by powerful habit led, Careless and sered, the dreary wilds we tread; Behold the gaping gulf of sin with scorn, And plunging deep, to endless death are borne. James Scott. GYMNASTICS-Benefits derived from.

Gymnastics open the chest, exercise the limbs, and give a man all the pleasures of boxing, without the blows. I could wish that several learned men would lay out that time which they employ in controversies and disputes about nothing, in this method of fighting with their own shadows. It might conduce very much to evaporate the spleen, which makes them uneasy to the public as well as to themselves. Addison.

HABIT-a Law of Human Nature.


Habit is the deepest law of human nature. It is our supreme strength, if also, in certain circumstances, our miserablest weakness. Let me go once, scanning my way with any earnestness of outlook, and successfully arriving, my footsteps are an invitation to me a second time to go by the same way; -it is easier than any other way. Habit is our primal fundamental law, -habit and imitation,there is nothing more perennial in us than

these two. They are the source of all working

and all apprenticeship, of all practice, and all

learning in this world.

HABIT-Persistency of.


A new cask will long preserve the tincture of the liquor with which it is first impregnated. Horace.

HABIT-a Plague.

In the great majority of things, habit is a greater plague than ever afflicted Egypt; in religious character, it is a grand felicity.

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That balancing moment, at which pleasure would allure, and conscience is urging us to refrain, may be regarded as the point of departure, or divergency, whence one or other of the two processes (towards evil, or towards good), take their commencement. Each of them consists in a particular succession of ideas, with their attendant feelings; and whichever of them may happen to be described once, has, by the law of suggestion, the greater chance, in the same circumstances, of being described over again. Should the mind dwell on an object of allurement, and the considerations of principle not be entertained, it will pass onward from the first incitement to the final and guilty indulgence, by a series of


stepping-stones, each of which will present itself more readily in future, and with less chance of arrest or interruption by the suggestions of conscience than before.

But should these suggestions be admitted, and, far more, should they prevail, then, on the principle of association, will they be all the more apt to intervene, on the repetition of the same circumstances, and again break that line of continuity, which, but for this intervention, would have led, from a temptation, to a turpitude or a crime. If, on the occurrence of a temptation, formerly conscience did interpose, and represent the evil of a compliance, and so impress the man with a sense of obligation, as led him to dismiss the fascinating object from the presence of his mind, or to hurry away from it; the likelihood is, that the recurrence of a similar temptation will suggest the same train of thoughts and feelings, and lead to the same beneficial result; and this is a likelihood ever increasing with every repetition of the process. The train which would have terminated in a vicious indulgence, is dispossessed by the train which conducts to a resolution and an act of virtuous self-denial.

The thoughts which tend to awaken emotions and purposes on the side of duty, find readier entrance into the mind; and the thoughts which awaken and urge forward the desire of what is evil, more readily give way. The positive force on the side of virtue is augmented, by every repetition of the train which leads to a virtuous determination. The resistance to this force, on the side of vice, is weakened in proportion to the frequency wherewith that train of suggestions, which would have led to a vicious indulgence, is broken and discomfited. It is thus that, when one is successfully resolute in his opposition to evil, the power of making the achievement, and the facility of the achievement itself, are both upon the increase, and Virtue makes double gain to herself by every separate conquest which she may have won. The humbler

attainments of moral worth are first mastered and secured, and the aspiring disciple may pass onward, in a career that is quite indefinite, to nobler deeds and nobler sacrifices.

HABITS-must be Conquered.


Those who are in the power of evil habits must conquer them as they can; and conquered they must be, or neither wisdom nor happiness can be attained: but those who are yet subject to their influence, may, by timely caution, preserve their freedom: they may effectually resolve to escape the tyrant, whom they will very vainly resolve to conquer. Johnson.


HABITS-Contraction of.
All habits gather, by unseen degrees,
As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.


Like flakes of snow, that fall unperceived upon the earth, the seemingly unimportant events of life succeed one another. As the snow gathers together, so are our habits formed. No single flake that is added to the pile produces a sensible change; no single action creates, however it may exhibit, a man's character; but as the tempest hurls the avalanche down the mountain, and overwhelms the inhabitant and his habitation, so passion, acting upon the elements of mischief, which pernicious habits have brought together by imperceptible accumulation, may overthrow the edifice of truth and virtue. Bentham.

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while the men cultivate long tresses hanging down to their waists, and of which they are very proud, the women do not show a single lock, and the girl who might be tempted by the beauty of her chevelure to allow a ringlet to escape from beneath her closely-fitting cap, would not only lose all chance of obtaining a lover, but would be regarded by the young men as a fille perdue, that is, a coquettish girl unworthy of their affections. To this strange custom many London and Paris ladies are indebted for the magnificent hair which adorns their heads, but which was grown in the wilds of Brittany.

HAIR-A Lock of.


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The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be And ask from poor idolaters why it no worship found in the way of righteousness.

HAIRS (Grey) - Warning of.


These hairs of age are messengers
Which bid me fast, repent and pray;
They be of death the harbingers
That do prepare and dress the way;
Wherefore I joy that you may see
Upon my head such hair to be.


How could the lordly forest trees first bow

their heads to man,

When with their ruined limbs he delved where

veins of metal ran?

Ho! ho! 'tis found! and his to know the secrets of the forge;

And henceforth earth, at his behest, her riches must disgorge.

And now the hand has servants fit, it guides as it is schooled.

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encourage, swear, testify, accuse, condemn, acquit, insult, despise, defy, disdain, flatter, applaud, bless, abase, ridicule, reconcile, recommend, exalt, regale, gladden, complain, afflict, discomfort, discourage, astonish; exclaim, indicate silence, and what not? with a variety and a multiplication that keep pace with the tongue. Montaigne.

HAND-Physiognomy of the.

Elemental hands are distinguished by the metacarpal part being both long and broad; the palm large, thick, and hard; the fingers short, thick, and squared at their ends; the thumb stumpy, and often turned back; the nails short, strong, and hard. Such hands symbolize a rough, unfinished mind-a mind lowly developed obtuse intelligence, slow resolution, dulness of feelings. They are found especially among the common people; and combined, as they often are, with large though coarsely modelled heads, they represent the material strength of a nation, its work, its manpower. The motor hand, which is especially the male hand, is characterized partly by its great size, partly by its strength of bone and muscle, and its strong projecting joints and sinews. The palm is nearly square; the fingers longer than in the elemental hand, but very strong, large-jointed, and broad-tipped; the thumb especially strong, and with a full ball; the nails suitably large, and of elongated quadrangular shape; the skin of the back firm and strong, and usually but slightly hairy. Such a hand symbolizes strength of will, and aptness for strong sustained efforts of mind. The old Roman character might be the type of the motor-handed men. The sensitive is the proper feminine hand. It is never very large, and is often rather below the module in its length, and all its textures are delicate. In the palm, length predominates a little over breadth; the fingers are not proportionally longer than in the motor-band, but the thumb is decidedly smaller, and much more delicate. The fingers are divided in soft and oval forms, with full rounded tips; the nails nearly equilateral, are remarkably fine and elastic. Men with hands thus formed are generally distinguished by feeling, by fancy, and by wit, more than by intellectual acuteness and strength of will. They commonly are of sensitive, sometimes of psychical constitution, and generally of sanguine temperament. The psychical hand-the most beautiful and the rarest of all the forms-is that which is most unlike the elemental and the childish hand. It is of moderate size in proportion to the whole stature. It should measure in its length just one module: the palm is a little longer than


broad, never much furrowed or folded, but marked with single large lines. The fingers are fine, slender, and rather elongated; their joints are never prominent; their tips are rather long, taper, and delicately rounded; and they have fine nails of similar shape. The thumb is slender, well-formed, and only moderately long. The skin of the whole hand is delicate, and, even in a man, has but very little hair. Such rare hands are found with none but rare minds. They indicate, Carns says, a peculiar purity and interior grandeur of feeling, combined with simple clearness in knowledge and in will.


HANDS (Shaking)-Various Modes of.

The pump-handle shake is the first which deserves notice. It is executed by taking a friend's hand, and working it up and down, through an are of fifty degrees, for about a minute and a half. To have its nature, force, and character, this shake should be performed with a fair and steady motion. No attempt should be made to give it grace, and still less variety, as the few instances in which the latter has been tried have uniformly resulted in dislocating the shoulder of the person on whom it has been attempted. On the contrary, persons who are partial to the pump-handle shake, should be at some pains to give an equable, tranquil movement to the operation, which should on no account be continued after perspiration on the part of your friend has commenced.

The pendulum shake may be mentioned next, as being somewhat similar in character; but moving, as the name indicates, in horizontal, instead of a perpendicular direction. It is executed by sweeping your hand horizontally towards your friend's, and after the junction is effected, rowing with it from one side to the other, according to the pleasure of the parties. The only caution in its use which needs particularly to be given, is not to insist on performing it in a plane strictly parallel to the horizon. You may observe a person that has been educated to the pump-handle shake, and another that had brought home the pendulum from a foreign voyage. They met, joined hands, and attempted to put them in motion. They were neither of them feeble men. One endeavoured to pump, and the other to puddle; their faces reddened; the drops stood on their foreheads; and it was at last a pleasant illustration of the doctrine of the composition of forces, to see their heads slanting into an exact diagonal, in which line they ever after shook: but it was plain to see there was no cordiality in it; and, as is usually


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