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He that prolongs his meals, and sacrifices his time, as well as his other conveniences, to his luxury, how quickly does he outsit his pleasure; and then, how is all the following time bestowed upon ceremony and surfeit! until at length, after a long fatigue of eating and drinking and babbling, he concludes the great work of dining genteelly, and so makes a shift to rise from table, that he may lie down upon his bed; where, after he has slept himself into some use of himself, by much ado, he staggers to his table again, and there acts over the same brutish scene: so that he passes bis whole life in a dozed condition, between sleeping and waking, with a kind of drowsiness and confusion upon his senses, with what pleasure it can be, is hard to conceive. All that is of it dwells upon the tip of his tongue, and within the compass of his palate. A worthy prize for a man to purchase with the loss of his time, his reason, and himself. South.

As houses well stored with provisions are Ikely to be full of mice; so the bodies of those that eat much are full of diseases. Diogenes.

Gluttony and drunkenness have two evils attendant on them; they make the carcass smart, as well as the pocket. Antoninus.

GLUTTONY-Physical Evils of.

Gluttony is the source of all our infirmities, and the fountain of all our diseases. As a amp is choked by a superabundance of oil, a fire extinguished by excess of fuel, so is the catural heat of the body destroyed by intemperate diet. Burton.

GLUTTONY-a disgusting Propensity.

Swinish gluttony


GOD-Adoration of.

While earthly objects are exhausted by familiarity, the thought of God becomes to the devout man continually brighter, richer, vaster; derives fresh lustre from all that he observes of nature and Providence, and attracts to itself all the glories of the universe. The devout man, especially in moments of strong religious sensibility, feels distinctly that he has found the true happiness of man. He has found a Being for his veneration and love, whose character is inexhaustible, who, after ages shall have passed, will still be uncomprehended in the extent of his perfections, and will still communicate to the pure mind stronger proofs of His excellence, and more intimate signs of His approval. Channing.

GOD-All in all.

It is a poor philosophy and a narrow religion, which does not recognise God as all in all. Every moment of our lives, we breathe, stand, or move in the temple of the Most High; for the whole universe is that temple. Wherever we go, the testimony to His power, the impress of His hand, are there. Ask of the bright worlds around us, as they roll in the everlasting harmony of their circles; and they shall tell you of Him, whose power launched them on their courses. Ask of the mountains, that lift their heads among and above the clouds; and the bleak summit of one shall seem to call aloud to the snow-clad top of another, in proclaiming their testimony to the Agency which has laid their deep foundations. Ask of ocean's waters; and the roar of their boundless waves shall chant from shore to shore a hymn of ascription to that Being, who hath said, Hitherto shall ye come and no further.' Ask of the rivers; and, as they roll onward to the sea, do they not bear along their ceaseless tribute to the ever-working Energy, which struck open their fountains and poured them down through the valleys? Ask of every region of the earth, from the burning equator to the icy pole, from the rock-bound coast to the plain covered with its luxuriant vegetation; and you will not find on them all the record of the Creator's presence; Ask of the countless tribes of plants and animals: and shall they not testify to the action of the great Source of Life? Yes, from every portion, from every department of nature, comes the same voice: everywhere we hear Thy name, O God; everywhere we see Thy love. Creation, in all its length and breadth, in all its depth and height, is the manifestation of Thy Spirit,

Ne'er looks to Heav'n amidst his gorgeous feast, and without Thee the world were dark and
But with besotted, base ingratitude,
Crams, and blasphemes his feeder.


dead. The universe is to us as the burning bush which the Hebrew leader saw: God is


ever present in it, for it burns with His glory, and the ground on which we stand is always holy.

How then can we speak of that Presence as peculiarly in the sanctuary, which is abroad through all space and time? Francis.

GOD-Appeal to.

Give me, O Father, to Thy throne access,
Unshaken seat of endless happiness!
Give me, unveil'd, the source of good to see!
Give me Thy light, and fix mine eyes on Thee!

GOD-the Fountain of Beatitude.

Thou art the source and centre of all minds,
Their only point of rest, Eternal Word!
From Thee departing, they are lost, and rove
At random, without honour, hope, or peace.
For this is all that soothes the life of man,
His high endeavour, and his glad success,
His strength to suffer, and his will to serve.
But, O thou bounteous Giver of all good,
Thou art, of all Thy gifts, Thyself the crown!
Give what Thou canst; without Thee we are

And with Thee rich; take what Thou wilt away. Cowper.

GOD-An Indian's Conceptions of.

Who is it that causes the rain to rise in the high mountains, and to empty itself into the ocean? Who is it that causes to blow the loud winds of winter, and that calms them again in the summer? Who is it that rears up the shade of those lofty forests, and blasts them with the quick lightning at His pleasure? The same Being who gave to you a country on the other side of the waters, and gave ours to us; and by this titie we will defend it.

Quoted by Lord Erskine.

GOD-Confidence in.

How calmly may we commit ourselves to the hands of Him who bears up the world-of Him who has created, and who provides for the joys even of insects, as carefully as if He were their father! Richter.

GOD-Clemency of.

God! who is the Father of spirits, is the most tolerant. Man! who is the first of animals, is the most oppressive-yet he calls himself the shadow of the Almighty. Man becomes angry, and punishes for every little affront; God bears with all the insults and vices of man, who daily and hourly is employed in endeavouring to offend Him. Man pretends to admire the benign nature of the Deity; yet when he sees another imitate His

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Who wore the platted thorns with bleeding brows

Rules universal nature. Not a flower
But shows some touch in freckle, streak, or

Of His unrivall'd pencil. He inspires
Their balmy odours, and imparts their hues,
And bathes their eyes with nectar, and includes,
In grains as countless as the sea-side sands,
The forms with which He sprinkles all the earth.
Happy who walks with Him; whom what he

Of flavour or of scent in fruit or flower,
Or what he views of beautiful or grand
In Nature, from the broad majestic oak,
To the green blade that twinkles in the sun,
Prompts with remembrance of a present God.


GOD-in Everything.

There is no creature in the world, wherein we may not see enough to wonder at: for there is no worm of the earth, no spire of grass, no leaf, no twig, wherein we see not the footsteps of a Deity: the best visible creature is man; now what man is he that can make but an hair, or a straw, much less any sensitive creature, so as no less than an infinite power is seen in every object that presents itself to our eyes: if, therefore, we look only on the outside of these bodily substances, and we do not see God in everything, we are no better than brutish; make use merely of our sense without the least improvement of our faith or our reason. Contrary, then, to the opinion of those men, who hold that a wise man should admire nothing, I say that a truly wise and good man should admire everything, or rather that infiniteness of wisdom and omnipotence which shows itself in every visible object.

GOD-Existence of.

Bishop Hall.

And can there be who doubt there is a God,
And life eternal! - When the river flows,
Deny the fountain-head who will, the wave,
That, curling, murmurs farthest from its source,

That source attests. Show me some well

wrought work

Of matter or of mind; though you produce
No author, I conclude that such there was,
Or this had never been, and give him praise.
And why should sense demur? When the
poor slave,

Doom'd by some tyrant's hard decree to starve,
Wakes in his dungeon, on his rocky bed,
From sleep, then wildly casts his eyes around,
As if in search of death, let him espy
In osier frame sweet herbage of the field
To greet his famish'd lip, and from the spring,
In earthern jar, the lucid draught to cheer

His parching tongue; will he not straight


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discovers itself in the make and constitution, the order and disposition, the ends and uses, of all the parts and members of this stately fabric of heaven and earth. For if in the works of

art, as for example a curious edifice or machine, counsel, design, and direction to an end, appearing in the whole frame, and in all the several pieces of it, do necessarily infer the being and operation of some intelligent architect or engineer, why shall not also in the works of nature, that grandeur and magnificence, that excellent contrivance for beauty, order, use, &c., which is observable in them, wherein they do as much transcend the effects of human art as infinite power and wisdom exceeds finite, infer the existence and efficiency of an Omnipotent and All-wise Creator. Ray. GOD-Nature demonstrating the Existence of.

Little facts and circumstances, in the economy of Almighty God, have irresistible charms for me, and serve, like others more prominent, to show the perfect and beautiful manner in and for which, every thing has been created. In contemplating them, what a delightful lesson may we not learn! We may find in them the strongest testimonies of the truth of revelation, and the superintendence of an all-wise and benevolent Creator. It has been well said, that in the book of Nature is written in the plainest characters the existence of a God which Revelation takes for granted; of a God how full of contrivanco! how fertile

in expedients! how benevolent in His ends! At work everywhere, everywhere too, with equal diligence; leaving nothing incomplete; finishing "the hinge in the wing of an insect," as perfectly as if it were all He had to do; unconfounded by the multiplicity of objects, undistracted by their dispersion, unwearied by their incessant demands on Him, fresh as on that day when the morning-stars first sang together, and all nature shouted for joy.


GOD-Necessity for the Existence of.

Notwithstanding the consequences which may justly be dreaded by sinful and incorrigible beings, it is certainly of all things most desirable that there should be a God. Social order, and civil government, with all the sublime contemplations of religion, its dignifying effect, and powerful consolations, clearly depend on the grand principle, that there is a Being who made and who governs the universe. Such a Being must be infinitely worthy of the adoration of His rational creatures; He must have a claim on their implicit obedience; and to Him they must all be accountable. Here

GOD-Argument for the Existence of.
There is no greater, at least no more palpable
and convincing, argument of the existence of a
Deity, than the admirable art and wisdom that | lie the foundations of human happiness, and

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Had not the covenant of mercy been infinitely holy, man could never have been saved. We stand in need of holiness as well as mercy. The grace of God in the child of God is infinitely more glorifying to God than the sun which shines by day, or the moon and stars which govern the night. Holiness raises man more highly above his fellow-men, than reason elevates him above the brute creation. The holiness of God reigns in hell, and ever will reign there: nor is the holiness of God less glorified in the condemnation of the wicked than in the salvation of the righteous. The law which executes the criminal is just as holy as the law which declares, "Thou shalt not kill." Howels.

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GOD-Living Without.

The high and the low, the young and the old, the busy and the idle, alike shun acquaintance with God, as if His very name brought uneasiness, and disturbed our comfort and repose. If we mention God to the young, we too often seem to be troubling them with what they had rather forget in such early days: while the aged dislike to be reminded of their misfortune, that their time on earth is drawing near to an end. If we mention God to the gay and happy, we appear to be interfering with their pleasures. If we mention Him to the great and to the learned, they will intimate that such subjects belong rather to a humbler class and station. But the poor and laborious, on their part, refer us to those who have more information and more leisure. Thus a large portion of mankind, in all classes, strive to keep God out of their thoughts, and to live, so far as in them lies, without Him in the world. Yes, without Him, who, as the Apostle says, is not far from any one of us : for in Him we live, and move, and have our being. Why should they act so strangely and unreasonably, if they believed that acquaintance with God would give them peace.

Bishop Sumner.

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That He would choose this waste, this barren and brought them forth at His first call: thus,


To teach the thin inhabitants around, And leave His truth in wilds and deserts drown'd?

There is an Eye that never sleeps
Beneath the wing of night;
There is an Ear that never shuts
When sink the beams of light.
There is an Arm that never tires
When human strength gives way;
There is a Love that never fails
When earthly loves decay.

That Eye is fix'd on seraph throngs;
That Ear is fill'd with angels' songs;
That Arm upholds the worlds on high;


He spake the word, and they were made; He commanded, and they were created. 'Tis the divine power which is the basis of all things; which continues the vigour of the second causes, and keeps the sun and moon in repair. This holds everything constant to appointment, and true to the first plan; thus, the revolutions of the seasons, the support of animals, the perpetuity of species, is carried on and maintained. Without this, things would soon run riot, and ramble out of distinction; the succours of life would be cut off, and nature drop into decay. Omniscience and goodness without a correspondent power would be strangely short of satisfaction; to know everything without being able to supply defects, and remedy disorders, must prove an unpleasant

That Love is throned beyond the sky. Heber. speculation; to see so many noble schemes

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The great Disposer, and the mighty King:


Than He none greater, next Him none,
That can be, is, or was:

Supreme, He singly fills the throne.

Power is that glorious attribute of God Almighty, which furnishes the rest of His perfections. 'Tis His omnipotence that makes His wisdom and goodness effectual, and succeed to the length of His will. Thus, His decrees are immutable, and His counsels stand; this secures His prerogative, and guards the sovereignty of His being; 'twas His power which made His ideas fruitful, and struck the world out of His thought. Twas this which answered the model of the creation, gave birth to time and nature,

languish in the mind and prove abortive; to see the most consummate wisdom, the most generous temper, fettered and disarmed, must be a grievance; but when omnipotence comes into the notion, the grandeur is perfect and the pleasure entire. Jeremy Collier.

GOD-Omnipresence of.


O Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, Thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but lo, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee. David.

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