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To view each loved one blotted from life's form from a friend.

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He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clear. ness of the reflection.

FRIENDS-Want of.


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FRIENDSHIP-Contracts of.

Friendship contracted with the wicked decreases from hour to hour, like the early shadow of the morning; but friendship formed with the virtuous will increase like the shadow of evening, till the sun of life shall set.

Herder. FRIENDSHIP-loses nothing by Death.

The friendship of high and sanctified spirits loses nothing by death but its alloy; failings disappear, and the virtues of those, whose "faces we shall behold no more,' appear

greater and more sacred when beheld through the shades of the sepulchre.

FRIENDSHIP-Definition of.

Robert Hall.

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FRIENDSHIP-of slow Growth.

Real friendship is a slow grower, and never thrives unless engrafted upon a stock of known and reciprocal merit. Chesterfield.

Let friendship creep gently to a height,-if it rush to it, it may soon run itself out of breath. Fuller.

FRIENDSHIP-Improvement of.

There cannot be a more worthy improvement of friendship than in a fervent opposition to the sins of those whom we profess to love. Bishop Hall.

FRIENDSHIP-Instability of.

The instability of friendship furnishes one of the most melancholy reflections suggested by the contemplation of human life; and few of us have travelled far upon our pilgrimage, without having had occasion to lament the loss of some companion who has parted from our side upon the first rumour that we have wandered from the fountains of the desert.

FRIENDSHIP-of a Good Man.


A good man is the best friend, and therefore soonest to be chosen, longest to be retained, and indeed never to be parted with, unless he ceases to be that for which he was chosen. Jeremy Taylor. FRIENDSHIP-Motives to.

The two firm rocks on which all friendships stand,
Are love of freedom, and our country's glory;
Piety, valour, and paternal love

Form the arising pile: the other virtues,
Candour, beneficence, and moral trust,
Are superstructures, and adorn the dome.

FRIENDSHIP-Mutability of.

That friendship's raised on sand, Which every sudden gust of discontent, Or flowing of our passions, can change, As if it ne'er had been.

FRIENDSHIP-Occasions of.


There is such a natural principle of attraction in man towards man, that having trod the same tract of land, having breathed in the same climate, barely having been born in the same artificial district or division, becomes the occasion of contracting acquaintances and familiarities many years after: for any thing may serve the purpose. Thus, relations merely nominal, are sought and invented, not by governors, but by the lowest of the people, which are found sufficient to hold mankind together in little fraternities and copartnerships; weak ties, indeed, and what may afford fund enough for ridicule, if they are absurdly


considered as the real principles of that union;
but they are, in truth, merely the occasions, as
anything may be, of any thing to which our
nature carries us on, according to its own pre-
vious bent and bias; which occasion, therefore,
would be nothing at all, were there not this
prior bias or disposition of nature. Butler.

FRIENDSHIP-Objects of.
Friendship requires actions.

FRIENDSHIP-How to Obtain.


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Rare is true love: true friendship is still rarer.
La Fontaine.


Get not your friends by bare compliments,
but by giving them sensible tokens of your
love. It is well worth while to learn how to
win the heart of a man the right way. Force
is of no use to make or preserve a friend, who
is an animal that is never caught nor tamed, FRIENDSHIP-Strengthening of.
but by kindness and pleasure. Excite them
by your civilities, and show them that you
desire nothing more than their satisfaction;
oblige, with all your soul, that friend who has
made you a present of his own. Socrates.

Friendship, mysterious cement of the soul,
Sweetener of life, and solder of society,

I owe thee much: thou hast deserved of me
Far, far beyond what I can ever pay.

FRIENDSHIP-Over-zeal in.

He that doth a base thing in zeal for his friend, burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. Jeremy Taylor.


Hard is the doubt, and difficult to deem,
When all three kinds of love together meet,
And to dispart the heart with power extreme,
Whether shall weigh the balance down: to wit,
The dear affection unto kindred sweet,
Or raging fire of love to woman-kind,
Or zeal of friends, combined by virtues meet;
But of them all, the band of virtuous mind,
Methinks, the gentle heart shall most assured

FRIENDSHIP-not to be Purchased.
Purchase not friends by gifts: when thou
ceasest to give, such will cease to love. Fuller.

FRIENDSHIP-Qualities of.

Friendship hath the skill and observation cf the best physician, the diligence and vigilance of the best nurse, and the tenderness and patience of the best mother. Lord Clarendon.

FRIENDSHIP-Reminiscences of.

I had a friend that loved me;

I was his soul: he lived not but in me.
We were so closed within each other's breast,
The rivets were not found that joined us first,
That do not reach us yet: we were so mix'd,
As meeting streams; but to ourselves were lost.

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life. La Fontaine.

FRIENDSHIP-Sympathy of.

Friendship is one of the greatest boons God can bestow on man. It is a union of our finest feelings; an uninterested binding of hearts, and a sympathy between two souls. It is an indefinable trust we repose in one another, a constant communication between two minds, and an unremitting anxiety for each other's souls. What, then, is the root, the cause, of friendship-Sympathy. Sympathy conceives friendship; friendship, love. Love is friendship. The tree that bears love, bears also friendship. Where friendship exists between two persons, there is also, always, hope; in adversity there is always a support, a refuge, a knowledge of there still remaining some succour; and as a babe cries for its mother for nourishment, so do we in adversity run to friendship for advice, fully relying on some means by which it may release us from the troubles of the world. And in true friendship there is cultivated such a love of God, such a devotion for the Creator of the world, that the chains become adamant. Friendship having thus a righteous appreciation of the Almighty's goodness and power, and a knowledge of His injunctions to the righteous, and the reward they may expect hereafter, it spreads around, everywhere, joy and happiness, causing not only fresh unions, but, with praiseworthy Christian exertion and love, J. Hill rendering them inflexible.


True friends visit us in prosperity only when invited, but in adversity they come without invitation. Theophrastus.

FRIENDSHIP -Transiency of.

For my own part, I found such friendships, though warm enough in their commencement, surprisingly liable to extinction; and of seven or eight whom I had selected for intimates out of about three hundred, in ten years' time not one was left me. The truth is that there may be, and often is, an attachment of one boy to another that looks very like friendship, and while they are in circumstances that enable them mutually to oblige and assist each other, promises well and bids fair to be lasting-but they are no sooner separated from each other, by entering into the world at large, than other connections and new employments, in which they no longer share together, efface the remembrance of what passed in earlier days, and they become strangers to each other for ever. Add to this, the man frequently differs so much from the boy-his principles, manners, temper, and conduct, undergo so great an alteration-that we no longer recognise in him our old playfellow, but find him utterly unworthy and unfit for the place he once held in our affections. Cowper.

FRIENDSHIP-in Time of Trouble.

It is in the time of trouble, when some, to whom we may have looked for consolation and encouragement, regard us with coldness, and others, perhaps, treat us with hostility, that the warmth of the friendly heart and the support of the friendly hand acquire increased value, and demand additional gratitude. Bishop Mant.

Friendship, which, once determined, never

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unguarded moments of friendship, is no farther from knavery than the latest moment of evening from the first of night. Lavater.

The amity that Wisdom knits not, Folly
May easily untie.

Artist unseen! that, dipp'd in frozen dew,
Hast on the glittering glass thy pencil laid,
Ere from yon sun the transient visions fade,
Swift let me trace the forms thy fancy drew!
Thy towers and palaces of diamond hue,-
Rivers and lakes of lucid crystal made,—
And, hung in air, hoar trees of branching

That liquid pearl distil: thy scenes renew,
Whate'er old bards or later fictions feign,
Of secret grottos underneath the wave,
Where Nereids roof with spar the amber cave;
Or bowers of bliss, where sport the fairy team,
Who, frequent by the moonlight wanderer


Circle with radiant gems the dewy green.


The frost is God's plough, which He drives through every inch of ground in the world, opening each clod, and pulverizing the whole. Fuller.

FROST-Architecture of the.

Down swept the chill wind from the mountain peak,

From the snow five thousand summers old; On open wold and hill-top bleak,

It had gathered all the cold,

And whirled in like sleet in the wanderer's cheek:

It had carried a shiver everywhere;

From the unleaved boughs and pastures bare.
The little brook heard it, and built a roof
'Neath which he could house him, winter-proof:
All night, by the white stars' frosty gleams,
He groined his arches, and matched his beams;
Slender and clear were his crystal spars,
As the lashes of light that trim the stars;
He sculptured every summer delight,
In his halls and chambers out of sight;
Sometimes his tinkling waters slipt
Down through a frost-leaved forest crypt,
Long sparkling aisles of steel-stemmed trees
Bending to counterfeit a breeze;
Sometimes, the roof no fretwork knew,
But silvery mosses that downward grew;
Sometimes it was carved, in sharp relief,
With quaint arabesques of ice-fern leaf,
Sometimes it was simply smooth and clear
For the gladness of heav'n to shine through;
and here

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FUNERAL-The Rustic.

Yet, surely, when the level ray
Of some mild eve's descending sun
Lights on the village pastor, grey
In years ere ours had well begun—
As there-in simplest vestment clad,
He speaks, beneath the churchyard tree,
In solemn tones,-but yet not sad,-
Of what Man is-what Man shall be !
And clustering round the grave half hid
By that same quiet churchyard yew,
The rustic mourners bend, to bid
The dust they loved a last adieu-
That ray, methinks, that rests so sheen
Upon each briar-bound hillock green,
So calm, so tranquil, so serene,
Gives to the eye a fairer scene,—
Speaks to the heart with holier breath
Than all the pageantry of death.



included all others. Its cathedral the dome of
The future-the last evangel, which has
immensity,-hast thou seen it? Coped with
of land and ocean; and for altar, verily, the
the star-galaxies; paved with the green mosaic
star-throne of the Eternal! Its litany and
psalmody the noble arts, the heroic work and
suffering, and true heart-utterance of all the
valiant of the sons of men. Its choir-music,
the ancient winds and oceans, and deep-toned,
inarticulate, but most speaking voices of
destiny and history, supernal ever as of old,
between two great Silences:

'Stars silent rest o'er us,
Graves under us silent.'


It appears evident that frugality is necessary even to complete the pleasure of expense; for it may be generally remarked of those who FUTURE-Consideration of the. squander what they know their fortune not sufficient to allow, that in their most jovial expense, there always breaks out some proof of discontent and impatience; they either scatter with a kind of wild desperation and affected lavishness, as criminals brave the gallows when they cannot escape it, or pay FUTURE-Disappointments in the. their money with a peevish anxiety, and endeavour at once to spend idly, and to save meanly having neither firmness to deny their passions, nor courage to gratify them, they murmur at their own enjoyments, and poison the bowl of pleasure by reflection on the cost.

Planters of trees ought to encourage themselves, by considering all future time as present; indeed, such consideration would be a useful principle to all men in their conduct of life, as it respects both this world and the next.

FRUGALITY-Pedigree of.


Frugality may be termed the daughter of prudence, the sister of temperance, and the parent of liberty. He that is extravagant will quickly become poor, and poverty will enforce dependence, and invite corruption. Ibid.

Bishop Watson.

The future is always fairy-land to the young. Life is like a beautiful and winding lane, on either side bright flowers, and beautiful butter flies, and tempting fruits, which we scarcely pause to admire and to taste, so eager are we to hasten to an opening which we imagine will be more beautiful still. But, by degrees, as we advance, the trees grow bleak; the flowers and butterflies fail; the fruits disappear, and we find we have arrived, to reach a desert waste; in the centre, a stagnant and Lethean lake, I over which wheel and shriek the dark-winged birds, the embodied memories of the past.


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